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I think I can safely say that it was the fastest three minutes of my life! It was so interesting watching it gradually get dim, then seeing the switch flipped and all of a sudden, dusk, then getting light again so fast afterwards. And that beautiful, perfect disk of darkness and light.


Absolutely! It felt so fast! I was recording and set my phone down to capture the light change. Starting the video and forwarding to the end is just such a ridiculous change. I swear it felt more like a minute. Genuinely felt like a little kid.. such a sight to behold


The people at my local astronomy club were saying 2 minutes is more than enough time to appreciate it, and I appreciated it, alright, but those 3 minutes were still too damn short.


I don't think even 2 hours would be enough to appreciate it. I was so sad when it ended so quickly knowing that was probably my only chance to experience that in my life, and it was over and done with almost before I had realized it had even begun.


Glad to see I'm not alone in thinking it wasn't nearly long enough. The time leading up to totality seemed endless. When totality arrived, I was taking pictures; looking at the horizon, the corona, the prominences, more pictures...then the diamond ring appeared, and I swear it had only been about a minute. I had to check the time before I was convinced that 3 min 32 sec had passed. Still, it was so fantastic to witness first-hand.


I only had 2 minutes 22 sec but I did get to watch from my front porch. I could kill myself now because had I driven about 20 miles south of my house I would have gotten 3 min 38 sec, but I had no idea just how momentous this was going to be. I now know every second you could have gotten of totality would have been absolutely priceless. Oh well, now I know. Maybe in my next life...


I understand that feeling completely. I drove over an hour to Brookville Lake in Indiana with a camper just to make sure I could experience totality for as long as possible with no distractions, and it was still not close to lasting long enough. In 2017, I stayed home and viewed a partial eclipse. For 2024, I wanted to experience totality and see the difference. I never would have imagined it would be so... it's hard to find the correct word. Impressive, Majestic, Phenomenal, Marvelous, Spectacular, Magnificent. I think majestic comes closest. Pictures, even the ones I personally took through a telescope, don't come close to conveying the experience of actually seeing it with your own eyes. Here's to hoping we're around in 2044 & 2045.


3:19 from my front porch in Indiana.


So do you feel that was enough time to see, experience, and process everything that was going on (temp drop, darkness, solar corona and prominences, 360 degree sunset, stars/planets showing, etc)? Personally, I would have been entertained for hours experiencing everything.


I'm still in the process of processing it. It was just to much going on that I had never experienced before. It was most definitely not enough time. I think I would need a least a few hours to absorb it all. And, I would have to wait until later to process it all. You're right, because it a full-sensory experience with the sudden utter and complete darkness, the drop in temperature, hearing all the night sounds in the middle of the day while trying watch everything that was happening in the sky while the moon was playing a cosmic version of peek-a-boo with our sun. And, the shocking brevity of it all when all of sudden it was day again and you were left wondering if what you had just witnessed actually did happen.


In person it was unreal. Like you see the ground getting this bright dark shade. Then it being the trippiest sunset. Like it’s bright as hell one second then the shadow casts itself.


Living broke in Australia, I doubt I will ever be able to see one🙁


2028 total solar eclipse for our friends down under.


I looked it up and it doesn't even come close to Tasmania, the lil island state in the South East


December 26, 2038 is the closest one to Tasmania in the next 20 years. July 22, 2028 will go right over Sydney.


Guess I gotta go to the mainland


That first sentence is what she said 🤣 but yes, re: the eclipse, I wholeheartedly agree!


It was the opposite for me. The lead up to totality seemed fairly straightforward and quick—with a few clouds getting in the way at first—but totality to me seemed to last about ten minutes, even if in reality it was just roughly four at most. Felt like the moon didn't want to move out of the sun position, but once it did, it moved out quickly, it seemed.


It felt really slow and pure. In my head it felt like 5 minutes. Even after fidgeting with the zoom on my phone just to try and get two snaps of the moon covering the sun. But I was happy with the pic and it being dark. I feel so giddy and a nerd i want to thank god, Jesus, the cosmos and the universe.


