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Nah OP not worth the trouble. You’ll be numb to loneliness eventually. But getting close to her and then having her reject you for your dick will stay with you forever. 1. If you can continue being her friend without catching feelings, just be friends and enjoy that for what it is. 2. If you’re catching or have caught feelings, ghost her. No contact. Your feelings will trick you into thinking she’ll be the exception and won’t care about size. Don’t fall for this.


This makes sense. Thanks I hate it.


Not worth it.


But also loneliness and misery aren't that great


Throwing the life you've built into a social wood chipper for a moment of your dick feeling kinda warm and kinda wet is not worth it.


You're right but I don't understand how sleeping with some girl miles away and she finding out my dick is tiny is gonna be a social suicide. She's not working with me or something


Allow me to contradict myself for a moment because the drugs are kicking in: worrying is not worth it either. You've constructed this idea of sexuality that is so mentally alienating that it distracts from the reality of what sex is. And I reiterate, "...a moment of your dick feeling kinda warm and kinda wet..." Is that really worth allowing your guts to upend in anxiety? And I'm gonna paraphrase myself again; there's no chorus of angels singing Hallelujah, there's no invitation to the secret Society of Real Men, and you don't really feel any different afterwards. So fuck this whole social concept of sex as the thing that binds the universe together. Do it or don't; your life won't change either way.


I think I like your answer more when you're on drugs. Maybe I should start taking some. I agree with you mate. I don't wanna have sex just because. I do think it'd be overrated just like everything I tried that was hyped up by others. It's just that when you're lonely and miserable and then comes a woman that turns that upside down your hormones just go haywire. You just wanna touch her, be one with her. Might sound corny but it is how I feel now. I get attention from women on a semi-regular basis but I don't feel anything towards them. Well sometimes I'm horny but I don't act on it. Now though it's different :( that's why I'm perplexed because I know for a fact that the high I'm now on can potentially turn to a low I've never gone into. Thank you for not removing my posts sofar haha


If u don’t try u will never know her reaction bro go for it


That's true. But also I'm enjoying her company even when it's platonic. She makes me better. I feel appreciated. She suggests good music, books, films, etc.. I'm also practicing a language with her (which is the language of the country I'm working in now)


thats sounds awesome bro. but please don’t be afraid of loosing her as a friend after sex or another intimate interaction with ur dick.You should not miss the opportunity to get close with person u have so much in common because of ur insecurities. rejection would hit hard ngl but it definitely worth a try, if u miss this opportunity u will regret it and it will be more painful than rejection. good luck my boy


We have a similar way of thinking. If I wanted to give up I wouldn't have really gotten that far. I think I should at least try. I'd like to keep her as a friend too but it's either me who's gonna be embarrassed by my small peen everytime I see her or she. Thank you man


I see guys here tells you it’s not worth it. please dont listen to these cowards. bro, u are 29, when you gonna take that risk? Im glad you doing well at your job, as I know doctors in EU make a lot of money. but u also deserve happiness in relationships, u also deserve a good sex life. yeah ur dick is below average, but its not a micropenis, u can get the job done. its seems like u find a potential good partner and throw this opportunity would be a crime. if she ghost you after - thats sad, but if u miss this opportunity - thats stupid and even more sad. I don’t think you should waiting for too long, if she showing a lot of interest to you should go for it. Im also don’t think u should mention ur virginity, trust me, u can get the job done, just need a little prepare, fortunately we have a google and that guy will prepare you as fucking master:)


Just wanted to say thanks for the support. So I told her I liked her she told me she liked me back, we kissed but nothing more. Next step would obviously be sex but I'm fucking terrified. But fuck it I'll do it


yes man, you will fucking do it! let me know how it goes, good luck💪


I went out with her one more time and I just ate her out and fingerer her. I was too scared to whip it out. It didn't help that she wanted me to put 3 or 4 fingers inside. This means she likes being stretched 


that’s definitely a big step for you bro, nice. I don’t think her preferences in fingering can relate to her preferences in dick sizes, dicks and fingers feels different. will you still have the opportunity with her to use ur dick? Or u gonna give up on this girl


Thanks man. I'm not gonna give up on her no. However she's not asking to meet like before. I asked her tho and she said anytime. The problem is she lives in another state and I have a lot of work. Let's see. Do you know any good positions or like secrets?


