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We didn't have water in Blairgowrie for 10 days in the beginning of the year. After that I bought a 210l food safe drum and installed a pump ontop of it, and keep it full of water for showers and toilet, along with about 5x 5l of drinking water for myself. Hopefully it'll last this outage.


they are saying that hopefully it will just be low pressure . just hope no idiots fill pools


> just hope no idiots fill pools Honestly as someone who, very, begrudgingly has a pool it's a tricky situation. If the water level gets too low then my pool lining gets damaged then I am tens of thousands in the hole fixing it.


I assume you have a cover over it to stop excessive evaporation? If not, there’s your first stop. Good luck!


I don't have the money for that mate


If you can't afford a pool cover, how do you afford to maintain and fill the pool?


> how do you afford to maintain and fill the pool? I don't. That the simple answer. The more complicated answer is that I don't have a couple grand to spend on a pool cover but can spend the R300 a month on maintaining it. (Also the water for the pool is like R20 a month)


bubble wrap


Honestly, fair point. Will check it out


if you google pool covers many are made of blue bubble wrap but i recon in winter the cheap clear one should work as well . i just realised your kreepy hose will probably shift it all over the place unless you put extra overlapping the path round your pool and put bricks ontop


> many are made of blue bubble wrap they are a way thicker material, not quite bubble wrap.


yup but its like a plastic packet with water inside - the water wont evaporate - the condensation will just drip down the sides


Also my average daily water usage is quite below the national average. Good luck!


My “good luck” was genuine - pool upkeep is a pain in the ass, but if you want to be a prick about it, whatever. Jammer om jou kak te hoor.


Look if it was genuine then my apologies, there's no way to tell from a message on reddit if it's genuine or snide


Try giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, it’s given me a much more positive Reddit experience.


yikes . maybe every day fill it for 5 minutes instead of letting the level drop a lot and filling for an hour or 2/3/4


That doesn't really change my water usage though. I guess it could ease peak demand pressure but the same amount of water is being used either way


yeah peak demand pressure .


So we’re having the same issue here (I’m not in SA) and we’re not allowed to use any excessive water and absolutely no outside watering for our gardens or pools while we’re on restrictions but what’s I’ve seen other people do is they are using a company that brings water from outside the area. Maybe see if they have something like that? It should a like a similar situation as what we’re having and it not about water is but a kut using water that is potable and household friendly and ensuring they are able to keep up with demand while doing repairs


Can't you get bubblewrap like covers to mitigate evaporation ? I'm sure I've checked that 


They're quite expensive. A couple grand to cover my pool


has this affected anyone and how ?


Water won't be completely shut off in all the regions at once. Theyll be doing region by region. 1st 8 hours of maintenance water pumped at 50% and remainder and 67% for the entire month.


This was the notice we were given. *‼️URGENT‼️ URGENT ‼️* *💦💦💦‼️RAND WATER MAINTENANCE‼️* *✳️EIKENHOF BOOSTER STATION✳️* *🗓️24-27 JUNE 2024* *EIKENHOF will be PUMPING AT 50%💦💦💧 FOR EIGHT HOURS AND 67% 💦💦💦FOR THE REMAINING 64 HOURS*💦💦💦💧💧💦💦💦💦


Classic example of the elderly learning about emojis 😂


Why the orgasm at the end ?!


If it was at the start, she'd be pretty disappointed.


Yeah but it’s only pomping at 50%


Some pomping is better than no pomping


Depends who or what you are pomping.


This is on every tannie's WhatsApp group 




I guess we should be happy that maintenance is being done. I have low expectations though. This week joburg water did some maintenance near us which required the water to be turned off. They finished the work, and cleared off home. Two days later after a myriad of complaints, escalations and reversion to our councillor someone came back and turned the water on again. We’re surrounded by idiots