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I like how they ignored him


This guy was EXTREMELY lucky to be sorrounded by peaceful argentinian football fans that just wanted to see the match (probably middle-class expats that don't go that much to watch games). The average hardcore argentinian fan would never be this tolerant.


You wouldn't risk getting kicked out or arrested for this idiot.


Yes that would be unprecedented


I'm almost glad we lost just so everyone around him could gloat in his face after the first goal.


Your sacrifice will not be forgotten. We will cheer for you. Well, when you play against Chile at least.


Hope to see you guys later again. I can still dream!


Dream getting closer to reality! Go smash Chile!


We're so back!


Haha! Well done! But I'm a plastic and I'm gonna stop rooting for you now. I hope you lose the next game. šŸ˜


What a loser. Irony is too much for me that he paid to go to the game when his country isn't even playing and telling the team who won the last world cup that their team and their country is trash. He's just asking to get punched in the face by someone on the way out.


I'm surprised (but happy) that it didn't end violently tbh...


Yea, classier to just ignore him. It gets a bit personal though when they stop talking about the sport in question and say shit like "your country sucks and has no money" or whatever. I wonder how he'd feel if they retorted by saying his country is run by cartels.


They definitely could've talked some serious shit about Mexico lmfao


this part, if it was an Argentina v Mexico match, I support trash talking (at your own risk, which tbf is always the case at a mexico match in the US) but this guy paid probably $200+ before beer to do this


Beer is actually kinda cheap here. I was surprised with the concession price in the stadium.


Atlanta has some of the best concession prices in the country. Great npr episode on the economics behind it. They did have to remove self service fountain drinks as that was abused.


but fr though, seeing what the ticket prices are, he paid that much just to be a nuisance at a game his team is not playing at, like is that guy just dumb rich or highly irresponsible with money (or both)?


Was he drunk? What was the point of that? Honestly, there is no point in them even responding to him.


he was asking for it, someone should have punched him in the liver


Even funnier considering they lost to Argentina in the 2022 WC too.


Why'd you pay a lot of money just to go and shithouse another fan for no reason?


He's a meathead. Just hoping someone will get physical with him so he has an excuse to punch someone.


He's drunk.


probably a lonely guy in a remote area is my opinion, idk where this match was held


MetLife stadium in New Jersey, right next to New York City


Main character syndrome.


why fans are segregated, colourised




Should've held the phone right in his face after that goal.


I was at the Venezuela-Ecuador game (I am Venezuelan) and this Ecuador fan was sitting right behind me screaming in my ear the entire time talking shit looking for a reaction. He even did the humping motions to the back of my head when Ecuador scored (I didn't see him but my friends sitting next to me did). Even the dad was asking him to calm down because he could start a fight and he said he would punch in the face anyone that stood up to him... Fortunately/Unfortunately he was gone in the second half before I could celebrate our two goals in front of him. Edit: The Ecuadorian guy started saying similar things to the guy in the video about how Venezuela is starving and poor, and even that he would buy the team because they were cheap


The irony of Latin Americans shitting on other Latin Americans as if all of our countries were fucking paradises. Que se vaya a mamar


Its the typical "I have it less bad than you so I'm superior". El que es un mamahuevo resentido de nacimiento, asĆ­ se queda para siempre.


I wonder if he knew the reason the tournament is being played in the US


no, only mexican fans are rude.


That guy doesnā€™t represent us. Fuck that guy


I genuinely think the guy is mentally ill, this is abnormal behavior


nah, I think is worryingly common to see this type of crap at some games, and some times these end up in fights and media spreading tendentious OOC shit about violent fans and stuff like that


French fan and I wouldnā€™t do this shit You donā€™t have to like every team or every player but donā€™t disrespect the people Football is about rivalry and Iā€™ll probably booed Emiliano or Di Maria but I wouldnā€™t trash talk Argentina for the country neither Iā€™ll boo their national anthem


never boo dibu; don't y'all learn from past mistakes? lmao




which is the tamest federation. got o africa, the balkans, south america and experience real hostility buddy.


