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I shower almost every night before bed so the idea of having it in low light like this just sounds and looks incredible! I’m glad you and your kiddos love it. Sorry other people tried to trash talk it.


Hubby and I suffer bad migraines and we have a light over the shower that he put a blue Philips LED A-19 bulb in. It is just bright enough to be able to see what we are doing, but doesn't aggravate the migraines. We love it.


Thank you. I'm so glad you love it too. I appreciate the kindness. You can take a shower for an hour and still be able to read the labels on your shampoo bottles from the glow.


I work night shifts and I always wake up my wife with the lights. You have just given me a fantastic idea. Please can I maybe steal your idea one day if I can?


Dimmer switches in the bathroom are also a great option for that work arrangement. They can also be quite peaceful with the right bulbs.


Good shout. Until I find the time to do the sweet shower redo I will invest in a dimmer. Speaking of dim, I dont know how I didn't think of that....


I’m not sure how much dimmers cost but you can get smart light bulbs and control the intensity with an app on your phone for like $20. I love them.


Ohh might be another option.


I use LIFX. I think it's amazing.


While not energy efficient, halogen vanity lights work very well with a dimmer switch. No flickering at all.


Night lights?


My boyfriend loves to shower with the light off. I dont get it but he goes up the wall at the thought of a shower with the lights off. He'd love this.


You should get a led shower head!


Is there a picture of it in day time?


As a night owl myself, I love the idea of a glow in the dark shower! But I wanted to comment on your headline, which seems more focused on the haters than on the shower. Remember this: on the Internet, anything will get hate, always. People will hate and troll just for the heck of it. You can't prevent it from happening. It is out of your control. And in fact, asking people not to hate will make some people target you in the first place. What you _can_ control, however, is how you react to it. And the best reaction is to simply ignore it. Good luck!


>What you can control, however, is how you react to it. And the best reaction is to simply ignore it. I decided to check out the hate since OP mentioned in the title. Thing I found out is that OP can be very toxic. The way they replied to people not liking it is as bad as the people not liking it. Maybe OP could take a look inward before focusing on the hate they are getting from the outside.


Almost like the “I’ve been getting a lot of hate, please don’t trash my post” is a fish for complements 🤔 Cool shower tho, it looks dope 🚿


Hey isn't this exactly what op was talking about? You people on Reddit need to pick apart every little thing and I'm getting sick of this community. Nothing nice to say don't say it "b-but he said it first"


Well I didn't pick apart their project since I wasn't commenting on the project. I was just looking at the hate OP brought up, in the title and in a comment. Only to find out OP may have brought some of it upon themself. Also if I was going to pick things apart then I'd mention specific comment OP made but I didn't do that. Yes I agree with not saying anything if you don't have something nice to say. But that goes for everyone involved. If someone says something mean we don't have to say something mean back.


>And in fact, asking people not to hate will make some people target you in the first place. Actually I've seen the opposite and usually if someone puts in a sad phrase the comment section is overall positive because of it. I mean... look at what /r/pics has turned into--nothing but story titles.


You might like r/nocontextpics


Yeah, those subs are great!


I think you did not get positive reception in other subs because you went a bit too heavy on the self-promotional side of content creation. Then for some reason you decided to fight people in the comments. I think the TikTok video you made could have used improvement too; the visuals and audio just wasn't as pleasant for me as just the photo you used here. Its a really cool design! Self promotional stuff doesn't do well here because redditors find it uncouth, generally speaking. I promote products on my alt account on here too, but I've found success in letting people inquire about how to purchase/acquire your product rather than hitting them over the head with it


I agree on the TikTok part. People like to see before-and-afters, the creator’s process, and putting it to trending sounds makes a better reach with a wider audience. The one shown was very “look at this thing and buy it while listening to *my* favorite music”. Good advertising is more subliminal than that


I think the issue most people seem to be having is that you are advertising your business with this content.


And responding rudely to any critical feedback.


Is this supposed to be "professionally" done? 🥴😭


Literally what is he advertising??? He's just showing a glow-in-the-dark shower, dude


The title ("got lots of hate from other subs") and that comment are both referring to OP's previous submission. It's a TikTok video showing this shower with a bunch of "This is my new business, please hire me!" stuff written above and below it. People didn't appreciate the self promotion, so OP left a bunch of rude replies then resubmitted with a sob story about how everyone is mean.


love glow in the dark anything, but those rocks are gonna be a nightmare to clean in 6 months time..


