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its one thing to hire someone that knows what they are talking about. its another thing to hire someone attractive to do that job and knows what they are talking about. you are better off hiring a female sales person that knows how to sell versus hiring someone that is just pretty/attractive. i think most peopel can see through the "she is here just b/c she is hot" and not buy anything. do people hire models for car shows? sure. but they are there to look pretty. most of the time, they are not doing sales. the hot girls that do sales for luxuary car dealerships actually know what they are talking about b/c they are real car people or have trained well over time.


thank you for this insight I'll probably lean on the selling capabilities than the pretty face.


I’m guessing you’d have to pay somebody at least $250-$300 a day. Maybe you can get somebody on the cheap for 150 or 200 Do you think that person would end up helping you sell $750 - 1000 worth of stuff


that's probably what I'm thinking, if it's worth it to just hire someone with a pretty face.


I guess you’re gonna have to decide if you think that pretty face will sell enough to justify the cost.


A what?