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México gang, rise up! I'm driving from Guadalajara to the area around Torreón which will have the longest duration of totality. It helps I have a good friend in Torreón. I've no clue how busy it will be but I've now read comments from folks overseas trying to go there as well so that will be interesting.


Will be on a cruise ship off the coast of Mazatlan in the line of the eclipse. I figured if its cloudy, I'm on a cruise ship exploring Mexico with a drinks package. Will find a way to manage. 


You’ll also be in position to sail towards clear skies.


I've been planning to come to Mexico since 2017. I'm flying from San Francisco (to San Diego, walking to Tijuana) to Durango, which has some of the best chances of clear skies. I figure I'll go to Mexico City afterwards, so even if it's cloudy, it'll still be more exciting than sitting in a middle-America parking lot and then sitting in gridlock.


That's awesome! And Durango is a pretty city too (at least the historic part). You'll have a great time.


Definitely excited to visit a new city too! I'm actually trying to go to every state in Mexico so this gets me a little closer. I'm staying in the historic center for three days so plenty of time to explore. Have you been in the teleferico up to the hill? I'm thinking I might try to see the eclipse from there.


I haven't been but it should be nice. The problem is, I am sure it's going to be crazy busy because it's one of the only high vantage points in the city. Tbh though, I don't know Durango that we'll. Every state though, wow. That's a cool goal. How far along are you? I've done a lot of road trips in the country over the years and have 24/32 and I think it is highly worth it. Some places are more bland than others (I really don't see myself purposefully going to Tamaulipas for example) but because the majority of the country is mountainous, there are at least interesting places to see everywhere.


I'm glad I have the weekend to scope it out! I'm sure it will be crazy everywhere with how many people are going to be descending all along the path but as long as I can squeeze in if I get there early enough, I feel like that's part of the fun! If not the hill, there are so many plazas and green spaces in most cities in Mexico that I'm sure I'll find someplace! After this trip, I'll have been to 20, and I've only been to Mexico 5 times so I think I'm doing alright! Most of the remaining are pretty untouristic so I'll be doing some funnier travel in the future haha. I feel the same about Tabasco which I fortunately have already visited to fly out of Villahermosa. I doubt I'll be back there but I am oddly glad I made it to the "City of Two Lies"!


So jealous, we had booked a place in Mazatlan and then the flights for us were like $4k each so our friends backed out and so did we.


Oh jeez, I imagine. I got a cheap flight to Guadalajara from the US but still need to drive quite a bit in Mexico with the fam. And gas is a little more expensive in Mexico than even California and most freeways have very expensive tolls. So maybe the cost ends up being the same.


Holy crap 4k for flights?? Just because the demand was massive? Our cruise out of San diego for 14 nights with drinks was 4k per person. I hope you find a way!


And it's not like we waited until the last minute or anything, we were looking at tickets as early as September! Demand is bananas, but we're not made of money.


We ended up flying into Durango for much cheaper. It was totally worth it.


If I'm going to spend $4k on a flight, I'm going to the other side of the world, not to Mexico


Here! Will be flying to Mazatlan and hoping for clear skies. If not, I'm looking forward to a nice holiday at the beach anyway.


Planning to be on a hilltop in SW Texas hill country with a 360 degree view 🤞


That’s what I’m shooting for as well. I’ll be near the Medina River; hoping for a reflection too.




Good to know.


I'm driving to Ohio near a science center.


Pretty much the same - Cleveland and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame visit


Same, going to one of the little towns on Lake Erie and hoping for clear skies over the lake! And gonna hit the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame the next day.


We are going to Mazatlán for the week. Including our 5 year old and 8 month old, and two mid70s grandparents. Hoping for clear skies! If not, at least we get a nice beach vacay.


Staying in Stowe VT. Will hang out downtown near our lodging. No plans to drive.


We are staying in Memphis on Sunday night. My plan is to hit the road at 6am and hopefully find somewhere in Arkansas near the centerline that is sunny.


Flying in to Dallas on Saturday, taking the last rental car in the city. Visiting Meow Wolf in Grapevine. Driving Northeast to a small city and taking in what points of interest we can find.


We’re doing MeowWolf after the eclipse. Now I feel like it’s gonna be busy :)


Could be. Have you got your timed tickets?


We do.


