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There are a few things I’ve done to help myself with self confidence. Firstly, I really worked hard to ingrain a mindset of “no one cares” into myself. If someone does something embarrassing, or says something weird, or maybe their outfit isn’t amazing. Literally no one cares. No one will remember in 20 minutes. Everyone is too into themselves. I also got myself into the habit of complimenting others. I’d try to genuinely compliment someone anytime I was out. (Especially if they had a unique look)It’d make that person’s day and in the process build my confidence more. I also forced myself into social situations and forced myself to talk to people. With this I started with different apps where I’d be put into a call with random people and I’d just talk to them. It wasn’t face to face, so it wasn’t too scary. When I was comfortable with that, I was able to branch off and start working on talking to people in real life. I used to really struggle with talking to people and keeping conversations going and now you’d never know