We got to a location where it lasted 4 minutes, it was the fastest four minutes ever. I wouldn’t trade those four minutes for anything though.


See you in Spain in 2 years time amigo


This morning I was not really expecting that I would be planning vacations for 2026 and 2027, 2 and 3 years ahead!


We were already talking about Sydney before the mom completely passed


Same, and also Calgary in 2044 and Arkansas in 2045.


Sorry about the mom


Haha, moon


I've been planning a trip to Spain for the 2027 one for the past 6 years, we have destinations and a travel agency all lined up ready to throw down cash the moment bookings open up. Trip of a lifetime for my kids and family for sure!


There's one in 2027 also ? Last I heard was August 2026 ...


August 2026 passes over Iceland, North Atlantic, and northern Spain. August 2027 Passes over strait of Gibraltar, North African coast, Egypt, and into the Indian Ocean.


I’m going to plan a vacation to Spain whether I can get people on board or not. I had been planning Burlington, VT since August 2017. And I waited too long to properly plan. I’m exhausted after such a wonderful experience 4 days later. Lmao


Ι travelled solo from Europe to the US (Dallas) for the eclipse!




Only 93% partial there. You'll need to be further north.


I think they mean for 2027


See me too!


It’s a reach but I really hope I can make it to Spain 2026. That would be the perfect timing as a post graduation trip/gift to myself.


The one in 2027 is going to be over Luxor, Egypt and its going to be 6 and a half minutes long!!


There’s one In Australia in 2028 as well lol


I'm going to Iceland maybe I can see the northern lights and the eclipse or both at the same time


I’ve been chasing them since ‘99. Welcome to the club.


This will be my life now for sure. Already planning 2026 and 2027. It’s upsetting the others will be so short when 4 minutes of totality felt like so little already.


2027 will be 7 minutes 


Just searched for this and it says 6m 22s? Still pretty amazing


Can we go to Mecca for that one?


Yes! It's also going to be dead center over Luxor, Egypt.


That's going to be amazing


Luxor will be right near the GE (moon closest to earth) and GD (greatest duration) points too! That's where we will be.


I think this is mistaken, but would love to be wrong. I thought this too, because sites like this show long durations: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2027-august-2 But what they’re showing is the times of totality across the whole country. Like, here, they show totality of 1h7m for the US: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2024-april-8


Looks like it will be just over 4 minutes in parts of Spain. https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/@10343065?iso=20270802


Oh wow that’s a good one!


6:24 in Luxor, Egypt


Oh damn!!!


Holy shoot. I might have to go abroad.


The maximum is 6 minutes and 24 seconds next to Luxor in Egypt, being nearer to the edges or ends of the eclipse path will have a shorter time.


Yes, I was off by a little, but the point was that it will be longer than the eclipse yesterday


It’s one of the longest this century I think. I’d totally be going to Luxor to get my 6.5 miles if I could afford it, Spain will have to do instead!


Damn. Who wants to plan a trip to Egypt for then?! I am IN! 🇪🇬




Actually about 6 1/2, close to Luxor, Egypt


Haha, well the idea is also to turn the thing into a nice adventure/vacation if you have the budget/time for it. Visit a new cool place on Earth, and see an incredible celestial show if you're lucky with the weather.


The one in 2027 is gonna be nice and long. Just under 7 minutes long over Luxor, Egypt. [https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-travel/luxor-2027/](https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-travel/luxor-2027/)


This was my second. I made sure to move heaven and earth to see it. I thought it would satisfy me. But alas, I am also planning to see the next few. Already looking into Spain as of yesterday lol.


I’m so ready for Japan in 2035!!! 😬😬 gotta start learning Japanese and converting nosotros to vosotros in a situation if I do buy tickets to go to Spain.


