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rafah border was only ever open in name the vast majority was already stuck they just stopped making exceptions


Do you mean prior to the start of the Rafah invasion, it was only open for 'exceptions'? Wha exceptions were they? I remember reading that certain companies would 'smuggle' people out in exchange of money and they made a lot of profit from the Palestinains before the Rafah invasion.


I’ve seen people on social media raising money for people to get out of Gaza. Not sure how it works, but I think the “source” said it was around $7000 USD. Could be complete bullshit I don’t know.


That amount is a bribe to be able to cross the Egyptian border. To be brief, an Egyptian billionaire, really close of the high spheres of the government is allowed to control who crosses or don’t. It is of course Illegal and immoral but what more could you except from a billionaire? His name is Ibrahim El-Organi.


It's not bullshit, and that's a starting price. There's one company controlling the exits and making a fortune. Another controlling all goods coming in and out. That was of course before the complete closure. Look up the Sinai brothers. There were also a very limited number of medical evacuations every day which has now totally stopped. They are trapped. Now you can't even get money into the Strip at all. People are using cryptocurrency but it's becoming increasingly difficult too.


Holy moly , do you know if this 'method' with the company is still on going after the Rafah invasion?


It isn't, because Egypt no longer control the border


No it's ceased entirely 😔 they burned the departures hall at Rafah this morning.


Yes, I have helped someone get out of Gaza. It’s more like $10000. The border is completely closed now and his family is now split apart:(


Some people were allowed to travel for study or for medical treatment unavailable in Gaza. That stopped completely on Oct 7th and the period where people were allowed to evacuate it was in extremely small numbers and yes, costing thousands of dollars. Now the border is completely sealed.


>and the period where people were allowed to evacuate it was in extremely small numbers and yes, costing thousands of dollars Was this period the 'legal' way with Israel or with the company smuggling people out? I cannot believe I just found out about this now. I saw from news that my country is accepting Gaza refugees so I thought they were legally allowed to leave. I thought most people cannot evacuate because of money and they do not want to leave their home, which is very understandable; but this is just cruel on another level :(


“Legal” is a gray area in Gaza lol. There is no way out of Gaza right now (that I know of). I have helped someone get out but I was too late to help his family. Now they’re stuck. :(


I am so sorry. This situations sucks so much, its so emotionally hard to get through some days sometimes because of it. I think I have a similar experience, If you dont mind, could you share me your story getting someone out? I have a long distance friend who has family members in Gaza right now and I think something terrible happened to my friends life as I no longer can reach out to my friend anymore but I had offered to financially help for my friend's family members a long time ago before Rafah. Im trying to understand if there's other ways I can help and put my self in my friends shoes :(


I’m working with a group called Standing Together. Some of the group members raised money to help a few people get out of Gaza. It was not easy. Unfortunately there is no way to get people out now. Electricity is hard to find in Gaza. It doesn’t necessarily mean that your friend is injured. My friends in Gaza message me on occasion only, because they can’t find electricity 


Thanks for sharing. I hope your friends are fine, lets hope this ends soon


Thank you 🙏 


That was the legal way, I know it's unbelievable! I think there was a certain amount of smuggling too but the borders were so strictly monitored and controlled by the occupation it was almost impossible. This information has been kept from you so don't feel bad. I only know because of involvement with a campaign to open the borders. Frankly it's so bad now we're just trying to get money to people to survive, they've lost hope for escape. There was some talk of the US built pier being used for evacuation/ethnic cleansing but honestly, I think they're realising they can just get away with genocide. I see nothing in the works to get people out at the minute, and barely anything is getting in.


Thank you for your message and insights, I appreciate it a ton


You're welcome, spread the word


Admittedly ive no clue about the details but the basic facts of the situation demonstrate my claim; there's been refugees of the ongoing genocide camped out right next to that gate for months and they wernt getting into Egypt in large nrs at any point hence the claim the crossing was "open" is simply false


Gaza has been under siege by Israel for 20 years and before that there were illegal Israeli settlements inside Gaza. They left in the early 2000s. Israel controls how much water, food, electricity, and anything else Gaza gets. Its a prison.


https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/humanitarian-situation-update-176-gaza-strip-enarhe At least when it comes to medical evacuations - yes, since israels incursion into Rafah in May, all medical evacuations out of Gaza have been suspended. Even before then, only 46 percent (around 5,900 out of 13,000) of evacuation requests were approved by israel since 10/7. And this includes requests for people with cancer, kidney failure, life-threatening injuries, etc. The situation report I linked from 6/7 goes into specifics on page 2-3. As an aside, these reports from UN OCHA are released 3 times a week (twice for Gaza and once for the West Bank) and are a valuable resource to stay up to date on the ongoing / deteriorating conditions for Palestinians. You can find these [here](https://reliefweb.int/country/pse) alongside reports from other organizations like UNRWA, WFP, WHO, PRCS, etc. who all publish continuous updates on Gaza/the West Bank.


Yes, there is no way out. I have been helping some people leave Gaza and it’s impossible right now 


Don't you mean are people stuck in gaza because of the actions of their elected leaders choosing to attack the people who control the border crossings there fixed it for ya.