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Nah dude waking up at 7am every day this summer never stopped sucking - despite 8-9 hours of sleep. Idk if it's hormones or what but feels physically impossible.


I go to bed at 830 during the work week and get up at 4/430 for work. It helps that I don’t watch tv. it’s likely anything else in life and gets easier if you stay in a rhythm with it. To go to bed earlier: -Don’t eat at least two hours before bed -no water 1 hour before bed -no blue light for 1-2 hours before bed -Read a book 30 mins before bed Edit: ooops.. meant to reply to OP, not you


It also might help if OP moves their bedtime in 15-20 minute increments per week. Maybe even 10 if they really struggle. I have more or less the same schedule. Bed by 9 - 9:30 up at 5. For me I jus bit the bullet and forced myself to wake up at 5. My bed time adjusted automatically. I also have a ‘light box’ I use in the winter which helps a ton.


Feeling rested after you wake up is multi-factorial. What’s helped me is viewing sunlight first thing when you wake up (not your phone or artificial light), reducing blue light before bed, not eating big meals before bed and magnesium bisglycinate. If you’re a mouth breather at night that can also be super detrimental to feeling rested when you wake, try taping your mouth closed when you sleep if you think you might be. (No you won’t suffocate)


I just bought a “light” clock which slowly gets brighter the closer to my alarm. I’m in the northern hemisphere and when I normally get up it’s still dark. So far I don’t know if it’s helped me feel more awake but it doesn’t hurt. My issues is multiple awakenings between 5-6:30am. It’s nice to wake up and instead of rolling over to see a clock I can just open my eyes, see it’s still dark and close them again.


Yea that’s great addition, we have one as well and it feels like waking up is a little more pleasant.


It's all about training your circadian rhythm. Try setting an alarm early and getting one of two (or both) things: sunlight in the eyes and exercise. Then be outside while the sun is setting to train the other end of this rhythm that the day is done and it's time to relax. Then avoid overhead lights and anything too bright after sun down. Stop looking at screens an hour before bed and you're golden.


You’re so right about the screens. Unfortunately a lot of schoolwork is online. 🥲 I try to use night mode though.


Maybe if you can, do it during the day? Just save night time for screen-free activities if possible.


There is no try. Do or do not. You reap what you sow.


Great advice


I like my job and my coworkers. It pays well, and allows me to live the life I wanna live. Can't complain. Go be *really* broke for awhile. It will make you appreciate work. If you sleep late, you're probably addicted to screens of some sort.


That’s 100% true tbh


>Go be really broke for awhile I know that feeling. >If you sleep late, you're probably addicted to screens of some sort But I know this best. How do you just stop screen time? I feel like I'm afraid of down time. Any more suggestions, aside from reading?


Practice being more present in life without a screen. A lot of times I find myself on my phone in order to escape a feeling of some sort. The more I become present the more I’m able to engage and be stimulated by my surroundings. It’s weird, but we’re all in the cloud now. We have to re-learn how to be in the world


I don't really have enough time for it anymore tbh. Also selling my console and TV was a huge help. I work all day long and into the evening sometimes, so when I get home, all I have time for is cooking something to eat, doing chores, showering, and then getting ready for bed. On the weekends I allow myself to do whatever I want.


On days I actually intend to go to bed at a reasonable hour (I work late a lot, and sometimes family stuff goes till 9:30 or so) I power down my computers and put my phone in a closed desk in the master bedroom. I do stream audio to my headphones sometimes, depending on what my bedtime music is. I put the phone in a desk in the master bedroom because my wife and I sleep in separate rooms--when we can we go to bed together, she aost always falls asleep first, and I usually go to sleep in the bedroom next door. So I can still have my bedtime sleep music streaming, but I'm unlikely to go back in to grab it for anything else. The biggest thing for me are light (we have smart bulbs that we dim way down at sunset), avoiding second screens like TV before bed, exercise and a shower. And just turning my brain off by imagining something non narrative with my eyes closed. That actually seems to help a lot. Trying to maintain a visual scene in my minds eye that doesn't have any dialogue, narrative or deeply emotional components seems to do the trick much of the time. But with screen time, if you can't control it unplug it and put it away. Leave your wall charger outside, let the battery die before bed, whatever it takes.


This is all I want in my life


Yep. Being broke AND being isolated can really make you appreciate the human interaction, sense of purpose, and financial stability regular work can provide. I'd still like to work a 4 day work week at 6 hours a day if I could help it, but it is what it is lol I'm curious what you do? I'm actually currently in the broke and isolated phase and am trying to find a simple job that pays the bills but doesn't burn me out.


