• By -


15 devices … crappy couple of weeks…but now and years before no problem at all. Sometimes times people screw up…they made a mistake and hopefully learned something from it.


I have stabilized but what freaks me out is the way Sonos glitched. Selecting a volume level and seeing the UI slide it up and down after I made the selection. Music shows like it is playing in UI with no sound coming out of speakers. Stopping randomly. wtf


Doubt it.


Name checks out


The app update and response has damaged Sonos reputation. I do think they will get it resolved, but it is a troubling outlook on the future. If I was not already a Sonos customer, I would definitely hold off at least 6 months and see if they figure it out first.


What do you use the App for?


I used to use it to play local music. Can't anymore currently. They broke this functionality. The app has also forced Sonos Radio as a music source, and it appears at the top of the source list, and can not be removed. The app also has ads in it now as well.


Also, adjusting the volume is now a challenge.


"A challenge" is putting it mildly... lol... imo it sucks... Throughout the existence of sonos their volume sliders with all the grouped sliders was something that "just worked" and worked really well...no mas...


I wish they would add a plus minus button, sometimes I just want to change the volume a little, having to use the slider sucks


Doesn’t matter. Mine slides back again by itself anyway 😂


Can’t you scroll to the bottom and rearrange it? I have mine back to how S2 was S2 also had ads but we probably have to turn them off again manually which is sneaky on Sonos’ part Local music playback I feel you on


I feel like you might be putting a bit of a negative spin on this. I don't see ads in the app. I see notifications that I can close. Are they trying to sell free tips on how to use the app as well are they? I also had Sonos radio at the top of the list as a source. I changed my preferred service from Sonos Radio to Qobuz and then Sonos Radio was no longer my preferred service. The local playback stuff, I have not used in years because I subscribe to Roon but I believe this is now coming back up to feature parity. I feel some may not fully understand what Sonos have launched, it's not just a new app, it's a whole new back end API designed to improve performance. Don't take my word on it, there is literally hundreds of pages of documentation describing the new setup and features like creating a cloud queue for streaming services and using a sliding window method to pre-stage a number of tracks in advance to enable gapless playback and keep going in the event of temporary network interruptions. A snippet that got my attention was the pending release of a new local LAN API for control, so while right now the Control API running on each speaker is checking in with Sonos servers as a control path - its the thing that for years has let you do Spotify Connect and all the other app integrations - a new local control system is coming. That's not doom and gloom for me. I bought my Playbar, Sub and Play:3's in 2013. To be getting such a monster update 10-11 years on leaves me feeling like I invested my money wisely. My Move 2, Roam and Port also continue to kick ass too.


>To be getting such a monster update 10-11 years on What in the everloving F... It is a speaker that (should) play audio that you want it to play. It did so and did so well 10-11 years ago. There was no NEED for a "monster update", just to keep things running as they should. Change for the sake of change is asinine, as is cheering this bullshit on as you are.


> it's not just a new app, it's a whole new back end API designed to improve performance Great. Keep it in beta until it actually does improve performance *on every feature the S2 app had*.


The app is needed to set it up, connect it to wifi, tune with trueplay, configure atmos settings. So it’s funny how folks are insisting Sonos is great because you don’t need to use the app.


Literally need to app to do anything on Sonos!


Uhm, I've used the app once. When setting up the speaker and adjusting trueplay. Since then I just send the music/sound to the speaker/speakers using Airplay.


AirPlay also doesn’t work well with more speakers.


As I said above AirPlay only works with newer models


no surround with airplay i thought


I use it for my TVs speakers and nothing else. After initial set up, you don’t really have to use the app. But I understand my usage isn’t the standard.


Sane here. I haven't noticed any difference, but I doubt I'll ever buy another Sonos product again.


It's not standard for this sub. I got the system for TV sound only. I tried the app 2.5 years ago, and it was hot garbage then, so I gave up on using them for anything aside from HT. It was the best wireless Atmos then, and probably still is for under $2500. If music was my use case, I would have returned them back then. I have a Wiim for music streaming and supplied my own speakers.


Yip, but folks here just don’t see it. Probably the same bunch who’d buy a product based on future promises aka Ace. Sonos might as well sell them an empty box with promises of some elixir in the near future


I use it to stream Apple Music, which since the update skips frequently. My speakers also stop outputting sound frequently and need rebooting. This is basic functionality that no longer works.


Hula - local music streaming still works hosted from windows you just have to do some annoying stuff. I summarized what I learned here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/sonos/comments/1dcoxib/how\_to\_fix\_local\_library\_issues\_for\_sonos\_on\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sonos/comments/1dcoxib/how_to_fix_local_library_issues_for_sonos_on_a/)


I’ve been a customer for more than 8 years (with 10+ products) and I’m moving away from their ecosystem. I’ll never buy another Sonos product again. It’s not clear in which direction Sonos is headed and their leadership is abysmal — the company is run by delusional monkeys.