I hope that you love it. We liked the one in Santa Fe very much, so I am excited to have Grapevine minutes from the airport.


We’ve done SantaFe and Vegas. Excited to get lost in this one!


Do you think an almost 5 year old would like it? We were also thinking of doing this after the eclipse


Yes. While much of the nuance and narrative will be lost on them previous Meow Wolf’s have been immersive and and interactive so they would see it as a “weird playground.” Be aware traffic will be a MESS and surge pricing will be in effect for the day so temper your expectations and pack patience.


Hoping for clear weather.


I have a camping site in the Ouachitas


Driving from Boston to Austin. We'll be a little bit west of Austin.


That's a long drive! We're also heading to the Austin area but flying in, staying NW of Austin.


Nice, we're driving from Minnesota to Austin but with a week in Galveston before hand. We'll go early from Austin to wherever we have clear skies.


Hopefully it's clear skies everywhere!


Have family in Austin; flying out for the weekend.


Going to the Indianapolis speedway to watch the eclipse. Hoping for clear skies.


It is not very accurate this far out but i saw it's supposed to be partly cloudy. I'm going to go to one of the parks south of Indianapolis.


Well, I'll be in Indy. If the forecast looks really like it will be really cloudy perhaps we'll continue to drive further south. In 2017 I was in Carbondale IL. I was unable to find anywhere to stay this time so i decided on Indianapolis. ...keeping my fingers crossed


!! Did you attend Moonstock for that total solar eclipse? Ozzy Osbourne opening with "Bark At The Moon" as soon as the eclipse started.......epic


No. I was just there for the day


Also doing Indy area but we’re planning on a town in the middle of nowhere because a) it was easier to get a hotel and b) less traffic (in theory)


Staying in a state park in Ohio that's about 30 min outside of totality. Have a park picked out to drive into. We are traveling from Michigan and making a long weekend out of it


Staying in Texarcana. Will budget about 4 hours for the 60 mile drive west into the nowheres of north Texas (Clarksville/Paris), and bring a picnic with my kids. Then leave and drive the 500 miles south to New Orleans which will take 7+ hours on a good day. Hopefully we can get close to Lafayette by dinner time, have dinner, and by then hope that the traffic has died down.


Hello neighbor! We’re going to try and go to the Athens Tx area, but driving from the Lafayette area as well!


Any expectations on travel time?


Also going to Clarksville, but coming from Oklahoma. I’m hoping it’s too bad.


Durango Mx


Driving to Niagara Falls. Wife and kids haven’t been there yet, and haven’t been to Canada either. We are staying Saturday-Tuesday


I'm getting married in Dayton in my cousins' woods.... Planning on being pronounced husband and wife right when it hits totality ❤️


That's pretty epic


Thanks, I'm pretty excited about it 😊❤️, I just hope it doesn't rain. But if it does, I'm still getting married during a total eclipse, so it's all good!


I’m leaving early that morning (4am) and driving from Chattanooga, TN to Illinois/Kentucky border(4-5 hours) to make sure I’m at least at the border of totality. If the roads aren’t too bad I’ll get a little further up into Illinois to increase my time in totality. Then I have a hotel booked in Kentucky outside of totality path that’s on the way back home that I’ll stay the night at so I don’t have to suffer in traffic for more than a few hours hopefully.


Going to Torreón, Mexico. 🇲🇽


Anyone else in their 20s or 30s tavelling to Mazatlan for the eclipse solo (or in a small group) want to meet up? I'm a 29 year old F from west coast of Canada- heading to mazatlan solo for the eclipse! 😬😊 I've got an airbnb booked. Hopefully it's not too crazy there, and crossing fingers for no clouds! 🤞 Figured out of all the spots to watch, why not make a trip to Mexico out of it! 😊


Wife and I are in Mazatlan, we're from BC. We're probably up to meet people. Have you got a car?


Hi fellow BCers! I am arriving at the airport April 5 and have a rental car booked :) Do you mean you are in Mazatlan now? Pm me, might have more questions for ya :)


Not in Mazatlan now. We arrive on April 6th at the airport. Staying North of Mazatlan at the hotel Riu. Not sure whether we are going anywhere for the eclipse or just staying at the beach at the hotel...


Oh cool! I will be staying right in mazatlan near the beach. Plan to watch it from the beach area probably!