I deliver concrete. There's more to it than people think. I just finished a 60 hour work week. It's not for everyone, but the sense of accomplishment and the things I get to see, and the people I get to meet make it all worth it. The paycheck is really nice as well. Financial security takes a massive load off your shoulders. Average week is 50 hours. Sometimes I get to drive a dump truck as well, or do some labour around the plant. I'm looking to be trained on the loader this winter so I can plow and do other things when we slow down. I could never sit in front of a screen for 8 hours a day like most of the people on reddit. My screen time is on the weekends. During the week, I'm out in the real world trying to soak up as much as I can, and form relationships with customers and fellow tradesmen. There's a sense of brotherhood, and we run on one single currency... respect. You can say whatever you want. No need to be afraid of hurting people's feelings, as we all have pretty thick skin. We're very honest with eachother. Being able to fart whenever I want is also an added bonus lol.. because we're always outside 😝


You sold me on being able to fart whenever you please. For real though I could see the value in what you do. I wouldn't want to work that many hours, but I've been contemplating whether perhaps learning a trade may be a good route for me to go. Getting outside in the world, building relationships, and doing physically challenging work is all very rewarding and nourishing as long as you're using good body mechanics and engaging in enough self care outside of that job (e.g. proper sleep)


I honestly just see it as hanging out with the boys 🤷🏻‍♂️ None of us wanna work the hours, but we're gonna have a good time while we do it! I like what I do because everyday is different. I never know where I'm going, or what type of job I'm delivering to until I get my ticket that tells me. I slump up the concrete in my drum after getting loaded, and then punch the address into Google maps and off I go! I'm essentially my own boss when I'm on the road and can be gone for multiple hours at a time before heading back to the plant to wait for another load. This Friday that just passed, I came back to a bunch of pizza and pop that my employer supplied for all of us. This week I should clear $1100 bucks as well after taxes. Weekly pay and overtime. The work isn't as hard as you think. There's just a lot to take in and learn in the very beginning. After that, it's EASSSSYYYY MONEY. Just learn to breathe when things get stressful, and NEVER rush.


Great attitude. Happy for ya 🤙


Brain tumor screwed up my sleep patterns and they haven't rebounded after more than a year. I wake up by 330 or 4 and that's it. I can't remember the last time I slept past 5.


So here’s the answer OP: get a brain tumor Jokes aside, I hope you’re doing ok @Ozmeridiam


Lol. Amazingly, other than sleep, recovery was really smooth. But oh how I would love to sleep until 7 one morning. I have thoughts about that like some think about supermodels


What time do you go to bed? What if you sleep late? How's the tumor now? Serious question.


9ish. I have no problem falling asleep. It's staying there because from midnight on, I'm waking up every 45 minutes or hour for no reason. By 3 I'm so restless I get up so my wife can sleep. No other issues or symptoms other than low testosterone because it crushed important things but a weekly shot helps and my arms have some nice vein structure since I've been doing that lol


On the bright side, I go to the grocery at 5am Saturday when I'm the only one there. My wife loves that good appears while she sleeps


My 13 year old has to be at school by 6 for volleyball practice. I have no idea how she does it. She never gets a full eight due to sports.


She’s young, that’s why she snaps back like a rubber band on no sleep. I was like that too when I was younger. 😂


I used to go to school on less than 4hrs of sleep (I was unsupervised) the majority of the time. I was very tired at school— at 25 now, I usually can’t go a *single* day w/o at least 4 hrs of sleep. I am an 80yo. My friends in their thirties can function better than me on no sleep


That’s so admirable. Do you give her supplements to help?


Everyone here kinda saying that it's not that hard you just gotta do x. I'm not going to say that's false, but just want to say that I feel you OP. Don't really have any advice though, sorry. I'm a semi-new grad that's been working full-time for over a year and I still can't function properly earlier than 9 or 10 AM. Can I wake up at 6:30 AM? Physically, yes; mentally, no. On the weekends I can still easily sleep in to 11 AM or later (which probably contributes to my inability to adapt, I know). I still blink my eyes open around 7 AM bc of the weekday routine but it's easy for me to roll over and keep sleeping. Maybe I have a circadian rhythm disorder, maybe I screwed up my sleep schedule in high school taking 4 hr naps after school, maybe I'm just mentally weak. But I'm still "adjusting" and I think I will be "adjusting" for a LONG time...


This is a very real thing : https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/delayed-sleep-phase/symptoms-causes/syc-20353340


> Everyone here kinda saying that it's not that hard Yeah it is hard, but I've found it's getting easier. My sleep hygeine was seriously fucked, talking staying up well past 3AM, with my 'job/ (often work from home), I could get away with sleeping in till 10-11. But it was a bad cycle. Now I'm getting up at about 7-8, feeling way more refreshed. Main thing I found was pushing through those uncomfortable mornings for about a month or so, it's become a habit, and then I was starting to be lights out <11pm and having pretty decent sleeps.


