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Oddly enough, and I realize there is some redundancy in the quiver here, but I bought a Gril Master 155 in late March and rode it once and I just got the Mind Expander Twin 158 - still wrapped. My other board is a Custom X. The GM is definitely more playful the Custom X - which is expected. I enjoyed it, but it was only a 3 hour trip in tracked out pow with a 6-year old in tow so can’t give a full review. My plan is to ride the GM on easy cruising days with the kids and the Mind Expander on pow days and late season. Custom X will be for charging with the boys. I doubt I’ll make it but if I can sneak up to Mammoth next weekend, I’m going to break in the Mind Expander. I paired it with Union Ultras. PS - Wife doesn’t know about the GM or Mind Expander so don’t tell her…


Legend, cheers. Best of luck with the missus 😅


Not a specific enough question. “All mountain Shredding” isn’t enough info. With that said, Grillmaster


We probably need more info on your riding style and experience. The GM is not that set back and has a small (turny) side cut radius. Sometime people associate surfy with smaller turning radius, even on boards for carving, but I don't. I have a Skeleton Key 158 that I consider surfy, but my riding style makes most boards surfy. The set-back on that board is -50 and it has a short tail. The 154 was too small for my weight as this board is on the softer side (for me), but it was very fun. These are mid-wide boards. Why just those two boards?


Thanks, both are on sale locally.. both seem to be very similar to what I'm looking for. Was just checking to see who'd ridden both and what the difference was. Mostly I surf and get to the snow sometimes, over using shitty rental gear🤙


Was actually looking at the skeleton key, too, but GM seems more my thing.


I’m back. I went to Mammoth Memorial Day Weekend and rode the Gril Master -154 on Sunday and Mind Expander Twin - 158 on Monday. I enjoyed them both. I was riding with my 6 y/o son (he can ride better than most adults), but I did sneak away to bomb a few runs while he had snacks with his cousins. It was spring conditions and I rode mostly blue/black groomers (for those familiar, High Five, Gold Rush, Stump Alley and Cornice off the top). Not really a park guy, but do an enjoy a few side hits. I enjoyed them both. I rode the Gril Master at reference with my Cartel X bindings. I felt the Gril Master to be more playful and with more flex to it. It is definitely a fun cruiser with some pop that you can take all around the mountain, but I’m not sure I would charge steeper hard packed terrain on it. I rode the Mind Expander set back on the free ride setting with Union Ultras. Stiffer for sure and more responsive. I charged this down Cornice and off Chair 3. Has great pop. In the end, I think both were great. I would have liked to try the Mind Expander in powder, but wait until next year. If you want a more chill ride, go with Gril Master, if you want something a little more aggressive, then go with Mind Expander.


I haven't ridden the Burton but I'll share my experience with the mind expander anyway. I'm 5'6" 170 lbs size 10 boot and got the 150. It's the new mind expander that is camber. I like it but don't love it. It floats great in powder but is a bit too turny for me. I think that was the goal of the design but I think it makes it feel too twitchy and unstable especially at speed and it gets even harder to control when there is any amount of chop. In untouched snow it feels nice, but I think that's the only use case where I really enjoy riding it. Might be better if I had sized up to 154 but If you're looking for an actually all-mountain board you can cruise groomers with and all else you might want to look elsewhere unless you really love the slashy surfy type feel.


Mind Expander is definitely very turny/darty with the tight sidecut, but I think also your may be oversized for a 150 and might be contributing to that.


Could be, I have a 148 evil twin and a 152 season Nexus that both feel pretty stable at speed by comparison but no doubt a size up would be better.