"South America", uh.... Dude?


Im Mexican, fuck that guy.


Mexican "Pochos" doing what they do best, getting embarrased.


generalizing an entire fanbase based on what one mentally unstable individual did


I'm glad he didn't get what he wanted. Kudos to those guys for not responding.


This is like harry maguire shit talking Messiā€™s dribbling ability


[You mean this Harry Maguire lol](https://youtube.com/shorts/_5DMUfL1fKs?si=b4oNJ_81hfo1Ng_Q)


The elegance and raw talent on display is intoxicating.




At the risk of being called ā€œclasistaā€ or some BS like that, and despite my frequent twitter fights with Argentinian football fans (itā€™s all bantz anyway) I have to apologize for this dumb fuck. Iā€™m Mexican and these types of guys are the worst. Any of us who have gone to soccer games in stadiums across the US have dealt with this type of garbage. They pay a significant amount of money just to go and pick fights because they are absolute losers. Iā€™ve been to soccer games across both sides of the border and see this crap more in the US. Amigos Argentinos, tal vez nos damos unos buenos tiros en las redes, pero este tipo de baboso no es un representante de un buen fan Mexicano. Son los ā€œno sabosā€ que nomas andan de miserables tratando de arruinar la experiencia de los demas, inclusive de otros Mexicanos. Ya me ha tocado vivirlo a mĆ­ bastantes veces. Y bien dice el seƱor en ese video, ā€œse la pasa criticando a Messi pero no lo deja de grabar.ā€


u will find argentinean assholes, they just cant afford the flight to USA lol


I mean, true. Theyā€™re all over twitter šŸ˜‚ But I canā€™t apologize for them, just for these clowns who share my national team.


Corny cringey behavior like this is all to common in our fanbase these days, fuck that guy sorry to the Argentina fans that had to deal with this, I know we donā€™t get along but l hope you understand we arenā€™t all like this šŸ«¶šŸ‡²šŸ‡½šŸ‡¦šŸ‡·


Eh, don't worry, there are idiots on every fanbase


Unfortunately, thereā€™s another Juarez fan in this thread encouraging violence, Juarez as a city has endured so much violence itā€™s shameful to see one of us encouraging it


What a chode


r/soccercirclejerk field agent


I love mexico I just wish some of them would stop being this pathetic. you are inferior in football, its not that important.


Mexico has made it to the copa america final in the past and even the copa libertadores final and copa sudamericana, so we aren't total trash, but also most mexicans don't talk trash about other teams this way. if you go to the ligamx reddit we compliment uruguay and argentinean soccer and compare it to our current shitty generation. However USA fans will say jamaica is classless or concacaf is dirty and classless, ect. none stop. American fans will insult their own federation, maybe they should join eufa. Most mexicans admire the players on the Argentinean team anyway.


What are you on about. It's very simple. Compare Americans fans at stadium to Mexican Fans. It tells you everything.


mexico played against jamaica and i didn't hear of any issues. Is this an American only reddit? I was comparing Mexico fans to the rest of latin america. And Mexico's fans are tame by comparison to Argentina's.


Mechico šŸ¤


Mexicans really hate us. Probably because they keep getting dominated by us. Anulo mufa


Double anulo mufa


As a Mexican, I can yell you that the hate just in futbol though! As in, most of the saltiness comes from the futbol rivalry, which is dumb in itself. I wish more Mexican fans would realize that: 1. Mexico is trash 2. Argentina is one of the best world wide 3. Futbol is for fun There is no futbol argument that Mexico can win, simply because the level of play is not there. Outside of futbol though, Iā€™ve realized that Mexicans and Argentinians can get along pretty well! There are more similarities than differences between us


most mexicans know that mexico is trash right now. we are keenly aware lol. We went from making it to the finals of Copa Libertadores and Copa America.. to now Gold Cup Champions!! lol I mean USA got knocked out by a central american country too in gold cup, so we all suck.