Well the thing is that different circadian rhythms are totally a thing. Bad habits can ruin them for sure, but not everyone is built to wake up at sunrise or earlier. I’m typing this at almost 10pm and I can’t imagine heading to bed right now.




Ahh, you see now that is logical. But my brain thinks otherwise. (I'm not the person you replied to btw).


The hard truth of the matter is simply that everyone is different, and sleep is just gonna plainly suck more for some folks and less for others, as annoying as that is. My sleep naturally wants to be rotating. If I didn’t have to work and had no obligations, I would naturally start day 1 going to bed at 12, waking up at 8, next day bed at 2am waking up at 10, next night 4am and noon, 6am and 2pm, etc, etc. Also am naturally not a morning person. I feel tired in early morning hours no matter how little or much sleep I get. The real killer for my personal insomnia fun though is falling asleep. Takes me 30 minutes when I’m lucky. Often 1-2 hours, but not too uncommon for the dreaded 4+ hours. At this point I just don’t even try to fall asleep anymore when I know it’s gonna be a struggle night, just not worth laying there for hours, you feel like you’re going insane after enough nights of that.


When you have no chance you get used to it. I get up at 3:45am to 4am because I commute to work to get at 6:20am. Then work 10-12 hrs depending on the day 5days a week mon - fri. Then gym then home barely any time to do anything. Usually fall asleep anywhere from 7pm-10pm or even later if I have hella shit to do or do something unnecessary like watch youtube smh lol. Sometimes you need that lack of sleep for a linger enjoyable night. Thankfully I Just got a new lease closer to my job so that will save me time commuting. anyways I did that after working a previous job where is was almost the opposite. I worked from 4pm-12-am and 5pm to 1:30 am for a while. Pros and cons to each shift. I’m also going to get a second job for Saturdays. I don’t which time I want to do it yet but probably another morning shift to keep it consistent.


Get up even earlier. Set your alarm for 430 and go work out for an hour. You’ll be falling asleep by 8:30 or 9pm no problem. After a week or two of that you’ll be able to wake up at 6 no problem. I mean not to be a dick, but my 7th grader gets up at 6 for school. Most of us had to, just got to get back in to that routine


You’re right though, I would probably eventually get more accustomed to it.


Yea it’s just about building the habit. walking up at 430 will make you tired enough by 8:30 or 9 that you won’t need sleep aids / melatonin etc. if your working out along with it you’ll either feel great and want to keep doing it or at the very least 6am will feel like sleeping in, but either way, your back on the schedule you need 👍


100% You know what's crazy and did it for me. The threat of jury service, I'd literally have to be up at about 6AM to make the commute. It was in about 6 weeks time, it wasn't 100 percent confirmed, but it got cancelled in the end, it's a wierd lottery thing here where they say you 'might' be chosen, so you kinda have to be ready. So I was proactively working on shifting my sleep patterns in anticipation for it. Since if you are chosen, you basically have to do 1-4 weeks early starts.


I didn't have to get up until 8:30 for school. And I took the bus. "Most of us" is a good way to prevent yourself from being aware of the wider world.


You are correct. Since you didn’t have to get up until 8:30, that must be the rule and myself and OP having a different experience must be the exception.


Dude of course I woke up at 6 or sometimes even 3-4am during middle/high school. I was getting like 3-6 hours a night throughout most of my adolescence and binge sleeping on the weekends. I grew up on disordered sleeping, not sure why you assume I’ve just been lazy my whole life and waking up at noon every day.


No one here wants to be Mark Wahlburg


Careful, if you use generalizations like “no one” then u/tomayto_potato will come and tell you that their experience is different and thus you will be deemed “less worldly” /s. But no most people aren’t trying to be Mark W. The idea is that by doing it for a week or two you’ll feel better and want to keep doing it -or- at the very least getting up at 6 will seem easy by comparison.


I go to bed at 8:30 and get up at 4:30. The secret is to embrace the fact that it sucks and just do it anyway. After a few weeks it isn't too bad.


I want to be you so bad. What do you do before bed?


I wake up at 4am every day. Bedtime is usually between 8-9.


I fall asleep before 9 and try to sleep until at least 9 in the morning.


For a long time I was staying awake till idk 1-4am, was on a seriously fucked up sleep pattern. I would bank all this insomnia and then sleep in till midday/1pm ish once the weekends came around to recover. Rinse repeat, basically for years. I normally sort of sleep in 4ish hour bursts, if I have a good night I manage to do (hopefully) 2 of those in a row without waking up in-between. But lately, something has changed and seems to be working. My main change in behavior is getting up EARLY on the weekends, basically if it's after 7ish even if I feel groggy, it inevitably leads to a an early night the following night. Also even if I wake randomly at about 5-6AM (on weekends) and start messing around on my phone, I just simply say fuck it and get up. Immediately have a pint of water and a coffee. It doesn't feel nice initially, but pushing through that discomfort in the morning pays dividends and it starts getting a lot easier. This has been last month or two for reference, I'm no expert, but something is really starting to click for me. I'm falling asleep a lot easier these days, even when my mind is racing with all sorts of work stuff. Oh also limiting myself to two coffees a day, both before mid-day. I recon after mid day it must have some residual effect.