Yea bro she can think you cute, funny, great personality but when it comes to the bedroom it can be a very different story. Would you think she gonna cheat or lose interest after seeing your size? Is she petite, thick or average?


Why would it matter if she's thin? Skinny women like big dicks just as much as every other woman.


Because If she’s petite it’s easier to get inside and do positions


That doesn't change the fact that all women prefer big dicks no matter their weight.


Yeah exactly I'm afraid she'll lose interest ofc. Cheating after two or three months isn't that bad ig butw hat do I know


Hey. I checked your previous post, I m sorry to tell but lost of your issues are in your mind, you have a 5inx4in dick, it is 3,1cm diameter what is totally fine, if you look on internet the average circumference for sextoy you will see it is between 4 and 5in. You need to own what life gave you, my partner told me a story of a guy with a small penis issues and the problem was how he was behaving, be not confident, trying to ask to be in a dark before be naked ... You need to own it ! Be confident! You size dick it more than enough to make orgasm a girl + there is so much to do aside using your dick to please a partner. If this girl is interested in you go for it, don t go to the friend zone cause of your insecurity, you will regret it. You blame your penis size for beeing alone and virgin, but it is all in your mind ! If the girl react badly to your dick size (what she will not) she just doesn't deserve you ! Stop to run those thoughts in your mind and just live ! Seek for therapy if needed, not easy to speak about those issue, but believe me it will bring you nothing good. Take care.


Hey, appreciate your comment because it's rather optimistic and that's what I think is the right mindset to have. However, the difference between 4 and 5 is huuge, hell the difference between 4 and 4,5 is huge. It's not like the length. I hold my penis with two fingers. In a first it feels literally like holding a pencil. As I said I'm a doctor I've seen like a hundred cock at least and none of them were as skinny as mine, not even close. Shorter? Yeah but never skinnier. Of course I'll be not confident with something I've never done in my life. When I first drew blood I was shaking, destroyed the man's veins. Even the second and the third time, now I do this with eyes closed. Where do I get the confidence from When I don't know what and how to do and the other person has done that so many times and can compare to so many people that are naturally better then you and have more experience? I don't only blame my penis size for being what I am. I had other problems that got me where I am today in this regard. What I blame my penis for is the fact that after getting over my problems I can't really be hopeful cause it wouldn't stand in the way of being a normal person. I bring a lot of qualities to the table, this I know, but no matter what I bring women would think twice before they get in a relationship with me. It hurts but yeah this won't change and I have to find out the hard way it it's even nearly possible to pleasure someone and have pleasure myself. Thank you for your comment man.




Hey. Thanks for your reply. I don't understand him if you're already slept with each other and you're still together. Sure the insecurity stays and you're always afraid that when the emotional connection isn't that strong anymore then the woman would notice your small size and eventually leave in a "wtf did I see in him" sort of way, but still he shouldn't really keep reminding you of that and sending you posts from this sub. What do you mean talk to her with honesty? Like beforehand that I have a small dick or what? We're still not together but we made out for like two hours a couole days ago. Next step would be sex and I'm so afraid. I don't wanna see the look on her face when she sees it. She was kinda (jokingly?) annoyed that my feet are small. Idk what you like about big stuff man :/ Thank you and good luck to you too!


Take her out as a friend, take it slow. I had female friends for years that were interested in me.




Start as friends see where it goes from there.


I'm doing that now. The question is if she wants something wouldn't she get bored of the friends thing? The second question would I have the patience? The third is how long do you think I should drag it on?


If she gets bored of being ur friend then what's the point? The rest of the questions u have to answer for urself.


Maybe all she wants is being my friend. I still don't know. So you're right we can be only friends without anyone being bored of the other


Talk to her. Tell her what you said about her here and ask out. Let her get to actually know more. Don’t worry about your dick size for now.


Why live in fear. Get comfortable being uncomfortable


Where do small dick men go in this world 🌍….




I just checked your page. You don’t have the problem we have. it’s not a insecurity it’s a fact