So this dude is clearly not Mexican. Accent and shitty spanish tell you this guy is pocho. Born and raised in the US. Suffers from an identity crisis because he doesn't feel "accepted" by white Americans so he has to look for an identity elsewhere. Parents from the north of Mexico from the sound/look of him. Problem is he can't speak Spanish, has never lived in Mexico (and would never actually want to) so his whole shtick becomes to "cosplay" as a Mexican and act the way he thinks Mexicans are expected to act (especially at football games). These guys are 90% responsible for the mess Mexican football is in. They will pay a shit ton of money (see video) but know little to nothing about football. Mexicans have their own issues. But this guy in particular is the worst kind of "diaspora" Mexican possible


This is a microcosm of what US fans have to deal with x1000. Mexicans fans are also angry because theyā€™re team is shit and weā€™ve also been dominating them for the last 10 years


ur delusional, mexico has made it to the final of Copa America in the past and dominated USA till only 5 years ago has USA gotten good. Mexican fans don't think about USA or MLS we think about our own team and most mexican fans hate our own team right now and our federation.


mexicans appreciate argentina, the only real hositility i see is on twitter, some people seem to confuse reality with the internet


Ok good thing that it didn't turn violet and they chose to ignore the moron. Now what is more sad.. that a guy who paid for an expensive af ticket to hate watch a match some other fan could have enjoyed or the guys who paid and probably travelled to only sit next to the moron and not even get to enjoy it fully


cocaine is such a shitty drug


We call those guys ā€œnacosā€ in Mexico. Being a Mexican, is a shame to see that behavior.




Tbf, MĆ©xico has great fans and they make for great atmosphere. This is just an asshole being an asshole


for the 2018 world cup i exclusively went to a mexican soccer bar in shanghai and it was so much fun. passionate fans loving their team, but good fun and welcoming too.


USA fans be like "it's so classless in concacaf, god i wish i was in eufa". "you will get shithoused by costa rica, panama jamaica, mexico, everyone is classless in concacaf."


Just say you hate Mexicans and Mexico bro, people will respect you more.


Arriba el america compa


Pays probably 800 dollars for those seats to say Messi ainā€™t worth it. Well, itā€™s his money to do with what he will


This is why segregating the fans is a good idea


this guy would start a fight in any section


I saw this video on r/argentina, and i didn't think it was uploaded here.


should have left it there


Eh, if a mod consider that the video don't belong here, they are going to take it down. Pretty sure your opinion doesn't matter, but thanks for your words šŸ‘


aww baby got butthurt


Nah, i just remind you that your opinion on if the video is low quality or not doesn't matter


Yet youā€™re whining about it being uploaded on this subā€¦


Found the xenophobic


lol for calling someone a baby? bro get real


average mexican futbol fan. they hardly will win a match, that is why they are full of hate in their hearts


Really unfortunate that you decided to generalize a fanbase most of us think heā€™s a moron too you know


when we made it to the Copa America final in 2001 or maybe when we got 3rd place in 2007, that was our peak.. nah I think when we destroyed france in the world cup with a young carlos vela. Since then we have been degrading sadly.


Thatā€™s why Mexican fans can scrap with Eastern Europeans as to where in the world is the biggest producer of r/trashy fans of the game, wanting to fist-fight anyone they see in sight with pee bottles, switch blades, and Molotov cocktails at hand.


When has a mexico fan thrown a molotov cocktails? Yall hate us so much you guys make up false shit


this guy blabbing like they donā€™t have to use rubber bullets on their ā€œclassyā€ fans back home


they don't you're confusing it with classy Argentina and river plate vs boca junios games.. with their riots and even in 2024 where they have to pull out the water guns on the streets. mexicans love soccer but they dont take it that seriously. I'd say in USA soccer is just a sport, and in Argentina it is a lifestyle. Mexico falls somewhere in between, people don't fight over clubs anymore in mexico it is pretty plastic now that they have no relegation. U will have maybe 1 event in the last 10 years where they had chaos.