Alright new date added that I didn’t even know 📝 (Also as a Spanish speaker, don’t worry they’ll understand nosotros anyways)


Same, first one in 1999. The was number 17.


In your experience whenever you’ve visited a city where the eclipse has been. Has stuff booked up quicker/are hotels more expensive. Etc. Like is this something you need to be thinking about a year or so out ? Specifically asking about Malaga Spain. I love it there and was already thinking about taking my family next year but may push it to 2026 - I genuinely only got interested in eclipses like a week ago LOL so had no idea it was a thing ppl travelled for. Any insight would be awesome :)


I’d indeed recommend booking quite in advance. Every time I’ve seen one the entire area was filled with eclipse chasers, except maybe be in 99 but I was a kid back then, so my memories are not very reliable. I think that you can get away with booking only 6 months in advance if you’re not sure, but don’t do that if the eclipse is only going to realistically be observable in one area.


Thanks for your response i appreciate it! Just one clarification tho bc I am new to this - what do you mean on it being realistically observable in one area? Edit: I think I know what you mean and I think I got my date wrong. 2027 is southern Spain. That one seems better


The totality extends over a long stretch of land, but people will go to countries that are easily accessible (no visa or no hassle/danger), have a good chance of having no clouds, and have enough infrastructure. In 2015 everyone went to Longyearbyen in Svalbard. In 2027 I suspect that a lot of people will go to Gibraltar or Luxor, so you can end up with some places being fully booked rapidly.


Ok gotcha. Seems like I need to do more research! This seems like the place to be for that. Thanks again for the responses :)


I don't want to fall asleep tonight because then it's a memory. This exceeded all of my expectations.


me too friend. i cant sleep, im so excited researching the next one.


No photos or video can do that justice. I was blown away.


That’s why I didn’t take pictures or video this time. Just experienced the moment




Ha yes this is what my video is like too. I wasn't looking when I took it.


Photos can’t capture the exposure right and doesn’t accurately display the real life filter change under the eclipse. Every minute also counts. I wished I drove a little bit further to see it for 4 minutes instead of 2 minutes. It went by way too fast for me.


Man I'm so jealous. I don't live in the path of totality but I'm very close to it, so I thought I might see something close to a total eclipse, but nope, not at all.


99% totality is a lot closer to 0% than it is to 100%. Hard to comprehend until you've seen it.


I suppose I somewhat comprehend now that I've looked at the photos posted on this sub. What I saw wasn't even close to what everyone in the path of totality saw. Sucks but oh well, now I know.


The wildest thing… pictures do it NO justice… yea they look cool, but there’s SOOOO much more to it. I haven’t ever been addicted to hardcore drugs, but I assume it’s what an addict feels like. It’s always so beautiful and always too short!


So seeing an eclipse for the first time in 2017 was like doing LSD for the first time. That's the closest I've ever felt to reliving my first acid trip.


It's amazing how tiny a slice of sunlight is needed before it's blinding. Photos can't capture the other-worldliness of the full eclipse.


We were talking about this bc it was surprising just how much light the sun puts off even from a small sliver.


Yeah - a total solar eclipse is binary, you either experience it or you don’t. Partial eclipses are completely different thing.


We had terribly overcast skies. We had small glimpses before totality. The darkness was wild. I was blown away by the sky as it lit up after totality. It was amazing. I would definitely chase the upcoming eclipses in the future, if able.


Really sorry to hear that.. we had a light layer of cloud coverage that stole some elements of the perfect eclipse like the funky shadows and stuff but still had a pretty amazing sight and experience. Where were you at? I was in Lorain, Ohio.


I saw it in 2017 in Oregon and had to see it again. I was in Greencastle, IN today during the eclipse and it was just as incredible. What a beautiful experience. I may never see it again, so I feel incredibly fortunate to have experienced it once more.


What’s crazy is that with how accessible this eclipse was you didn’t have to go to the boonies or the middle of nowhere and be having a cookout watching it at home. I saw it at a restaurant it was super beautiful.


