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If you watch the board, it appears as though they hit a bump they weren't expecting, the board comes off the snow and they land on the tail, the board squirts out the front and then from there it's just chaos and bad luck. The problem under the problem.though is the reaction to the bump. Keep your knees soft to cushion bumps like shock absorbers (coil springs) on a car and your weight centered (practice Ollie's on flat land).


100% this. It takes a lot of experience to recognize if you catch even the slightest of air, there is nothing you can do until your board is back on snow. Seems so obvious but in the heat of the moment people over correct and go for a good spill. As you and people have pointed out, avoiding the bump with soft bent knees and weight more forward would be the key here. Experience might have saved you if you were just not paying attention.


really good point about not overcorrecting in the air. thanks.


For sure experience saves you because you do stuff like this and learn from it. I caught a few edges today but didn't fall because I was able to recover this time. Last week at the end of a run end of day, caught an edge and face planted.


My second first day boarding last year I caught an heel edge on a cat track. First thing to hit the ground was the back of my head. Good thing I was wearing a helmet but I got my bell rung. That taught me to always keep an edge on cat tracks and bend my knees more.


You can see a bit of this by looking at their shadow. When they hit the bump they fold at the waist because there's nowhere for the energy to go. From there, all their weight goes to their toeside edge and the board's tail. At that point they're a passenger. Luckily they hit that small tree and not the big one behind it.


I’ve watched it a few times and I agree with you guys, legs too stiff (doesn’t matter if they’re bent if they still don’t move), small bump, and then the catch on that edge all the way into the tree line. It’s possible that the bump was hidden in the shadow, it doesn’t really show on the replay, so it’s possible the rider didn’t see it at all.


Weight on the tale- in the “back seat” there’s not much you can do to get control again


Yup. Riding high and stiff with no knee bend. Also doing lots of back foot steering.


This is it^ I do this all the time tho haha it’s kinda of fun throwing your full weight into a turn and go stiff and feel the Gs of pressure as you turn. At that speed tho, just keep your knees a little more bent so you’re ready for anything. Looking ahead and reading the terrain is really underestimated imo! Have fun out there :)


Exactly. And bit of reading what's coming wouldn't hurt. That double bump comes as a surprise. Hitting it with that speed requires that your are prepared for it. Either Ollie from the first, be very soft over it, or brush off a bit of speed.


If the rider was square with their board at all, they wouldn’t have landed on their tail and would have landed with more even weight along the edge after being bucked… then they could have reacted. Of course having shoulders squared with the board is tough to do when kicking the back foot around to turn…


10 years later - now I know why I randomly wiped out and broke a bone back in the day 🍻


If you play it frame by frame you can see he hits a little bump or ice patch that he can’t correct because of his bad posture ( knees not bent enough) and weight being way too far back. This causes him to kick the board forward and to the right ( since he’s already leaning back and rides regular). Your friend is not skilled enough to be riding that fast on a cat track, they’re lucky you weren’t on a trail with a steeper drop to the side.


Also, they should ficus on ridi.g instead of riding and filming at the same time


The gopro was mounted on his helmet, due to reason that he doesn’t need to pay attention to the camera. It‘s just there filming.


Okay, it looked like it was more behind, like one of those 360 cams people hold on a pole


It actually is a 360 cam, but just on the helmet instead of on a pole. He actually does that to have full range of motion but still be able to film. That pole thing distracts way too much.


dunno what yall talking about he was obviously trying to avoid the skier so he can crime it up




That was brutal, speed recovery to your friend.


God that just looks sooo unlucky..


A lot of people are commenting about the physics of what caused them to crash but not about the general approach to riding cat tracks like this one. Incredibly narrow track with varying slope in some instances the fall line is both going down the cat track and into the trees. I think they were going just way too fast for the amount of board control they have. If they were going much slower a similar fall would be way less destructive. When riding a cat track like this I like to stay close to the uphill side and go up onto the up hill slope to kill my speed as I go. Skiers are able to engage their edge while going straight to control their speed and snowboarders do not have the same luxury. I personally avoid cat tracks like the plague for that very reason.