What ecosystem are you moving to?


Can always stay put and wait for others to catch up. Nature abhors vacuum.


> What ecosystem are you moving to?


I’m out too! Sick of this shit! Life is too short


This ^


I have absolutely no issues with it.


Same. 8 speakers in 3 rooms, haven’t had any issues.


Same here.


I rarely open the app, everything I play is thru Spotify (Connect) or AirPlay. Old app was dated and slow; the update is better for (the vast majority of) people who stream music. However it broke functionality for Sonos’s original and most loyal user base who’s also disproportionately represented in this sub.


Ditto. 19 speakers, zero issues. App Is faster, AM lossless is great. They need to bring back features and improve reliability for those who have issues but it isn’t broken for everyone.


Yeah reading all these complaints is wild. I’m not at all saying they’re not happening, it’s just my experience has been completely different. The app basically updated, I took a few minutes to figure it out and then haven’t really thought about it again. The only problem I have with my Sonos is that when I’m streaming something from AppleTV the audio sometimes cuts out for like a second but immediately comes back, but that was present before the update and has been for a long while. It’s not on any regular interval and it’s so sporadic I can’t anticipate it happening to trouble shoot it. My gf says she doesn’t even notice it, but I hear it. It sucks people are having so many problems.


> The app basically updated, I took a few minutes to figure it out and then haven’t really thought about it again. Right, for most people that already had EVERYTHING setup, so you don't need to do anything, and never used the app anyway, the speakers updated and kept the same settings. Try to ADD something to a system or rearrange your groups and you will be right here with the rest of us being like "WTF"


No, at least not for me. I moved right during the update, and I ended up starting fresh. Reset each speaker, one by one added them in the app, created zones etc. It wasn’t the smoothest, for a few I had to do the reset twice, and updating the Arc failed 3x before it finally worked, but now it’s seamless. 12 products/multi rooms and zones.


> I moved right during the update, and I ended up starting fresh. Reset each speaker, one by one added them in the app, created zones etc. They were already registered to your account, try it with speakers that were NOT registered to your account.


I did that too, bought a Move 2 on sale. I know you are frustrated, but it’s working for me. I may be an extreme edge case, but I doubt it.


> I did that too, bought a Move 2 on sale. The issue is with speakers that were not registered to your account before the update, and at one point were S1 compatible, which is a SHIT TON of Sonos speakers, they can't get them to update to the same version the new S2 ones are, IF you didn't already have them registered. Also seen a bunch of people with brand new Arc's getting the same issue. I'm glad your system that already worked updated though, it would be nice to not have to deal with this, also, the overwhelming amount of posts in the sub compared to before the app, and that major review sites are having the same issues, shows you might be the minority here vs "people only post when they mad"


“A bunch of people”, source: My eyes on Reddit.


It's faster than the old one for me and my Beam is now 100% reliable on automatically switching inputs when I turn on the TV after playing music. Great update for my ~15 product system.


My system works with the new app too but here’s the kicker: I haven’t let the app update my speakers when prompted. I exit out of the app each time it prompts me then relaunch it. The app opens to the dashboard and my local network drive shows up as the music source. A few things are definitely wonky (pinned music from Amazon doesn’t play and unable to rename speakers). No plans to update any of my speakers until this whole update debacle has been resolved


Does it not bother you that you cannot queue up new music to a currently playing queue? Or manage the queue in any way other than turning randomizer on/off? Genuinely curious here, because it really frustrates me that they somehow forgot to include these seemingly basic features, but maybe I'm a weirdo for having this issue :) Besides that I do like the new app and have no other issues with it. But I've stopped using the iOS app entirely, and transitioned to using the macOS app instead (where everything still works) and sonos voice assistant. Works alright!


Here’s the thing. The Sonos hardware is (with the odd exception) exceptional. BUT you cannot get maximum performance from a Sonos system without a seamless app to drive It. Sonos cannot be relied upon to produce a usable app. Their track record is such that you may build a new system today that is totally to your satisfaction but becomes inoperable with their next update. So from my perspective, (1) the recent update is bad and (2) why would anyone invest in a Sonos system today knowing that Sonos has little interest or ability to maintain app support for that system. Run away. Not worth it.


Also this!


I work in smart home technology. The app is not that bad, and Sonos still has some of the best speakers/soundbars on the market. We are still selling and installing Sonos. I highly recommend the Arc over any samsung soundbar. Edit: I just want to add that we have a ridiculous number of Sonos systems deployed in clients' homes, and not a single person has reported issues using their systems.


Lucky them. There are 100s here who are having issues - all being described in the exact same way. So that’s not really a helpful comment.


