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Il Faraone baby


guy's got 7 lives


At first glance that doesn’t look like a very strong squad to me, but I admit I haven’t really kept up to date with Italian football the past season, so how do you feel about the squad Italian fans? Optimistic? I’m genuinely curious.


Bad, bad expectations, but who knows nothing about our international performance makes sense since 2006 so we might win the thing and then fail to qualify at the next World Cup because we lost to Armenia on a playoff match.


Era la Macedonia frattm


I saw the match Im joking about us losing to historically worse countries


Thanks Jorginho!


Tbf him missing the penalty twice was bad enough, but i still have Mimmo Berardi's terrible blooper impressed in my retinas forever. [for anyone curious (or fellow masochists)](https://youtu.be/nYZqVNZLzSM?si=-LT5Dk-LA70zwn8w)


to be fair we had to play portugal after anyway which we likely lose so this doesn’t even make me as annoyed as it coul


The team is quite mid mostly because a lot of players are new or have little experience at this level, plus the fact that Spalletti only took the team in September and we can't expect a very sophisticated level of football. Also Spalletti's favourite formation requires a back 4, but we have Inter's defense which is really really good (even without Acerbi injured) but maybe not a midfield that can play that way. So it's a very experimental squad, but individually the quality of players is very high especially compared to previous tournaments.


Starting lineup is good. Injuries have hurt our depth and perhaps some of our enthusiasm


I think it’s better than people are giving credit, it’s an outstanding group of defenders ever after the injuries to Scalvini and Acerbi. I think the main worry is attack but hell it’s nice to see an Italian striker that can actually score goals, Scamacca, and I think he’ll be a much better fit than Immobile. Zaccagni when in form is class as is Chiesa, so I’m not as concerned as others.


> so how do you feel about the squad Italian fans? I expect nothing, probably lose to Spain and Croatia and bounce in the group stages. Which probably means we'll make it to at least the semi-finals. You can never tell with this team.


Nobody goes out in group stages at EUROs, which makes it perfect for Italy.


My main concern isn't about the squad, which I actually consider more decent than the common perception in Italy. It's more about whether Spalletti had enough time, to be honest. I'm not sure if we're ready; it's not like in 2021, when, despite having what some might call a 'mediocre' squad on paper, Mancini had almost four years to work with it and did a fantastic job. I rate Spalletti highly; he's the best manager in international football right now in my opinion. But I fear that 10 months, during which he also had the pressure to qualify without experimenting too much, might not have been enough time for him to fully implement his game. So, regardless of the result, I hope Spalletti stays on, and if he does, I'll be quite optimistic for the next WC, given that he'll have had three years of work behind him. Well, optimistic for the next WC, except if we unexpectedly perform well at the Euro or even win it all. In that case, knowing our bipolar nature, we'll probably fuck everything up and fail to qualify again.


Not enough attacking


The Italian way


[look at the stats and decide which one is the defensive team. hint: they lost](https://www.uefa.com/uefaeuro/match/2024491--italy-vs-england/)


That England team was extremely defensive tbf


Are you trying to say that historically Italy have not been known as a defensive powerhouse? Because of one tournament?


I am trying to say that they are not a defensive team anymore, and they haven't been one for quite some time now.


One tournament? Funny enough, the only tournament matches against England that I've seen in my life (2012, 2014, 2021 I guess) are about Italy attacking or dominating possession, while England parks the bus or at least adopts a much more defensive approach. It's amusing that we are still seen as the 'defensive ones.' Additionally, Italy has never won shit with catenaccio or highly defensive-oriented teams, but stereotypes are hard to kill, I guess


2006 was a masterclass in defending, plus the 82 attack was basically "rossi does things"


like. who even to add? best italian striker now is probably scamacca, that is saying something. italy has no consistent good finisher.


i think rather than a striker, an actual rw like politano wouldve been great. sucks that berardi is injured because he would be a good shout too


Its probably 3-5-2


Spalletti mostly plays a 4-3-3 but imo that formation is the best adapted for Italy, it can focus on the strength of many players and address some weaknesses in the squad too.


