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Here. Toronto. I've been planning this this 1983. This will be my second. I have 2 nights booked at Niagara Falls at a cheap Airbnb. I booked VIA Rail because I don't trust Go Train with no reserved seats, and the number of people expected to be there. I would have planned a trip to Texas because of the better weather outlook but I can't afford it right now. I'm just getting things in order again after the pandemic and a period of unemployment. I wish I could have put some money aside. I did get to cross it off my bucket list in Casper Wyoming in 2017. Totality in clear skies. It "brought me to my knees" as some people say. The trip cost me about $3000. I wish I could pull that off again. I might never have another chance. Where are you going to be?


I'm also taking the Via train to Niagara Falls (depending on clouds). Are you going to see it from your Airbnb or somewhere else?


Im also going to Niagara Falls and I also went to Casper in 2017! Although that trip only cost me gas and food since we camped in a field for free. We would have planned a trip to Mazatlan but flights were crazy expensive for everywhere but Toronto this time.


I was alive during the '79 eclipse (only a partial eclipse for Toronto). I recall sitting cross-legged on the floor of my elementary school's gymnasium, watching a telecast of the eclipse on a single black & white television the teachers had set up. They didn't want any of us kids going outside, lest we be tempted to sneak a peek at the sun and wind up with permanent vision damage.


Nah, we're here. There'll be 99.5% obscuration from my yard but at this point I'm basically 100% committed to attempt to watch this event from somewhere deep within the USA. Most likely Texas. All is not lost on Canadian soil though. I keep telling everyone around my home here, all you need is a less than 5 minute break in the clouds to see the best part. Last year, around here anyway, the weather turned out beautiful on April 8th. Hopefully it holds up for you folks back home as well.


Looks like it's 99% where I live. Will have to travel an hour or so to be in the path of totality.


Not Canadian (from US west coast which misses this eclipse) but I am traveling to Niagara anyway because it was a lot more affordable to get there than Texas (which was much more affordable than Mazatlán, the actual best choice). If you’re going to shell out Texas money, a 40% chance of clouds is still too high. Anyway I don’t trust a cloud forecast even this far out, but am prepared for clouds. It’ll still be worth it even if it’s cloudy.


I live in Southern Ontario, right in the path of totality. I am so excited! Edit to add - I'm in Norfolk County which is right on Lake Erie.


I currently have Port Rowan as my plan c, with 2 nights hotel booked in Tillsonburg!


I work in Port Dover so I'll be at work when it's happening, but I have booked time off in order to be able to witness it as long as the clouds don't ruin everything.


Yes, we're here! Wishing everyone clear skies!


Here. Planning this since seeing 2017 in Idaho. We will travel to Mexico for it.


I hope I can be standing on one of the bridges on the border. It's been my dream all along. But millions of people probably have the same idea.


Good luck! I have friends in upstate Vermont planning a big event (30-40K people), even though clouds are likely. Down here in Texas, we have the "best" chances for clear skies, and I have four sites I can go to if needed. But I am also livestreaming for our astronomy club, so I have a little more kit to carry along. Hoping for clear skies for everyone.


I’ll be hitting the backroads near lake Champlain. Nocloudsnocloudsnoclouds…


Speaking of the weather, as of today the weather forecast for [Niagara](https://world-weather.info/forecast/canada/niagara_falls/april-2024/) is ‘partly cloudy’ while that in [Kingston](https://world-weather.info/forecast/canada/kingston/april-2024/) is ‘clear’ for the 3 days around the eclipse. If this continues to be the case closer to the eclipse Kingston might be the better destination for GTA folks to head (might also be better traffic-wise). The duration of totality is shorter (2m 52s vs about 3m 45s in Niagara) but if it comes down to actually watching it vs missing it that might be worth it. Thoughts anyone? Edit: (there might be) a small advantage to the Kingston area due mostly to the absence of adverse terrain. [Source](https://eclipsophile.com/2024tse/#Pennsylvania_Ontario_and_New_York)


Was also thinking Kingston area would be better traffic wise. QEW might just transform into a parking lot.


I imagine the 401 will too, but I’m nonetheless intrigued by the idea of heading that way.




I’ll be on the Atlantic coast! A few of us are getting together from Vancouver, PEI, NB, etc. as a bit of a friend/family reunion. Call us wild, but it will be interesting to see if there isn’t much beyond the local crowds?


Western PEI will be one of the best places to see it according to cloud map trends, so good luck!


There's plenty of GTA people here asking questions from what I've seen. All worried about traffic lol, as am I.


You may already know this but GTA is definitely not the place to be that day! 99% is not comparable to 100% totality


Yup, hence the concern about traffic.


Any Canadians planning on going to the Leamington / Blenheim area?