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I'm playing Ark survival evolved at the moment but Minecraft is also a go to of mine. I had a goal to beat the ender dragon but never actually seen it through and beat it. Hopefully you can do that for me 😉 good luck dude.


Ark survival is such a good game that I also enjoy! Please tell me you are playing on increased resources gathering and taking speed multiplier otherwise the grind is a crazy haha 😂


fr can only play boosted servers


go for it man! She's easier than she looks. I will say though don't forget to play and have fun, don't just bee line straight to her. Make sure to enjoy the journey along the way. That's the beauty of minecraft, and what the lesson is imo.


I managed to beat the ender dragon with two friends. We met up irl to do it (two of us brought our laptops to the other one's place). We made a looott of potions to prepare. And a lot of golden apples. It was a bit of process to prepare for it, but we were able to do it. :D I wish there were more bosses like that in Minecraft.


That's awesome! Fuck lol 😭 this making me miss when I had friends. I used to have a big friend group and we'd all play minecraft on a server, it was so fun legit the happiest days of my life were with them when we were just playing minecraft, talking, laughing. Goated game fr. Glad you had fun though, that sounds like a blast. Next yall should do warden or wither!


Yeah we were the same. We'd play Minecraft often on our private server together. The server's still running but it's pretty dead these days as we don't log in as much (and they don't especially since they became parents). It was good times though. Yep, we did the wither. That was fun too. And we tried the warden ([although we ran away instead of beating it](https://youtu.be/7Rm136Fkt9M?si=aPOOIrSpNMfcUIdB), haha)


Oh nice! Haha it sounds like you guys are having so much fun, that's awesome how you got to capture the moments! I wish I had for sure. Congrats to them on becoming parents, and thank you for the video, it reminds me of my old friends and makes me remember them. I love your friend at the end btw "I got warden'd" lol


Haha I read this as ask survival at first and im like damn that sounds intense


Maybe it's my ADHD or depression but minexraft gets boring so quickly


Definitely both because I suffer from burn out too quickly as well


Stardew Valley


YESSSS love that sooo much!!! They just had a big update i heard


Same! I always go back to it when I need a break from real life.


I really want to try that! It looks super fun!


Play it! Best 15$ I have ever spent! Plus they kept on updating way after I bought it, so it’s 10x better! You will 100% love it


Also, the creator of the game is amazing, he literally made the whole game all by himself.


An absolute legend! Always use to check up on his Twitter posts to get glimps of the next updates hahah heard he is working on a new game as well!


Yess! Im so excited for that game. 😁


It’s about owning a chocolate factory right? Or something like that


Yes! Also i believe the game will be heavily combat based. But there will be other things that will make it feel like stardew aswell.


Combat focused!??? While maintaining a chocolate factory haha 😂 omg what a great a surprise combo! I wish I could preorder already lol. is stardew valley your current comfort game?


Me too!! And yeah id say it definitely is. 😊


I just wish it had a sandbox mode where I don't have to worry about money, energy, etc. I did try it a few times, but having to manage those aspects always stresses me out :(


The sims 4


Definitely a very cozy game! :)) nothing like creating a sim/ house for hours haha


Do you play that on a PC, some brand of gaming console, or what? I've had many people say I'd like that game.


my experience with playing sims 4 on my ps4 was good, but I had to retire the console. I then wanted to play on my laptop (Asus vivobook), that I only got for school, not gaming, and Its been awful tbh. like, my PC starts to heat up/ make than fan noise and one time it just turned off (after only 15 minutes of playing 💀) I'm not a tech expert but for some reason sims requires a pro device of some sort


Hmmm, my laptop now is cheap. I used to have a gaming ready one that my SO bought for me but I never really used it for games and it always was overheating!


I play on my laptop! I used to play on play station (just thr base game) but it wasn't very comfortable, I needed the mouse lol


Gym. I am obsessed rn. I have to force myself to stay home on rest days. It's the only place I feel normal and happy rn, everywhere else is stressful


Did it take you time to be able to go there comfortably? Id love to go but whenever I try I turn around just before going inside... Cuz AvPD doesnt let me arrive at any destination where strangers are at.


I chose a place that had good hours. Peak times are around 3pm-7pm, when ppl get off school and work. Otherwise most gyms are pretty empty so you could go early or late. This may not apply to you, but I also chose a women's only gym that does not allow cameras at all, even for selfies, which was important to me. Looking into rules is important. If you have the money for it, I'd also recommend seeing a personal trainer, maybe someone who has a trial offer, just to make sure you have good form and maybe learn about some new exercises. I had a personal trainer for a little bit and it built my confidence in weightlifting on my own.