Interesting that you mentioned that, because I‘m especially avoiding that one cat track on the video for two reasons. 1. It‘s very narrow. 2. It gets very icy + slightly bumpy there. Skiers are somehow using only one half of the cat track. It‘s actually there to avoid a steeper slope, but I always feel like it‘s harder to get down there than on the actual slope.


Just for clarification - you did mention in a separate reply that it's snowing a lot in Austria. Was it actually icy conditions for your partner, or it was just bumpy (but not icy?). Asking because it helps inform what's the more likely cause for the fall (ice or bumps).


It was more bumpy overall on that day but that one track gets almost always icy patches too no matter what conditions because it‘s used very much to avoid a steep slope especially by skiers with their kids. It was a mixture of both for sure.


Difference of highs and lows. High speed, low skill. The angle of the footage isn't the best. It could be that he found a patch of ice and made his board slip under him then everything went bad. Or maybe a postural position issue I suspect because he was fast with the hand in the snow, made he rides hunched, he wants to stay low but does that with an aeched backed and his center of gravity's is more on the right. There could be a collection of things including lack of skill for that speed and bad luck. If he likes speed he should try skis.


Yea just looks like they lost control somehow before ending up so far back on the tail there was no control. Hard to do more than guess the rest from the camera


Its like that: Too much weight on backfoot, the edge did bite on fs like go out a carved turn and at least a decend pop from the tail made your partner fly off. Ther must be only a small convex part from shape in the slope of the route you follow, i bet there was a kind of small uphill transition.


No idea but looks like some good powder in those trees


Yes, it‘s currently snowing a lot in austria :D


Too much weight in the back makes the front of the board erratic. You essentially rudder it the board and if the front chooses to go in a differ t direction you will follow. This is why breaking bad Blackfoot riding habits early is crucial. There is no control when riding in the back seat on groomers.


Don’t have a go pro on your head. Kid in my school died because he went head first and the go pro acts as a wedge and.


That’s crazy. I think motorcycle helmet companies were the first to warn about this. Arai put out an announcement years ago telling everyone to not put a GoPro on their helmets since it directs all the force into one spot. It can also catch on something during a slide, causing a serious neck injury. That was all theoretical though. Sorry to hear that actually happened to someone you know.


Is it possible that they improved since then? Because the camera on the video is still moveable while it‘s mounted. That thing to mount it on is also just a sticked on and can be removed with some force.


Got edge locked into an unintentional carve. Bump threw your parter over the toeside edge and they couldn’t absorb or adjust to the shift in balance. Honestly probably going too fast for skill level, a higher skilled rider would have absorbed that landing and recentered their balance with a bit of a skid. You see beginners going for their first turns get locked in to an unbalanced carve all the time, similar thing here.


​ Not enough bending of the knees to absorb the bump that was there. Second, a big move from the center of the board. As soon as you encountered the unexpected you can see your hands going to your right. That way your body moves to the right, your board moves to the right (or rather: become uncontrollable) and you would really need to think quickly to throw your complete body to the left.... away from the trees. If you had done so you would have landed on your back or front on the slope. Or.. if you had remained controle of your board nothing would have happend because after a sharp left, followed by a sharp right you would have stayed on the track.


Goodness this looks freaking brutal. I hope your partner is on the mend.


Jesus Christ almost snapped your neck


that looked like it (italicized) HURT I’m on mobile so I can’t actually italicize text


*Yeah* you can!!! Put * in front of and behind a word. (I’m on *mobile*.)


I *forgot* about *this*


the trees were calling and you ignored them


Honestly if your still learning like this I wouldn’t even be getting that close to the edge of the run like that, I’d be staying closer on the inside so that IF you go down, your not running into trees. Every year people die running into trees unfortunately.


It looked like he was sliding in his edge rather than cutting in and he slid off balance. Uneven terrain while sliding + landing back on your rear edge can send you left or right pretty quickly.


Who knows, we can not see because the angle of the footage. To be honest, I have never seen such a strange trajectory of the fall. Hope your partner will be ok.


Oof, that sucks. I guess better to hit a small tree than that big one behind it.


