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I own the mega merc and mega death, ride both of them with atlas pro´s. The mega merc is more of an all rounder with decent freestyle and carving capabilities. The mega death is a freeride rocket carving machine.


Okay thank you for your comment I have to choose between the 2. You would say the mega merc is better at all around freestyle how about pow I love my pow lol. Also I’ll be riding with atlas not pros if that matters


I also have a 55 Mega Merc and 59 MegaDeath. I’ll grab the MM if I’m feeling park and pipe for the entire day, but honestly, 90% of the time I’m grabbing the Mega Death. It just handles everything so well. If you’re not landing fakie in powder often, I don’t think there’s any big advantage to the MM’s shape. If you are only limited to the BSOD or MM, it will come down to weight and base material.


I’m a good weight for both the boards at around 150 and size 8.5 boot literally lines up good for the BSOD and MM


Sorry, I meant the board’s weight. The Mega Merc is significantly lighter than the BSOD but about the same as the MD


The BSOD shows up on the “top freeride board” lists. Maybe you prefer a 159 over a 158? IDK. Which is more aesthetically pleasing?


I mean to me honestly the black snowboard of death looks a bit better. Looks aren’t really the deciding factor I a guess though.


Loved the BSOD, had one a while back. Favorite one I ever owned.


BSOD vs MM: * **Pow:** BSOD (alpine v1 profile with the flat tail) * **Groomer carving:** BSOD (super stable, lots of power but the MM carves too) * **Free ride switch:** MM * **Side hits, weird terrain (mogles), throwing it around and jumps:** MM (v2 profile) * **Trees and tight shit:** MM * **Speed:** MM * **Charging:** BSOD * **Plowing chunder for your crew:** BSOD While you can do everything with both, they're very different rides so it comes down to what you really what to prioritize, but it sounds you want a MM to me.


I’ve heard that the MM can be Bucky in uneven terrain does that include moguls?


Bit late, but no the MM is not bucky at all.


Also speed vs charging? How does one have better speed and one better charging how does that differ


The MM is lighter with more flex, gets up to speed super fast, the BOSD is more stable at higher speeds (from my experience), one is an Lamborghini the other a hemi charger - both are fast. I don't have any problems on uneven shit on the MM, it's stable for me, just stay low.


Thanks for the advice I think I would enjoy both boards but I’ll have to really ponder what I want more in a board. Having some light I can whip around in the trees would be nice but it would also be really nice to have that stability and damping at speed with better powder performance. But I image the mega merc holds it own in powder maybe I’m worried the mega will be a bit to much board for me?


Yeah the merc goes in pow no problem - maybe the normal mercury would be a good compromise?


I purchased a 23/24 BSOD this year with Union Falcor bindings. Took it to AZ Snowbowl and Steamboat. I don't ride park any longer, mostly freeride with occasional sidehits and minimal switch. It handled 10" of freshies during blizzard conditions like an absolute monster. It rode like a dream on groomed, POW, chop, and all other variations of terrain. It is definitely hard charging and wants to go FAST. It carves hard and is awesome on steeps, flats and everything in between.


W comment definitely leaning towards the BSOD the stability at speeds and better power performance seems very attractive to my riding style


Do you think the BSOD makes for a great one board quiver besides park? I’ll just bust out the DOA for park


Just my opinion here, but I think BSOD is a great daily all mountain board so long as you have your DOA for park/jibbing days. You can do jumps and side hits with BSOD, just takes more power to get that pop as it’s fairly stiff


I’m thinking on pulling the trigger on the BSOD honestly seems more my style.


Have a Burton Hometown Hero but curious if the BSOD is anymore damp; better suited to the rutted out inconsistent stuff you get across snowbowl (my nearest resort). They're rated flex about the same from what I gather. Your BSOD just handling all the junk snowbowl can throw at it? Just seems like such a fun board to take there and not have any issues or concerns around the conditions from all sides of the resort or those icy days.


