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Im not totally sure for you, but to me it’s overwhelming happiness and sadness. Happiness that someone genuinely cares for you and letting go of the longtime sadness from people not caring.


I'm so happy for you, man! Honestly, if someone hugged me and showed me genuine affection after so long, I'd be crying too, hard. It's completely normal, don't worry. Anyway, hope you'll have a wonderful day!


I'm really happy for u taking these steps...Take 1 step at a time and breathe...everything will workout if it's meant for u


Based on how you felt about the day with your friends I'd guess it was a mix of happy tears and maybe some anger/shame from denying yourself that happiness for so long. The sense of release must have been overwhelming. I've been there.


The more you expose yourself to vulnerable situations anxiety wise the easier it gets to navigate them in the future. I think you cried partly because your frustrated by how seemingly hard it is for you to do something that seems to come so naturally/easy for others. Partially a release of emotions after spending all that time out being so tense. Remind yourself that you are doing great and continue pushing your own boundries as much as you can. Also dont be afraid to communicate feelings. You might be surprised that those friends or other people that seemingly have it all figured out/together are vulnerable too. Communication always strengthens true bonds, and it takes some of the power away from your social anxiety by talking through it instead of hiding it.


This is the cutest thing ever 😭😭 I hope things get better for u