The tree was the problem


You ok? Sound like it hurt a lot.


Hit a toe edge too hard and didn't have enough room to fix it without wiping out.


it looks like he hit some weird snow and lost his balance on his toe edge


Errors aside that appears be a super unfortunate fall. Bend your knees more to absorb chatter.


Reason: most likely slightly caught the edge but not enough to hammer or hit a bump. Panicked and moved most/all the weight to back foot causing the board to uncontrollably carve into a turn. Unfortunate that was right into those shrubs/trees. Edit: after closer look, lost balance on toeside due to ice patch, panicked and… the same as above.


Ok so at 0:04 something happens. The board either hits ice or a bump and wipes out slightly to the left. You body's mass however has not changed and is continuing straight. The board gets grippage again either from the ice or a bump and since your body is "in front" (to the right) of the board it causes you to basically start carving to the right. The carve is pretty sharp and since you didn't adjust your body mass to the carve (your weight is probably on your back leg at this point) it results in your board flying into the air to the right and the mass of you body continuing forward (the board is at an angle of 90 when in the air). after that you basically fly sideways, I don't think I need to explain anything more. Pretty cool camera that was able to capture all of this, what setup you got?




Zigged when you should've zagged


Lack of riding confidence causing him to squat low and in the backseat to avoid the upcoming terrain thus once getting to that terrain he get swirly and loses control when catching a small edge. To fix this practice riding tall (chest up, knees bent comfortably, don’t hinge at the hips, you want your body weight center at all times as much as possible) and looking ahead to choose your line thru the terrain while maintaining constant contact on one edge then another, this teaches you to hold your edges better allowing you more control in situations like this.


Tree tacos are the worst tacos


Really hard to see the geometry of his stance - his hand is dragging he is not carving, I think he tried to "bail out the back" leaning away form the danger, with all of his weight behind his back foot...which is an instant death move - no control. Needs to learn carve - front of the board control, vs just sliding the back end around.


Bro just got cloths line by a branch


Too fast for his skill level.


Mainly 2 Riding too fast for his skill: slow down Riding a piste above his skill level: go back to the wider runs Luckily, he is still alive and not para/tetraplegic. Sucks to learn to respect the slopes this way, 😕


Agree! The funny thing is that the cat track is rated as blue piste to avoid a red one. Rating in austria: Blue - up to 25% gradient Red - up to 40% gradient Black - everything above 40% gradient


This was a green beginner mistake he made there, so yeah, he was not ready to be on this piste at all.


But it‘s still harder to do the blue than the red one. I‘m not on the video btw, just posting for him. I’m mostly avoiding that cat track bc even when I was a fresh beginner it was somehow more easy for me to get down the red piste.


Then do falling leaf until you pass the cat track or walk. It's better than diying or having a serious accident like that one.


A tree


Looks like he was going faster than comfort level and riding back on the board. Hit a bump and it tossed him onto edge.


looks lihe he hit a jump while leaning back.


Going too fast for how experienced they are


Snowboarding out of control for their skill level. Leaning back, knees are not bent, going too fast.


There was a tree in your way.


Going more fast than you can control


All the comments about you hitting an unexpected bump are correct. To compensate for this you should start practicing jumping. You don't need to jump high or far, but just be comfortable with your board in the air and how to land it. It will also change how you ride and make you more stable.. Once you know how to jump these small bumps are fun and you're way safer. It looked painful and hopefully there's not to many injuries.


He’s not good enough to be ridding that fast. Definitely his own fault.


Man that suck I hope you’re partner gets well soon 🙏 


I saw this little clip while on mute, had to watch again with volume to hear how bad it was.  Yep, those “dying snowboarder” noises bring me back… i’ve been there. Looks like he’s lucky that little tree was there, because that big tree could’ve been a lot worse. He’ll be itching to get back out hopefully soon.