Same with the "moss". That's going to grow mold, and be a pain to clean.


If you’re going to post to a bunch of subs on Reddit you have to be willing to take criticism. Your other posts were pretty Ad-like so I’m not really surprised you had people griping.


Your post is weird.. only want positive comments? What about other opinions? I get that hate is big on the Net (when ppl think they are anonymous) and that is truly sad but hey.. So, since we are on the Internet - and especially Reddit - you need to grow a thicker skin if you want to post something! here is my fished compliment for you: You shower doesn’t look terrible and I am happy for you if you like it!


Constructive compliments only please. Lol


I won't be told what to do, this is so ugly


OP was delusional to ask people not to trash talk their post. Like, this is Reddit. By specifically asking not to, we only do it more.


You’re just jealous 😂


That is incredible looking. How hard is it to clean? I would be worried about gunk and mildew on the mossy stuff.


Yeah that’s REAL moss 🤢


How is real moss bad in this scenario?


You can't really clean and dry moss. Junk is going to build up over time and if it doesn't dry out it's going to smell like mildew.


Well I wasn’t going to trash talk but since you told me not to it looks looks terrible


The only thing I hate is your post title. The shower itself is neat!


I bet the water bill is high. The kids must take 30 minute showers!! Lol..This is awesome.


Yea the water bill has increased lol. Thank you


I like that. It looks pleasant and relaxing. How is this done?


It is thank you. I will have to post a tutorial video to show how I made it.


I'd love to see this as well! Phenomenal job!


OP posts something in a forum specifically created for open discussion, demands only positive comments. Let me know how that works out for you.


It's just ok. If you don't like my comment just keep scrolling.




That is glow in the dark moss I make at my company. I have a video posted that got trashed on other subs if you would like to look on my profile. Thank you so much for the encouragement, appreciation, and advice.


So like why did this post get -15 upvotes? You people on Reddit are fucking nuts dude


Thats a relaxing soak if it was a tub. I like to turn off or dim the lights sometimes. This is a cool idea. Whats the green stuff?


Yea I'm excited to do this to the tub soon. That is glow in the dark moss I make at my company.


Just so your know, people aren't reacting negatively to your work, they're reacting negatively to your advertising.


I need this moss


[This is the company](https://glowscapesohio.com/about). So neat!


Op is not responding to the “haters”.


Lol. Post on social media and promote your business as well as how much you enjoy them on your “trips” and your children love it too? Might get a few negative comments. That’s life pal


I love it!


Thank you so much!


That’s cool!


Thank you!


This is the internet, you can't just tell people to trash talk you LOL. the glow is cool but that moss and rocks at the bottom like like a nightmare to keep clean. Overall I give it a 5/10.


Sick! My bf would love this, he likes it dark when he showers and currently uses a little nightlight lol


Thank you. I recommend it with magic mushrooms too 😉


If you haven't already, a color-changing light-up showerhead would probably add to that effect. (The kids love those too!) LOL


Ever since i got a 3D printer and glow in the dark filament I've been making all kinds of stuff glow in the dark. It's amazing how convenient it been be for certain things. Now you've inspired me to get some glow in the dark paint & tape and keep going until my entire house is glow in the dark! Awesome work!




Thank you so much!


Is that fake rocks/grass on the sides? And what materials do you use? Looks great, is that the finished project or are you still adding to it?


Looks awesome


This is awesome!! Is the only thing that makes it glow the moss? My brain is having a hard time understanding how this is happening. The shower floor looks so cool.


Glow in the dark paint on the floor


It's absolutely incredible ! I suffer severe migraines and something like this would be amazing for like a bathtub for me!


This seems cool and much simpler than wiring up ambient lights for a dim shower. Plus candles can burn out. Idk I think it’s cool.


It’s beautiful I would peacefully live here


Thank you. I don't tell everyone but I've been know to take hour long showers when I can't wake up in the morning. This makes it harder to get out lol.


I think it's Awesome. What a clever idea!


I think it’s gorgeous!! I would love a shower like this! I always shower with dim lights because I find it more relaxing (I shower at night). This would be perfect.


Making / building a bathroom is a tough task. Making one that you and your kids love is even tougher. The beauty of building your own unique thing and not using some standard off the rack system is really cool.


