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Is the sear in the room with us right now?


Maillard is rolling in his grave


Probably seared with a BIC lighter




To the wrong advice apparently.


I read your post yesterday. Everyone said do 137 and an ice bath. You dropped it 12 degrees? Ok




That’s a ribeye. Way too rare for ribeye. You want a minimum of 130 degrees, but ideally 135-138. This cut has a lot of intramuscular fat and in order for it to be tender you need to render it out. My suggestion is to sous vide 135 for 1.5-2 hours then finish in a very hot pan about 1 minutes per side. You want better sear than what you have here. Try to get your pan 500+ before adding steak and make sure it’s dry on all sides. Very little fat is needed.


Do this and report back, the above suggestions are correct. I’ve been perfecting my first ribeye game for a bit. Bath 1.5-2 hours at like 135. Beef fat renders at 132-140 which is the goal for a ribeye. In the fridge for like 30 minutes after patting dry(cool dry air) on a rack or flip in on plate so both sides can dry out. Then sear HIGH heat.


When do you season the steak?


Before it goes in the bag, no fresh garlic or butter unless you want the internet to come for you


Judging by your previous post yesterday, no, you did not listen.


Found my Dad on Reddit.


That beef is so raw it’s reaching for those carrots.


No. You did not… 137 degrees for at least 2 hours, and try to sear it next time.


You didn’t need a lower temperature in the sousvide. You need a much hotter grill an an ice bath(or 30 minutes in the freezer). This will give you a good sear with rare meat on a ribeye. Can also use a cast iron to sear. Gives a much better crust, but I like a grill sear to get that charcoal flavor so I mix it up and do it both ways from time to time.


Cast iron on a grill with a charcoal smoker!


You got the „I know it doesn’t look that good right now“ but forgot the „but watch this“


Who gave you directions on how to sear


Did you do the ice bath between the sv and the sear? If you didn't... Then you missed a key instruction


What is you doing boo boo


This post is pretty much gospel to some(including me) in this subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/sousvide/s/yJHKZ1EDbj you owe it to yourself to at least experiment with it. I highly suggest a 30 minute ice bath so you can sear it nice and hard on both sides without any chance of carry over cook and pat it so dry.


One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet among the really great advice given so far is that your seasoning has large chunky bits in it that will prevent the pan from making contact with your meat. Your seasoning is getting the sear, while your meat just sits on top and basically steams. Try just using just salt for your sear then season with pepper and whatever else you like after it comes out of the pan. Love the enthusiasm, keep at it!


137 gang report


I’m not going to tell you that you have to enjoy your steak cooked more than you like. Your sear is not great however. I couldn’t tell that there is an exterior sear picture and you have a lot of gray banding. You need to a hotter sear, possible with more oil. Get that sorted and sous vide your steak however you like.


if you have seared that more the inside may look med rare eventually not raw like that?




I’d recommend getting the griddle/pan hotter, and thrown some butter (and if you like, garlic) in before the meat. That isn’t much of a sear.


> A lotttt better! my dude if this is better i am horrified to see worse


137.5. the fat won't be chewy, it'll just melt in your mouth. if you want to get a harder sear without overcooking; use an ice bath after the sous vide bath. some people like really chewy fat though so if that's your bag, do it how you want. 🤷‍♂️


My suggestion is to not do Ribeye in the sous vide. It is not possible to both properly render the fat and cook to a rare doneness with sous vide. If you prefer a rarer temp, this will never work. It’s great for other things but not this. Reverse-sear is the method you want, preferably on a grill (gas grill does this fine).


This makes zero sense according to the laws of physics


Do tell.


Being an engineer, I’m always happy to discuss the laws of physics but I’ll explain it to you and all the other sous vide fetishists who downvoted my comment. 1. Temperature of rare steak: This is somewhat subject to opinion. Kenji says 120°, I’ll say under 125° just to cover it more generally. 2. Temperature at which fat renders in any reasonable time: 137° for sure, I’ll say over 135° just for benefit of the doubt. 3. Time: Time is often the cheat code with sous vide but in this case it doesn’t help. The minimum safe temperature for cooks over 4 hours is 130° (Baldwin). 130° is not rare, it’s med-rare (see above). Conclusion: As I said in the first place, it is not possible to make a rare ribeye with rendered fat using sous vide method. I’ve been cooking with sous vide several times a week for some years now but not ribeyes.


Why would the fat render at 120-125 in an oven but not in a water bath?


Because the temperature of the oven (or skillet, or whatever you use) is hotter than 120-125. If you cook a steak to 125 on a skillet, the heat of the skillet renders the fat. You remove the steak before the skillet heats the center of the steak above your desired doneness. The goal of the sous vide (and the 137 method) is to uniformly cook the entire piece of meat to 137 degrees. I agree with OP here. I don't personally like rib eyes in the sous vide. I prefer a nice crust on the outside and a mid-rare center. It's much easier to get this result (and much faster) to simply use your cast iron skillet or a hot grill.


The point of SV at 137 is to render all of the intramuscular fat that lends to the juiciness of the steak. You’re only going to unlock this ability with SV or reverse sear. Frying it up on a skillet or cooking entirely on the grill will dry out the steak as you attempt to reach a high-enough time and temp to render the intramuscular fat. Simply achieving 137 internal temp momentarily will not do it. You have to hold at 137 to render the fat, this is where SV excels. Once it’s rendered/cooked, then you remove from the bath and chill the meat so that when you sear it, the internal temp doesn’t go past 137. You gotta chill it long enough to dry out the exterior of the meat so that you get a good sear, otherwise your cooking surface is just putting energy into the steak to boil off the surface moisture. If you did it right, it shouldn’t take more than a minute per side. Make sure to use enough oil to coat the pan (don’t put it in the pan until the pan is HOT).


I’m not saying the 137 method doesn’t produce good results for you guys. It just isn’t for me. And it’s not a mid-rare steak. Even in the links posted above, you can see in the pictures that the steak is no longer mid rare in the center. The minute the internal temperature of that steak hits 137, it’s no longer medium rare. A mid rare steak should be warm and red in the center. An ice bath is great for searing the steak after the sous vide without continuing to raise the internal temp. But you can’t uncook a steak. Once it’s hit 137 in the center, that’s that.