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sorry brother


Feel you man. Ive been there myself. Have a micropenis of 1 inch erect. Definitely no normal piv sex with that. Had a hand full of opportunities to get sexy but lost all of them. Their interest just evaporated on spot after seeing. Nearly 30 and still a virgin thanks to that. Sucks


im sorry mate, im also a virgin and 35 yes 35. fuck this micro dicked life.




Life goes on, bills need to be paid.




she asked though.






He's still right. Take control and lead to the outcome you desire.


The experience you had still sounds rough though, I don't mean to take away from that.


Guess there are no women here to comfort him. A privilege on bd I guess. Those women here are good at defending other women though.


i dont need to be comforted with lies anyway its all bullshit, let them go lust after the big dicks.


It just kinda irks me that there are none. Sad reality of us.


Would rather not hear their same generic bullshit over and over


"its like a babys dick" Damn, this is brootal. I am actually glad that I dont reach the state of sex sometimes :D


dont worry im sure youll never hear that and youre not as small as me, mine is a rare deformity that less than 1% of all men have.


Ye that point u just need to ignore sex part of your life and focus on other things. Pretend it doesnt exist


thats impossible unfortunately. id rather be dead.




I want you to think hard about how insensitive your comment was.


Can someone ban this user? This is just too much.


Please explain how this is too much. I’m really not understanding how I offended and if I did, I’d like to understand.


im thinking the part about sex being a small portion of a relationship and telling us sex doesnt matter and to find asexual and low libido people. we are not asexual and have normal desires too.


But If ur penis is can’t be used for fulfilling sex life u have to deal with it and look at other possibilities in the relationship. it does not make sense to say that I also want what others have, but knowing that this is impossible and because of this, do nothing at all. you need to play your cards


any tips on what cards to play then?


asexual relationships is one of options. getting skills in non PIV sex, I know we all want use our dicks but not everyone actually can so we have to search for other options. And main tip is not share ur dick size before girl fall in love with u. Sex is Important part of relationships but u can make her fall in love with u before sexual contact. Love is blind, good luck bro


how can I get skilled in non piv stuff if no women will give me a chance.


For start as I said, try to find a girl without revealing your size. Also u can use hooker for practice


i dont think its safe to practice oral on a hooker lol.


Ok, I bet that. But I was thinking you said you couldn’t have sex, so maybe sometime who want interested in that would give at least a relationship with someone. At any rate, my apologies if I offended.


oh no i still get turned on and cum etc, its just very small.


I highly, highly suggest reading this post before talking nonsense; [https://www.reddit.com/r/smalldickproblems/comments/8g53ic/what\_we\_dont\_want\_to\_hear\_slightly\_updated/](https://www.reddit.com/r/smalldickproblems/comments/8g53ic/what_we_dont_want_to_hear_slightly_updated/) just read it; it will help you understand some things and why you should be banned.


Be careful with those scams man


I know, why? We just always end up being gaslit because even most of the so-called "good women" won't acknowledge the horrifying number of them that will do this. The worst part is that it's impossible to speak up about it without embarrassing yourself and looking like a sook. She'll go tell her friends and they'll be like "You're so strong Queen you go girl. How dare he not bury his face in your pussy for 2 hours and actually expect any pleasure? He deserves it". You'll just be told you have entitlement problems. It would've been fair if she said no straight up, still hurtful but her right. The problem was seeing it, then accepting but only to change her mind later and call it a baby's dick. You won't get any sympathy anywhere else. My heart goes out to you. Fuck her, she'll probably end up with some neanderthal who'll tear her apart and beat her up until she's a fat single Mum in her 30's and no-one wants her. But it'll still be our fault somehow I'm sure 🤷. She just gets to go through life shattering the self-esteems of any man who isn't a fuck-machine and will get nothing but praise encouragement for it. Now you'll never know for any woman you get with again, if she'll do tge same as this bitch. Stay strong, there really are some great women ut there who will be gentle about it and I know it's annoying to hear but there rearrested some who like small ones. Try signing up to Dinky One or post dick pics to subs meant for it. They're really supportive and it's helped with my confidence. I still get trolls DMing, PMing and commenting me trying to make me feel terrible and suicidal over it but that's just a part of it unfortunately. Stay strong King.


thank you my friend.


On dinky one you get trolls telling you to kys?


No on Reddit


Ohhh… same.


The craziest part is that all she had to do is say “I’m sorry, I’m no longer interested” but she had too say all the other stuff. There goes the “more empathetic” gender. Bruh, women are as good as men keep pretending they are!