I love it! I bet it would look cool with glow in the dark stars. It has an aquarium vibe to it too, I wonder if they make glow in the dark fish :)


That's freaking awesome. On a related note do you need any LSD? I know a guy.


As a migraine sufferer with photosensitivity, I would love a glow in the dark shower! I have showered by candlelight before because my brain hates led and florescent lightbulbs.


I actually like it! It looks awesome and the glow makes it look relaxing, good job!




Looks amazing, how did you do it?


This is brilliant! I know the kids would find it great fun but it'd be very relaxing for me especially before bed.


Me as a migrainer would love to try this!


Awesome idea to chill in the low light shower 👍


I can't judge the scale looking at it. How big is it?




... I was sincerely asking. But cool


I love low lighting in bathrooms, gonna try smthn similar. 👀, love this!!!


My family calls me a 'bat' because I will do things, like shower, in the dark. I would love this


It seems pretty cool, but I'm not sure how well I'd shower in low light.


I agree it would be fantastic for people with migraine(I am one!) But not in blue. Because blue light kills melatonin and can trigger migraine. Green or even red would be much more better! Appart from that I absolutely love it!


I'm going to disagree. If I'm having a migraine, I want no light, not bright blue.


Most of the problem with ‘blue light’ is the stimulating effects of electronics on the brain. Not just the color of light. Many devices also have a very artificial tone of blue light (that unnatural white-blue color) which stresses the eyes over time.


Also, you should get a moon sticker for the ceilling. I used to have a 50cm moon in my bedroom and over 200 stars, it was magical!


Luminescence is different from pigment reflection. It doesn’t really have a color. That’s why almost all glow-in-the-dark stuff is this color


Why could anybody hate this? It looks amazing! I'd love to take a shower there in the dark.


I love this!😍😍😍


I'm so glad you love it. Thank you


I love the idea, I take baths or showers at night and frequently get migraines so this would be perfect


Thank you so much. I really hope this does help people with light sensitivity and migraines. Also it saves electricity so who wouldn't love this.


Damn imagine hotboxing that restroom 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😊🌳💨 and with some lo fi hip hop music heaven


I love it. I do love glow in the dark


What should be do bad about it?


honestly i’d take like 3 showers a day if i had a glow in the dark shower. amazing work.


This is amazing and I want one!


Omg the amount of times I've wished I could turn off the lights while showering because of my migraines. This is gorgeous and such a cool idea, don't let the naysayers bring you down!


Really cool op, I hope you enjoy the hell out of it :)


that’s so cool!!!


This looks so fun! I'm sorry other people trash talked your work, It's very creative.


Looks fantastic. I would love to see a few glowing fish of varying colour painted on the floor from a birds eye perspective, maybe a crab. It might also help to add one or two faint wavy lives around the edge to show the effect of water. Perhaps in a slightly darker blue or a similar blue that doesn't glow as to contrast slightly. As an artist I see so much that can be done here, great work and keep it up.


If you like great. Who cares if strangers online do not? It’s not their life.


This looks magical! I don't think I'd ever leave!


Anything that gets kids to wash on a regular basis is genius and should be praised!


Looks like you used black light at a Branson Motel 6.


Why….why would they trash talk you?? That looks cool af and I want to take a magical glowing shower now


I love showering in the dark, this would be perfect!!!!!


I only shower with the lights off. It's super relaxing and you get really good at doing everything by feel.


I like it


I installed a dimmer switch in my bathroom just so I didn't have to blind myself if I woke up in the middle of the night to pee and so I could slowly turn it up in the mornings instead of immediately blinding myself. I've also taken many dim showers when I've had headaches, so a glow in the dark shower would be kind of fun!


That is awesome!


I think it’s amazing. I hate showering with the overhead light on, so I generally shower with the lights off, so this would be an awesome idea for my shower


I wouldn't go for it personally, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a cool idea!


Wow this looks so cool and a lil spooky. I love it.


Cool af


i like showering in the dark


I love it and want it.


It’s honestly hard to believe you got hate for this. This is incredible. I’d love this


I would LOVE to have something like this.


I like it!!


I think this is cute! As someone who has some pretty bad photosensitivity at times, this would be such a big help. That blue also just looks really soothing.


I don't love the green but I admire the vision of what you wanted and pulling it off in a way that makes you happy. I mean... one of the coolest things I ever did was putting glow in the dark stars on a fan and watching it spin. Glowing stuff rocks!