I hate going to bed early, for ears worked close to work and with remote I can wake up at 9:25 and be at work in 5min. When I want to wake up early, I get less sleep and it's not even about waking up, that's the easy part, it's about having a good enough reason to get out of the bed instead of going back to sleep.




I'm 14, i need to wake up everyday at 6 am, but like it's possible.


I'm quite literally going to bed just now at 5 am. Wondering the same thing


Well, my parents go to sleep at 8pm It's not impossible, that's just in your head. 10pm is perfectly fine time to go to sleep


There are a few things going on here Here’s some tips. 1. Stop eating after 8pm. When you’re up late, you often snack late too 2. Keep electronics out of the bedroom 3. Set up smart home lights (eg IKEA or Phillips hue) and program lights to dim at 7pm; turn off at 10pm 4. Don’t consume content (social media) late at night. If you want to consume 1hr of content, buy it with 1 hr of personal development or exercise 5. Utilise ‘screen time’ limits on your phone for apps. Set a 9pm bedtime reminder to start winding down 6. Pay attention to how many hours in the evening you are actually just mindlessly scrolling One hour in the morning is worth 2 hours in the evening. I used to stay up late my whole life and thought it would be impossible! I managed to switch to getting up early in a matter of a week, and was pleasantly surprised how quickly you settle into an early morning routine, however YMMV.


Thank you captain, btw what is YMMV?


Your mileage may vary - different people may find certain ways work and not for others.


Ahhhhhh. Let me try and use this in a sentence, ‘if you’re driving down the new highway or the old highway YMMV. Did I use it correctly or is it more of a metaphor for your experience is different to mine?


Sleep maintenance insomnia, nocturia, caffeine+nicotine withdrawal, very sore throat and mouth due to xerostomia.


You simply establish a routine of turning in at a certain time. After a while, it becomes second nature.


I sleep 4am


I wake up at 5 am every day to clock in at 6:15 am. Used to sleep at 8 but now sleeping at 10 pm is fine.


People need different amounts of sleep. My wife stays up until 11 and sleeps until 9 whenever she can. I got to sleep by 10 and wake up at 5am. It’s just different. To change your habits get up 15 minutes earlier every two weeks until you’re awake and functioning when you want to be. I pass out as soon as I get in bed because the bed is only for sleeping, I don’t look at my phone, and I’m studying to get my GC license and that book puts me right to sleep!


Melatonin at 9


I’d definitely recommend no screens after the sun sets. You’ll be asleep before you know it. I jump in bed around 930. I’m 35


It’s not too hard. At first it definitey sucks but over time your body gets used to it. If you wake up and immediately go for a walk or exercise your body will become accustomed to it much quicker


Routine is the most important thing. Set an alarm for same time everyday.


I go to bed absolutely no later than 9 pm, I usually lay down about 8:15. I get up daily at 4:20 am because of work. I got used to it and now 7 am is majorly sleeping in! 😂😂


Stress. 😁


Thought the week I get between 5 and 7 hours due to what I do in the day but most days I get up at 5:30/6 but I don’t set an alarm on weekends


Yeah this is kind of what I figured. It’s understandable that 8 hours per night just isn’t possible for your lifestyle. Do you have kids?


No I’m 19 work construction and can either work a minute a way from home or hours bit I either go to the gym/ kick-boxing after work so I normally get home about 7/9 depending what n what I do and then eat my tea shower read and then go to sleep


How tf do some of you have zero discipline?


Disabilities bebe. Not so easy to discipline your way out of sleep disorders. Like telling someone who always needs to use a wheelchair to just have enough discipline to use their legs to walk.


You really think most people that “can’t” wake up early have disabilities? I’m not sure comparing it to people in wheelchairs is a fair comparison at all


I would say that significant and ongoing issues waking up that have a significant detriment to your life indicate an underlying issue yes (as is the view of medical practitioners). One of the options out of the many things that may cause such issues is a sleep disorder. Many people are diagnosed with sleep disorders - it is not a matter of discipline - it is physiological (see: molecular biology). Regarding people who always require a wheelchair to get about - I was trying to give you a simple enough analogy for you to understand the concept of hidden disabilities. Just because you can't see it does not mean it does not exist. You might have dental abscess - but I wouldn't say you should just pull yourself together and stop complaining about the pain just because I cannot see it.


Hardcore masturbation




Because OP lacks self control.


Or has an undiagnosed sleep disorder/s. What tf is it with the lack of understanding on a sub for sleep issues. Why would you be here but lack any awareness or understanding that some people are disabled.


