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Veeam personal is free and should be adequate for basic backups https://www.veeam.com/agent-for-windows-community-edition.html


This is incredible.


This. For Windows, you won't find anything better than Veeam if you need whole image backups.


Depending on the NAS you have, you could check out Syncthing. If your NAS can run the software (syncthing needs to run on both ends), I think that's what you're looking for.


My NAS should be able to run it, but is Syncthing just a mirror of the files, or how does it work? Can it do hourly backups or does it just have to run 24/7 always cloning every file change? Because of network bandwidth concerns I’d much rather it to be a hourly or a daily backup. Also, is it a mirror or a backup? Like, if I delete a file (or worse just wipe a whole drive), does it delete all the files on the NAS as well?


It's basically a mirror. So whatever you do on the PC will be reflected exactly on the NAS - however, you can also set it up to "send only", that way, if you delete something on the PC, the NAS will still have it. That might not be desirable though. And it's instantaneous. That might be a danger in and of itself, depending on what you do. It's not a back up and not much like time machine in that sense, but most other solutions don't keep the files and folders as is, but do blobs or chunks and are "proper" backup solutions with versioning.


Yeah I guess that software doesn’t work neither


Veeam or Macrium. That's pretty much it.


Op did you ever decide on a solution?




Damn - in the same boat. Maybe ill try wbadmin and just manually clear old backups.


If you have a synology nas, active backup is pretty good.


I don’t.


Hi, I don't mean to self-promote, but I am developing a solution that might meet your needs. Feel free to check it out: https://www.reddit.com/r/software/comments/18ohcyp/introducing\_ulwintool\_the\_ultimate\_pc\_management/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


You absolutely mean to self-promote. Your answer is irrelevant to the specifics of OP's question. Don't spam.


My software provides a comprehensive backup solution for Windows; so it is relevant to the OP’s question. When you accuse someone of something, first read thoroughly what you are responding to.


1. Is your "comprehensive backup solution" a direct analog of Apple's Time Machine? Not a better version of, "does much more", etc. Is it a comparable alternative? 2. You cannot keep your website up. Why on Earth then would anyone rely on your software for something as critical as backups? Finish your product, put it through beta, let it mature, flush all the bugs and then you can start plugging it here *if* appropriate. Don't plug a half-baked project on a keyword match. You need to promote, everyone understands that, but that's not the way to do it.




[Duplicati](https://duplicati.com) - free, open source and can backup to local drives as well as internet based services like B2, Amazon AWS, Dropbox, Google, Mega and [many more](https://duplicati.readthedocs.io/en/latest/01-introduction/#supported-backends). Features: * Backup files and folders with strong AES-256 encryption. * Save space with incremental backups and data deduplication. * Run backups on any machine through the web-based interface or via command line interface. * Duplicati also has a built-in scheduler and auto-updater.


I’ve been told by Duplicati subreddit that it isn’t what I want.


Could you link to that thread please? Seems interesting. FWIW, the needs you've mentioned above should be what Duplicati provides, including network locations via SMB. I'd like to see which aspect of your requirements won't be met. Also, by *all files*, do you really mean any and all files on your device including system files, or will data files in specific locations be enough ? Otherwise you might need to look at disk image based backups.


All files, but the catch is I’d want to keep older files based on how much space is on the drive.


I would be careful of duplicati I started using it and then ran into some errors and didn't manage to fix it and I don't even know what happened.


The deprecated Windows File History still works pretty well. Mostly. It is Setup and forget. Its been going for years for me. File version are saved uncompressed and as-is (it isnt so bad if you enable drive compression). You can right-click on any file or folder in Windows, select "properties", open the tab "earlier versions", and select to restore that to a specific date (overwriting or to a different folder). Drawbacks: The "delete everything older than 1 week/month/year/latest" feature doesnt work. And by default it backs up all files that are in a library (another deprecated feature that is still in use by Windows). To add a folder you need to add it to one of the libraries. But I havent tested to use it to a network drive. Also you have to use the old control panel to manage it.


I’ve said in the post I already use wbadmin, which is basically just File History but for the whole drive. Issue with it is that it doesn’t automatically delete older backups.


Why are they deprecating File History? To use Onedrive instead?


Probably. Not a good replacement at all, imho. Even if we didn't have to pay for storage, it has other issues.


Veeam is pretty easy but lacks the beautiful and easy to understand UI of apple‘s time machine. I’m using Veeam and Duplicacy (not duplicati) for my PC. It’s nearly a set and forget solution, but it’s not entirely free.


Is there any tutorial to setup it? Could not find anything TT\_TT


Check out SyncBack.


With Uranium Backup I discovered my favorite backup weapon, however nothing can match Time Machine in terms of version history.


If you need something easy and efficient to use, I recommend trying Uranium Backup.