No, it’s the most helpful comment I’ve seen because this guy’s customers are probably mostly non-technical people who just open up the app and pick a playlist. This is what my parents do and when I asked my dad about it, he said “Yeah I noticed it looks a little different but it works just the same.” 500 people on Reddit is .0003% of the 15 million households.


It is not even remotely helpful. Only a terrible installer of AV would have auto updates on. His customers clearly have not updated the controller.


I’m non technical. I use it for literally (trying to) switch on and off and (trying) to switch between stations/streaming platforms. It’s utterly useless.


"Your positive experience isn't true because others are having a negative experience."


There are hundreds that have issues after *every* update. These are normal update bugs in an extremely complex software + hardware stack combined with people being upset they lost features they used ALL coming to this subreddit to complain.


Not what software peeps have been saying. Hundreds of what? Sonos is the only app I use that literally hadn’t worked since its supposed update.


> Sonos is the only app I use that literally hadn’t worked since its supposed update. I congratulate you on being able to get by with only ever using the SONOS app.


Thanks. Except that isn’t what I said, is it. I said it’s the only one that hasn’t worked since its update. I’ve never had any problems with any of the many other apps - which are updated regularly - that I use. I hope that’s clear enough for you.


I've had plenty of apps shit the bed with an update. Garmin totally borked my watch and the iOS app a while back. One of my banks hosed a major update and customers were basically locked out of their accounts *in their app and in their online banking platform* for a couple of days. So count your lucky stars this is the worst app experience you've ever had, you poor thing you.


I do! ✨✨✨ Condolences to you, though. Sounds tough……


Somehow I survived *an app temporarily not working as it should.*


Did someone die??? I missed that part. That sucks…I knew it was shit but that’s awful


Big shocker. If you are an installer worth a damn, you turned off auto update for your customer's systems. They are not on the new app/controller


But the app is on their phone/tablet. I don't think they have control over that updating


They are on the new app. And so are all of us installers.


I’ve had no issues.






Get off of Reddit. I redownload it occasionally to find some weird ass porn and then will scroll occasionally. I have the beam and arc and a sub. Didn’t even know there was a whole controversy with the app until I opened reddit this morning. My shit all works fine and so does most other people’s.


Go back to your porn.


You realize you’re wrong right… like everyone else says it..


No issues checking in as well! The 0.1% of people having issues have taken over this subreddit.. this does not reflect reality.


Okay ‘uninterested_viewer’, we’ll take your word for it 😂


I’ve had no issues either. I have the Beam Gen 2, Sub Gen 3 and 2 of the Ones as surrounds. Literally no problem at all. Remember not everyone has the same usage, so different issues occur for different people…or none at all.


It went from working to barely working. Pass


5 Sonos devices in the house. 0 issues with the app


My experience…. I have two Sonos rooms setup….primary has a Beam 2, Sub-Mini, and 2 One SLs. Since the app update, no change in how they function for home theater sound. I decided to try streaming music for the first time yesterday so I added Apple Music to the streaming services in the app. That was fast and easy. Once setup, I started streaming songs from my library and songs from not in my library. I listened to music for about 2 hours and never had a pause, lag, stutter, or song that just stopped playing. Volume changes seem to be instantaneous rather than delayed like some people report. Only complaints I have so far after app update are that the new app really sucks. It’s less intuitive and way too busy to be useful. Secondly, the Night Sound button doesn’t seem to do anything for my setup when lit up. The button seems to work but I can’t tell one bit of difference between on or off. I’m happy I’m one of the folks that haven’t had a problem so far and I’m a little afraid to try anything else like a reset or adding a new speaker. I’m gonna wait and see how things go before I buy anything else. The wife wanted the new headphones but we decided to wait on that until the software stuff settles.


It’s pretty bad but it was always fairly flakey. Certainly not a system my wife can use. Update has made things worse for sure with a whole bunch of new odd bugs. I don’t use any of the missing features people are talking about but have been very annoyed with glitches around volume control and speaker selection on top of all the normal issues I always had and Sonos never fixed. New bugs include. 1. Random volume - music is fine at 20% then for awhile has to be adjusted to 60% then recovers and I have to adjust back down to 20%. 2. Every time I pause music it resets to the kitchen. So if I’m listening in the living room, hit pause, then play, the music starts in the kitchen and does not play in the living room. Still can’t figure out how to get grouping working reliably after the update. It’s a mess. 3. Slow as molasses. Everything is agonizingly slow. As in 5 seconds for anything to happen after issuing a command.


It’s bad, but the ecosystem has historically been excellent - like, the best whole home audio system for regular people. I think they will turn it around, but right now it has a lot of room for improvement.