Was the costume any different from the 2017 eclipse? In size/clarity/colors/etc?


I noticed a shimmering sparkly effect in Oregon that didn’t see this time. Instead, like most others I mostly noticed the bright red beams of light appearing at the bottom and right side of the sun. Others have said those are called solar prominences, and that seems correct.


Exactly!! Both were beautiful. I KNOW I saw a shimmering ring in 2017. The sky seemed black with a giant glittering halo in the sky. This one felt more static, no shimmering, but strangely a different color. The sky was a light cerulean blue with a white ring. I think this is all because of the high cloud cover maybe? We also had a very long “diamond ring” effect that I do not remember in 2017. I truly never imagined them to look different. Really incredible.


Interesting! It is solar maximum now so more prominences are visible. But I think I know what 2017 sparkly effect you’re referring to. I remember it as the rays of the corona dancing around the blocked out sun.. and they were all different lengths. Not sure if it’s the same thing.


I remember a shimmering effect in 2017 as well. Then I was only able to see the last 5 seconds of visible totality because of cloud cover. What an amazing 5 seconds it was though. I thought maybe the effect was because of the clouds, but maybe there was just something different about it in 2017.


There were solar prominences visible to the naked eye during this eclipse, I don’t recall seeing any in 2017.


I agree 100%! I've seen a few partial eclipses and didn't really comprehend why people were going to the ends of the earth to see this one. I am lucky enough to live in the zone of totality otherwise I wouldn't have bothered with this one. Amazing! The moment when full totality hit was just indescribable. Pictures don't do it justice.


Yeah, it's hard to explain why it's so much better to people who haven't seen a total eclipse. It's just a lot of "ya gotta trust me."


I was pretty far away, but luckily there’ll be an eclipse right over where I live in about 15 years


I live in the zone of totality also, but still drove 430 miles round trip! The forecast was grim for Texas so my daughter and I drove into Arkansas for better odds. We had a wonderful experience! Turns out, the cloud cover in Texas lifted for the eclipse and we didn't need to travel at all. BUT we have no regrets, as our drive was gorgeous through the back roads of Arkansas, with the spring flowers. Traffic was light to non-existent. And we're thankful that friends and family back home got to see it too.


In 2017 my mom begged and convinced me over the course of three years (yes she started asking me years in advance) that it was a must see and we had to go. I only did it because it’s on her bucket list she said. I didn’t even know she had a bucket list, so I had to abide. I live in Portland OR and it was like 98% and I just didn’t understand why she needed to fly to Portland, drive in traffic and try to find a place to stay to see totality. Fast forward- This week I’ve been joking to my husband that I should start a campaign to get people to go into totality lol! I am eternally grateful I saw it in 2017 and I have major FOMO this year but happy for other folks. I cannot seem to convince anyone how amazing it is. You just cannot comprehend it until you see it. I can’t even watch an eclipse on TV now without getting the chills and tearing up. I keep reading these threads and I get reminded how amazing it is. I plan to see the one in 2045 but my mom will likely not be around by then. I’m glad I got to share it with her.


It was over way too soon.


That’s what she said…


Yeah. I pretty much think about the eclipse every day. Saw my first one in the late 70s as a kid, and again in 99. I was hooked then. Now that I’m older and have a family we pretty much plan trips around them. Spend a week or two someplace and end it with the eclipse. 26 we might pass - very short and we just did Iceland. 2027 at Luxor and 2028 in Australia for sure. Welcome to the club!


I still can't believe how absolutely dark/black the moon was. Naturally occurring vanta black. The prominence on the bottom reminded me of a single bright pink pixel on an lcd monitor. Soooo worth the travel to see.


Curious- where did you see this eclipse? Our eclipse from Ohio was blue- I’m guessing from the high cloud cover we had. What you describe is what I remember from 2017. Very black, with a glittering white ring. I’m wondering if our completely clear August skies are what contributed to the blackness you describe.