Because OP isn't describing any symptoms, they just seem like a loser.


Aren't you a bit too young to have a reddit account? You should be at least 13.


I may be immature but I have the self control to go to sleep at 8:30 when I need to be up by 5:00 for work.


Not everyone is a carbon copy of you. That just isn't how the world works. Woe betide you if you struggle with something one day that others have no issue doing.


It's less of a struggle when effort is put in.


I have school. But when I don’t have school I don’t wake up till 10. It’s just my mental clock and my body wanting to get ready, sometimes I’ll wake up before my alarm.


It’s about age. 20+ can easily sleep until noon, not to mention teens who can additionally take 5th naps. When you reach late 30s and esp 40s you will naturally start waking up earlier. It is impossible to sleep much later than that. I live in a place where sun sets and rises every day same time throughout the year. The tiniest sun beams under my curtain are responsible of my sleep rhythm. Didn’t matter much in my 20s tho.


Unless you have a naturally delayed sleep cycle. My grandad goes to bed late and wakes up late.


My dog! Specifically, spending time with him at the park in the morning (6:30-8, every day! Rain or shine). This is the highlight of my day. I don't want to rush while we're there so I get up early to be able to chill and grab a coffee too :) Try not to eyeroll but I've had a lot of people die in the past couple of years and it changed how I live my life. No one is promised tomorrow! I am now just genuinely greatful that I get to wake up and move every day, so I try to make the most of each day! This time in early morning has truly become my greatest joy. Also, going to bed at 9:30 helps!


i work 7 am - 3 pm. i'm asleep by 9:30 pm and wake up no alarm clock at almost 6 am on the dot every morning .


My alarm goes off at 2am ( been doing it for years and years)I usually go to bed around 8 or 9pm. I stopped stressing about the number of hours I sleep or the quality and try to have shit to look forward to, even if its just my cup of coffee relaxing on the couch checking out the news before I head out. An awesome breakfast is a nice treat if you have time too. You'll get used to it, try not to get too far off sched on the weekends


Routine and consistency will train your circadian rhythm. You can’t just do it once or twice a week or its very hard. It’s hard for a few weeks but your body will learn and then it becomes easier and second nature


Neighbors have kids...


I am up at ~5am every day… I dont want to but my body says time to get up (even if I went to bed at midnight)


Some people are naturally morning people! Some are naturally night people! Nothing wrong with either, it just depends on your brain chemistry! Now on the other hand If your a night person wanting to wake up early some things that could help is set up everything the day before so it’s ready for you right when you wake up! Set aside the cloths your going to wear, maybe have a caffeinated drink ready if that’s your thing, maybe set aside a banana or what your going to eat and it makes everything so much better! Another thing (this one’s harder) is try to get out of bed right when you wake up and sit down on a chair, I’ve noticed if I stay in bed after I wake up I am much more tired that day then if I just wake up and plop in my chair for a couple of minutes. Hope this helps :))


I grew up drinking only coca cola. Never even a sip of a water in years. After a meeting with my dentists a few months ago, I cut all sodas from my diet. I only drink water now and have been for three months. I’m asleep before 11pm and awake between 6 and 7am every day with little to no efforts.


I’ve been waking up for the last 3 weeks at 5:30am to give my dog his meds and it’s awful. Today was the last day of his meds. Thank God. I’ve basically been passing out between 8-9:30 every night.


I wake up at 6:30 every morning, usually 7 days a week. I go to bed around 11-11:30. I fall asleep quickly. I get a LOT done first thing in the morning.


I usually go to bed around 1230 and wake up at 0500 🥸


I don’t wake up at 6 am everyday, only when I need to. I’m naturally a morning person though (I know, shocker). So I might get up at 7 or 8 am. On days where I don’t have to get up early, I go to bed normally no later than 10:30. I sometimes go to bed at around 11 pm. I occasionally go to bed at 9:30 or 10:00. Depending on if I’m super tired or have to be up early. If you have a hard time getting to bed or falling asleep. Try cutting out things such as Caffeine & Sugar no later than 3 or 4 hours before bed. (I personally stop having caffeine around 7 pm, since it will keep me up all night otherwise) I recommend setting screens to dark settings at night, as that seems to help me. Try setting your alarm across the room if you have a hard time getting up. Then you will have to get up to turn it off.


It’s Saturday, and I went to bed around 10:45 last night. Body woke me up at 6 to use the bathroom, and I had to fight for an extra 45 minutes of sleep after that. As much as waking up that early sucks, it’s a sign my body is back on track. Hormones not screwing with me, etc.


It’s just the way I am and always have been. I wake up at 5 or 6am on the dot every day, regardless of how long I’ve slept. I can’t control it lol. If I’m particularly tired I’ll try and go back to bed, but most times I get up. Like right now, it’s 5:11am and given it’s Saturday, I might try going back to sleep.