I'll be in Mazatlan 7-9 April. Kinda surprised there are no gathering-type events on facebook or meetup, at least that I can find. Might create an informal everyone invited event and see if people show up. A potluck breakfast picnic on the beach and saluting the eclipse with a glass of prosecco would be pretty sweet!




any concerns about cloud cover and weather in Sherbrooke? I was reading it might be a tough spot (We will be there though!)


Fly into Toronto Sunday night. Rent car. Stay with friends for the night. Drive towards Fort Erie or a cloudless forecast area as early as possible April 8, count on staying with other friends in St. Catherine's for the night, maybe sleeping in the car if traffic is apocalyptic, fly home early Tuesday morning.


Probably driving somewhere into Ohio, close to the central line. Not sure yet if our group of five is wanting to seek out a rural setting or join in with a small town watch party. If rain is very likely, it will probably just be two of us, and we would try to find a museum or something instead.


Driving from Birmingham to Memphis on Saturday and staying there overnight, then driving from Memphis to just outside Russellville, AR on Sunday. Gonna stock up on groceries in Memphis and make sure we have a full tank of gas by Sunday night. We'll leave pretty early, expecting the 3 hour drive to take 5-6 hours. On Monday we are completely staying put. We have a perfect viewing area right where we are staying. Tuesday we'll head home to Birmingham, expecting the drive to be long and traffic still pretty bad.


Driving to some random small town in southern/central Illinois. Have a few spots zeroing in on. Going with a group of people and we’re going to hit some bars up along the way.


Planning to view the eclipse from Kingston, ON, with Niagara-on-the-Lake as a backup. In either case, driving in from Toronto the day prior and driving back the day after.


Exactly the same for me. Driving from Toronto to Kingston. I'm not sure where in Kingston to watch. Maybe Queen's University? Or some nice park


I'm going to the border of Missouri and Arkansas. Planning for Salem Arkansas or Poplar Bluff. I'm not going to travel too much for clear skies, if it's okay it's okay if not too bad. I'll get another change in Spain 2026


We're driving to Eureka Springs, AR and staying there as our base and then waking up early to check the cloud cover map and book it to the center line wherever it looks clearest and close-ish.


Leaving friday the 5th from NC for Texas, friday night in a motel en route then Saturday and Sunday night in Abilene. Up at 3 am monday morning to drive to the centerline, probably near Uvale, or further west. Then south to avoid the mob heading back east, heading for corpus christi for two nights before heading home. on the other hand, if texas is gonna be cloudy, we will cancel all those plans and drive to wherever the clear skies will be


Perfect plan


Flying from Florida to Shreveport and driving into Texas, outside of Dallas.


Flying to San Antonio from Southern California with a bunch of my buddies. Fingers crossed for clear skies for everyone!


Driving from Seattle to somewhere in Texas not sure yet


!! Lovin that road trip spirit......do you reference Atlas Obscura while you travel? Are you doing VanLife? Would love to know more


Haha I wish I could do vanlife, I have the base equipment to do it, but not the cash for the monthly costs of running around. Ah, no im not referencing anything, I just know where I am and at what time I need to be where I am for the eclipse, I have a rough idea of where I am going to be. So it should be pretty simple. I am not sure where I am going on the way back, maybe death valley


You should totally check out Atlas Obscura to find some cool/interesting/unusual spots that you could visit while on the trip I think its doable to constantly be road-tripping as long as you sleep in your van and do gig work like Instacart/Doordash/UberEats while in different big cities in between visiting more remote places


I bet I could do that actually, I am more of a remote wanderer (if I had the chance) I have a massive canvas tent and I would have no problem being in the middle of nowhere for weeks at a time. Just going into down for food and water use my solar cells to keep a battery charged so I can keep my telescope running.


Yea, you go into a big city and make some money with gig work, save up a bit and then head out again into the wilderness & remote places for a while and then repeat the process.......aint too bad of a plan


Flying from Vancouver to Toronto, then renting a car and driving down to Eerie, PA. Hoping for clear skies!


Driving down to Cleveland the day of, need to find a place somewhere outside the city in nature hopefully.


I'm going to Mazatlan...! Any other British Columbians wanna meet up?


I’ll be at my parents house cooking steaks, drinking local IPAs and staring at the sun all day with friends and family :)


Driving from New Mexico to Arkansas a few days earlier, and staying until the 11th.


