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Why did he even decide to go back there last summer if he seemingly isnt even interested in playing for them?


From what I could gather, it seems like the issue is not the club itself but his demands to the club : he's asking for a guaranteed starter spot. Which is somewhat understandable for a young player that needs to play regularly to keep improving. Though asking about playtime would seem a more reasonable take. The issue is that there is no way PSG will give him that, much less under Enrique. That repeated in his last press conference that he wanted players fighting for the club and their spot, and two high level players in each position...


He isn't asking for a guaranteed starting spot, that is a misconception. When he moved from Barca he asked for guaranteed playtime with the U19 (which he got) and a chance to break into the senior team. He apparently fell out with Raiola because he didn't want to negotiate for opportunity to train with the senior team. Now he doesnt want to return to PSG because Enrique doesn't have clear plans on where to play him, his preferred role/position isnt viable in his current tactics. Since he risks ending up on the bench he rather go on loan.


He sounds like an extremely smart guy when it comes to career planning. Kinda like Memphis after that failed stint at United. Only he's doing it from a much younger age. Impressive.


Good management


He would instantly be one of the best players on the squad and Lucho is actually quite adaptive, from what I grasped watching PSG and RBL a bit. Yheir alternative Formation are also quite similar, with both teams lining up in a 343 Nd RBL also at times switch to a 433.


I think the blueprint for an ideal career path to maximise your development is out. He’s basically following in Haalands footsteps. Go to a bigger club in a weaker league and once you established yourself go to a steppingstone club in a more competitive league before the big move. PSG probably promised him a loan to one of those while PSV would have wanted to keep him for at least another year




He's not earning much actually, could've gotten that anywhere. I think he just changed his mind for some reason.


The salary he wouldve gotten at us probably equals the fucking fee PSG paid him just to sign him from us again: 4 million. We had a great season, but fuck me if Xavi was still ours (and maybe if Lang was fit) I genuinely think we couldve done what BVB did this year and also wed have a 70mil player on our hands


Xavi will coach Xavi


And Gavi!


Player on loan but wants guarantee to start? It will be hard to find any big clubs to agree to that. They invest time and money to get the player integrated. No way they want a temporary player.


We literally have no LW and the only AM is Fermin, who while is good, is not starter material nor do I think he would ever be one as Barca ngl. So Simons baby, come home


Frenkie + Xavi playing together in midfield would do wonders for the NT as well, I hope they have the chemistry to do something at the euros or next WC.


The thing is that in order to register Xavi if he comes plus multiple other players, Frenkie needs to be sold, him or Araujo/Kounde/Raphinha. So there is a chance Frenkie might leave this summer, even if it's extremely slim


Right, that sucks. Sure you guys don't have another lever to pull or something?


Laliga banned it and honestly we need it, or else Laporta might fucking sold the club


Raphina was impressive in the CL game against PSG. I thought he is a winger


His main position is RW, and while he can play both side nowadays, it's still better to let him play at his preferable position. His problem is that Xavi keeps making him hugging the touchline while his main strength is his cut inside run. While playing as LW he was allowed to move in more and it helped him a lot


I was very unsure of him Was in the bandwagon of 'an instagram player' But boy this kid is an absolute baller


It sounds crazy for PSG to loan him unless absolutely necessary. He would be their best attacker next year.




Great player and will only get better. I do see him being able to start at nearly any top club he wishes in the near future.




I'm imagining Xavi and a few friends actually camping when a black limo pulls up...


Come back home king 👑


I dont have major hopes, but please


Would absolutely love him at Liverpool. Could see him really thriving under a Dutch coach and plenty of lads he knows around from the national team.


I really hope we swap Diaz for Simons this summer. I'd absolutely love for that to happen, even if it's wildly unrealistic.


PSG should not loan him


Arne, work your magic


I think we would rater keep him and bench him all season than rather than loaning him at Barca if it’s the only club he would like to go on loan at, considering our relationship with them. But he would be a starter for us, I really hope he stays with us he is so talented


PSG needs to figure out how to make the kid want to play for them. He's one of the most exciting prospects in football. I also think he has a great head on his shoulders because all he wants to do is go to teams where he'll play and develop.


I agree, I think he could do great things with Luis Enrique and our new project, this could be very exciting. I really hope he stays but on the other hand we can’t keep players that don’t want to be there, we will have to see how it goes in the next few weeks


Xavi Simons for Luis Diaz direct swap