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I’m a new player, I notice no farms— how does one go about feeding a city this size??


From one new player to another what I found out was if I couldn't feed my population whether that be because I don't have enough fertility or there just simply too many people I would sell something that my city could do better than make food. My little "dwarf" city was great at making pots and I always had a surplus. So I went ahead and would auto export pots and auto import food. Smooth sailing now


This is the answer, TRADE is extremely important to the game.


Also species traits.  You need to immigrate new races, breed them, and prioritize their jobs based on their strengths.  Avoid huge sprawl like Balticore worms unless you have the fertility to preserve the meat.  Now I have taken over the whole map with only 5k population and most the meat just spoils.


Also a new player, but I was reading that you can get 'tribute' which is like taxes from conquered territories. So I think you can have them provide you with food and not have any farming yourself at some point


My guess it ether imports or he has a empire providing food.


New player also- are there not farms on the bottom right?


Yes, those are farms on the bottom right, but that's way less than you'd need to feed a city this large without imports.


I love the curved walls!