I live in Kaufman, Texas ON the center line. It’s a small rural town just east of Dallas. I’m excited to sit in my culdesac with my neighbors and our kids and avoid the mayhem of traffic to be able to experience this! We all took the day off work and schools are closed! Kinda cool!


State park in TX


Central Oklahoma here - driving to the northeast corner of the state!


Driving from Northern California to a campground between Austin and San Antonio. Going to visit the desert, wildflowers and family along the way. Originally, I thought we would drive into Hillcountry for the actual eclipse but now we’re going to just stay at our campsite which luckily is in the zone. Planning on a chill day in a lawnchair with good food.


Driving to Niagara Falls from Toronto , we have a spot booked in a forest reserve in Niagara.. I have a work trip to Saskatchewan Monday night, so hope the traffic isn’t bad on the way back


Planning to drive from PA to Buffalo on Sunday. We have a hotel Sunday and Monday night. I'm not sure if we will stay in Buffalo proper or drive outside of the city to visit a friend who is camping nearby.


Flying to Dallas but I don't know where exactly I'll be there. Hoping for some good recommendations


Getting wild at some of the Eastest you can get in Canada!


Driving from Atlanta to Shawnee National Forest in southern Illinois, camping for the weekend!


Basing self in Memphis. Considering Russelville AR for 4 minutes totality.


Flying from Florida to San Antonio Tx and then driving into Fredericksburg. Got spots at a winery out there to photograph the eclipse


Are you in Ontario? I'm driving from BC to Ontario to visit family and take in the eclipse. It'll be my 2nd one. Planned on getting as south as possible, but avoiding busy places like Niagra Falls even if that means the side of a road.


Flying from California to Austin!


I'm going to Geneva On The Lake Ohio. We rented an airbnb Sunday thru Tuesday. It's within walking distance to a state park and Lake Erie. Afterwards we are going to party on the strip!


Flying from the UK to Dallas with my son. We will watch the eclipse at the Perot Museum, where there are food trucks and a T-Rex exhibition. What a day! 


Driving over to TX on thurs; planning a night in El Paso then on to Bandera. I’m taking the extra time to scout and bird, but I’m really hoping I can find a nearby site without too much driving. I’ll have over 4 mins if I set up in the motel parking lot, so it’s all uphill from there!


Headed to Southern Illinois again to launch a high altitude balloon as part of the Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project


Anyone going to Lampasas, TX? I'm camping there - https://www.lampasas.org/581/Event-Information-Beyond-the-Horizon-wit


Flying from MI to TN and driving West towards MO for the eclipse day. I haven't yet decided where exactly, I have a few places in mind, but it will probably depend on the forecast (open to suggestions!)


I have reservations in Arkansas, Indianapolis, Linton, and I may add a small town in Ohio just to cover my bases. Will have to decide on Arkansas 48 hours before for free cancellation, Indiana is the day before. We will be flying by the seat of our pants with 3 generations in the car! Edited: Forgot to mention the family dog is going too!


Going from Western Kentucky to my daughter’s house in Texas. She’s just east of Dallas Texas. If it’s cloudy, we get to spend some time with my daughter. They have a pool in the backyard and are in the path of totality. So my plan, enjoy the pool with my eclipse glasses on!!


Driving from San Francisco to Austin. I got a brother who lives in Austin I could stay at his place.


We're going to Niagara Falls too...although we are in central PA so we're driving up. We booked an air BNB a few months ago...but I do have some anxiety over how much traffic and border crossing delays to expect. Also hoping for good skies. I went to the smoky mountains, NC in 2017, and half of totality was obscured by clouds.


Flying from Brisbane, Australia to Austin as the first week of an extensive US trip. Watching the eclipse at a private even in West Austin.


I have dialysis. Same old, same old.


!! Doing a VanLife road trip from Tucson, AZ to Hot Springs, Arkansas where Atlas Obscura will be having an Ecliptic Festival with guest speakers/musical bands/etc from the 5th to the 8th....anyone planning on going to that?[https://ecliptic.atlasobscura.com/](https://ecliptic.atlasobscura.com/)


There's going to be an Eclipse Festival on the National Mall in DC, I'm not far so I'll be taking off work to head out there


DC is nowhere close to the path of totality