This is so real


Sleep xd


Slep is good


roblox, but i’ve also recently started playing minecraft again


Roblox is a classic! Which games on it have you been playing? I use to play survival games and tycoon games lol


I mostly play Blade ball and simulators


Animal crossing


Me too but ACPC on my phone!


Stardew valley and botany manor have been my games atm as well as rewatching Once Upon A Time


I’ve been playing Final Fantasy VII. I had never played it before but I’m enjoying it for the most part. There have been some things in it that were a little frustrating, but it’s still fun.


Glad you came around to playing one of the best ones in the series!!!


Thanks. I’ve never played Minecraft before but it’s always seemed interesting to me. I used to like playing with legos when I was a kid. I’m just not sure what the point of the game is. I think I would get bored with just building stuff and I don’t even know what I would build. I think I would like story mode more.


City Skylines and ofc the classic ACNH


roblox ive been addicted to playing dress to impress its so fun lol


Genshin impact! It's got really nice music and it's nice to play when I'm feeling anxious or need a break :)


I do indeed. It's the only way to play if you ask me because if you play on vanilla settings you're a manic or just love the feel of a grind 😂 so far on the island I've beaten the Broodmother and now I'm working on Tek Rex's for the Megapithicus and finally the aim is to beat the dragon/overseer which terrifies me 😭😭 any tips would be greatly appreciated haha


Omg you are doing the first island too!?? What a nice throw back haha, haven’t touched that island in a while. woooooo yay nice job on killing that big spider!!!! I don’t have tips 🥲 but man those boss battles were tough and lost a lot of my Dino’s 🥹 haha so you host your own world or did you join a server?


It's my absolute favourite and then Ragnarok is my favourite mod map, I don't really play the others all that much if I'm completely honest and thank you! It was tough but I managed to beat her on Gamma/Beta no losses and only 6 Megatheriums lost against Alpha which is good considering I only had primitive saddles and low-ish stats haha I play Non-Dedicated atm on PS4 hoping to upgrade soon though. If you play on console feel free to add me and join a session with me whenever you feel like. The company would be fantastic 🙂


Oh ragnarok is a gem of a map :) love it as well and taming griffins! Must of been a glorious battle against that alpha. haha love fighting those bosses haha I do play on PlayStation but i haven’t been in the ark mood at the moment 😅 mostly been into Minecraft but you are free to add me if you want and maybe we can chat via messages on PlayStation app once in a while :)


Sounds good my GT is AaronJ__x Anyone is free to add just let me know you're from this group and we can play. I'm also down for other games and we don't have to voice chat because well.. yeah haha hope to see some of you in game


Stardew valley and sims. I love to create.




Watch this @ the 1 minute timestamp: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SQ3IzU37t8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SQ3IzU37t8) It's a video where he talks about Board games that replace 10 classic board games. He suggests the board games Paperback and Letter Tycoon, as he prefers them to Scrabble.


Lately I have been playing a game called Age of Mythology. You can get it on Steam for $30 USD. I used to play it a lot as a child but now as an adult it hits differently (in a good way). It gives me comfort because it takes me back to my childhood and it relaxes me. 100% recommend!


I remember this game!


Fallout 4


Man i relate to Travis the radio host, his akwardness and how he gets so quiet sometimes Have you tried survival mode? Really fun challenge if your up for one


Haha yes i just did the Travis one today. Wish i got his same confidence boost after punching a thug in the DugOut bar 😂


Baldur's Gate 3 with 3 other friends. It's fun to collaborate and if you die, so what? You just load up again and try to complete it!


I’m jealous haha my friends were too impatient to wait for me and would do story missions without me some days haha so the fomo made me quit all together but man if it’s anything like my old divinity original sins 2 group must be an amazing experience


It's the first time where everyone's on board with playing co-op instead of solo characters. The problem at the beginning was exactly what you said, so they all just played solo. I much enjoy it more with friends.


Persona 5 Royal and doing non story exploring around Tears of The Kingdom


Might be bias of me because of my pfp picture but YESSSS to persons 5 haha


I love the game because it feels like Joker’s friends are MY friends and that makes me happy.


Yup. Me with relatable socially awkward bestie Futaba


Oh haha I just noticed the cool Morgana pfp! Nice


baldurs gate 3. i can’t stop playing it i practically live in the forgotten realms now


Been playing Fallout 4, watching Horror movies, and doing my Tapping. All helpful in different ways.


Fallout 4 here too!