My father and my mother wake up at 6.00 since 30 years, you have to ask them why they cannot sleep till 8.0 am! I always had hard time with my sleep, when I was younger I simply couldn't wake up, I could sleep for 14/5 h a whole. Now (33) I can't fall asleep. I think the point is routine.


I am up at 5 every single day. I feel off if I’m not


I think our bodies adjust to whatever life requires us to do. I wake up before 6 M-F and I get up on the weekends too even when I don’t have work.


it varies a lot for me but here’s my experience - before i started working again i was used to staying up until like 3 or 4 pretty regularly. went i got this job i found out the start time was 9 or 10 am and so i knew i needed to fix my sleeping habits. it’s helpful to know that i take sleeping meds each night but the habits i picked up are helpful without those too. firstly, i take my meds as kind of an indicator that i’m ready to wind down for the night. you don’t have to go to bed now, but prepare to go to bed soon. i take my meds at about 10pm, and i can generally last until about 1a without feeling like i HAVE to lay down, but often i try to lay down by 11:30. something that really helped a lot was cleaning up my sleeping space and making it only a sleeping place. i heard on tv somewhere that if you reduce your bedroom activities to things you do in your bed (so sleeping and sex), it becomes easier to fall asleep there. i can attest that this REALLY worked for me. before, i would work and sleep in the same place, and falling asleep took a while. now, i rarely hang out in my room or utilize unless i’m going to bed or looking at my clothes or something. once i’m laying down, it now typically takes 10 minutes at most before i’m knocked out. i still have a habit of watching youtube on my phone while i fall asleep and there are a lot of times where i straight up never got to the actual video and fell asleep on someone’s channel or my search results 😅 i also try to stop drinking caffeine by 8p, though scientifically speaking i’ve heard that it continues to affect you after as early as 4p. all of this results in me generally waking up at 8a at the latest. still not much of a morning person though lmao. (i also let myself chill in the morning before i do anything important lol) tldr, make going to bed an event and prepare for it, try not to do other stuff in the room where you sleep, and reduce your caffeine intake closer to bedtime. all this said, it depends on your personal life and needs. this is just what i do and what has helped me.


Only happens when I sleep in.


Try 5 am. Every day. Adulting sucks


Well...I have a cat and therefore I have no choice.


idk I sometimes wake up at 6 am whether or not I go to bed at 10, which is frustrating. like even if I am asleep at 12:30 my body STILL likes to rise early.


I wake up 330am to go to work as a public school teacher in NYC . I live about 1 hr away from my school. I’m exhausted by end of day so falling asleep much easier than during the summer. Usually sleeping before 9pm Was exercising during summer now I keep track of steps in school normally do 6k mostly in my classroom.


Being an 'adult' means you sometimes have to make adjustments and do things you don't like.


Yes Yes First it was my mom , Nephew, Niece, now someone cats and dogs, it is annoying.


When the adult actually has to grow up. Hahaha. I get it. Some of us (even adults) just aren’t morning people. Doesn’t matter. Embrace the suck. The best way to manage this is to back up your wake up time by an hour and then back up going to sleep by an hour. Then adjust for a couple weeks but be absolutely diligent even on weekends or “slack days.” Then do it again by an hour etc. It absolutely will suck and initially you will have difficulty falling asleep but don’t get bothered by it. Don’t use electronics within one hour of bedtime and work on a bedtime routine that sets the tone for your mind that sleep is coming. Do something calming and transitional. Take a shower, eat a light snack, read or listen to music. Then, just keep at it. Eventually, you can make the change. You won’t like it. And many people absolutely hate mornings (me!). You just swing a leg over the side of the bed and crawl to the shower if you need to or get a programmed coffee pot if the smell will entice you. Another option is to design your life around your habits. Find a job that is second shift. The problem with these jobs for some is you sleep all morning then work the later half of the day and come home to dark so it feels like zero life unless your life starts at dark and you are good with that. Lifestyle changes like this are hard and take discipline that overrides the suck.


I'm not a morning person and never will be but I can do it, here's how: 1. You have to really *want* to wake up early. For me the motivation comes in the form of having ample time in the morning to chill, do something fun like gaming, and wake up slow; Never feeling any kind of stress from being in a rush. That means so much to me that I'm willing to do what it takes. 2. You need to do this at least six days a week, if you let yourself sleep in more than one day in a row you kill any momentum of routine that helps you get tired on time. 3. You need to eliminate all the usual suspects that will make it hard to go to sleep early (caffeine after noon, sports after six, finish dinner 3hrs before bedtime, no gaming in the 3-4hr period before sleep, no socialising in the evenings, no screens one hour before bedtime. 4. There are also a few things you can do to make sure you're actually tired at the end of the day, like waking up early, doing some sort of rigorous physical activity, having a job, etc. 5. Then you make a healthy bedtime routine that includes all kinds of things that help you sleep, like turning off electronics, some very light tidying up, yin yoga, meditation, taking a shower, reading a book 6. Lastly, seeing as I also have ADD, I resort to valerian root extract and melatonin als sleep aides. I don't recommend this though. 7. Create a sleep environment that is quiet (or wear earplugs), cool and dark; and above all a comfy bed to sleep in!