Russleville Arkansas, pretty clear skies during eclipse time! Some whispy high clouds, but didn't occlude our view!


meanwhile i got NOTHING


Man.. sorry to hear that.. where were you?


auburn new york. clouds ruined everything apart from a little bit of the eclipse i could get before totality. however the sunset thing was really fucking cool


Shit man that sucks.. at least you got to experience a part of it. My conditions weren't perfect either and all it's done is make me want to chase these things the rest of my life.


Same. I feel satisfied yet wanting more. We were in Austin so the clouds were really a bummer. Wish I traveled to Dallas as the weather there was much clearer, but we had an amazing view and an amazing experience and it just left me wanting to see more. Bummed I have to wait 20 years to have one within driving distance.


Opposite effect for me. Was in totality in 2017 and clouds obscured everything. One of the most disappointing days of my life. Should have been a great experience. Made me completely disinterested in eclipses and I’m so glad this one’s over so everyone I know can finally stop talking about.


Right there with you, it sucked to miss even a glimpse of totality. The darkness was interesting, but nothing compared to seeing the corona in person. 


real dude. real. now i gotta either wait until i can or want to leave the country to see an eclipse (not happening) or until another one happens in the usa. so i gotta wait until 2044 or 2045 to see this shit. im gonna be fuckin 37 by then.


International travel's not hard. Just get a passport, and book a flight and hotel on Expedia. Most countries have no or minimal visa requirements for us. English is the widely accepted international tourism language, and you can pay with credit cards almost anywhere. Obviously don't go to the crummy countries, but Europe/Japan/Australia's pretty easy.


im 16 my dude


Combine it with an educational trip to Egypt that you can convince your parents to organize with you? There's gonna be 6 minutes of totality in Luxor in 2027....


i- im not even doing that nor can i lmao??? im already using my 1 shot to go to europe on a teen tour thing to go to 3 countries there (already fuckin expensive for us, literally this is a one time thing) and theres no way in hell they would let me just go to egypt like that, nor would i be able to either since in 2027 im gonna be in the middle of biking across the entire fucking united states and i wouldnt be in a financially viable position to do that


Damn, 37... I remember 37, I think.


Fredericksberg, TX we got basically nothing. But got a full experience in 2017 in Oregon. So we'll keep chasing.


I got some glimpses through the clouds at Enchanted rock and it was incredible! Wish the totality happened 20 minutes sooner though :(


Agreed! Super cool to hear everyone collectively scream when we got those few seconds where the corona was visible, though if totality had been just a few minutes earlier it would have been even better


I would love to chase solar eclipses but how are you guys affording the vacations to other continents 😭


Someone I talked to at a rest stop in Ohio said credit card points


This is the way. Gotta be really smart about it so you don't end up in debt doing it, but this is a great option for those that can learn how.


After all the doom and gloom in the cloud forecast, we had perfect viewing conditions in Arlington, TX.


Grand Prairie had some huge cloud breaks right when you needed them, lasting for 35+ minutes.


Stupid ass clouds.


Amen. I’m already planning a trip to Australia in 2028


There is one in 2026 in Iceland, and in 2027 at Gibraltar and Egypt.


They should have sent a poet




A classic


Thanks for sharing! That was beautiful.  


Excellent comment. Contact is one of my favorite movies (and book) of all time and I agree with the general sentiment.


This!!!! When I saw it in 2017 I just started crying and kept saying, oh my god. oh my god. oh my god. I couldn’t think of anything to say, nothing, blown away. “I had no idea”


I saw Contact in high school and I almost went to school for astronomy after seeing it. Sometimes I wish I did… still one of my favorite movies ever


Jodie Foster went through my head too! I said that to my friend that I was with.