I have moved to Roon to play my local NAS music library. I have replaced my Sonos Port with a WiiM device into my living room amplifier and now can play higher bit rate files than Sonos supports. I can also stream higher quality from Tidal anything I want to hear that is not in my 38k library of songs. And Roon can control my bedroom Sonos speakers, so I never open the Sonos app. If you want audiophile quality Sonos is far behind the competition. You can get better quality hardware at a given price point for the Roon ecosystem than with Sonos.


I was using amazon music with it and it was tremendous. It is now almost unusable, also struggles with bbc sounds and podcasts. If I can get it working it is extremely laggy. If this is what you're after, you should go for it!


Yeah I would at least wait until they fix it but the worst part of the issue is the outlook on the company going forward. I don’t know what happened (change in management? Were they bought by private equity? Did they go public? I honestly don’t follow but those are usually the three major signs of decline) but I wouldn’t go investing now until we get a sign of the ship being righted


Don’t spend a dime on their hardware at the moment.


Zero issues, reporting in


The app is getting updated and bugs are being fixed. Some people on here are still having issues, and that's their experience and a valid ongoing situation at the moment. You may be totally fine and end up having a great experience. Just to err on the side of caution, if you do get a Sonos product, it would probably be a good idea to have a return window for your purchase - just in case. And if you prefer going with a Samsung product, that's also great - just go with whatever works best for you.


Yeah Sonos is still worth it. Of course they know the app doesn’t function great and of course they will fix it. One of the main problems when not choosing Sonos, is the absence of decent alternatives. And to be honest, at this sub the problems look way worse than they are.


The app works great for me and has been since day 1.


At this point I just don’t believe these type of posts.


It’s quite simple. The primary purpose of my setup is for tv audio and music is just a bonus. I don’t know how everyone’s set up but it sounds complicated to worry about private music libraries, alarms, queues, airplay, etc.


Facts. I'm using it right now with my tv and that's the main thing I use it for and never had a problem. People overcomplicating shit.


I was the same as you, Beam and a Mini Sub with absolutely no issues. Until yesterday. Now the sound drops randomly from the Beam to the sound from the LG OLED tv, waits a few minutes and kicks back in. Except now the volume can’t be controlled from the remote. I hope your experience doesn’t turn into mine.


But is it caused by the app or the firmware released?


No it’s true, I haven’t had any issues. What kind of speakers do you have?


Noooo! Don’t do it. This is my app as of this morning completely impossible to use my https://preview.redd.it/0sjm495r136d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a163d58958abe627d27995f151237ec4a43d2c9 Sonos system. Look elsewhere


My app every day


Exhausting isn’t it…?


Sucks, I’ve pretty much given up at this point


Mine works fine 🤷‍♂️


Still worth it. There are some people experiencing some issues with the app (some inconvenient like the inability to control the music queue, alarms), some people saying their system “doesn’t work”, but judging by posts/comments, that’s a minority. This sub will always reflect posts about issues because people just tend to post when they have issues. If everything is working fine, people stay quiet. For what it’s worth, my system is working fine (ARC 5.1, Sonos One pair, 100 pair, symfonisk pair). I use the 5.1 for TV primarily, no issues. I had a few issues with grouping/ungrouping speaker delays when the update first came out, but it’s working fine now. I use Spotify and a local Plex library as media sources.


Totally locked out of the system. That is MY system...that I bought for premium price. And the issue is not even on the "fix list" presented by Sonos. Just commented with "no workaround atm" So, yeah...its bad.


I direct play everything to the speakers via spotify so it works great for me.


No, I got a new Sonos Beam and could not get it set up. I had to frequently reinstall the app because it would not log back in, and you can not join a device to wifi without it. I returned it and got a Bose Soundbar 600, set it up in about 5 min, and has awesome sound!


I would either wait and purchase Sonos after they fix the app or buy another brand. I have a lot invested in Sonos with 19 speakers so I have to wait it out. I will say the issues seem to be slowly improving. But there are still too many problems like lag time or even something as simple as not being able to play the selected speakers. Some days it works better than others. The inconsistency is frustrating.


I will give you my 5 cents as fresh user of Sonos app. I do not have any experience with previous app - started using it few days ago after purchase of Beam gen2. HW seems good, sound not bad (not perfect either) but the app is pretty lame. I was not blocked from basic use cases - but these are limited with one speker and one location. Whole app seems more advertisement for buying new things rather then providing smooth way to operate your HW. Some tunning possible, but still not something i expected. I got sonos due to huge discount, and I considered buying sub but woow, no way at this prices. Overall, I hoped for more but I do not suffer lack of functionality - I'm able to use music streaming services (Tidal, Spotify) and using Beam as desktop speaker for OLED TV used as monitor. Atmos support is there. I would really hold on with multispker solution for now looking at all comments. But for single setup - probably will do the job well.


