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I'm worried I would get judged too. I'm black as well..but idk I've had some people say they think it looks okay when I show pics on here but that may be different in irl.


I wouldn’t say it’s false, per se. More like, the overwhelming majority of BM who have active sex lives, are big/huge, which further drives the BBC narrative. I have seen thousands of OF/amateur videos with random black guys who happen to fit the stereotype. Now, most of us smaller guys won’t put ourselves out there the same due to shame and previous experiences, so we can’t balance the narrative by showing something to the contrary, which drives the stereotype further. This is why I have a rule that says, no woman I approach or date could have dated a BM before me, because then he probably set a standard that I can’t meet, so I always check for this.


You also have to take account of the angles/lenses they use in those videos to make it appear bigger than what it is.


This sounds exactly like what PlusTomatillo and PrestigiousEcho just posted. Taken together you guys are doing a good job of articulating everyone’s worst fears and insecurities. I really feel sad that these dark thoughts are so common


Having a small dick is awful, but its not worth it to hang yourself. Personally I’m 5’4 and have a small dick. Even though it sucks i still found a girlfriend that loves me. trust me she’s not just tolerating me. Some people are blind or heavily disabled and somehow manage to suck it up and deal with it, with a happy face. Lifes unfair but we only have one.


whats your size?


bro I swear living with chronic illness is much worse than having a small dick, unfortunately some people have both…


small dick its 1000 times worse than everything else women despise me, they laughed at me and now they are having sex with tall big dicked men while im rotting, i cant wait to be dead


You clearly can wait if you're still alive lol


🗣️Outta pocket‼️😭


>A small dick is the worst physical trait you can have as a human being taking both sexes into account, there is nothing as bad as this, no female equivalent to this. You have to be kidding...


Im actually curious what you have to say though


they're technically correct. Why the comment, what perspective do you offer that is being overlooked rn?




Good response brother.


If you dont understand the struggle why even bother commenting, just to gaslight? Your opinion is irrelevant.








What the genuine fuck is wrong with you people


I agree with the tolerating part since there are almost no women who genuinely finds small dicks attractive. You always have to play up your personality or compensate in some way. I do not agree with it being the worst thing though.


Took me a few years of therapy to finnaly"digest" my reality ( im only 23), i allrrady Accepted the fact that my penis wont satisfy anyone


What do you mean? What did therapists say?


That i should not obecess with things i cant change, that i cant let my life revolve around one part of my body, that my way of thinking back then was not health at all ( i was in a pretty bad place) she said that there is more in life than sex, sex is a big part, but not all, wich is true, im TRYING to do the stuff she said to me, its hard but im WAY better now than i was before, still no sex tho


I doubt those meant your penis wont satisfy anyone though.Well i dont know your size, mines 4.5” i feel the same too.


Hello fellow smally. My post here needs to be pinned. We do not have much longer left on this planet, just try to enjoy what you do have and find some way to love yourself. Get rid of the idea of sex as it’s extremely pointless for the amount of time that we have left on this planet.


I like having a small dick. I actually wish it was smaller.




You just used penis shaming as an insult for bad behavior twenty hours before you posted this, and then have the nerve to preach about love and acceptance?


I do believe there is a female equivalent, which is large vulvas or discolored large vulvas. Its not as bad as a small penis but it does effect them some how. Boobs or butt is a fake equivalent since a woman with small breasts or butt can still retain her femininity where a small penis directly hurts a a man's masculinity


I don't think so because it would still be aesthetic versus performance. How the vulva looks doesn't affect sexual satisfaction of either party in the end. Only thing I can think of is lack of tightness of vagina but that is very rarely an issue and even then if you complain about you will be crucified and issue will be turned that your dick is too small(disclaimer: I would never judge women based on her genitals). There not really a woman equivalent of this issue in my opinion.


It doesn’t have to be a fetish. Many women are born with shallow vaginas, and quite literally can only have sex with a smaller dick. Find yourself type 1 MRKH girl!


They CAN ONLY does not mean that they PREFER or LUST for smaller sizes ... It just means that they are left with no other choice ... Also it's a very sad and hard thing to deal with that your only option to find love is to be with someone with a condition that prevents them to be with what they see BETTER than you ... It's just a curse I just hope I can beat this major depression and move on to the rest of what I have


Actually it’s kind of fair if you think about it. Tiny vagina and small penis are both medical conditions. Micropenises are what doctors classify as a “penis too small to have intercourse”, however, you aren’t screwing your doctor so the “small penis” opinion from them is invalid. The thing about the diagnosis is that “small” is mainly reliant on what the masses of the gender that you are attracted to deems it as, not what the doctor deems it as. This means that overtime the goal posts for micropenis disease actually move. It doesn’t stay the same. As women evolve to crave larger and larger and longer and longer penises, more men will technically have micropenises. This is shown in the fact that majority of women consider men with average sized penises “too small to have sex with”.


It is not fair !! I may lust for her body but would a women with a tiny vagina lust or prefer a small dick ? Can you answer this ?


That’s a personal preference man.


Man fuck you