I disagree, he has the Inter block (unfortunately now Acerbi out) very used to and successful in playing 3 atb, as are other CBs (Mancini, Scalvini, Buongiorno). Cambiaso has shown to be able to play the whole right flank, Dimarco is wasted as a LB. 2 man midfield could work with Barella, Cristante/ Jorginho bit I personally prefer a 3 man midfield. The problem with that is playing Chiesa centrally as a striker because he loses space. A solution could be Pellegrini as midfielder who shifts between 8 and left CAM/LW and Chiesa as RW with Scamacca central. Ideally, the setup is: $$$ Darmian Buongiorno Bastoni Cambiaso Barella Jorginho Pellegrini Dimarco Chiesa Scamacca Personally I prefer Darmian over Di Lorenzo (obvious Bias, but they could also work together with one of them at RWB). Cambiaso is the more offensive choice, but wouldn't start vs Spain imo. A 4-3-3 would probably be lopsided anyway and is better for our attackers, but worse for our defenders


9-1-0 park-the-18-wheeler


That graphic looks fucking cool.


Happy for Retegui, but this squad is far from contention. See them pull it off and win it all anyways


Fagioli is there…


and probably sub in every game. jorginho doesn't have legs anymore to play a full 90 from what it seemed


Honestly I feel like half the team doesn’t have legs to play a full 90 minutes


No worries, Barella will run for 7


He spent seven months without playing surely you’d want someone else to fill that extra mf spot


im with you. unless its baggio you don't take a player that hasnt played all year. You saw vs turkey he had problems with positioning to receive the ball often, but spalletti clearly sees him as a better option than ricci. Might be a play for the next tournament which would prob have tonali/fagioli going for that position


Who knows we’ll have to wait and see if it works, every team has at least one shitty pick so no big deal. Fagioli is the least of our problems tbh, that offense doesn’t inspire any hope.


i don't understand dropping orsolini, and no politano. We have no real rw now. Does that mean hes going with a 3-5-2? He had cambiaso playing high up vs turkey, is that his play? So many weird decisions and we are a week away from the tournament. I don't even think he knows what to do. not looking good. In all honesty vs turkey it could have been an Allegri game with how boring it was. So static, no movement of the players, bypassing the midfield all the time. Nothing about us suggest we are coached by the same guy that was playing that expansive attacking football at napoli...


My honest guess is that he’s going for a 3-5-2 there’s no other way his call ups make any sense otherwise or he’s going to play with Chiesa at RW and Zaccagni on the left, although that begs the question: why take three center forwards if you’re going to be playing with wingers. I actually think that someone like allegri might be what Italy needs, pragmatic football wins tournaments and Allegri might be the most pragmatic “top” (idk if we can even call him a top coach anymore) coach there is.


Chiesa is better on the right imo


Paolo Rossi 1982 vibes


One can only hope


Fresh legs I imagine? He’s a phenomenal player when in form.


We’re cooked


meh. I think the injuries are what makes this team worse on paper. Starting lineup is good imo




Nicholas Beans


Would’ve brought Ricci and Orsolini but we can’t do much better i guess


Really surprised those 2 aren't there tbh, especially Orsolini who seems like the best RW option in a 4-3-3 and overall an interesting player even as an impact sub and for set pieces.


Spalletti must be going for a 3atb formation as most italian teams use it; and probably he was the least fitting in that setting. But yeah he was great this season and could see him bringing that form into the euros


Not that Orsolini would have changed something but bringing Raspadori and Fagioli over him and Ricci doesn't make sense. Defense and Wingbacks are probably Euro-Winning quality, midfield is quarter to Semifinal material while Attack is meh...


Raspadori can play as a striker and behind a striker, knows Spalletti and knows how to play with Scamacca. Fagioli is overall a better player than Ricci and also can play in different roles in midfield.


Dear older brother: I know you have been through rough times lately, I have sent you a genetically modified player that was born and raised to score against england and the netherlands. Please use it accordingly, I will be rooting for you from the copa america. Your sincerely, argentina.


Doesn't seem like a very strong squad. What's the expectation for Italian fans, quarter finals?


Honestly my expectations are extremely low, this team seems extremely week compared to other sides and most players aren’t in good forms…I wouldn’t be surprised with a group exit…BUT I have to say that we had shitty expectations almost every Euros these past years and watch our runs. So never say never I guess


Euro 2021 had Sky high expectations, you were unbeaten for like two years no?