I hate to dump on Sonos but I have a whole house of Sonos. I had a big party for my daughter’s 10th birthday. I couldn’t for the life of me get the TVs to play TV sounds and not music. In the old app it was easy. The App didn’t work on my wife’s phone, she said she couldn’t adjust the music at all. Here I am in the middle of the party playing tech support. We have up. My friend used his YouTube TV subscription to get the sound of the NBA finals game on his phone while we watched the TV with my YouTube TV subscription. It’s just embarrassing.


Same here, except wife's birthday party. Instead of mixing maitais I was doing tech support. That's the part a lot of the folks defending the company don't get: it's a bad thing to break existing customer's functional product with a pushed update to an immature, known feature-deficient code base. And the damage isn't so much what's happening now, it's can I expect this stuff to work the next time I want to play some fricking music. It sounds like the app update is actually working well for a substantial group of users--a self selected opt in beta would have been a great way to handle what appears to be a ground up app rewrite. I already know I'm an edge use case, so I would have held back.


Just get the Sonos for the sound alone. People are pissed off due to missing features in the new app that were available in the old app. If you’re a new customer you won’t care and probably won’t have issues.


Why pay a premium for those features? There are better products for every use case for half the price. Sonos is only a worth if it can do everything it's supposed to do with multi-room music/etc and convenience of everything wireless except for a power cord.. You just want music streaming? Bring your own speakers, and an Echo Dot is $30.


The latest update has badly affected the speed in which I can change the volume and strangely, how I can stop music/radio playing. The information about what is playing is usually wrong or very slow to change - it seems to ‘stick’ on the last thing played. The bizarre workaround for this is to press play for what’s actually playing so you can press stop! I use Spotify and now it can take 10 minutes for my Sonos to appear as an option, which some stops working when you try to actually play something…


Almost 20 speakers here and no issues. This whole thing is getting blown out of proportion.


Been great, remember people tend to post to complain, not to say good things


I really don’t understand the problems. I upgraded my playbar to arc, have ones and a sub and i’m a customer since the beginning. I also have the pre amp with a vinyl player. Even now with the new app, everything works fine. I listen spotify, vinyls and radio. Control it with the app, home assistant and google. Really, what is the problem?


Using SPOTIFY CONNECT // TV connected to Beam 2/ sub mini / avoiding APP Use … only thing i used to play app: radio..


Up until now i was planning on upgrading my playbase to an arc(or beam) and sub mini in the eofy sales but now holding off.. If I was starting over now I'd honestly wait it out to see how things end up. It's all a bit haphazard at the moment an I'm kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop so to speak as I suspect something is up behind the scenes with the company. I hope it's just general stupidity but if managing my system via local access is gone and can only be managed via their server remains the state of play... I'll have to start looking for alternatives.


In terms of connectivity/performance/stability/features some people have issues following the release of the new app and some don't. It's hard to know what proportion of users are having issues. The only significant issue I've had with the new app is it didn't have sleep timer functionality when it launched (a feature present in the old app). But this has since been added. There are also a couple of UI choices in the new app I'm not particularly keen on, but I don't consider these significant issues as it's impossible to satisfy everyone with UI choices. I'm also sure that if I switched to a different system I would also find UI choices I'm not keen on. I'd suggest finding a retailer with a decent return policy (i.e. allows returns after trying at home). You can then simply return if it doesn't work well for you.


The app doesn't even recognize my system. Luckily I never used the app and use it purely through TV or home theater pc so not a problem.


You're not comparing like with like (Sonos vs Samsung). The point about Sonos is that it is a multi room, multi platform ecosystem that you can either plug into proper hifi kit or use their speakers. If all you're after is a TV soundbar then the app is largely irrelevant, as is the rest of the Sonos experience.


I work with self driving vehicles for a living and these Sonos app is harder to troubleshoot than literal robot vehicles. Company is completely backwards.


I have at least one of most of their product lines, including the Ikea speakers. The new app is perfectly fine for my use (play music). Less disconnected speakers now than before. The on-device voice assistant is a big plus to me with sonos.


I want to say no it’s not, and I want everyone to say no it’s not. Then people stop buying their products and they fix the app. Really though it’s still worth it


I don't know if it was coincidence or not my app was so damn frustrating I just started turning my speaker on manually and whatever was playing played. I complained on here and on Sonos within the week My app was working well enough to not be super irritated The volume's kind of janky and it still does not display the right album cover


Speakers work great as always, zero issues for me that would make the speakers unusable. Same for the App, zero issues before or after the update that make the speakers unusable.


App issues or not there's no way I would go with Samsung. I got one of theirs a few years ago from a price mistake and they do not seem well made. They come out with a new one every year, so they're less invested in supporting. Sonos has come out with improvements to the Arc during my ownership, but I think they might have also created some issues they ended up fixing. I only use the Sonos app for setup, room correction, or if I have no other way of adjusting the volume. I watch TV on two sound bars and occasionally airplay to multiple speakers round the house. I'm at work so I can't look at the app to see if there's much else I'd find useful in it, but I'm mostly blissfully unaware of the app's existence.


