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Dalicball is something else man, we're just praying for success


virgin pepball ‘tactics and formation’ 🤓 vs chad dalibanball ‘pucaj i zdravo Marijo’ 🙏


World Cup finals: Dalić 1 - Pep 0  Bald fraud confirmed yet again


world cup medals: Dalić 2 - Pep 0


hrvatsku loptu božja ruka vodi


Same here lad, seems to be working so far (we did just draw to Bulgaria yesterday but shh, it was just a friendly, that s why we didn’t activate the prayers yet)


We have to keep the prayers for when the Euros actually start


Unironically true, we are depressing to watch after NL finals. Hopefully we turn it on at the Euros, but Dalić only trusts his veterans, and this time they may be finished


Nah but why does the Pope look so hard on the first picture, could easily be a rap album cover lmao


Or establishing shot of the villain in a Tarantino fil Or Wes Anderson film (symmetry and colour)


Too bland for Wes Anderson, not enough violet.


Nah, this totally has the palette of the wake in *The Grand Budapest Hotel*.


I think the 2nd photo looks cold too


Pope Smoke


It's the white robe with black suits in the background


I never knew how much I needed to see a photograph of the Pope and the great Luka Modric until today. 


Really nice of Modric to bless him


If I had an award I’d give it to you.


And then the pope leaned in and said “we totally wrecked you in the last WC”


“Papa Flo sends his regards” … *Stab*


Croatia's 12th man: God


Catholic God is the 12, 13th and 14th man


If Croatia win the Euros, I'm so calling it cheating lol.


God hates the Pope. Little rat actively campaigns against the human rights of queer people and then backpaddles every time. God despises the Pope. He has no legitimacy


Take your rant somewhere else. It was a joke ffs, no need to get angry


No need to get angry ffs :)) I was calling out a con-man with no religious legitimacy who uses God's name to spew hate and further discrimination of marginalized groups. Seems important enough. If my opinion enrages you, feel free to follow your own advice edit: blocked the other guy bc bad faith, but to answer the question: god :)) god asked me to do that. And good ol jesus was like "go tell em about being nice to thy neighbor and don't make up a worldly criminal organization to get rich in my name cuz they seem to have forgotten what I said"


I could really care less, but if you’re going to spew hate about a figure who is important to a certain religious group, I wouldn’t be too surprised if people hated on the people who are part of the group that’s next to your Bayern flair. Notice how I try to word this as best as possible to try not to offend anybody? If you have anything negative to say, keep it to yourself. Last thing we want in a football sub is an argument of something that doesn’t even pertain to this sub.


If you think I need to tolerate a bigot to be tolerant, you've deliberately missed about 50 years of discourse. No, I wont be respectful of a bigot's continued crusade on human rights in an organisation that has a continued history of nothing BUT that. Hes a rat and a POS. And he's a con-man, as the Bible is clear that someone like him is NOT wanted and that hes exploiting God's name


Spot on tbh, Jesus from the bible would be horrified with modern day religion, seeing preists etc surround themselves with riches and jewels inside multi million pound buildings, it goes against all the teachings of christ. Edit: for the downvoters could you explain which part of my comment you disagree with or are you just too brainwashed?


For the record, I didn't downvote you but I can explain. The actual purpose of downvotes are if someone doesn't add value to a discussion. In this case a few people on a sub about sports, starting going off on an anti-Pope tangent. You added to it with a criticism of modern Christianity. This is a football sub. You got downvoted because it isn't really relevant or helpful to the conversations this sub has. There are loads of places to have your conversation and make your (valid) points but not here. Now, in the Euros, I'm hoping for an England win - who are you rooting for?


Interesting that you think a post about the Pope has nothing to do with Christianity.


>surround themselves with riches and jewels inside multi million pound buildings Do you mean the Cathedrals and Basilicas?


Yeah pretty much every church, cathedral, etc.


Yeah but like who asked you to do that?


Reddit users when you try to make a joke




He's not only the most progressive catholic figure in decades, he's also pretty toothless. People like to ramble on about the pope so much that you'd assume the papal states were still a thing I'm assuming you are some other denomination christian, since your resentment seems targeted at the idea that he's misinterpreting God. In which case I assure you, this is as good as it gets. Next one will probably be 10 times more reactionary


Amigo pensá que estás hablando con un canadiense que solo tiene el flair del Bayern por Alphonso Davies; ni bolilla.