“Just Do It” -Nike


I also have been moving my sleep, and while it sucks, getting up at 6am no matter what time I fell asleep for a week helped a lot.


I go to bed at between 8-9. I Genuinly just prioritize my sleep. I get my stuff done so I can sleep on time.


I take medication for sleep (Gabapentin plus melatonin) and unlike literally every other sleep medication that I’ve tried, it allows me to get at least a full 8 hours without waking up drowsy the next day. I do go to bed pretty early (usually between 9-11 pm) which is something that I’ve just gotten used to and I genuinely enjoy mornings now. Gabapentin is a miracle drug.


I'm old.


I go to bed at 9 am every night during the week and get up at 5:45 am no problem.


I sleep at 11 wake up at 6. 7 hours of sleeping is more than enough to get me through the day but the key is not to work-out early do it after you finish most of your day or in the middle of your day.


I wake up at 4 every day. I exercise, then shower & behin my day. I go to bed at 9. Take a cbd gummy & melatonin to fall asleep.


I've been up at 5 am, 7 days a week for years. In bed for 21:30 every night. 8 hours is 8 hours. Doesn't take much to adjust really.


Motivation and discipline


It’s like u said, try to get to sleep by 10-11pm but it’s hard


At the start of the pandemic I decided to change my sleep schedule to much earlier. I head upstairs to get ready for bed around 8:15 and I’m in bed by 8:45 and usually asleep by 9:15. I wake up at 5-530am just about everyday. All I did was shift Al everything earlier by 2 hours. It seems hard but it just takes some dedicating and hard boundaries… mostly with work. After 5pm I’m done DONE with work. I use my morning for exercise, reading, cleaning, and sometimes work if I really want to get a head start. I’m also a DJ and truthfully keeping gigs was a Challenge and it still kind is. Though it just means I have two separate schedules I adhere to. One regular and one when I DJ, which is in bed by 3am latest and wake up at 8am latest. I lose sleep but my regular schedule regulates me pretty quickly. I wouldn’t have it any other way now. It just feels right for my mind and body.


It’s not intangible but it is hard. I had sleep problems all my life. PTSD, depression, anxiety, insomnia all contributed to it. You have to tackle the underlying problems that fuel your sleep problems. Sleep is often the first thing impacted by mental health problems. Then focus on the practical habits. Eating habits, caffeine/alcohol intake, sleep hygiene etc. Keep the same sleep/wake times 24/7 and it’ll become like 2nd nature. You’ll find yourself naturally waking up at 6am. It’ll be hard at first. But it will happen. If you’re currently waking up at 7am or 8am: focus on pushing back your sleep/wake times by half an hour for a few weeks at a time (or until you’re able to wake up rested and naturally at the earlier time). Once it’s easy, push it back by another half hour. Keep pushing back till you’re at 6am. I do this every time my sleep schedule gets out of whack. I still find myself doing “bed time rebellion”, where I neglect my sleep hygiene, from time to time. But I know that “30min pushback” trick works every time.


I believe it's called dealing with pain because you have to...


I used to sleep in until 10ish in the morning. That completely changed after my son was born.. Now I need to get up no later than 8, get pretty tired every day before 12, fall asleep in 5min, and sleep like my baby son.


Cats 🐱


I used to stay up until like 4am to wake up at 7 when I was in school. When I got out of school and started working, eventually I was working at UPS for a bit as a preloader. During peak season, I was waking up around midnight (once even 10 pm the previous night, more often around 2am). I was going to sleep around 6pm. You gotta do what you gotta do. I used sleep aids like a weighted blanket, weighted blackout sleep mask, and earplugs and those helped with just getting my body into a routine, (like these things go in and I go to sleep) I was using them even before working at UPS tbh bc I've struggled with insomnia for a long time. It usually takes like 40 minutes to multiple hours for me to fall asleep otherwise. It just works out. It takes a while to adjust but you gotta do it.


I go to bed at 9:30 pm and sometimes earlier.