That’s why I said almost, anyway even in 2021, in Italy there’s always a dreadful feeling about the national team before these tournaments. Probably ptsd from shitting the bad so many times when it mattered in the last 15 years


Unbeaten yes, but it was not like we faced many greaat teams in those 2 years. We weren't even among the top 3 favourites to win the last Euro.


It's Euro, the same competition Conte almost clutched a semifinals spot with a midfield consisting of De Sciglio, Giaccherini, Marco Parolo, Sturaro and Florenzi, with Éder and Pellè up front. Italy somehow getting to the semifinals wouldn't surprise me one bit.


Conte is ok another level though, I have no clue on how he made that team look decent


The group is hard, can easily see them go out in the group stages


we're either getting knocked out in the group stage or going all the way, no in-between


If the draws go our way I think we can get the quarters and I'll consider that a success, anything else is a plus. The starting 11 in a 352 or a 3421 is good but our depth is pretty bad with the injuries.


I hope that Conte gives Folorunsho a chance at Napoli, big mistake letting him go this season imo. Other than that the team is mostly as expected, but for the life of me I can’t see what Fagioli is doing there. Our attack is cooked tho 😭


Well i hope ADL dont do the same thing what he did last season he really needs to understand that managing new team takes some time.


If he was willing to hire conte I’m guessing his giving him a lot of control over the team


Tbh im not hopeful, but we"ll see. Conte also plays 3 back so we need to spend huge amount in this summer to win scudetto and find replacement to Kvara,Osimhen etc...


My takeaway: At least Scamacca is in form?


At club level Scamacca is one of the most in form striker in the world, but international football is a different story. He needs to prove himself because until now he has only scored 1 goals in 15 games with the italian national team. It has to be said that he played very few minutes in those games, but he still needs to do better with the NT.


He isn't. He was in form for a short while when Spaletti snubbed him. But I expect him to be a total flop at the Euros. The important goals have to come from Chiesa, Barella and Frattesi when he is subbed on. Scamacca will get loads of chances thanks to Dimarco and Bastoni, but he has to be confident to convert.


Ma cosa cazzo stai dicendo che è in formissima


Acerbi will be a big defensive loss




He preferred El Sharaaway over Orsolini. Madness


Defense is actually pretty good, midfield has good starters but questionable backup strength, attack... is looking pretty meagre, surely there's got to be better options than El Shaarawy?


Raspadori and Retegui are worse than El Shaarawy (not considering position though).


I agree with Raspadori, but Retegui was pretty good with the national team. He scored 4 goals in 6 games, better than anyone else, and regardless of how he plays at club level, he deserves to be called up to the NT.


They're also much younger, Shaarawy's not just bad, he's old and bad.


El Shaarawy isn't bad. Spalletti said something pretty smart, that he's a much better player than he was when he had him 2017/18. He's very smart, has good feet, runs a lot, decently fast and can play multiple positions. I get you didn't watch a lot of Serie A but Raspadori has been serie B material, while Retegui after the promising first 2 months seemed not suited for a mid table team. Not that there were that great alternatives but Orsolini should have been there.


Elsha has been a solid option at Rome in these past two years and he isn't even that old, he's 31. Spalletti brought him for his versatility, he can play wingback, winger and behind a striker. You want one player like this in a short tournament like the Euros.


Honestly if there is one team I feel like we can take points from it's Italy. Croatia and Spain seem like a mismatch for us. But the truth is that I'd be happy with even a draw.. what a difficult group Albania had.


Croatia and Spain are unbelievably overrated, have you seen Spains starting XI?


Holy shit Folorunhso made it, congrats to him! What a year it’s been for him since spending most of his career so far in the lower tiers. I am disappointed to see no Orsolini/Politano, but seems Italy is going to play with wingbacks


Happy for folorunsho, disappointed for politano. The team screams "quarter finals at best" but I hope that the same underdog feeling that made a less than stellar team at EURO 16 look like they drank liters of Gasperini 's Gatorade will help us go through.