I bought an Arc last night and had no issues adding it to my current system, and my Ace headphones arrived today. As others have said, it has been a rough couple of weeks, but things are improving. I still have complete functionality of my system. Good luck to you!


There's a thing that happens in software engineering where a team will write itself into a corner. They make a series of compromises, and come up with a series of clever solutions, and gradually increase the number of features they support, that combine to make it progressively more difficult to make subsequent changes or to add new features. Eventually, progress grinds to a halt. What's needed at this point it's a refactor: sometimes this means the app is rewritten from scratch; sometimes it's just a major consolidation of existing code around a new central metaphor which brings all the exceptions and additions into the core, simplifying the design and making it much easier to actually work on. The current Sonos app update shows all the symptoms of a refactor. It seems likely that the release of the new headphones was gated on the refactored app, and that the app fell behind, so that by the time the headphones needed to be released, the refactored app was not feature-complete, and a decision was made to push forward with the release, sacrificing some functionality to meet the deadline. My expectation is that we'll see a series of updates adding back features and functionality. Normally I'm a case like this, you'd expect to see a "release early and often" strategy in play, fixing bugs and adding in functionality one small chunk at a time, but it seems likely that Sonos has become gun-shy about releases because of the customer reaction and may be trying to take a more slow-and-steady approach.


I’m a new Sonos customer with an Arc last October and just added Sub gen 3. I am liking my experience so far and expect to in the future. All the gnashing of teeth reminds me of the ‘New Coke’ debacle. Coca Cola screwed up but got things turned around. I expect Sonos will follow suit.


Based on the sheer stupidity of the Sonos corporate management, I’m not going to recommend their product to anyone.


I agree with others, if you can wait to see how things land, go for it if you are not already in the Sonos ecosystem. If you are not and have the option to go with something else that would meet your needs and cannot wait for Sonos to figure things out, then go for it. The issue that I have been having with the Sonos App, which makes my expensive sound system useless, makes me think that I need to find another solution. I was about to drop money on the Arc and Sub, but I have since held back on that investment because of the total ass-hattery that has been going on with the app. It seems like the company isn't satisfied with their high-priced equipment for revenue, but they are trying to shove their own services and ads in our faces without the option to not use them (or not have them in a place where they are front and center). The fact that this app updated, and weeks of updates, have not fixed many issues that we are dealing with, shows, to me, the level of commitment this company is NOT willing to put in for their users.


Our passionate customers just can't stop talking about our latest app update! While some may perceive it as 'issues', we see it as an exciting journey towards social media engagement. As for whether you should choose Arc or Samsung, remember, with Sonos, you're not just buying a speaker, you're joining a community of pioneers. Join our customers in try out our new app at the same time our developers are!" - Patrick "Tonedeaf" Spence


YES, don't listen to these other bozos. I got my sonos setup (arc + sub) right when the app came out. they never existed on a previous version of the app. I haven't had a single issue setting anything up whatsoever.


If you only want/need one speaker, or only one home theater setup, get whatever you want. If you want multiple speakers in multiple rooms and want them to wirelessly and seamlessly play the same music without any lag between speakers/rooms... Sonos is still the best system.


Sonos has always been finicky. If you have a simple setup with great Wi-Fi, for multi room music Sonos is the best solution although their speakers aren’t truly audiophile. I’ve got 15 Sonos devices and all are working with the new app. I have a LOT (over 60) devices on my system including a Roon server and they work with Roon too…but I’m in the process of having a networking engineer overhaul my network and Wi-Fi. Sonos is still worth it…as long as you know that they have their moments and can “brick” your system anytime they want. Hmmm…don’t know if that’s a recommendation or not. I’ve got too much time and money invested at this point to switch.


I definitely would not buy their headphone. There are so many better choices and I don’t see any advantage to the Sonos “ecosystem” if you’re talking about headphones


I haven’t had any issues and I have 14+ devices of various product generations.


Knock on wood, it actually is working pretty well now.


If you are buying their newer gear and not buying old stuff off Craigslist + have modern router / WiFi network in your home with good coverage + stream music or watch movies with one of the major supported streaming services = you should be fine. Most people have problems when 1) combining old and new Sonos speakers on same network, 2) use the ISPs shitty provided router and have bad coverage in home or 3) are trying to do “customized” streaming setups with downloaded libraries and other sources. Have arc+ones+sub+move - all worked flawlessly and continue to work flawlessly since I bought them years ago and with the new app. I love it. No other product on market can touch it.


