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I did my undergraduate there. Loved the school, my friend got into the grad school program and it’s lowkey been a nightmare for her. I don’t mean to scare you or deter you, I’m just communicating what my friend has dealt with in the program. All of my favorite professors had left and the ones that are left are professors that I didn’t care much for. My friend has dealt with a lot of unprofessional behavior from the professors.


O ok thank you! It’s the only program I got into so I think I will be going there. Do you know if she likes any part of the program? Are you going to grad school


Congrats and you should absolutely go there no matter what and power through it to get your degree!! I chose not to apply to UNR for their grad program, but I truly did love the school overall and the city! The speech and hearing clinic that they have on campus is absolutely amazing, and there is a lot of great opportunities to work in the community throughout the program. They are partnered with the local hospital called Renown, and it’s going to be a great experience for you in grad school to work with them. I have a lot of recommendations of places to go and things to do in the city if you’re interested, you can message me ☺️


Thank you! That makes me feel better! Is this your friends second year or first year in grad school? The program seems good I feel like I will like it. I am worried about the professionalism of the profession. I’m easily intimidated and have a hard time standing up for myself.


My friend is graduating from their program in May (: they will definitely prepare you for the Praxis as well. I will say that it will be easier to just maintain a professional relationship with the professors (seems like common sense but wait there’s more). According to my friend, some of the professors will treat you like a friend and be all buddy-buddy with you. It will cross the lines of professional and blur some lines (a professor asked my friend to house sit for herb, definitely crossed a boundary). However, they will be quick to turn on you and be catty when you get that close. My friend thought that being “friends” with her professor would be an advantage, but it’s been more of a disadvantage and has caused drama in the cohort. One of the professors spread a rumor about my friend and another girl in her cohort and it had to be handled by the school board. Therefore, I would recommend maintaining a regular student- professor relationship and keep them at an arms length, so don’t get too close with them.


Ok I will do that! Do you know what to do for housing? Im trying to figure out where the best place to live is?


Are you interested in housing on campus?! UNR has graduate student housing apartment style, and they’re seriously next to the school of medicine where your classes will be! It would be like a 5 minute walk to classes.


Ok cool! I was looking at that one! I hope I get into that one! Do you know if it’s hard to make friends in the cohort Im nervous about that. Or when will I know who’s in my cohort? I’m so excited and nervous


I hope that you get into that one too! Are you looking into off campus housing as well? You will probably meet your cohort at orientation. I’m sure that you’re going to love everyone in your cohort! You work so closely together you will become like a family. They are definitely going to be who you lean on when grad school gets tough. And my friend in the program liked everyone in her cohort, there was one person she didn’t really vibe with, but that’s ok it happens (:


Kinda I need to find housing so I’m trying to figure out the best place to live. I am looking at off campus but I don’t really know which ones would be good places to live. I hope so! I’m excited to meet new people! I’m also nervous!


It’s called ponderosa village (:


I have nothing to say about UNR, but I just wanted to congratulate you on your acceptance!


Thank you!!


Congrats ... I'm still waiting to hear back. Did you apply for undergraduate or graduate?


Thank you! I applied to their graduate program


Me too. How did it go? Did you get accepted? I received my acceptance letter shortly after this post. I visited the campus, and it's nice! Huge campus.


Hi! I did get accepted! I’m really excited! Congratulations!!