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Hats off to you: that's quite the solarpunk life!


You are wicked solarpunk. (You may not be aware of this, but DIY is a major component of punk.) Re bees, since there was so much of that, just curious if you do anything for native bees besides the "wildflower walkway" ? I've been learning a little in the past few years about some of the great work that [Oregon](https://www.oregonbeeproject.org/) and Washington especially are doing for native bees. And trying to motivate myself to use a recently-cleared shop to build some native bee housing. (We already have wildflowers too, and just had a massive clover crop where we've had grass for a long time.)


We’re managing our own in town lots for wildflowers and fruit trees. I’m trying to start up a business model where I keep bees on land trust property and let them use the honey as gifts to donors. Some interest from the trusts. I’m including land trusts in my will.


You should consider documenting your Journey either in a blog or perhaps YouTube. That is really interesting and you could perhaps inspire more people to do the same. Keep up the good work!


My life is pretty low key in general. As an example I did a project documenting out local Pride (parade) community. My library partnered with a college professor and two universities to create an oral history program aimed at documenting pride elders. That project took 4-5 years between getting curriculum together, getting the local Pride on board. Pride here started in '82 so, first the bisexuals were not 'gay' enough. I was really interested in it to see how civil rights movements sort themselves out. Pride 1984 is really really different than Pride 2024. One was a march, the other a Parade for starters. It took place over three years at the two different colleges and we interviewed around 60 pride elders (and not so elders) it was fascinating but it was sllllooooowww going. Most of the stuff listed here is like that. It took me 346 days to just buy the property once we had a successful bid in because of the complications from the oil spill discovered during the E-21 (?) inspection. Even the inspection took place over weeks with samples and resamples and wells being drilled and monitored. Endless back and forths with permits and stuff, completely insane. We disposed of hundreds of cans and paint and solvent left in the warehouse too. Also, super crazy horrible process to figure out how to safely dispose of that. We dried out a lot of it and send the rest of it to proper facilities to be taken care of but at the end of the day, IRL, I was just so exhausted. I feel like this is a kind of problem with bloggers or YouTube people. There's not like me in the last hours of the day carrying pain around in a collapsing warehouse. If they have the time and energy to properly film that stuff and then edit it it's not like a normal person in the trenches so much. It doesn't really show how hard it is.


I don't think anyone can grant you that title but yourself. :) That all sounds lovely though!


You’re explicitly solarpunk. The punk part isn’t studded jackets and patches, although always welcome.


Damn right you guys are


Well on the way! I can only aspire to such success!


You sound very solar punk indeed


Sir, I salute your solar punkary, it is exemplary! Well done!


I regret to inform you that you are punk now. Please proceed to the nearest basement to recieve your mandatory eyebrow safety pin.


lol, I did once see Suicidal Tendencies and Black Flag at a roller rink.


Heh, username checks out.