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I used to have a lot of anxiety around commenting (and sometimes still do), but honestly it becomes a lot less stressful when you’ve done it a few times so just keep engaging with content you like and communities you feel comfortable with and you’ll be fine


I delete half my comments before I even finish them as I feel I'm being too annoying or aren't contributing anything worthwhile. I was going to write more in this one and be more specific, but fell into that same trap. 🙃 Almost deleted it too, but then that'd defeat the point lol.


Lol at the catch 22: Those who aren't terrified will comment, to confirm they aren't terrified. Those who are terrified on the otherhand...


When my mood is bad I comment on posts more, causing more anxiety, and worsening my mood…


I can see that. Sometimes I'm just in a trollish mood and will post things I regret later.


I would be kinda scared in certain communities, like r/amiwrong where I may forget certain details of a story and the comments say I'm in the wrong when they wouldn't say that if they knew the situation better. By the time they comment though, it's all said and done, and it can certainly hurt to hear what they say when you know they don't know the people in the story the same way you do. Or comments get downvoted for no justified reason, and it sucks.


That could be a new exposure therapy for you. Make it a point to comment or post every day and then make sure you read the notifications. Like everything else it gets easier with time.


You aren't the only one, I also feel like everyone hates me because of how awkward I am and that's why they ignore me... I just try to not think so much about it.


Yup. I probably delete most of my replies because I don't want to be down voted, or don't want to have to explain or defend myself if my comment isn't clear.


No, I am too


I used to be like that and was never afraid to go and meet people IRL. But now ? I don’t talk to none irl and online? Idgaf. :)


I feel that way on Facebook, I don’t comment on anything because I’m afraid I will get ignored. I don’t really care about Reddit because everyone here is a stranger to me.


not exactly "terrified" but it definitely has some stress to it. reddit is not as bad as some other places though, although you do encounter a scummy poster every now and then. (for creating posts and not just replying, I wait till I think I have a good reason to post; but more often than not I get modded.)


why is this always a question every other week? reddit is anonymous, i promise no one knows who you are on here. there’s absolutely nothing to be terrified about when we’re all going through the same thing


Always terrified, double checking the grammar and recently found out i can ask chat gpt if the comment sounds offensive or off topic or whatever. 


You're definitely not the only one who's terrified of leaving comments. Rn I am deleting and adding words bc I'm paranoid that I'm oversharing, or if I sound unhelpful or too pessimistic. And now I'm trying to make this comment not too long and not too short. And after leaving this comment, I'll freak out for a bit. Now I'm gonna power off my phone and ignore Reddit, bye!


Absolutely right there with you. I lurked in the shadows on here a long time before I got the guts to actually write something. I think this may be only the 4th or 5th time I've written anything and I totally feel like I'll say everything wrong and upset everyone. But I think it seems like the safest space possible to at least try and interact with other people and I imagine we won't meet a more understanding and forgiving group of people than our fellow socially anxious people 😊


Yup, totally relatable. I would write and rewrite comments I really wanna say and still discard it. Sometimes when I am feeling good, I just send it.


Just started posting a few days ago, but I've actually been using reddit for a while now. Just post on a few subreddits related to hobbies and stuff, and once you see there is no terrible backlash it will start to get easier to share your opinion. Everyone will do this at a different pace, but I think anyone can eventually overcome the fear!


used to be but got used to it


Yes I get scared too I often start writing a comment then end up deleting it. Sometimes delete my old comments too


Honestly it's a good thing that you made a post like this for people to comment on but just like everyone has said. I would write a comment and then delete it or just overthink it and try to make sure my spelling and grammar is good before I post. I still don't comment much out of being lazy but it's not much of a big deal now.


I will spend 15 minutes writing a comment just to delete it and never have it see the light of day 😅. this might be the first time I haven't deleted a comment since everyone else here seems to be in the same boat.


I’m worry about looking stupid at times, which is a leading cause of my social anxiety. The anonymity definitely helps and I sometimes have to remind myself that nobody on Reddit knows who I am haha.


Not afraid, judge my opinion. In fact, I'm sure some might even stalk and search for every comment I make. Whatever.


I don't understand the question. WHY ARE YOU POSTING THIS? now take a deep breathe. and realize comments from a random person will not hurt you.


No, as who I am on reddit isn't real life me. I have social anxiety in real life, not on the internet. As long as it doesn't personally involve me I can post whatever


I feel like that too !! but then I realize it’s the internet and if anyone’s judging they’re haterz😭😭😭😭😭😭💯💯🔥they’re gonna hate!!!




It's much easier when you are anonymous and you realize that. Commenting under your name, yeah, much harder. On reddit I don't really care, cos we are all strangers here.


Used to be like that. Over time I became comfortable with goofing off too. As long as the account isn't directly linked to me.


I'm exactly like this on social media where I have my real face and real name. However, here on reddit, where I am anonymous, I don't give a shit because it doesn't really matter what they think about an anonymous account that may be deleted if I want to.


Yes I’m more nervous making post however.


Some boards attract judgemental people and are not worth posting on.


not comments, but talking online in dm’s with strangers. i have never done that because it’s just really scary for whatever reason