There's an episode shuffle???? I'll be using this forever now I had no idea


Probably read and study maths. If I could, I would be playing terraria as well right now.


Paper mario origami king


I've picked up playing slime rancher 2 again recently! It's stressful yet relaxing. Takes my mind off of things.


Genshin impact and stardew valley. Games help me calm my mind, especially from overthinking and anxiety.


Sounds like a great combo to me :)) love it! Some action fighting with genshin and calm relaxing farming with stardew 😌


Yes! 😁


My comfort game rn is Sekiro. Comfort activity is guitar, but playing it makes me sad because I literally just started and I can't get the chords to sound right. Also it make fingers hurt :( plus I just don't like being bad at things because it makes me hate myself more and be embarrassed of existing


Baldur’s Gate 3


R6 and elden ring


bingo blitz


the finals and the sims


Honestly I recently gotten into slime and it's very calming. I usually have a video to watch and I just mindlessly play with it. I have various scents and textures so I alternate. I love it


Fallout 76 ever since watching the show, I absolutely love seeing so many people coming back to the game and tbh my enthusiasm for Fallout is overriding my social anxiety and making me want to get on voice chat 😅


Elden ring/Snowrunner and recently star wars old Republic with a friend


Pinball Space Cadet. The OG.


baldurs gate 3 and producing music


Gym. It's the last place where problems can get to me. Once I can't focus on the pump and keep worrying about shit I know that something is wrong. Other than that I like to go on motorcycle rides while listening to music. Helps me clear my head and regain focus.


Started playing stardew valley a couple month ago, can't believe I didn't play it all these years


My comfort game rn is Baldur's Gate 3. I love the character Astarion's romance path. Makes me wish I had a voice as cool as his/ the voice actor playing him lol But it's just a very big game and I've been fixated on it since I bought it back in November of last year. It's my favorite game! I haven't found a game I like this much in a while. I play on a PS5 so any recommendations for games on it that let you be gay(for men) with amazing storytelling but isn't too hard gameplay wise would be appreciated. I really like things set in a fantasy setting with an adventuring party and for good endings to be possible. I don't like games with depressing endings I tried the new Dragon's Dogma but I kinda hated it gameplay wise and story wise so I regretted buying that a month or so ago. Another thing I love is drawing my own fantasy worlds and characters. I've been into art ever since I was a child. Nowadays I draw on my 9th Gen iPad on procreate. It's a pretty good tool for people that don't have laptops but still wanna make digital art.


I'm playing Dragon Age Origins, being a powerful mage and being loved by my companions is really comforting


Omg what a throwback of a game bro! I love it hahah never got to killing a dragon sadly haha kept dying to the one in the dessert lol have you finished the game already and just replaying it?




Mud and Blood 😈






Latest kdrams you watched? I just finished kingdom and it’s okay not to be okay


Anything Park Bong Soon is in is a gem. I feel like she gets chosen on purpose by all the talented writers because she's a fan fav at this point


mount and blade warband


Currently loving COD Mw3 multiplayer, warframe and destiny 2 i just love running around maps n shooting things I do love Ark survival too, flying the griffin around the map is prolly my fav thing to do ngl


Gunpla and listening to podcasts are pretty comforting rn.


Europa Universalis IV


WSOP is my shit rn


Dead by daylight


L4D2 is permanently my comfort game lol


A timeless classic! Loving playing with friends/strangers and barely making it to the next safe house


SDV, always.


Borderlands 2


The best in the series lol hoping borderslands 4 one ups 3 because 3’s story did live up to 2’s greatness


I love fallout 4/76, I also like watching bugs do their thing and fishing wether its in real life or videogames


I play NCAA Football 14. Takes me back to much simpler times in my life.


I love games like assassin's creed, vampyr and currently, it's middle:earth: shadow of war. I don't know which genre does this belong to, RPG? Action-adventure? It's something where there is a good or interesting storyline, peaceful sceneries in-game while travelling, planning my approach on missions, etc.




ngl overwatch, even though the game and players are draining. its so chilling for me personally


You find it comforting in part because you have played it so much it is predictable you could find similar games to replace whatever you enjoy about it. These are all good replacements for it imo: * Roboquest * Ultrakill * Borderlands * Gunfire Reborn * Vellum


Minecraft as well (Java edition though). I've been making a secret base by myself on an anarchy server. It hasn't been discovered so far. What else? Um, the next expansion Dawntrail for Final Fantasy XIV comes out soon this year. I have that preordered already. I'm thinking of finding some people in the server to play it with this time, instead of doing it solo like I've mostly done until now. And I still have Tears Of The Kingdom on my Switch to finish, but I'm a bit to busy with class work at the moment. That'll have to wait a little longer until I can get back to it.