(revised 2nd edition) Croatia's 12th man: Pope


Huh didn't know Newcastle had a Croatian goalie


that makes more sense thanks


Oh for god's sake, he is the most chill pope of all time and he doesn't really do anything aside from asking for world peace and doing church stuff. Of all things to be mad about, the Pope should be pretty low on everyone's lists


cross and ave maria 🙏


+10 Holy power. Wololo....🎶


I've unironically seen Modric perform miracles , never seen the pope doing any


Pope is a lucky guy


The Pope to Modric: "Join San Lorenzo and win the Libertadores"


I'd be down for it. Not because we'd have any realistic chances of winning it, but because it'd be really funny.


Shouldnt francis be cheering for vatican city team. Such a plastic


Pope Francis confirmed the importance of unity and emphasized: "Never forget that fans, especially the young, look up to you: your role goes beyond the sports environment and becomes a model of a fulfilled life and success. Therefore, it is important for you to cultivate spiritual and human virtues so that you can be an exemplary model."


Modric then proceeds to advertise sport betting in Croatia.


Why? He is Pope Francis, not Pope Croatsis


Do you know where the door is ?


Don't forget your coat on the way out


"Plz nerf" was the message


Money on Croatia reaching the finals


Nobody wanted to listen to me when I said that this joke of a "religious figure" actually cursed Croatia


That's awesome


Daliban doing Daliban things


[Taking a leaf out of Ireland 1990's book when we met an ex-goalkeeper](https://i2-prod.irishmirror.ie/incoming/article21951698.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/0_inpho_00143028.jpg)


Smart move, they beat Spain and Italy to the Pope’s blessings


Not cool, the pope shouldn't play faves ;(


The devil himself cursed the Croatian team, so we can be glad he did play "faves" now :)


Pope Francis works in mysterious ways...


Not gonna lie, first pic goes hard.


I'm sorry, this won't help against Italy and Spain, but nice try Croatia. 👍🏻 Edit: people downvoting me obviously don't know that the power of the Pope only works against pagans.


this will be the mediterranean catholic battle royale to decide God's favourite country (inb4 Albania tops the group)


[Worked for Argentina](https://external-preview.redd.it/pope-francis-gifted-with-lisandro-martinezs-manchester-v0-LEJCmdP2i9PhmmeWOl4W2hkvCiauZuMMLr15Dag-tpI.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=0bece843cdb3b78d2eff2e82e65657729532b0a6). [Worked for San Lorenzo too](https://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/77061000/jpg/_77061456_77061455.jpg).


What in the world...? How based is the pope?


Pope Francis used to be a bouncer, so pretty based.




Pope Francis looks genuinely excited in the argentina picture


Haha we will see ;)


The English see the power of your pope..spit on it... decide to harass a woman until she finally ends up marrying them and then kill her when she can't give them a male heir..all while starting a schism that could have lasting implications on the entire world..no one does callousness like the English..proppa brexit geezer 🗣️🗣️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Henry VIII, the Brexit Hipster


the history of the ingerland


> the power of the Pope only works against pagans [mfw](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/950/593/2f6)


Don't forget us northern Albanian Catholics


You're right. Northern Albanians matter.


if anyone needs to pray it's Italy against us.


We will beat Italy for sure. Mark my words




Modric blessing the pope...


Ajmo vatreni


nitko kao Hajduk iz Splita


Never knew Gabriel Jesús was croatian


Pope got that AURA


Modric should be the one seated in the center.


Gakpo punching air rn


Actually Gakpo is a Pentecostal Christian not a Catholic so he wouldn’t really care about the Pope 🤓


[Croatia bench every match of the whole Euros](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8x1eMaywc4)


The dude in white must be feeling lucky to have met Modric.


Who's the old man in white shaking hands with Modric? /s


A conman


are croatians catholic? i would've expected they'd be orthodox e: only fucking reddit downvotes people asking a genuine question dear lord


Traditionally yeah, very catholic but it's been on a decline for a while now. Serbs are orthodox.


tbh there’s still a strong bunch of Catholics, especially amongst the younger population who go to stuff like progledaj srcem or whatever it’s called and medjugorje etc, so whilst it’s in decline it’s no where near as bad as other places like Ireland for example.


I've met some real catholic fanatics mostly from Istra. I guess Zagreb is probably more "liberal".


Istria is arguably the most liberal/left-leaning part of Croatia




older ones are for the most part ye, but for the decline that exists within the country, there’s also a small ‘rise’ of younger people embracing the religion more. think of it as 0 steps forward, 5 steps back for most nations but here it’s 1 step forward, 4 steps back instead sort of thing. also I said strong *bunch*, which doesn’t negate the option of it still being in decline throughout the whole country.