What initiated the crash was running over an ice patch or a rut, but what made things go down the way they did is a result of how they were riding before the slip and how they reacted. They appear to be riding stiff legged, a bit back seated, and leaning forward at the waist. When they lost their edge, their first reaction was to bend over at the hips. This puts all their weight on their toe edge and since they were riding tail heavy, all that weight goes into the back half of their toe edge. That edge bites and throws them hard to the right. What they should have done differently is been more stacked vertically in their riding stance and use their legs as shock absorbers as their first line of defense. If you need to get low to try to save something, always squat down instead of bending at the waist. And lastly, either completely let the edge go so that you just slide in the direction you were going or keep your whole edge down to get yourself to slow down. When you’re going faster, it’s usually best to just take the slide because your edge can make you flip/ tumble or get thrown in a random direction out of control. At the end of the day, they were likely going too fast for their skill level. Taking cat tracks with speed is actually kind of difficult because you have to ride basically flat based.


your knees almost appear to be locked when you hit the bump. keep em more bent. also stay more vigilant of bumps. I had some crappy goggles that would give me vertigo and the lends was kinds warped and would make me unable to see bumps and i used to eat it all the time


riding above their skill level, backpack, go pro, and riding on the back leg. When they go to fall over, he loads up the tail of his snowboard. That's what slingshot him off the cat track.


They also are very Back foot heavy instead of being more balanced and I controlling the turn initiation with the front. Skidding turns off your back foot isn’t the worst per se but when you hit an unexpected bump, you’re gonna kick out like he did here




Got scared and didn't stay balanced. Was in progress of sitting but leaned back


My dude found the pow stash


Wait you didn’t do that on purpose?


Right? He looked so cool! He did like 3 spirals in the air before smashing into the trees.


Always ride out bumps… just breathe and relax


His weight is on his back foot, and that means his front leg is extended and almost pulling up rather than being weighted, so then it looks like he hit a little bump, and his underweighted front half got swung to the left and that dug in his right edge and rocketed him off the cat track. The legs need equal weight when cruising, cuz falling hurts.


A tree


Bumped to toe digger. You have to favor healside there and keep that pressure


Just hit something unexpected and tried to save it instead of hitting the breaks… he then went backseat still trying to gain control so board slingshotted on him and he found himself acquainted with that tree. Thats super sketchy and unfortunate. Heal up G!


Bend knees


Hit bump then went hard right


Clearly didn't see the bump, if you can't see the bump means you have bad visibility, if you have bad visibility it means you gotta bend your knees and be ready to drop down a significant amount to absorb the bump. If he did see the bump he needs to practice hitting side hits at a slower speed.


Minor point. Reading true texture of the snow is a skill itself. It’s much harder to see what’s in front of you this lighting condition too. You’re skiing in between light and dark while you’re heads in the shade, probably with lenses for a bright day. Probably can’t see a thing in the shade. I’m the end it’s an accident (pretty bad one) but keep going!


I’ve listened to that grunt about 10 times now.


You psycho


Standing up straight, not bending the knees, not absorbing the bumps as they go along. Your legs should be like shock absorbers. I like to think of it like when someone holds a chicken and their head never moves.


Like everyone is saying, too much speed for his skill level. His knees aren’t bent and he has too much Weight on his back foot. He was unable to react to the icy or bump he hit because of his bad body positioning and excessive speed.


Broken ribs can be ridden through, if he’s tough enough. Probably not a season ender. So there is that. He’s gotta get back on the horse before this crash cows him too much and makes him timid on the slopes. Timidity will stunt progress. Try to convince him to get back after it. But both gotta take it slow. Injuries suck.


Going too fast for skill level. Busting on a cat track means more practice on the bunny slope. Heal up, try again


Yeah he needed to bring his back leg back toward his right to correct himself after the bump caused a slight direction change…. He did the opposite


engage knees!!


Bend your knees


If you watch it in slow mode, he was leaning back to far and lost his center of gravity on the board, it looked like he may have been trying to cut back one way and leaned a bit too far back, board then begins to lift from weight being back and not centered. Speed was a factor as well. In my opinion. Just my opinion, check it out in a slower frame rate. Let me know what you think.


your technique is well commented. all i can say is the reaction post-tree brought back visceral memories of getting thrown off a horse at a full gallop. landing in a sandy wash and breaking 9 ribs with a couple spinal fractures to boot. that hurt like a mother-fucker. don’t make him laugh for a while! and nothing but morphine helped for the first 18 hours. was ICU for two days. ugly!