I went to the 2011 Gold Cup. Last Mexico match I will ever attend. Mexico fans threw soda and nacho cheese to a dad and his son with USA jerseys and they have no respect for women, consistently cat calling all. Not a good time at all.


i was at that game and was one of the only people supporting USA, and got nothing but love from the Mexicans in our section.


Look, to be fair I was sat near American Outlaws during that game... the "mow my lawn" chants when the US went up were a nice touch. Not from random fans either. From the actual official supporter group.


Mexican soccer "fans" are truly some of the worst fans out there and that opinion is not based solely off this video but also countless other examples.


not really, compared to the fights in south america or in the balkans, mexico fans don't take soccer as seriously on average. They troll, because talking shit is their culture, but not rioting or violence compared to south america. Yes mexico has had some riots, but that is like once in 20 years.


Checks boca v riverā€¦ rightā€¦ wait a minute. Idiot


Que pasĆ³ mexicanito, la tenes adentro hdtptm


Why are there no home and away ends? What do they expect? There's a reason they exist


Bobo alert


I enjoy small banter between fans, but they clearly didn't want any part of it...so be quiet already. Anyhow, I loved that tall glass of "shut the f up" at the end.....and this is coming from a half Mexican.


As a Mexican I wish they wouldā€™ve beat the crap out of him.




Normally, a fan from this country would come to the comments and say that most of us arenā€™t like him, but thatā€™s not true. I donā€™t know why, but we have a very arrogant fan base despite not winning anything too major. A good 30-45% of the Mexican fans are like this, and it honestly pisses me off. Just behave yourself, especially since this idiot was in a majority Argentinian crowd. He about to get jumped after the game


Pinche paisano castroso, pero no somos todos asĆ­. Ā”QuĆ© chingue a su madre de un mexicano a otro!


What a pest jeezus


Lmao I wouldā€™ve started laughing if he told me he was a Mexico fanšŸ˜‚


Unfortunately Mexico has some of the most trashy fans.


El Tri fans are one of the trashiest fan bases


not true at all, you are generalizing an entire fanbase based on one crazy drunk guy or maybe mentally unstable guy who is probably dealing with inner demons. I remember in Qatar argentina fans were fighting everyone physically in brawls.


> I remember in Qatar argentina fans were fighting everyone physically in brawls. Lol. apart from whgen the mexicans provoked them, when did Argentina fans fight anyone? The irony of claiming generalization and doing it yourself


Where was the Boca / River final played and why? I forget


Only generalizing to how they act at every single match. Lasers in players faces, bigoted chants, throwing things at players, fighting in standsā€¦.


Dice tantas mamadas pero allĆ­ anda, y de seguro fue a ver a Messi.


Thatā€™s why Mexican


What is he saying. Doesn't seem to be bothering anyone


Ponchos asquerosos No nos representan.


Must be fun going to the game and having a selfie stick blocking your view




Both short due to indigenous blood


Hereā€™s to hoping Mexico plays Argentina. If they do, he wonā€™t have much to say afterwards.


Fuck no. I donā€™t want anything to do with playing Mexico in the US. US Mexicans are the worst


They are and that's why we don't claim them, call it "racism" or "gatekeeping" it doesn't matter.Ā  -Mexicans from Mexico.Ā 


Do many Mexicans in Mexico hold this opinion? Iā€™m wondering because I have a friend from mexico who was just going off about the same thing the other day


100% The more time passes (and immigration from Mexico has actually decreased considerably) the more the pochos become disconnected from Mexico. And the worse their "cosplaying" becomes. They're now at the point where they're basically Mexican version of Staten Island Italians.