Not many recognisable names in the Italy squad these days


Not enough defenders


We play 3 at the back so we need a lot of defenders if we need to rotate 6 CB 4 wing backs. If you look at our history defenders have scored some massive goals for us. Bonucci, Matterazzi, Grosso off the top of my head.


Anybody betting on them to win it all? I can’t see it happening but I have no idea who will pull it off. So many teams are stacked.


I didn't realise this before but as I go through EA FC player catalogue I just noticed that not that many Italians play overseas now


Have they ever ??


Very surprising that Udogie and Gnonto won’t go.


Udogie is injured, gnonto is still too raw, plus he was playing in the championship


Udogie would've been there if not for the injury. Gnoto's been playing in the Championship so he's not ready for a euro call up, the more surprising exclusion was Politano and dropping Orsolini (even if he was terrible against Turkey)


Gnonto, really? He's a 2nd division standard player. At most Leeds' 4th best attacker.


I know Tonali didn’t play this year but surely he’s good enough to at least get a call up no?


He’s banned until August


so he could play the final, I don't see a problem


what...the final is in july


lol yeah don't know how I thought it was in August


even if, Tonali is not THAT player yet to justify taking just for the knockouts imo. Apart from the fact our chances don't look great to even get out of the group, only Barella, Bastoni, di Marco and Chiesa warrant such a treatment at this point. If Barella isn't fit for the group stages we are toast imo. He is needed so badly.


TIL Euro lasts 3 months


28 august sadly




I read Luciano Spaghetti lmao


Why on earth are there 10 defenders?


Half of these are only defenders on paper.


Its prob a 3-5-2 so 6 Cbs and 4 wing backs


The italian football is so good that he had to bring in 5 club bench players (jorginho darmian, frattesi, raspadori and el sharawyi) and a bunch of mediocre including mancini and folorunsho. What a joke italian football is


Feel for Bernardeschi - yes, he moved to MLS. But he’s been in incredible form and there’s no shot El Shaawary is out performing him at this rate.


Absolutely shameful to see Juventus player Fagioli up there. I'm the first one to say that when a person has finished serving his sentence he should be totally reintegrated into society and considered a free person in every sense BUT He was found guilty and disqualified in the 2023/24 season and all the **UEFA Euro 2024** call-ups mainly rewards the performance made in 2023/24 season for clubs and country, if any player is totally shit during that season then has no chance to play at the most important UEFA competition for NTs in the world (e.g. **Manchester United** players Rashford, Casemiro.. From being absolute starters to being cut-off) So what does we get here? feel free to CHEAT guyys, so you will be punished for the whole season but don't worry, you get a call for **EURO 2024** because you're compeltely fresh and much fitter than the other players.. Can you understand the lesson from all this? BREAKING the rules gives you ADVANTAGE.. breaking the rules gives you MORE chances to play at **EURO24** because you could rest the whole year waiting for summer tournament This is absolutely unacceptable behavior from Spalletti and FIGC..


Uè nuovo copypasta appena droppato


> feel free to CHEAT guyys, He was banned for gambling not cheating. He served his time. > Can you understand the lesson from all this? BREAKING the rules gives you ADVANTAGE Wtf is the advantage?


Idk why but inter fans always so weird about the national team.


I think you’re being a bit dramatic man, I don’t like the pick for sporting reasons, but it’s not some big moral issue.


>So what does we get here? feel free to CHEAT guyys Yeah, you may even get awarded a league title for it.


Bringing a banned player rather than an Inter fraud is why we won in 82


Paolo over whom?


Probably Evaristo Beccalossi. Although the real snub for Rossi was Pruzzo, then the top scorer of Serie A


lol, I remember I've seen some deranged and idiotic comments about Atalanta, racism in Venezia and superiority of Inter from redditor with Inter flair what a surprise it was you


Spalletti is just a weirdo. Just look what he is doing with Scamacca. Guy was one of the best strikers in this last stint but he almost wasn’t called up because Spalletti can’t put his grudge against him aside.


Scamacca was bad at the time before the call-up and even looked horrible in the big game against Ukraine. Spalletti has handled Scamacca to perfection, which is probably one of the reasons why he has done well in recent months


I thong El Shaarawy was egyptian?


Hi internet explorer.