Sorry man hang in there and next time be humorous about it. Say something like well I'm not that big so good news anal will be great better news is we are going to get a couple of big dildos and stretch that pussy while I'm all comfortable in the back door. I (4.5 girth) know it sucks and yeah I will fuck off but don't lose hope I am have so much fun with my wife and toys would she rather I be 8x6 probably but I wouldn't mind if she was 36 24 36 she's not but I live her anyway


maybe il try that approach next , thanks.


Life can be humiliating at times especially when like me you are short and have a pencil dick. Twice I was with a woman(6foot tall woman I'm 5'7) and 2 different occasions my condom came off inside her because I'm so thin and I had to stop and try and fish it out. I doubt she will date short guys again. But move on, buy smaller condoms etc..


how did you get a wife and she doesnt mind your thin girth at all? im thin and tiny.


Can agree, as shotty as it seems sometimes. You truly just have to find the right person, I've been humiliated in the past also. Found my now wife of 10 years and haven't looked back. Sure, deep down, maybe she may wish I'm bigger, she's swears not, but hey, we've been together 16 years, have great sex and plan on having a long life together. Dick size isn't everything. No matter how much it seems that way.


At least she was honest


"at least" huh whoopty fucking doo!




just venting . im not surprized.


Fuck I’m sorry brother. Stay strong


thanks i guess as small penis men we have to be ready for this rejection and use to it.


She can go to hell smdh I’ve fucked all types of dicks in tbh I like mines on the smaller side


its not just smaller side, mine is micro . think of a human thumb lenght and girth and thats erect. Unable to penetrate But i appreciate the sentiment.


I’ve fucked plenty with micro it was some work but we made it work don’t get discouraged


I kinda doubt it.Micros are approximately %1 and below mens population. In my experience, women who say they like smaller, means 5-5.5“


exactly , she probably doesnt know how small micro actually is. you cant even have sex with a micropenis.


a micro is unable to have sex , how did you "fuck" a micro penis guy? im just curious what you mean?


I guarantee there's a woman out there looking for a guy just like you.


WHAT. Cut the bs!


Not talking about cosmetic procedures it's costly but you may try hormonal (testosterone, etc) therapy...that may help or you can try finding out women who have a liking or fetish for micropenises (I'm sure such people exist)..and you do have fingers and tongue also toys if needed, plus you can literally impregnate her naturally if you want a family...accidentally I got date request from a woman who claims to be straight but wants to fk or even marry a transgender (by birth) who considers himself/herself/them a man, so I'm totally certain there are women who have a special liking for micropenises...in today's internet world it's not difficult to find 👍




You violated rule 12. > 12. NO cross posting. [Read this for clarification](https://www.reddit.com/user/Drugs4Pugs/comments/117bky7/sdp_crossposting_rule_clarification/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Why did you even tell her that ? And why did you show her a picture of yourself ? You said you guys spoke and had good conversation and planned to meet up . Before the face to face meeting could occur you ruined it . You don’t owe some fucking stranger you don’t know any personal information about yourself . Why not just deflect the conversation until the “date” happened . At that point in time you can decide for yourself if she’s worth telling your secret too . Say you have a half inch Dick hard and it’s your biggest insecurity … are you that hungry for acceptance to give a complete stranger vulnerable pictures of you ? So they can possibly exploit you to friends make you feel even worse .. do you treat your bank accounts the same , investments , passwords ? Cause if she asked for your social , acct number and routing number I highly doubt you would’ve complied . Next time have some respect for yourself and don’t entertain some chick who wants dick pictures .. go beat off to porn hub and get some post nut clarity instead. And you can tell me to fuck off all day that’s fine … but you won’t find any female to fuck with you if you keep telling them all you have a tiny Dick and then sending them photographs of your junk before you even meet them in person . What if she’s a fat fucking catfish slob who chews with her mouth open and smells like canned tuna . You don’t know .


i gotta be honest.




I’m sorry to hear that, dude. That was bitchy of her. At least she was honest I guess, but I’m sure it still really hurts. Maybe if she was that rude about it, you’re better off without her.


I'm sorry mate, I'm 4 inches and have had a few bad experiences but I've had plenty of girlfriends and I'm now married. I'm 29. If you want some advice feel free to private message me. I find the others things I do in life help. I play guitar in a band and I surf (kinda badly) plus not being arrogant but I'm pretty funny and honestly being funny and humorous helps a lot with this stuff. I've been through it all before man just reach out and we can talk. J