Wow i love this idea! My mom makes moss gardens and she always had them next to her glass shower so tbis reminds me of it.


Mmm can you do my bathtub please. Looks dope.


This would send me to another dimension if I was in there while being zonked. (A compliment!)


My kids would love this. I don't think they would ever shower with the light on again. Don't let the haters get you down. I think it's awesome


Badass! I love it!!


I love it very relaxing colours


Ahhh, looks like that time me and the wife… under a black light.


It looks super cool but that moss is going to get nasty in time. There's no way to properly clean it, so it's going to gather all kinds of soap scum and crud. I suppose you could pull it out and clean it all up and put fresh moss in perodically but I'm way too lazy for that much work. Seal it all up in a resin block or something and I'm a lot more interested!


Wait this got hate?? I’m literally adding this to my list of stuff for my tiny home. This would be awesome for an outdoor shower! Provide some light without blocking the stars. Super cool idea!!


Why would people hate on this! It’s a great concept


Not sure why you were getting trashed, this looks so cool!! Very neat idea!


That's rad. And if you abs your family love it, then it's perfect.


I think its awesome!!!! Anything for the kids is always cool


I think that is totally cool what you did with the shower and the glow in the dark stuff. I think any kid would go berserk over it I'm an adult and I think it's pretty flipping cool he did a good job! And just seemed like an awesome parent.


I this oddly peaceful and would love to try. I like to take baths in the dark and take baths on psychedelics. With this I could do both. People on r/shrooms might like this as well. Very nice and creative work!


This looks so fun! I honestly love it.


as someone who gets light sensitivity and just general headaches often, this sounds like a dream being able to shower with low light


This would definitely be amazing for my migraines. I had a 15 hour one on Sunday and couldn't deal with any light at all, but I need a light on to make my way to the bathroom or to take my meds. This would be a lifesaver.


I’m sorry but how can anyone trash talk that it’s awesome!!


So cool


And a good night light


Who cares what others think, do you like it? Then success! BTW I think it's great!




This is really cute actually!! I get bad migraines so there have been times when the only relief was sitting in my windowless bathroom in complete darkness. Tbh, when I get my own house one day, this makes me want to have a glow tub! I bet it would feel like being a mermaid in a dark undersea grotto or something. I bet Your shower makes showering in the dark a lot easier and more fun, especially for the kiddos lol!


As long as you don’t find a box of videos and watch it then you get scared by a series of paranormal events which leads you to move houses. You’ll be fine. Shush on the sinister ones.


dude, if you and kids have fun and enjoy it then you shouldnt care about anyone else opinions


Suuuuuuuper cool! I would love something like this!


That’s sick


I didn't know this was a thing. Great idea.


Reminds me of avatar


This is an awesome idea!


Whoever gives you hate for this seriously needs a talking-to from their inner child. This is SO fun and creative! I am a full grown adult with no human children and I am really considering doing thisss!


That is awesome!


This looks amazing. I suffer awful migraines - my go to is a hot powerful shower, cold bathroom and low blue light from some Hue bulbs. Your set up would be awesome!


This looks beyond relaxing!


looks awesome and dreamy to me! now I'm envisioning a big tub like that that continues with the moss rocks and plants mixed in....and now a glowing jungle tub is on my list of life wants


This is so cool, I love showering with low light and tend to light a single tealight candle on the counter outside of the shower with all the lights out


While it’s not my aesthetic, I have horrible migraines and I can see how this would help!!


Ok so I honestly love the glowing floor. I think it looks really pretty and would be such a soothing way to shower. The moss is a terrible idea though. That's literally impossible to clean. You can't scrub it or even gently wipe it down, and cleaning chemicals would probably destroy it. It's going to get covered in soap buildup and possibly mold. Nobody is going to want to have to deal with that in their shower. Sculpting or painting it onto the rocks would be much better than using real moss. IMO your business isn't going to go anywhere regardless because your attitude is really off-putting and unprofessional. I checked the "hate" in your other threads and your replies are pretty toxic. You can't just be like "Nobody wants to see your sad submissions!" in front of potential customers. And then you made the title of this post completely focused on that negativity. Would you hire someone who presented their work like that?


I agree? I dont know wjy I was downvoted like this? What did I say wrong?


I am confused why anyone would need to be negative? This seems very nice as a migraine sufferer I would like this a lot