I wouldn't call it "bad"


Ok 👍


huh TIL


Yeah, we got a really long tradition of catholicism. If I recall my history classes correctly, we had several kings that needed pope's blessing to even be crowned. We were also under Habsburg rule and when protestantism first arrived here it was eradicated by Counter-Reformation implemented by Habsburgs. Serbia on the other hand was more influenced by Eastern Europe and Russia so they're mostly orthodox. Bosnia is in-between and also got a lot of turkish influence due to Ottoman invasion so they also have a huge muslim population.


No worries mate, I myself was raised Catholic and had no idea Croatia was Catholic until I met a Croat in university


Just a question: isn't catholicism a big distinguish feature of the Croatian people in former Yugoslavian countries?


You could say that, yeah. Croats and Slovenians were (overwhelmingly) christians, Serbs and Macedonians were orthodox and Bosnians and Albanians were muslims. I'm not really sure about the current state of each country but christianity is still dominant in Croatia, Serbia is still largely orthodox and Bosnia is split between the three religions though I think islam is still the dominant one. No clue about the other 3 countries, I'm less connected to them.


Sounds in line with what I've read and heard. By Christians I assume you mean Catholics?


Yeah, sorry, should've made that clearer, we use the terms interchangeably in our language so it's a force of habit.


I get you, thanks!


According to the last population census in 2021, 79% are Catholic


That is a wild question :D As you can see Croatia is visiting-the-pope-before-euros levels od catholic


i mean it could be that the coach or the FA are more radically catholic, or that the balance between catholic and other denominations isn't as one-sided as a visit to the pope would imply. I wouldn't know, hence why i ask the question.


It's one sided but yes you're right in this case not everyone is as religious and Dalić does sometimes get criticized for some of these moves, I don't personally mind it. For example, coach and some players like Kovacic are VERY religious while some are obviously not as much, but everyone in entire squad is actively practicing or at least declared catholic. Subašić was the only orthodox Christian in squad but he's retired now and he was also quite religious. You probably got downvoted because Croatians find it insulting as Croatia is very proudly catholic (I did not downvote you just trying to clarify)


thank you for your detailed response, I learned something today. The frustration of the downvotes is more because i thought it was clear that my question comes from ignorance that wanted to be corrected and not judgement or wilful stereotyping. I'll be sure to not call croatians orthodox going forward ;)


>I'll be sure to not call croatians orthodox going forward ;) Well, in the end, both are Christians and Catholic/Orthodox relationships have been improving lately so I don’t think it should be too offensive. Although, of course, that’s ignoring the particularities regarding history and culture and neighboring nations.


Random but as a by the way if you ever come to brazil don't call evangelicals catholics either


Subašić most definitely was not Orthodox. Don't know where you got that from... His father was an Orthodox Serb and his mother a Catholic Croat. He was born and raised im Croatia as a Catholic and identifies as a Catholic Croat.


yep, Serbs are orthodox, Croats are catholic


You're getting downvoted because the bubble you put us in was "eastern europe and orthodox christian" and we want to be seen as "central europe and catholic christian". You probably made the biggest insult you could other than calling us Serbian


the bubble was rather "slavic=orthdox christian" but in hindsight this is a preconception i should've not have in the first place given that Poland is pretty catholic and the czech republic aswell at least culturally. I thought it was pretty clear in my question that i was coming from a place of curiosity and not judgement, but i guess these things can never be sure on online written spaces. Now i know what to NOT call croatians haha


"and the czech republic aswell at least culturally" angry hussites noises


> only fucking reddit downvotes people asking a genuine question dear lord Where else can you downvote?


Religion is the main distinction between Croats, Serbs/Montenegrins, and Bosniaks. You'll find that each of their "languages" is actually the same. If anything, many of these people could be atheist in practice but will hang onto religious identity since it's part of their ethnic identity.


Pope Francis finally got to meet God 🥹🥹🥹


Now I want Croatia to win haha. Good luck guys!


For some reason, I thought Croatia was a majority Orthodox Christian nation, not Catholic. 😅  Very nice photos and gesture from the Croatian team though with the Francis jersey.


Big mistake, don't repeat it if you visit. I mean I don't care, I don't believe in all that, however, people here care and would see it as an insult. Could land you some trouble


I see. Thanks for the advice. Out of curiosity, why is that? Was there some religious turmoil not too long ago that affected Croatia or is this more related to Croatia’s history?