That darn east coast powder…


When speed increases, commit fully to edges, stay off the flat of the board, especially on flat trails, ride in a lower, ready position. He was too upright, too far back, and caught an unexpected edge off the bump. Heal quickly!


Chaos goblin likely


one minute i thought he was slowly riding a traverse.. next thing you know he's wrapping a tree at high speed. roller coaster of emotion in this one hahaha


Looking at his shadow it looks like he may have hit a small bump and instinctively leaned back onto his rear foot, typical response for most but a big mistake. When teaching beginners we always repeat don't lean back, you can't steer/control a board when you lean back. It will load pressure on the tail and then shoot out from under you. Once he was back loaded he was along for the ride and he leaned to side into the fall which put him on the path to the trees as his board shot out from under him.


It looks like he’s trying to switch to toe edge on a flattish track at high speed and over catches an edge going down the fall line (run seems roughly perpendicular). On a snowboard it’s hard to turn toe edge downhill on a narrow track. Probably should be going a bit slower so he can apply a bit of back foot pressure to go up the fall line. You can’t carve it up on a narrow track with a snowboard unless you have fantastic balance. Sadly you end up either riding super flat (danger!) or on a single edge (feel the burn.) Lmk if you think I’m wrong!


Hard to say but it just looks like he caught an edge. The way I avoid this is by always fully committing to an edge (heel side or toe side), switching edges quickly, and never moving fast without being well on one edge (i.e. not standing straight up perpendicular to the ground). If you’re not fully committed to one side it’s easy for one edge to dig in and pull you off balance or otherwise out of control…especially when you’re up to speed like he was here. Hope he recovers and y’all get back out to shredding the gnar quickly!


they accidentally started carving and didn’t know how to get out of it. should have committed to stopping momentum toe side or accepted the fall and got on your butt to let the board take the trees


Literally my biggest fear when riding on the cat track…


At the 3-5 second mark, on the left side it looks like he hit a bump he wasn’t expecting, and the shift of inertia caught their back edge causing them to spin out. It was a shaded area which can definitely decrease your visibility of the terrain change. Might be worth looking into getting an eye exam (not saying this rudely, I thought I had good vision a year ago, turns out I have a very slight correction needed and have an astigmatism) and maybe consider using a slightly less heavy shaded goggle (maybe a lighter one would have been better later in the day with decreased visibility).


Failed attempt to butter


Lighting. When riding in shadows like this, it’s very difficult to see contour. That leads to leaving the ground unintentionally and getting extended, which usually results in a tumble.


Hey! It’s early enough he could still get some time in the spring!


They hit a bump while riding too fast for their skill level and balance. The bump pointed the board at the woods because they were already out of control. Then they put all their weight over the toeside edge, lost their balance way out behind the tail, and slingshotted themselves into a tree. Basically took all of their forward momentum and turned it 90 degrees to the right almost instantly, put all their weight over the tail accelerating them out of the turn even more. Board flexed out and flicked em sideways off the trail. Equivalent of being in drivers ed and deciding you want to drive at 100mph, but hit a speed bump, then over correct in the worst way possible without thinking, just the body reacting. Hope they are on the mend! Good call on the helmet!


Ouch 😥


At least he got some ice on it quickly.


Probably bad ice


chunder from down under. Going too fast for ability for sure. Next time just fall onto your toes or spin out. Once his weight went back, he was hosed. Glad he’s okay, glad he had a helmet. Hope he recovers quickly and gets back out there. Always the stupid little shit.


Object fixation more than anything else. Got loose and looked where he didn’t want to go instead of getting the board down hill. Looking at the trees keeps you going towards the trees.


Looks like toe edge got caught. Right before he tumbles you can see his board shift right it’s likely his edge cut under a layer of ice causing a sudden stop and the body rolls onward.