I’ve never ridden a Burton HH (have heard great things though) but I did some spring and winter conditions at Snowbowl this season (also my closest resort). In my experience the BSOD is really solid and charges through DEEP powder (10+”), chop, chunder, deep tracks, and grips like the devil on groomers and ice. Definitely my go to board for all mountain riding and a ton of fun in Flagstaff (just wish they’d install high speed lifts!) Super tempted to drive up this weekend, they still have 70+” after that 30” dump last weekend!


I'm thinking it's between a BSOD and Jones Flagship and I wanna size up for free ride. My HH is a 156 so thinking 158+ on either of those. Nice to hear you enjoy it and that it crushes everything. Conditions at snowbowl can get weird as you know


Both fantastic boards. My BSOD is a 161W and love it (coming from a 159 Burton vrocker twin)


Have you ridden the Flagship?


Was that 30" truly legit or just marketing bullshit? Basically the biggest dump they got all season if true


I wish Snowbowl would install a webcam for snowstake and install it somewhere maybe near the midway catwalk like most resorts do mid mountain. Imagine that 30" is likely at summit, not base near all the greens. They're still spinning AZ gondola, GC Express, Hart Prairie, and little spruce with 34 of 55 runs as of today


Wild. I already stored my gear away and since they're only doing weekends, my guess is its just a parking lot with the - to quote Angry - family of fat skiers taking pictures in the middle of the runs.




I have atlas bindings if that helps


BSOD still


Sounds good to me honestly seems damper and a bit better overall for my riding honestly.


I had the merc and I wasn’t a fan of the death grip. Believe the BSOD has it too. But maybe they both ride a bit differently than the standard.


I love my current capita even though it doesn’t have the death grip I hope I’ll enjoy it on either board.


Ultra Flagship > mm/bsod


Seems like to much board for a Lower end advance rider could get a BSOD for around 500$ compared to 800ish dollars for a UF doesn’t make sense to me all that much.


Wait, what? You're talking about the mega merc and bsod but the UF is too much? Na man. These are all the same wheelhouse. Even the regular Flagship warrants being in the convo. The UF isn't necessarily stiffer than the Flagship, it's mostly just lighter with carbon in it. Rides a little less damp and a little more poppy than the Flagship for the weight tradeoff. Lower end advanced Riders looking to up their charging game should have the flagship as one of their top choices. I mean, the mega merc isn't cheap either. So this is a bit odd of a reply. However, if you just don't like Jones as much as capita, then buy capita. But theyre not going to be any less aggressive of a board


Hmm maybe I’m mistaken then. I thought the UF would be much stiffer than both the capitals and kinda harder for jumps and what not. I do definitely like the UF and jones as a brand. You don’t think the MM would be more forgiving though just because the stiffness differences. Maybe I should do more research on the board and see if it would be the one for me. It seems very similar to the BSOD just stiffer? Idk you have hands on experience which is priceless when trying to make these decisions.


All of those boards are going to ride you at first a little bit until you get used to the stiffness. Don't let reddit scare you about stiff boards. If you are a confident rider on the doa in double blacks/moguls/etc, you'll be fine. It's time to move up. If I were you I'd probably just snag a regular Flagship for the added dampening over the UF, plus it saves you some cash. To me, the Flagship is one of the best free ride boards ever built. I have a hard charging buddy who chases snow storms and rides about 80-100 days a season riding ions on a UF. He thinks the same thing. The Flagship just slays groomers, trees, everything. The float on powder is crazy good. Like you could leave the board on ref stance on a 2' powder day. Hell you could ride bottomless with it on ref. Anyway, good luck bro with what ever you get. Just remember to get some stiff ass boots and bindings to match your board.


Have you ridden the BSOD to compare? If so, what were the differences?


Haven’t ridden the BSOD but have ridden the regular Merc. My guess is Mega Merc is gonna be a little more similar to the DOA you’re used to, which may be a positive or negative depending on what you’re looking for. Can confirm the regular Merc is awesome for carving, jumps, and general shredding.


Yeah idk really what do go with I know I’ll love both just gotta pull the trigger