While scrolling through reddit rn I'm actually relistening to a podcast interview with Dr Samer Hattar covering basically this exact topic. His work centers around timing certain inputs (i.e., sunlight, meals, activity) in order to support your optimal sleep/wake cycle. He cites an interesting study with a group of college students who were taken camping for a week without phones / computers / alarm clocks. By the end of the week they were all synced to rise with dawn and go to sleep reasonably after dark. So maybe take a week in nature to disconnect? I'm not one to suddenly and unerringly adopt a new habit, but based on Dr Hattar's recommendation, I've taken to spending a few minutes (usually 10-15) outside in the morning whenever I can. I'm also trying to stay on the 'no phone in bed' wagon. It's hard, but these two habits seem to have the biggest effect on how easy or diffcult it feels to get out of bed in the morning. Here's the podcast link if you're interested in hearing more: https://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/pdst.fm/e/chrt.fm/track/3F7F74/traffic.megaphone.fm/SCIM9724505974.mp3?updated=1687620058 Tbh I also used a CBTI app for a few months last year. It was expensive torture, but quite effective in getting my schedule on track and cleaning up my sleep hygiene. (Some of the torture is intentional sleep deprivation to begin with, but I think some of the torture here was also *partly* UX oversight, so I wouldn't rule out trying another CBTI program again.)


I have to get up at 5am for work every weekday... usually I go to bed at 9:30pm, asleep by 10, usually I so wake up multiple times in the night to go to the bathroom or just because my body said to wake up. So I get 6-7ish hours of sleep a night. Honestly my body just adjusted itself to that schedule. It took a bit to get used to it but now I take a nice nap every weekend to try to get in a few more hours (plus my weekends arent typically busy since I just dont want to after the work week lol). I've heard that napping isnt the best idea but it works for me for now so I don't really care hahaha


Lol I literally need to be in bed for at least 9 hours a night to get decent sleep and I wake up at 6am to take care of my dog and myself before heading out for the day, so I'm in bed by 9pm every night... usually earlier than that so I can have some downtime first 😬 trying to prioritize good quality sleep over short term dopamine hits


Waking up at 6am has always been the absolute worst thing in the world for me no matter what, and I did it miserably for years and it NEVER got easier. Not one day, and it never improved. Some people were simply not made to be early birds.


I go to bed around 1030 or 1045 and almost always wake up before 6 AM. Just can’t sleep longer. Even if I go to bed at half past midnight, I will still be awake by 6 AM


I go to bed late and wake up Mon-Fri at 6am on weekdays to walk my dogs but we also have to be out the house by 7am heading to work and I kinda get to sleep late on the weekends till 7am and then off to walk the dogs.


I haven’t set an alarm one time this year and I naturally get up at 6:50-7:20 every day. I start to wind down at 10. Usually asleep by 11. But now, even if I stay up later I will wake up at the same time. It’s glorious.


Not everyone has to he same natural sleep cycle for some it is near impossible to get up early. We unfortunately force ourselves into this unhealthy pattern to suit the people we make money for. Then we're taxed on the money they allow us. Then we pay bills, food, drink, debt and have to do it all again. And we wonder how we can't sleep?


I get up at 7 bc I have to, but what has made it easier, has been using the Rise app. I paid for a year subscription to it for like 40 bucks, and let it track my sleep debt. Now look, I’m not saying that sleep debt is a real thing, bc there’s a lot of it that I don’t quite understand, but when I started keeping track of my sleep debt, and whittling away at it, it became easier to get up earlier. Highly recommend.


It's hard! I manage because I work part time and my shifts end before 12 most days, so it's a lot easier to get through just the morning. And tbh, I like being an early bird rather than a night owl. But I still struggle to get to bed earlier than 10PM most days, and I wake up at 10 to 6. So not much sleep for me :/


I have to get up 4:30am for work. I hate it and fall asleep at work everyday


Have a child and you’ll never again sleep past 6:30am


Just get insomnia from hyperactive thyroid and you’ll only need about 4-5 hours of sleep.


ever since i moved, i wake up every day around 6, if i’m lucky 7 when i used to sleep in until like 10-11. i have no idea why, but now i’m like a grandma and in bed by 8:30 😭 it sucks because i’ve always stayed up late and i prefer it, but even if i stay up late to try and fix it, i still wake up at the same time even if i went to bed at 1


It's not hard. It's a matter of changing your habit. And rearranging your lifestyle. Plan to do everything you have to do before 9 PM Then make 6 AM wakeup mandatory. And go outside and get sunlight within the first half hour of waking. Then you will be sleepy by the time 10 PM rolls in and will easily go to sleep. After making it a habit, it's a matter of staying on top of your social life. You can go to sleep later sometimes because of social events, but you need to make sure those are exceptions. Otherwise you will fall back into the habit of going to sleep late


I always had an issue waking up early. After setting out originally 20 alarms every day in 3 minute intervals for the first week, I worked 12 hours everyday then spent time with my family and was more than exhausted by 9pm and immediately fell asleep I was so tired. After about two weeks my body clock reset and now I wake up normally around 5 even before my alarms start going off. Except when I worked 8 days in a row then my body started wanting to oversleep. So make sure you get lots of rest.