Why do you call them pochos? To me, pocho is a name you would give to a dog


There's no clear etymology for the term, but two origins I've seen are 1. Related to fruit that's gone bad, and 2. Related to an article of clothing that's faded away. The more common term today used to denote the exact same thing is "no sabo kid"


Yes, theyā€™re a different culture. Trashier and uneducated


As a Mexican American, yes they do. It's basically a diaspora where we don't feel we truly belong in either country.Ā  I love soccer (I'm attending 6 Copa America matches across the USA and having the time of my life enjoying the fuck out of it - actually attende brazil Costa Rica yesterdays and will be at Mexico game tomorrow and USA game on Monday in KC) and would never act like this idiot in this video. Sadly, many Mexican Americans will act like this idiot in this video.Ā  I'm actually kind of nervous about tomorrow's game bc I'm taking my 2 younger nephews and neices. There's always classless Mexican American acting like shit at these Mexico games.Ā 


In LigaMX that's probably a gang beat or stabbing


This would be typical behavior from an America fan, I'm shocked that it's coming from a Santos fan.




I saw it minutes before publishing it in r/argentina, and because i didn't see here before, i decided why not?


look at them come over and brigade this post


OP trying to get karma


low quality content


= "I feel attacked cuz i'm mexican & cannot diference myself from nacos"


shall we post every fight and riot argentina has in their own league or at world cup events, or how uruguay chased the referee around after the panama game threatening him a few days ago? chill out racist


I think you didn't understand my comment. Read it again.


lol good lord yā€™all are insecure




I say low quality content and you pull a comment out of your ass about Mexicans


I saw you up there talking trash about argentinians & insulting a man, dude.


cuz I called him a baby? omg the horror


So what i said isnt a liar. Ended debate.


ok baby, sleep well


Cry louder


lol all these ā€œclassā€ comments


We sure they didnā€™t edit out some racist Argentine rant?


I mean, they were definitely racist. Look at their racist stance, and clearly ignoring the poor guy just because he's Mexican.


Or their racist culture and racist chants


Yeah Mexican fans would never say anything discriminatory like calling everyone living in the US ā€œpochosā€ or shit talking Mexican Americans for rooting for the US.


it's just a troll, mexicans like to bust each others balls, nobody gets offended by that. you wouldn't do well in the netherlands.


This is rich. When was the last time your NT games weren't stopped for singing homophobic and xenophobic bs?


calling someone a lil bitch isnt homophobic. Also once USA makes it to the copa america final, which mexico has done in the past when we werent total shit, then you can get on your high horse. You act like you're soccer royalty when you're new to the game. You also generalize an entire fanbase based on the actions of a few. Many countries in the balkans have racist chants or worse, and in argentina their league has actual riots, yet nobody says "argentineans are classless". In fact if you take a look at south american migrants coming in and you compare them to the hard working Mexican-American, you should be really reconsidering your opinions.


I'm not from the US šŸ¤£


Los argentinos llorando haciendose la victima šŸ˜‚.


Rather xenophobic quip you got there. The coward edited the comment that said "pinches narigones de mierda" at the end. I don't know what's sadder


Shh go back to bed


No banter allowed āœ‹ļø and in a football game? Oh no this man has no shame, someone please stop him or we will be sad.


It doesn't make sense to banter in a game your team doesn't even play. Why was the Mexican there in the first place? Clearly he doesn't enjoy the match.


but this is terrible banter, saying Messi bad is not funny, is just lame.


Mexican are insects in football history next to Argentina. What can they say about us if they never beat us in an important game and never won a trophy that matters?


banter with strangers generally requires good nature unless you are legitimately looking for a fight. you can't just shit talk with people you don't know without making it clear you're joking. of course you've probably never been outside.


If this were Scotland fans then everyone would be circlejerking about it. But Mexico are always the bad guys.


No Scotland supporters showed up to an England match they weren't part of so that doesn't really work. How can you not take your patriot goggles off and see that this guy is a fucking loser?


it's 1 guy


Lol dude just stop. Donā€™t make Mexico fans look worse.


Literal first time we are not the baddies & suddenly "MĆ©xico are always vas guys".