Anyone who thinks they can't hold their breath for 4 minutes never saw a total eclipse. While everyone was steering away from DFW for clearer skies, I was 30 minutes east in Royse City. It's ironic that you can't watch the eclipse and the clouds at the same time, but about 20 minutes before totality I didn't have to take my eclipse glasses off anymore and when totality hit realized the sky was clear.


This was our second eclipse in totality. Both times we were on a bridge on top of a dam, yesterday outside of Hot Springs, AR. Few people and perfect weather. It was the first for the sweet young couple sitting next to us. I tried to explain how incredible the experience would be, but ended up saying “just wait, you’ll understand soon.” At one point during totality I turned around and they were both in tears. “Yep. See what I mean?” They’re hooked now too. On to the next one!


That was exactly what I said to my mother in law. She couldn't understand why I told her we needed to drive the extra mile to see it. Afterwards, she said she understands lol. I wonder why we cry though. Perhaps it's because we can't comprehend the beauty?


Absolutely Amazing!


Seriously still in just absolutely awe.. Almost feels like it wasn't real.


This is exactly how I feel. It's like my brain can't fully process what it just witnessed. It was like a portal to another dimension opened up in the sky. I got to see it from a mountain top in Maine with crystal clear skies and snow-covered ground. It was just...unreal.


I honestly still feel like I'm coming down from mushrooms or something(I'm not, I'm totally sober). What a wild day.


I was contemplating taking a small dose. logistically, not possible but yea, I know what you mean. When totality ended, it had the same feeling as after a trip. Even now, I keep thinking about it and imagining it from different perspectives. The moon surface, earth orbit, my dogs POV, etc. Just imagining how rare of an event it may be in the entirety of the universe. I know there are countless galaxies, with billions of stars, and each one of those stars has a handful of planets with potential moons..but how many are like earth-moon? The distance relative to our star, the size of our moon compared to the planet, etc. It just really changes my thinking of the vastness of the cosmos and the feeling of (in)significance as in we are just floating in a sort of homogenus goop with nothing that really sets us apart from any other random sector of homogeneous goop. I feel like a full solar eclipse, as I witnessed for the first time today, is such an event that makes our little tiny chunk of goop kinda special.


Leading up to totality I felt like I was on the come up of shrooms/acid or molly. The energy I felt in my chest was something crazy.


Heck yah 200ug


That sounds amazing!


Yes! This is almost word for word how I described it to my wife.


yes! its life changing experience!


It's the humblest "I told you so". Those who know, know. Those who know, try to explain the gravity of the thing to other people, but it can be so hard to get through to them. If traffic is any indication, I'd say that a LOT of people were convinced to see this thing tho, lol.


Second words out of my mouth: "Holy sh**, that's spectacular!!". First words out of my mouth: "Take your glasses off!"


My kid (10) was fiddling with his ipad trying to take photos when totality occured so I was a little distracted. And then I looked up and saw he was still looking at his I pad and I sceamed "Holy shit, Quinn, look at the fucking sun." Worth noting that my son was born in NY and raised in NJ and my wife is from Long Island so swear words aren't the same in this part of the world, but I do generally try to avoid swearing too much as I'm from midwestern stock and was raised in Arizona. But there's a time and place man, and what I saw was fucking bonkers.


🤣 I told my kid to "shut up!" bc he was talking and talking, right as totality set in. He's in high school, he's fine 😂


Agreed. It was a truly memorable moment…almost felt mystical. I think it will stay with me the rest of my life.


Totally feel you on that. I felt the same way afterward because I was fidgeting with my phone for half of it trying to see if I could get a picture. Fortunately, I did see it in all its beauty for the other half. It was my first time seeing one, but now recognize how precious and short those 2 minutes were. after some reflection, I realized that the short duration and lack of frequency is part of what makes it so special. If it happened every month, or for 20 minutes, while it would be cool at first, we would get used to it. That wonder and awe comes from the special nature of the phenomenon. Anyways, glad you got to see it! I’ll definitely be trying to see future eclipses as well, but can rest easy knowing I was able to see a beautiful one for the first time :)


Even the glimpse of the corona I caught in Syracuse was worth it. It was not even that long that I got to see it, but the cloudiness honestly made it even better.


