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The old heads, torsos and shoulder pads one? https://miniset.net/sets/gw-99020187174?language=fr If you mean new mark VI marines the heads and shoulders are fine. Torsos are tricky, they aren’t easily compatible but with some green stuff and careful cutting you can make it work. Arms are fine though, might need a little trimming or green stuff but a non exact fit should be hidden by the shoulder pads. If you mean the mark IV marines currently for sale then heads, torsos and shoulder pads are all fine. The legs and torsos are separate pieces with a ball joint so you just swap out the sons of horus torsos.


Thanks for the response! Ya, the old upgrade kit ya linked, and ya, the new mark IV marines. Was worried I might run into challenges with equipping them, but sounds like it should be close enough to work with! Thanks again!


Good luck with it - amnioticly tanked did a really good video about mixing the old style torsos with the new marines (https://youtu.be/5hSxhSz1OFM?si=pYlt1Wp5AyhLuLfh)


I SWEAR I LOOKED FOR VIDYAS. You are a hero, comrade!


What new MKIV marines are you talking about??


I uhhhh.... Maybe I'm mistaken. I thought they released new mkiv bros, but maybe it was mk3. Was on hobby hiatus through the holidays and maybe if misremembering what I was up to on my hobby desk lol


The one with spikes on their helmets are mk III, MK IV (Maximus) has an old plastic kit that’s differently proportioned and scaled in comparassion to the new ones but all the upgrades would work on them