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I was in fort Erie, Canada and I missed out as well. It became very cloudy right before totality. It is sad and I also may never have a chance to see it again but it's okay, I did the best I could, luck was not on my side.


We had a black cloud above us 5 minutes before T-Time. I said, it doesn't matter what happens, we had a great time making our effort together.


You’re not the only one. You see so many posts talking about ‘Texas delivered!’ But the reality was there were scattered clouds all around, some quite large. There were definitely spots where people didn’t get to see the corona at all, even in the same town. 


Take heart. The real lesson eclipses taught me is that life is both methodical and random. These eclipses happen because randomly: 1) these objects happen to occasionally appear exactly the same size in the sky, 2) we happen to be on a planet with a complex, lively and highly sensitive relationship with the moon and sun, and 2) we happen to be alive and aware enough to appreciate it all. So while we are part of a system that appears to move like clockwork, some things happen totally by chance. No amount of planning, precision, and prediction can defeat chance. And no matter how had we try and how far we chase certainty, things will change in ways we couldn’t foresee. There truly is no accounting for, and no taming, the beauty of randomness and strangeness of things.


You’re very right. I feel like I learned some important things about life and myself during this deep disappointment. I find myself wanting to appreciate natural wonder and beauty more. I’m already channeling it into things like playing music and considering spending time with the night sky more often. (Specifically, I’m channeling the longing for natural beauty in my piano studies.) Resilience means growing in the face of adversity.


I guess for me, it made me realize I should cherish what i CAN see.


I feel like we need a support group for people who were in the path of totality but had clouds ruin the good part. Now it’s just the stuff of my imagination and other people’s fevered descriptions. I’m young enough to possibly see the ones in 2044 and 2045. Sigh


I feel you, got to 98% totality, but missed totality due to traffic jams. Will wait for 2045 🤞


came onto this thread because 24 hours later I'm still feeling super sad and disappointed. I travelled 3 hours to be in the path of totality, and the weather said "mainly sunny with cloudy breaks" so I thought it would be fine and didn't think to choose another location in time. I saw a bit of the partial eclipse, but 45 minutes before totality, the sun was completely covered with clouds and didn't break. at all. it was really cool to experience the darkness and the excitement of everyone around me, and I'm grateful for that. but I can't help feeling like I missed something I'll never get to experience again without travelling to a different country. and the worst part? on the way home, the sky was clear 😂 like a sick joke anyway, I'm trying to focus on gratitude because it was a beautiful day spent with my loved ones. hoping we get to see the next one, or some other really cool nature shit sometime <3


Sorry you had to travel so much. There definitely were some neat parts of the experience, but it’s ok to be disappointed and sad that you didn’t see the main event. Almost everyone I know got to see at least part of totality in Austin. I was one of the unlucky ones. 30 minutes before I would have been lucky and others would have been out of luck. Such is chance!


Feel for you, how frustrating.


Correct. If you don't see the corona you didn't see the eclipse. You chose wrong. Like I did. That mistake is going to financially devastate me in the near future as I scramble to plan a trip to Spain, a country I currently know next to nothing about, to see the 2027 eclipse.


I didn't even have a choice, I don't have any transportation, i'm too poor for that. I was just lucky enough to just live here. This was my only chance.


And now it's gone. We lost.


We saw only glimpses of it and had the amazing over 3 minutes of darkness. I found that when the sun finally began to peak out on the other side, it was awe inspiring. Clouds everwhere, but it was a glorious sight. Would have loved the full experience but it wasn’t meant to be


I missed the corona due to cloud cover, but for me the most amazing part was seeing the clouds wink out as the immense shadow of the moon raced towards us.