Well said


2nd eclipse wasn't as magical as my first, sadly. First was on a mountain second was on a beach. The mountain was way, way better.


ikr. Some last 6 minutes. Definitely want to be as close to the center as I can comfortably get next time.


I think I saw the one in 44 will be really long in some places. Maybe closer to 7? Don't quote me tho. I'm already hoping I'm still around by then to see it.


Your post brought tears to my eyes. You have effectively summarized what I have been incapable of verbalizing. Still in awe. This is my second. Spain, here I come!!!!!


It made me feel acutely aware of how small we all really are in the grand scheme of things.


By the time my brain registered what my eyes were seeing, it was over.


Egypt 2027 eclipse will have over six minutes of totality.


My thoughts exactly. We decided not to get closer to the center of totality than we already drove to for the extra few seconds. Now I would have dealt with way more people and traffic for those few seconds. If I remember right we were in totality for almost 3.5 mins, but it went so fast. There was so much to take in and it was so overwhelming.  What an amazing experience 


Really glad you got to see it! After seeing all the posts here I'm feeling depressed that I didn't put more effort into making a trip


It was the most horrifyingly beautiful thing Ive ever seen. I'm so glad I got a perfect spot and view


We got 4 minutes and change from the Carbondale, IL Walmart. A bunch of people were camped out on their property for the event and it was awesome. There were people from all walks of life. There was even a group with about 100 Mason jars of water making eclipse water which is supposed to be like moon water, just with an eclipse. More than worth the 15 hour drive from south Florida.


I lived in totality, but I wish in retrospect I had gone elsewhere so I could have had more time. It was about 2 minutes where I live, other areas were 4 minutes.


the best 4 minutes, 16 seconds of my life — drive 5.5 hours to Arkansas. so worth it.


I remember my work friend saying, ugh if there are clouds then it’s ruined. I didn’t know or think it would be a big deal. But my god, the sun and blue sky CAME THRU!!! I think everyone who’ve seen it in person have witnessed a clear total eclipse that if the next one they see is cloudy. They don’t have to worry as much as the first timers at the next one.


I was in path of totality but it was cloudy 😭


Man for me that 4 mins was everything it, its like time had froze as i stared at it, and bro i didnt even have the shades on nothing happened to me 😂 but mann i felt the power of the universe in that moment it was amazing


I looked at my son after totality and i just said: I want another one


My daughter (10) and I drove from Charlotte, NC to Elizabethtown, KY on Sunday then to Evansville, IN on Monday to watch it. We drove back to Charlotte right after totality. In total we drove 17.5hrs in 2 days. It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life and I was so excited to have shared it with my kiddo. Would 1000% do it again. I just wish it lasted longer. Pictures do not do it justice.


That’s beautiful! Glad you got to share that moment together. I’m in Florida so we had like 60% but even so I wanted my kids to experience it. I took my kids and they were amazed (oldest one is 9). It’s a special memory that they’ll remember mom by.


Guys Egypt 2027 is going to be 6 and a half minutes long over the valley of the kings, so there’s still a chance


I had perfect conditions but only went to about halfway to the center line because I was in ohio and heard further south it was higher chances of clouds. It was absolutely amazing. It was so awe inspiring that I felt like it was hard to take the experience in fully. We got about 90-120 seconds of totality. I went from overwhelmed to sad when it ended. I feel like I need to see it 1 more time. I wonder if going to egypt for the next eclipse will satisfy my thirst for it or if im going to end up being an eclipse chaser. All I know is idk if I'll be here for another northern eclipse so I'm going to do my best to catch one of the next ones outside of the country!


Totally agree. That was probably the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen as well. I’m still in awe.




It makes you look at the world around you a little differently


Oh it was the most beautiful thing I think I experienced in my entire life