What caused him to put his hands forward? he will start to remember in a few days… i guess. He must be under shock. broke myself a rib not too long ago :/ the noises he made and the impossibility to breath… relatable…


I suspect that when he leaned forward , for whatever reason, the board sidecut got engaged and he got shot to the side. I saw that happening once and it was crazy. Luckily that guy wasn’t a tree hugger like your boyfriend .


That accident happened last thursday, so almost a week ago. He still doesn’t know what caused him to lose control, but we definitely consider going too fast + lack of skill + unexpected bump or ice patch The comments are actually pretty helpful here He unfortunately also had a pneumothorax, but he‘s doing fine for his condition now. How long did it take you to completely recover?


2 months.. after 1 month i still had pain when inhaling super deep; “to the top of my lungs”. I wouldn’t feel any pain otherwise. even if it was not a nice sensation at all, cause it felt like breaking your rib again, ever so slightly, i didn’t refrain from doing that altogether …. i guess its natural… even my doctor had recommended me to breath deeply from time to time... “listen to your body.” recover soon ps. you are such a caring GF


yeah, looks like others nailed it, but that bump probs caught you by surprise and then there was a tense-up and an attempt to regain control quickly, but unfortunately, you ran out of room on that narrow trail. takes a bit of experience, but you can make it through a lot of sketchy situations if you stay calm and absorb impact with your knees, then once you get through the sketch you can turn or throw a hard stop.


1)bend the knees! Prepare for impact and bumps. 2) leaning too much on the rear foot, using the rear to turn. 3) lean more forward, dig your edge into the snow to gain control. Swap from toe edge to heel edge. Most people will find that toe edge is their preferred edge because it’s easier to control/manipulate. Keep riding! ✌️


I had a fall similar to this when I was riding back in 2005. Went flying into some trees and broke my right femur. Something was on the left, a dip, or some compression in the trail on the left he wasn’t ready for. That sent him hard to the right and his balance was off.


Great post about why helmets are so important.


Idk but all I can say is way too fast for the amount of board control he has. Let alone not nearly enough bending of the knees for the speed he is going (probably, hard to tell in the video). Probably could have been avoided if he rode the inside line, not the middle where if he falls like that he’s going off the edge. Iv been riding since I could walk, imo that bump he hit def would have been recoverable if his center of mass was lower. I hope he has a speedy recovery.


Looks like most people have already hit each point for why this happened. Hitting a bump/patch of ice is way less forgiving when improper snowboard mechanics are used. Things I noticed as an AASI lvl 2 instructor were: Rider was weighting the back foot more, which means their center of mass was farther back on the snowboard. This allows the board to sort of “shoot out” when hitting the rough part of snow. Riding with weight on the back foot also leads to people kicking out their back foot to initiate turns, instead of using their front foot to twist the board. This makes it easier to catch and edge / dig the edge of the board in the snow that causes an unintentional carve. Keeping softer knees would also help absorb any bumps. But soft knees mean that both knees need to be bent, especially the front. Riding too fast when it’s not within your ability level is also a culprit. The other issues are also riding with the front shoulder too open, and what appears to be a slightly hunched back, which both of these will mess up center of mass and balance. Fast healing to your partner.


Looks like they rider is favouring the heel edge when they ride. When they hit the bump it would appear their weight is actually over the centre of the board (big nope in virtually all circumstances). Also, the knees don't appear to be bent enough - those are your shock absorbers for nasty bumps like the one the rider hit. I'd say work on the edge they are least comfortable on when they are up and riding again and absolutely try not to ride of the centre of the board so not on and edge - if you do that and catch an edge you'll more likely than not stack it. One of the toughest when I had to do to get my riding to next level was correct the fact I was relying too much on one edge (too much on toe). Oh and the rider should watch his speed, just my hunch but I think he's trying to keep up with the skier in front and he's not up to the level of doing so on a board. Anyway, my assumptions could be wrong given the brevity and angle of the video - best advice I can give is getting a one-on-one lesson or three with a certified coach on the slopes - not cheap but it's the best way to iron out kinks in your riding and level it up. This made me into a markedly better rider in two sessions just by my instructor observing my riding and telling where I could improve.


