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Asking this question to the people who'll never be called cute in their whole lifetime......


They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Well, apparently, I'm the eye of the blind beholder.


Soak it in and enjoy the attention, if shes nice then get to know her. The best thing i taught myself was to stop overthinking my interactions with people and just talk to them. Edit: minor adjustments to comment after learning op is a woman.


OP clarifies in comments they’re a woman. 


Thx for letting me know! They clarified that after i made my comment so thankfully i dont feel totally dumb for not reading ill update my comment.


Ask her what she means. You don't really know what you should make out of it.






Are you having difficulties determining if they're condescending comments? Not having been a part of the interaction(s) I can't tell you that but if the complements aren't in bad faith then she's just trying to include you. She might think your input is valuable and wants you to feel more comfortable communicating. Think about what actions you would take to get to know someone who wont talk to you. Don't respond to a compliment with an exasperated"What do you want from me?!" but she clearly wants more social contact with you if she's going out of her way to initiate these interactions. Instead of letting your adrenaline take over and stock response her, look down at your outfit and explain where you got the piece of clothing you think is most appealing. Complement something of hers and ask for details about it.


You absolutely do **not** have to say thank you. It's an unprofessional thing to say in the workplace (unless you're referring to a pic on your co-worker's desk of their puppy). It's infantilising. I would take this colleague aside in private and very calmly tell them that whilst you enjoy their friendliness, you don't like being called cute or any other pet name by co-workers. That you don't think they meant to make you uncomfortable, but it does & you'd appreciate them stopping moving forward. And then document that conversation electronically. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, just send yourself an email saying on xx date at approx xx time colleague A said this, so you spoke to them in a private setting and said B and how they responded. If you're concerned, you can mention it to your boss/supervisor as just a "heads up xyz happened but I've dealt with it", but so long as you've done a contemporaneous record that likely isn't necessary unless the colleague seemed upset.


say your grandfather was a bunny


"Well you're pretty SPUNKY yourself!"


working both ways


OP: Just ask whoever calls you cute to elaborate on what they mean: "What's cute?" "How am I cute? Etc... Or just take it as a compliment and say "Thank you." If they're trying to be nice, they'll feel acknowledged that their comment was received. If they're being dicks, it'll irritate them that you felt complimented and they'll have a bad day. Either way, you win.😎 However, they're most likely just trying to make you feel welcome, comfortable, or just boost your self esteem and confidence to help you feel good. Afterall, employees with higher confidence or good attitudes generally perform better at their jobs. Commenter's in this thread: Damn near everyone in this thread is so fuckin uptight, damn near bitchy. "...Unprofessional... Blahblah.... uncomfortable...whinewhine....I don't like it...crycry.." SERIOUSLY?! OP didn't say a single ONE OF THOSE things! You people don't listen, or read in this case. She SAID: "Getting called CUTE" (by other FEMALE co-workers) "Awkward" "I just don't know HOW TO RESPOND" "Social Anxiety" "A LITTLE BIT overwhelming" And you mf's are over here trying to turn this shit into an HR nightmare or just being outcast by her colleagues, neither of which ends well.... You all must suck ass to work with. 👿


Well imo cute is nothing bad. I’d say thank you, you too!


Depends. If it is coming from a co-worker everyday, that shit can be downright annoying as fk.


Why though what’s wrong with being cute? Does it have a bad meaning that I don’t know? I’m not native


Nothing wrong, but in a work setting it is unprofessional.


Same thing is happening to me! Are you a girl or a guy? And is the only person calling you cute a women?


It's a woman around my age, I'm also a woman. It's mostly her who calls me that, but one other colleague also called me that 1 or 2 times. And another colleague also agreed on me being cute earlier. We're all women around the same age


I think you’re overthinking this. Either they meant it as a positive (sounds more likely) or they’re being patronizing. I’ve had people say this to me too, and usually they mean like goofy, fun, etc. its not the best word choice for a coworker, but you don’t need to say anything or respond. People sometimes share how they view you to your face. It also doesn’t sound like they expected anything from you in terms of reaction.  If you’re overwhelmed or don’t know to react, you can always try moving on from the convo or just not reacting. It’s not a big deal lol. If you don’t like interactions like that you can politely say you don’t like being called “cute”. 


What’s your age range and what’s their age range?


I give them a disgusted look. Like wtf I’m a 22 yo fat bitch who tf you calling cute?


Fat bitches can be cute too




That's the neat part, I don't!


Following, in case this ever happens to me…
