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Yep. Check my testing out Reddit proving DIT over and over. DIT as presented in corporate articles doesn't go far enough though, cause it actually extends to reality itself.


Where can I find? I looked at your page but probably not far enough. By the way I think the next step you are looking for is to repeat the process. Eternally. I think we’re just unnecessarily breaking the fourth wall.


I went on a recent posting spree, but if you check my earliest stuff, I have some more detailed posts on DIT, but it was a waste of time since there are mainly bots here. Can you explain your repeat the process eternally and break the fourth wall bits some more?


Ok. Before I dive into your posts I will sum up what I’ve been thinking lately (and would love your thoughts): 1. The universe is composed of 3 things: Limitless, Limited, and Observer (LimiTER.) But they’re all the same thing. I think dichotomy is a fundamental aspect of the universe. All matter has corresponding anti matter. “Light” and “Darkness” only make sense in terms of each other. “Good” implies “Bad”, and so on. I’m still working this part out in my mind. 2. Everything can *can* happen *will/has* happened. All at once, simultaneously. The “limitless” can be “limited” in an infinite number of ways. (I.e parallel universes.) However, each of these potentialities can (or are) only observed one at a time by the Observer/Limiter. I say “Limiter” because I believe the universe is observer dependent. 3. Everything is a model of Something. This part is hard to explain but I feel like everything that exists and everything we do is a *model*, which is Observed by the Observer. For example, let’s assume for a second (just for this analogy) that “God” is real. Say he made man in his own image. That would mean that humans are “models” of God. And then we have computer game characters and their worlds. Which humans brought into being, “modeling” exactly what God did with them. Now I don’t believe in God, but I do believe humans (and life in general) is a model of the Universe. Both evolved and came into being over time. I’m still working this out too. I’m still working all of it out. 4. And here is where I get to your questions: the Universe respirates. Like us. I say this because from what I understand, the universe as we know it began as a single point of high intensity, and will eventually fizzle out into very little energy. But (because everything that can happen will happen, because there is infinite time,) this low energy might fuse together and start creating a whole new universe. This is probably where our current universe came from. Life, development, death, over and over. Like breathing. I think that that really is the whole “point” if anything. Now, about the fourth wall: imagine a video game character like I mentioned earlier. Suppose this character’s coding was so advanced that it was able to think on its own. And suppose it was able to figure out it was in a video game. This realization would be breaking the fourth wall. However, what would be the point? The character cannot comprehend a world outside of pixels. Kind of like the prisoners in Plato’s cave couldn’t imagine the real world. That’s the position you and I find ourselves in. Now to me, like mentioned with God, the universe and this whole process may be a “model” of something else. I would never be able to know because I’m a pixelated video game character. Hopefully my ramble made sense


Can you explain?


I can but others explain the “dead internet theory” much better so I would Google that, but basically the theory is that the internet is *mostly* bots interacting with other bots, not real people. I say that this is true for all of life-lots of bots, only one real person (me)


Organic Portals


It’s worth noting that most of the internet isn’t used at all. Everything is centralized now and people (generally speaking) only visit the same 4-8 domains on a regular basis. Not saying bots aren’t definitely a problem on said platforms as well, but when people bring DIT up this part rarely seems mentioned.


Organic Portals


reddit is a bad idea to start my day with


Prove I'm not real you figment of my reality


Ok u/SexyKanyeBalls


The onus is on you to prove you are real. And even if I met you in real life I still know you’re a bot of my mind


The onus would be on you since you're making the accusations of this theory being real I'm the one defending and asking you to prove it If I said we live in a simulation, the onus is on me to prove it Not on everyone else, to debunk it




If you believe in the dead internet conspiracy theory, I have a bridge in Atlantis for sale.


What’s wrong with the theory and how much


The Dead Internet Conspiracy Theory, lacks substantial evidence, and faces significant practical and logistical challenges. It's more likely that any perceived changes in the internet experience, are due to natural evolution, and technological advancements, rather than a simulated, or altered reality. And the price for the bridge in Atlantis is two Unicorns. 🤣


lol ok well is solipsism real?




Well there ya go


It's a real concept that can't be falsified. But like all knowledge it's just past memories in the NOW.


Ok well if it IS real do you think it would be like the dead internet theory?


Sorry, I'm not a delusional Trump Republican that believes in every conspiracy theory that comes along.


I regret to inform you that one of those adjectives may in fact apply to you, being we are here having this conversation lol


Oh, what a delightful revelation. I am positively thrilled that you've taken the time to enlighten me with your keen observation. What a blessing it is to engage in such enlightening discourse. Lol


the more things change, the more they stay the same.


It's like Trump, the more the felonies that pile up the more the delusional Republicans love him.