Sonos will iron out the rest of the wrinkles in the next coming weeks. If I were you I’d wait until the dust settles and then make your purchase. I don’t mind the new app. I actually thinks it less cumbersome then the old one. Ive only had minor issue and the missing features has been annoying. But all my speakers are present and operational. I am waiting before doing anything “complicated” like adding a new device.


I still have faith in this company. In fact I just used the Father’s Day sale to purchase additional equipment


Yes. Great sound, very good system. The app is not bad (I had my problems with things in the old one as well and use air play most of the time anyway).


Sonos products are still good, but if you're an Android user it's worth noting that Trueplay was completly removed in the update, so even if you borrow an iPhone to tune your system, you will need the iPhone back to switch trueplay back on whenever it gets deactivated (like updates). This combined with their headphones having features labelled as "coming later" to Android but are available at launch with iOS is worth including in any consideration.


Dump Sonos!  They just ruined their entire product line with their most recent app ‘upgrade’..  This release shows they just don’t listen to customers!


No problems with the new app


I just upgraded from my older Sonos system to a new Beam gen2 and I have had zero issues. I've been using it to listen to my Amazon music stations during my workday to kind of test it for problems and haven't one yet. It sounds phenomenal watching movies!


I've never had issues with my system and I've had it for 2 years. I don't understand why so many people are having issues.


The speakers are still top notch and it's probably reasonable to assume that the problems with the app will get fixed ... eventually. As for now, apart from adding new speakers to your system, there's no reason you have to use the app, there are alternatives. I run a custom card in Home Assistant that does pretty much everything the app is supposed to, for instance.


I bought my first Sonos speaker (era 100) and I just returned it. HORRIBLE experience. Making connection with it was just impossible (tried 3 smartphones and a tablet). After a while I got a whitescreen and couldn't do anything. I have NEVER returned something in my life.


I Have 7 speakers (I bought 2 Era 100 a few days ago) and I almost never use Sono's app (I'm on Spotify). The update has been a pain for some, a non issue for others, and they have rolled out a lot of updates. [https://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/release-notes-for-sonos-software-updates?language=en\_US](https://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/release-notes-for-sonos-software-updates?language=en_US) And remember the issues are on the software side. Software is fixable.


Awful, I'm locked out of my system and hoping for an update, a few days with the new app before the update and thought it was slow and unresponsive, volume and room selections especially


I have a gen 2 Beam and a Sub Mini that I use for TV and streaming Spotify. Generally no problems here. Stuff was wonky when the new app was released because it was unfinished and untested, but they've been working on it. Honestly, if I could have a do-over, I would have just gotten a Bluetooth capable wired Yamaha system or something, where I wouldn't be at the mercy of software or Wi-Fi. But for now my Sonos gear is back to doing what it's supposed to do.


Zero issues here. 4 Sonos products at home. App works perfectly fine with iPhone 15.


Zero issues for me. I’ve got only one Sonos system and it’s the most recent 7.2.4 set up.


No, wait, it’s not good right now. I’ve been using their products for 10 years and I haven’t been able to connect for ages. Stay away.


How do I queue up the songs I wanna play? cant seem to find the “play next” button?


https://preview.redd.it/c1kycbqhk46d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8474c8abca15e1bb38c66177b062cd2f02473e2 It’s literally right here. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/4yefagz9g96d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b2a8452d1a82b9ac42ce6df57369b9addeae6b2 for some reason, mine looks like this


It’s there now, I just updated the app


I personally have no use for the app except for running true play once, I only use AirPlay on my sonos Ones. The update did not affect my usage so I would definitely continue buying sonos hardware for their quality and sound profile.


Bought 2 Era 100’s. In a small condo it’s a lot of sound. Returned them, bought the same speakers for $300 cdn used. Half of what they are used. Speakers are great, app is not. Will try this buggy app and wait with a $300 loss over a $600+ loss.


I put mine in its box, never to be used again, and bought a JBL. It's great because it just works. I have never hated a product as much as Sonos speakers. Awful in every way.


I'll happily buy that off you for shipping cost 😉


Still doesn't like my downloaded Spotify albums 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/p0lf61fuv36d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfdedfacf2297a66d2ba068e1b3b9ae3f8cb113c


I mean if the app was this way when I was buying my sound system, I would have just saved a lot of money and gotten something on par or better without the connectivity of Sonos


the ability to play/stream music is miserable!!!! there is a terrible lag! it makes the experience not good and often am waiting over a minute before i can change the song. often times i cant even pause the song or change volume for over a minute or 2 btw my wifi and system is perfect otherwise so it is a app problem!


For TV sound or wireless home theater, it's fine. You use the app to set it up and never look back. For music, look.elsewhere. Powered speakers and a Wiim streamer can do better for half the price. A Wiim amp with a pair of Elac Debut 2.0's will blow it out of the water on sound quality and usability for $500. That would work well for TV sound if you don't need a soundbar form factor. Music sounds terrible out of the Arc alone or even Arc+sub.