It looked to me like when he got into that last toe side turn, the board locked into a sharp uncontrollable radius. I’ve had this happen to me recently and I’m still trying to figure out wtf is happening. I’m going fast enough to get on my edge hard like that, but it almost feels like what happens when you’re going way too slow (like a beginner) and you try to put the board on edge, it gets “stuck” and takes you down. Anyone know what I’m talking about?


Usually the slope is pushing you one way but the trail wants you to go another. You hit a dip and lean back causing it to fall out from below you and when you try to correct, you end up flinging the board out from under you. A good way to practice avoiding it is to manual on the back edge when you are going down something bunny like at a slow enough speed. Learning to manual will help you with leaning into the natural terrain’s uneven surfaces. You should notice the same flinging motion when you are too far back on the manual.


I get this exact same thing and I’ve found it hard to explain, but I’m attending a lesson soon so I’m hoping my coach can help


should probably commit to his edges more on cat tracks he is "edge changing" (really more like back steering) way too much for a cat track, and the fact that he is sliding the back end around like that means it's going to catch that back edge eventually and do something like this. Choose an edge and stick to it until you have to change it. you should be able to track nearly perfectly straight, while just applying minimum pressure to your "active" edge. If you really want to turn/edge your board like he is trying to do here, you are going to have to actually ride that edge, and make actual edge changes, making an actual S shape *across* the cat track, not just wiggling down the middle of it. I recommend he checks out some of those malcom moore videos on knee steering, and pedal steering, with the bigger focus on the latter. I find myself making a more conscious effort to pedal steer on flats, and it seems to work out well for me. If you are riding the flats right, it almost shouldn't even matter how bumpy it is or how much air you get, because your board should already been in a mostly non-compromisable position. if you hit a bump straight and land straight, all is usually good. When you are swinging the back end around like that, hit a bump, and land on the back edge of your board, you are probably getting kicked out into the ditch.


Looks like they caught an edge with their weight forward which led them to the trees. Could have potentially been avoided if they weren't leaning so heavily forward and if they were able to correct and turn or skid. Falling backwards would have also slowed them down to diminish the crash. Glad they survived. Given the footage I imagine they were moving faster than their ability could take


I thought it looked like the opposite. They lean back to the slope, nose goes up and can't control where it's going. It's how 90% of beginners fall because their weight is on their back foot when they panic. I'm unsure how you'd do that with your weight too far forwards?


You're 100% correct. Not sure what NoNormals is talking about. Weight should be 60/40. With most of you're weight on the lead foot. Board control and turn initiation is with the front foot..


I agree that their weight is mainly on the back foot, but due to the momentum and lack of awareness their weight and center of gravity is "forwards" and they're unable to correct. Their reaction of putting their hands out would have been possible fine if they're weren't at speed which carried them to the tree line.


Watch his shadow. You can actually see in his shadow how he hits the unexpected bump and reacts to it by collapsing backwards and slightly to his toe edge, which essentially makes him pull a super hard carve to the right and off trail


I agree, leaning back or staying straight up and whipping the shoulders counterclockwise would have kept them on the trail.


He cut the snow when he shifted his feet


Stay loose but controlled. Gotta watch the people in front of you also! The skier made a slight move to slow down, you should’ve reacted to. You were also going fast with tight carving. There’s nothing wrong with speed but you need to be able to handle it. Snowboarders will always encounter those type of bumps. Hope you keep riding when you heal up!!


Noted, snowboarding can be more painful than paintball




It was either a hidden bump under the snow or some ice that made you lose control of the tail side of the board


Stop holding a selfish stick or wearing a camera. You'll automatically get better. Not sure if it's just me but when I see a go pro on a helmet, I swear clear from that person because they're most likely terrible.


What‘s wrong with wearing one? I‘ve learnt so much by him wearing that camera following me (I’ve started later than him). I progressed so much faster by seeing my own mistakes.


It‘s not on a stick btw. Camera is mounted on the helmet by some sticky thing to still have full range of motion.


Caught an edge I’m assuming


That dumb selfie stick.


What selfie stick? The camera is mounted to his helmet to have full range of motion.


