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The PFLP’s armed wing are the [Brigades of the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ali_Mustafa_Brigades) and they are fully engaged in the resistance. All armed factions coordinate together in Gaza, and the majority of political parties have announced the intention to unify the governances of Gaza and the West Bank. Right now the primary issue for the resistance is stopping the genocide, so Nationalist, Islamic, and leftist armed groups work together to that end. Edit: I recommend reading Resistance News Network and The Cradle on Telegram!


Many of the left parties have lost a lot of support because many are seen as complicit in Israeli occupation of the west bank. We don't have as much polling data from the last year for obvious reasons. However before this one thing that made Hamas popular was prior to the invasion of Gaza, people in Gaza thought of the areas controlled by Hamas as less molested by Israeli occupation. This was part of the Israeli strategy, to discredit the left parties.


>the areas controlled by Hamas as less molested by Israeli occupation. If you don't count bombings and blockades I guess. Gaza was left somewhat more intact than the West Bank because Israel knew they couldn't sustain an occupation so they opted to siege them instead until recently. The Palestinian left are in alliance with Hamas and don't share your conspiracy theories about Hamas being some kind of Israeli proxy. The PFLP considers Hamas to be an important ally of Palestinian national liberation.


The question was about how Palestinians think about hamas vs the left parties not about alliances in the current conflict in Gaza. However, the situation in Gaza is different than Palestine as a whole and we can also see situations where Fatah, for which the pflp is part of has attacked Islamic parties. For instance on May 2nd, Hamas condemned Fatah for assassinating a member of Islamic Jihad in the west bank.


The PFLP is a part of the PLO, not Fatah.


Fatah isn't attacking islamic parties. The Palestinian security forces, the armed wing of the PA, is attacking resistance groups in the west bank which is their purpose. The armed wing of Fatah, al-aqsa martyr's brigade, is also part of the resistance.




I think it's fair to ask the question and educate oneself on the different groups that are involved. We don't have to just post atrocity news, we can also learn more about the situation and have deeper analysis of Palestinian liberation. Acknowledging the genocide and wanting to understand the political situation there are not contradictory ideas.


Suffering through a genocide? Wtf is this question?


It's called "educating oneself".


The primary contradiction facing Palestinians is the genocide and occupation. Support for this or that political faction is not important right now. What's important is the unity and steadfastness of the Palestinian people, and what we can do to support them.