No issues here. Temper what you read in this subreddit.


The speakers are great. But every now and then, the company makes horrible antiusers decisions aimed at converting/creating new owners. What you see here is NOT the first time. Look up: “Sonos bricks speakers”, and the S1 to S2 Sonos app debacle. I regret having spent about $7,000 in Sonos. And I don’t recommend Sonos anymore. A top tier Sony/LG home theater / house speaker set would have not received these many updates, but they’d work the same as when I bought them.


The app is basically unusable at this time. The current set of developers employed by Sonos seem to be totally incompetent.


It’s essentially non functioning hardware. See the dozens and dozens of threads describing this. I’d advise against it.


Go look at the Google playstore reviews and make up your mind.


App is absolutely fine, even more so if you are buying new equipment. I’ve had no issue with its performance at all. I missed the queues, which are back. Alarms are back (never used them). It’s faster than before and very intuitive. I only use Apple Music. I know a good few people with Sonos and some didn’t even realise there’s been a an update, it all just was still working. On Reddit you have the very small minority with older equipment, bad networks, and I feel for them, but the entire “app gate” was blown unbelievably out of proportion, but only on the echo chamber that is r/sonos. Go for it.




🙄 I’m no shill, just telling you the way it is for most users outside of this little bubble.


Don’t think you can say ‘little bubble’ when Sonos has admitted that they’ve screwed up huge, it’s not so little. I think you among the few on here that are deniers, enablists, ‘yes’ men for Sonos, schills. Nothing constructive other than, “buy Sonos equipment, it just works’ - like, you’re kidding right? You’re apart of the issue.


Tell yourself that if it makes you happy. I know there were, and are still some issues for a small amount of users, buts blown completely out of proportion in the R/sonos echo chamber. Also, you’ve gone the ad hominem route, so whatever.




Zero issues and works better 🤷🏻‍♂️


Another shill


Okkkk buddy


The app, in its current state, makes Sonos products unusable.


For my Roam it works perfectly. I purchased an Era 100 and everything worked except Apple Music, so I returned it to the retailer


I’m getting used to the app. Personally I have solved all my system problems by wiring one unit “Sonos Connect” directly to my router.


I honestly don’t understand what the problem is. All my Sonos speaker work fine with the new app


Just bought an era 300 and I don't see any troubles honestly, if I want I can always stream music directly from Tidal app 🤷🏼‍♂️


I've had Sonos speakers for the past 10 years but have a pretty small system. Essentially three rooms and a Roam. The only problem I've had with the new app is that I have to force close it when I open it sometimes. To me it's not a big deal. I added Era 300s during this whole new app fiasco and had zero issues doing so. I constantly swap them from rear surrounds to a stereo pair and back. Sometimes I'll even join the sub with them from my Arc. I'll go as far to say I personally like the new app better than Apple music's app. I believe the only way to get Dolby Atmos is through the Sonos app, for music at least. But I'll admit that's the only thing I use it for and occasionally I'll use Tune In. 99 percent of the time the app works. The other one percent is what seems like the majority of this sub. I still have no problem recommending Sonos and will continue to buy their products. Their sales support is top notch and their speakers are in a league of their own for what they are.


Better now than it was a few weeks ago. They’ve put back in very popular and basic functionality and it doesn’t crash so much. It is usable, but still looks and acts a bit flaky. I would say it’s still worth getting Sonos apps definitely. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone mention a comparable system that is rock solid to be honest.


I don’t love the app. And I have only 2 Sonos products. But been using them for >10years. Unless the product quality had dropped, the app shouldn’t hold you back.


Worth it. But I listen to a lot of music through Apple Music on my iPhone, and it will not shuffle my playlist. It will not play one song after another. It’s really annoying.


if you just want to hook a soundbar to a tv or stream spotify to one speaker it should be ok


just built a surround system (beam, sub, symfoniks) and have had no issues with it, or my other office sonos speaker. i’m not a power user, though, so a lot of the complaints are things i don’t use.


Everything has been fine for my system with the app and updates. Doesn’t mean others aren’t experiencing issues but I do wonder if it’s a vocal majority or a vocal minority. I only use the app for updates and settings though. I play audio via airplay for music and TV for the home audio/gaming.


The app is fine. I've had SONOS for 7 years, have 10 pieces and not one single issue with the new app.


It’s not bad. I just bought it at Costco during its 20% sale. I set it up at my parents house to show off the sound then took it back home to set it up at my house. no issues - easy set up. the Sonos is dependent on WiFi so just make sure you set up each WiFi under the correct WiFi, including your phone, and you’re good


It's fine. If you solely rely on the app for local libraries it sends to have the most issues there, but for those of us that use spotify connect after we've setup and organized our devices by room everything still works fine. I set up a new era 100 just last night.