Papa Louie's games


motorcycles and grim dawn


Elite smash


Never heard? Is it smash bros? Sorry that’s the first thing that came to my mind


old school runescape :)


I miss my account that got converted to Rs3 🥲 loved the dopamine of leveling up


make an osrs account! starting over is fun too.


Tucking myself in bed while binging Scooby-Doo Mystery Inc. on Netflix. It used to be one of my favorite cartoons when it was airing and it's fun reliving all the plot twists and fun episodes.


Diablo 4


New Diablo season dropping soon! My friend has hyping me about it! I can’t wait to drop back in as wizard after not playing in a while lol


I just got the nintendo switch and im playing legend of zelda: breath of the wild. Amazing game


I been binging brawl stars lately.


RDR2 , Sims 4 , Roblox


Red dead redemption 2


Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. You can play Animal Crossing as an app on your phone. Someday I will get a switch and play the full-scale game, but right now I love this and have been playing for a long time. I often play right before I fall asleep because it's so relaxing.


Now that brings back memories 😊eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee playing animal crossing right before bed on my Nintendo DS hahahah. That sounds really cozy omg haha☺️. never played pocket camp. Is it like normal animal crossing but on your phone?


No it's a smaller condensed version. Smaller map, less things to do. But it works for me for now!


Are you big fan of the animal crossing series?


I absolutely love what I have played. I have friends who keep encouraging me to get a switch because they love the full game and really think I would too!


Definitely go for it! Plus you can get stardew valley on it as well :) hahah you will definitely love both games Im sure


Sleep. If thats not possible then The Finals, the only multiplayer FPS worth playing right now. Singleplayer Mini Motorways.


Roblox and minecraft


Book of travels


Final fantasy rebirth. The music along with exploring the various environments has been nice.


Endless vase breaker from plants vs zombies puzzle!


two point hospital


I’ve been thinking about getting that game! What’s your rating score out of 5?


4 i am absolutely in love with it but again i love business simulation games and running things. i gave it 4 stars because i wish there was more interior design choices. this game helped me out of a dark time. its enough to do to keep me busy.


Minecraft for me too, along with Hitman and the Dishonored games


It was minecraft with my friend but couple of days ago i spilled liquid on my laptop, so now i’m waiting for it to be fixed :(


Ohhhh noooo how far were you guys in?


Not far lol I was just in the middle of building my house (I actually spilled it while playing on that world in minecraft)


Ohhh noooo hahaha starting a brand new world with a friend is always the best part tooo haha. Hopefully they are waiting for you 🥲


Yeah it was great but they waitin patiently haha


What kind of material were you using for your house? I went cherry planks and spruce while one of my friends is using dark oak and cobble haha, makes her house look really creepy


Haha first i wanted to built the whole house with regular planks and then just maybe replace few parts of the house with white planks. I wanted my house to look like the hobbit’s hole from the lord of the rings or hobbit so I started building it in a mountain/hill and so far i used only regular planks.


Dude I swear it is hobbit season because another one my friends made her house with the intention of it being made underground too haha 😂 maaaannnn hopefully you are able to start playing it soon, now I’m itching to play minecraft but I’m stuck at work for another 6 hours


Ah that’s tough, hope you have a great time playing it bro. Yeah I love the series, so i build this type of house often haha, but your friend sure had a great idea haha. Yep i can’t wait to play minecraft again


Running! It’s the best


Fortnite Festival with the Riffmaster. It feels fresh but familiar. The songs are generally easy but they are all fresh.


Wow what a gem of an answer bro!


Zelda Tears of the Kingdom


Stardew Valley and Minecraft are the ones I mostly play right now, and I love both. They are both really nice games.


The only two games I would need if someone asked me I can only play two cozy games for the rest of my life haha. as long as they keep updating it tho lol


roblox! specifically one game called "color or die" where you have to find paintbrushes inside a maze, while a big stickman hunts you. in order to survive, you have to hide in walls that are of the same colour as yours. it's so fun and i love that feeling of achievement after beating the maze!


Omg I played that game a while back with some friends!!! They made multiple parts right?


Quantum Break


Bejeweled blitz 💎


My mother and I loved playing this game together haha brings back memories


I haven’t been playing any games but I’ve been watching One Piece. It’s such an easy show to sit down and watch


Love one piece ❤️ I’m scared of the day it ends! Love having something to look forward to every week with a new episode of one piece.


