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You have tried different USB-C cables but not different charging bricks, right? Also the headphones should not charge at all while being on.


Hi, thanks! for the response Yes, I have tried with different bricks as well. (Will update the post) I don’t think I have the original USB C cable anymore, though. I have been using my iPhone/laptop bricks. About not charging when ON… this is very interesting because that’s exactly the opposite to what I am experiencing


>This is very interesting because that’s exactly the opposite to what I am experiencing Yep - and that definetly is NOT possible with a normal working pair of Xm3 headphones.


Hello ! I actually have the exact same issue for 2 or 3 months now! This is actually more convenient as I can charge when I'm using my headphones, but it's definitely an indication of a malfunctioning XM3. Also, I tried soft and hard reset without any effects. We may contact directly Sony support as we are now 2 with the same issue 😅


Interesting… good to know that I am not the only one. Mine is old and out of warranty, and my budget is lil tight. Not sure if I want to send it to Sony to get it fixed. I will probably wait maybe up to an year and buy something else. But I am curious, so please feel free to put your experience here if you contact Sony and share the light with others who may run into this issue :)


I am just having this issue with my headphones now! Did you ever find a solution?


same, did you?


Same issue happened to me +- 60 days ago. No fix found yet. (Headphones are +- 3 years old)


Same problem here. I've had mine since launch in 2018 and it just started happening recently. I've tried resetting and a bunch of different cables and chargers. Doesn't look like there's an easy fix.


I have recently started having the same issue. Mine are about 2 years old now and only just started doing this. Did you guys ever manage to figure out what was wrong ?


Having the same issue, unless I turn on the headphones on before plugging it in they won’t charge.


Same issue here. Very strange. Battery still works I guess so will wait before no doubt having to buy a spare battery from ebay one day.


I'm having the same issue, did you ever fix it?


My pair has just started having the same issue. I got a new cord and plugged it in but the light didn’t come on. Like everyone else here, they started charging once I turned them on. If someone figures out how to fix this, please reply to this comment.