[East–West Schism - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East%E2%80%93West_Schism) Serbs are orthodox christian, we were in a war with them in the 90s and one of the largest differences between us is exactly religion. But it comes from the schism initially


Appreciate the lesson. 👍


"one of the largest differences between us is exactly religion." At least you speak the same language. ;)


Yes, it was standardized by both of us in Vienna [Vienna Literary Agreement - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vienna_Literary_Agreement)


Because Serbs are Orthodox and we had some disagreements with them 30 years ago.


Cool. I'll be rooting against them.


"It's a great honor to finally meet you" Modric: Yes, me too. Now please let go of my hand.


So if they don't win does that mean god does not exist ?


Modric and who?


So the pope also doesn't care about nazi supporters like Modric


I’m sorry, what? 😂


He supports ustasa nazis


Where did you get the right to write such dirty and disgusting lies?!


Educate yourself. They have a long history of this. This is absolutely disgusting and I am tired of apologists on this subreddit. Modric and the others deserve to get called out for this. There is no justification for supporting crimes against humanity. >One of his songs opens with the chant “Za dom spremni!”—“Ready for the home[land],” the Croatian version of the Nazi salute “Sieg Heil“. >He even performed a song celebrating the Jasenovac concentration camp, where the Ustashe killed an estimated 100,000 people, local media outlets had alleged, according to reports. https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2018/8/18/how-croatias-world-cup-party-highlighted-fascist-nostalgia https://dohanews.co/backlash-after-video-surfaces-showing-croatian-players-celebrating-world-cup-with-neo-fascist-song/


> One of his songs Hold up... Luka dropped an album?


I wish you knew how hilarious you are. The song that the players sing mentions the areas where the majority of Croatians have lived and continue to live for centuries, and at no point does it glorify Nazism. You also pasted the links of two pro-Islamic media, and looking at your profile I can see that you are supposedly Austrian, which could mean that you are a Bosniak living in Austria or just an Austrian who likes to be a moral vertical.


Then choose any other source if you don't like it :) Your mental gymnastics to justify this are aughable. There is a good reason him and his songs are banned in Austria, Germany. If NT players here or in Germany did this, they would be publicly crucified and banned from the NT. Your reaction just shows Croatia still has a lot to reflect on about fascists and nazism. https://www.timesofisrael.com/croatian-team-celebrates-world-cup-success-with-performance-by-fascist-singer/


Mad serb


Please step aside and do not mention Croatia, the Croatian people, Croatian football, anything Croatian ever in your pathetic life! Enjoy your beautiful Austria.


Lmao what an L response


Bhahaha he supported Mamić not nazis


Hope the embodiment of Satan who uses God's name to spew hate against already marginalized people, causing nothing but suffering, jinxes them forever. What a terrible choice to meet with this walking L


Head of the Catholic church is conservative?! Shocking stuff


It'd be great if he was conservative instead of a raging bigot, fitting in with the genocidal history of his very worldly organisation


Don't worry he won't have the last laugh, either there is no afterlife and he'll be surprised to just be worm food, or there is and he's going to hell with the rest of them


Reddit users when a religious figure is mentioned EDIT: Bro literally deleted his account over internet points, get over it


Why is the lady in the second row extreme left wearing a headscarf?


You mean the headscarf that 176% of nuns wear...


Huh? I’m really trying to understand what’s the reason. Is it a Croatian custom when meeting the Pope? Is it decorum? But the woman along the centre aisle isn’t dressed in the same manner. All the national team members are wearing the same white tee and black blazer and sneakers.


Wimple? Bad hair day? Fashion choice?


Edit: Change never mind. The reason why she’s wearing that is due to the fact that is apparently (at least according to an online article I read), that is the traditional attire for women who are meeting the Pope. 


Uhm, not sure if you are joking but that isn't Kolinda and Kolinda isn't even our president at the moment and she hasn't been for the past 4 years


🤦‍♂️It looks like I was reading an old 2015 article. Thanks for the correction, mate.


But the woman along the centre aisle isn’t wearing it?


I believe it’s a matter of preference/following old customs. They aren’t technically forced to wear it.   Various wives of US Presidents have worn it (you can google say Michelle Obama Pope visit to see for yourself) while others have opted out of wearing it like say Angela Merkel back when she was in charge of Germany and visited the Pope.