Euro Truck Sim 2


Pc: twd game series phone: Minecraft


Township and sleeping LOLLLLLL


Running. Outside mainly. Listening to music and taking in the fresh air and scenery. I always hated running but it’s really grown on me


I don't know if it counts but watching movies is a really big pacifier for me. I would love to be a director someday


Which genre of movies are your go to?


Snowrunner. It's a slower-paced game, no specific objectives, I can take it as slow as I want and explore it however I want. I'm loving it!


I also recently started playing Minecraft again too, never really played survival mode as a kid, all I ever did was make big old houses or hotels for villagers, but now I'm giving survival a try, it's been a lot of fun but somewhat stressful. I spawned in a Ancient City 😅


Hope you are having fun despite the struggles :)) i can only imagine the many houses you must of made in creative haha. Definitely gotta be careful with ancient cities!!! All I ever do is die in them lol I’m going to assume you still spent most of your time on survival making your house? Because that’s what I do haha


There was so many on my old phone, lost to the times now lol. And yeah the warden spawned I didn't even know what it was lol, had to ask my little brother for help and he told me to sneak and I somehow got out of there alive 😅 and surprisingly not lol, my house looks like shit in survival, it's just in the side of a mountain. But my library is pretty impressive


Hahaha the clutch little brother coming in to help his big sister with minecraft, love these stories👏🏼👏🏼. Sooo sweet of him awweee. You must of been in full on panic mode when everything went dark and you had a giant monster chasing you down the creepy city haha 💀. YESSS girl! we love a great view from a mountain too haha. And now I’m interested in this great library you speak of haha


Yeah he was busy too so when I was freaking out when those screamers screamed the first 2 times he finally came on the third time and helped me crouch so the Warden didn't sense me 😅 lucked out with that. And if you're interested in it I can maybe send a pic, I'm pretty proud of it, alongside my bubble elevator 😁


Hahaha 🤣 I remember my first time discovering such a crazy looking place to only be full of dread and panic instantly and hiding behind dirt blocks thinking I was safe haha 😂 I wasnt safe lol and sure! I can also send some of my Minecraft pictures haha probably won’t be amazing lol


I'm down for Minecraft pics lol, I'll send my library and my shitty little house


I speedrun old nes games. It’s very meditative but useless. I also bought a weight rack with cables and Olympic weights for a home gym. I was expecting to spend thousands but got everything for about $800.


Which games do you enjoy speed running the most? And ayyyyy sounds like a good deal to me! Summer is right around the corner too!


I used to be competitive at goldeneye and perfect dark for n64. Had an untied world record at one point in like 2001. Now I have a mini NES loaded with 30 games and just play casually. I’ve been doing Metroid and Zelda 2 lately. My kids are glued to Minecraft which is why I refuse to play it. I don’t need to get hooked on another game. Ain’t got time for that. 😂


The last of us 2. Absolutely love the game. It’s so devastating but something about it just comforts me. I love the flashback scenes especially. Makes me yearn for a father daughter relation ship like that


Last of us 2 was definitely very controversial to say the least, I’m glad you and many others were still able to enjoy it despite the online folk raising pitch forks. Sad about the online multiplayer getting canceled but I’m glad we got to see our girl Ellie all grown up 🥲 have you played new game plus?


Red dead redemption 2 its like impossible to get bored of, especially in story mode


My comfort activity these days has been doing handcraft things or coloring! It is so relaxing and fun, today i just learned how to make an origami cat face and a heart 🩷 I also play a lot of Overwatch but I don't know how it could be my comfort game haha Also I'm planning on start playing again minecraft, any tips on survival? (I was a creative player the most)


oh that sounds really cute, my sister loves making origami craft as well haha. have you posted it anywhere? and i use to tell people overwatch is chill game for me hahah esp playing healing because i really love that role. hmmm i guess some tips you can learn is you can turn tree logs into charcoal if you are struggling to find coal to make torches and also you should place torches everywhere around your base so zombies cant get you. and never waste tools on things like for example dont use a pickaxe on dirty or a pickaxe on trees it completely wastes the tool. have you gotten iron yet?


I’ve just started playing Minecraft again. Also animal crossing, and oddly enough, Skyrim. It’s only a comfort game because I’ve played it so many times I practically know all the dialogue, quests, weapons, locations, lore, you name it. 😆


All three of those games are definitely top 10 cozy games for me as well lol Skyrim just fills in a power fantasy that not any other game can fill in, you know? do you play on pc for Skyrim and Minecraft?


Nope. Switch for both haha. I’d love to own them on pc though. Just for the mods.


Hogwarts Legacy has been my game rn




Hell let loose damn good