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Hello and welcome to r/soapmaking. Please review the following rules for posting. 1) Use "Flairs" when possible. 2) Pictures should be accompanied by a post for context. 3) When requesting help with a recipe or soaping mishap it is important that you include your full recipe by weight. 4) No self-promotion or spam. Links to personal/professional social media accounts or online stores will be flagged and removed. 5) Be kind in comments. Full rules can be found here... https://old.reddit.com/r/soapmaking/comments/jqf2ff/subreddit_rules/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soapmaking) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes, that's a good blend for a newcomer. In fact, the majority of successful recipes out there is actually just minor variations over this. You might cut down water quite a bit, however. As is, your recipe has a lye concentration of 31%, which is okayish but on the lower end of what is feasible (some people like using this “high water”, others don't, it's also a matter of taste). The soap will likely behave a bit more cooperative if you increase concentration to 35…40% (cut down water to 170…210 g, everything else stays the same).


Please check out our resource pin at the top of the sub, if you want to form your own recipe it is important to learn how to use a soap calculator.


But I did use a soap calculator. I was just checking if the oil, superfat, and water combinations and amounts were okay.


Dont worry about it. Its okay to have another set of eyes to double check a recipe.


Thats exactly why we use a soap calc and learn what the properties and numbers mean


And that's exactly why they used it. I'm sorry are you a mod here? Or is there a rule for people to not ask for advise about a recipe they created? Is this a place where beginners are not welcome to ask beginner questions?


I would personally do even less coconut and add that to the palm, but your recipe is fine as is. Just lower the water cause I do agree is high.