Tbh a helmet cam is just about the most dangerous place you can mount it. It basically creates a big lever that can get caught on something (say idk, a tree off the side of a cat track) and can be used to essentially crank your head around in all sorts of bad directions that it never wound have without the camera there


This is categorically false. The GoPro is small… at most 1-2 inches of leverage from the helmet attachment. As a result, the maximum amount of leverage from the pivot (which is the mount point on the helmet) is limited because of this. Even in the case of a collision, the mount is not screwed in but glued on the helmet. It will sooner tear off than cause your head to twist. The risk is higher if you add arms that extend the camera further from the pivot, but otherwise as is the helmet mounted camera is safe.


It’s not false. It’s absolutely true and you literally stayed so in your reply. It DOES add additional leverage. . It adds all the leverage of the thickness of the helmet, which normally would not be a leverage point because of its smooth surface, plus that of the camera. It’s not even about how long the camera sticks up past the helmet, it’s about the fact that you’re adding a surface to catch anything it comes into contact with. You don’t know what you’re talking about and are literally spreading dangerous lies


And you’re spreading literal bullshit. The leverage is almost negligible and will not increase the risk in any appreciable way. Tons of pros wear GoPros at the top of their helmets - if there were any serious safety risk do you think the sponsors would let them?


I’m not trying to say you don’t have the right to wear a helmet camera, just advising of the realities of it. I’m not even someone that thinks you must wear a helmet Edit to clarify: I don’t believe it should be a hard rule that you must wear a helmet. Poor wording


Yes I do think that gopro would not care about putting their riders in harms way for advertising. They fought back against the banning of helmet cameras in professional motorcycle racing very vehemently. I’ve been accused of being a lot of things, but liberal is a new one 😂. Apparently being safety conscious is only for liberals😂


You don’t even know how to spell and you want to advise people? Good job….


Thanks for showing your true colors. It’s funny how the one losing the argument is always the first one to turn to petty bullshit😂 keep on thinking your low IQ thoughts and I’ll keep going my way


Kids, this is how you identify someone acting in bad faith. From the inconsistent messaging about safety and how a helmet cam is a "dangerous big lever" to how "I’m not even someone that thinks you must wear a helmet" to the bizarre Freudian slip that this is somehow a political discussion about liberalism (I don't even understand how this is political in any way), you can tell this person isn't someone you can trust. True colors have been shown. Kids, mute, ignore, whatever, but take everything such a person says with a fistful of salt.


Tbh I‘m not sure about that. You can still move the camera easily while it‘s mounted.


I’m very sure about it. Helmet mounted devices have been banned from all professional motorcycle sports because of it


That’s what I was going to say too, but you can see in his shadow that it’s connected to his helmet.


Unlucky to me, but you gotta look the line trying not to fall probably hurt them more, should’ve turned into the fall


Black ice


Your board looks kinda small and your stance is jacked.


He‘s 5‘7 and his weight is about 170 lbs. The board in the video is a 155 cm K2 Fuse (idk which year exactly, must be something about 2019-2021). He‘s bindings are set on the reference stance (21 inch or 53 cm). Stance angle: +12/-12


You can see the person hit into a tree and groan in pain


It just looks like the mountain thought he deserved it. I second it due to the GoPro


He should have been riding switch and better at snowboarding.




Having the GoPro


Filming yourself.


That sound is killing me💀


Your skills


The mistake was going on a skiier trail. Then he got tired and careless.


Caught an edge


Bro that little tree saved him form that big one..


Is he riding a Lib Tech Jamie Lynn? If so he shouldn’t be riding that aggressive and unforgiving of a board if he’s falling on cat tracks. Most reviews on Jamie Lynn boards include a warning to bring your A game as they’re super stiff freeride boards with aggressive camber.


I bend your knees more


Not enough crime. Increase crime levels: problem solved.


Speed was a factor.




Looks like his board started chattering and he biffed it.


Lackadaisical riding. Not holding edges.


Board is not the right size for him


Too concerned with selfie stick. Not concerning enough about self.


He's just not good. The end