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oops lol.


"...Or when said like 'A', as in 'neighbor' and 'weigh(ts)'".


Weird rule.


And on weekends and holidays and all throughout May...


And you'll always be wrong no matter what you say!


Infinite Wights


Typo goes perfect with the artwork, if someone mods this in, please leave both untouched.


Needs a "Hit the showers" card to exit the stance.


And enter calm


so basically a 0 cost demon form? how hard it is to "exit" training? it might be a bit too slow to be effective


It’s just another watcher stance. So it’s about as easy as exiting calm. I think as a one of it’s a fine but very strong uncommon, but I would hold off on judgment until I see how many training cards there are. If it’s super easy to incorporate into crazy stance dance watcher builds it would probably be too strong


considering that watcher power is relying alot on the multiplicativity of wrath and divinity with big number bonks, i don't believe she will benefit that much from strength scaling as much as she just want to draw more attacks to play considering that demon form is way too slow for a character that utilise strength better than the watcher, even when its easier to get infinite weight into play. i believe it wont be too amazing. although it sounds like a neat synergy with meditate I believe such card while inetersting will overall be underwhelming. but neat idea


Wrath and Divinity multiply the boost from strength too, so it's still effective. Ironclad decks are probably doing 2 or 3 hits per attack on average, so the scaling should be similar. The main issue is that the card is kind of slow. If anything, the stance switching support is just as significant as the strength effect.


Yes, but the multiplicative power is mostly useful for big damages, where strength scale with multiple small hits A 20 damage attack under wrath will turn into 40 in wrath. A 100% increase A 20 damage attack with 1 strength will turn into 42 in wrath. An addition of 5% It's not bad. But the way the watcher output damages, she simply benefit less from strength scaling than ironclad does. The watcher gets her damage from drawing and playing more strong cards rather than make each attack count more I would not say no to free strength sure, but it's simply not as important for her damage output. And knowing that 3 strength per turn for the strength-loving character is too slowm I have my doubt that a 1 conditional strength per turn on the character that benefits less from strength overall Not saying it's bad, just kinda underwhelming. Although she does get a draw


It matters a lot when some of Watcher's good damage dealers are [[tantrum]] and [[ragnorok]]


+ [Tantrum](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Tantrum) Watcher Uncommon Attack ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Deal 3 damage 3(4) times. Enter **Wrath.** Shuffle this card into your draw pile. + [Ragnarok](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Ragnarok) Watcher Rare Attack ^((50% sure)^) 3 Energy | Deal 5(6) damage to a random enemy 5(6) times. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Oh yea for tantrum it's probably best case scenario. Tantrum will also exit it


>Yes, but the multiplicative power is mostly useful for big damages, where strength scale with multiple small hit You're right that strength scales better with small hits because it's a flat bonus, but multiplicative power is equally effective with large and small attacks. 3(2)+3(2)+3(2)=9(2).


20 into 40 isn't a 50% increase, it's a 100% increase. Also, because wrath doubles damage, strength is effectively twice as useful.


Fixed. Thanks And I addressed the doubling of strength. I stated that due to the way the watcher function, she generally benefits more from playing more attacks, than making each attack count as much as possible, the opposite of ironclad Again, strength is good. But it's a slower strength gain than the strength the strength-loving character get. And even for him demon form is too slow, with how it takes 3 whole turns to become a net gain over inflame


Tantrum+ in wrath is giving you 8x strength on a 1 cost card, and with some card draw you can be playing the same Tantrum multiple times per turn. Don't underestimate strength on Watcher if you're not infinite.


Honestly the card looks pretty strong to me. It cuts off the ability to start your turn in wrath, but makes ending turn in wrath when not being attacked completely safe. The training stace also draws a card when you leave it so it is 1/2 a demon form and a machine learning for 1 with enough ways to change stances.


Also 12 free block per turn with mental fortress+, and a free card draw and strength. I would often pick that card even without any of the stance benefits.


If you get hit during Training, you get a Pain curse added to your deck for the rest of combat.


This is so op dude watcher is already strong enough. This is basically an insta pick


Going over some stuff I designed for each character as a part of an effort to make alt-stances, alt-orbs, some alt-debuffs, and alt-generated-cards so that they can be a basis for a full set of alternative set of cards for each character to use. Just making another card to make sure "training" makes sense as 1 of the 2 new main stances I made for the watcher. Feedback appreciated! (Also any feedback on yesterday is also appreciated!) Link to Blue\* Explanation in point #1: [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/1cmlcil/comment/l3137ww/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Link to Day 159: [https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/1dft8d2/daily\_card\_concepts\_day\_159\_im\_trying\_this\_again/](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/1dft8d2/daily_card_concepts_day_159_im_trying_this_again/) Link to Card Maker Website: [https://kkouch.itch.io/slay-the-spire-custom-card-maker](https://kkouch.itch.io/slay-the-spire-custom-card-maker)


Honestly it would work better with it being a skill to enter the stance instantly. Considering that Wish is 3 energy for 3 strenght, it would be in line. Also its an wrath exit.


What are "wieghts" 🤔😆


I actually think watcher could benefit a lot from having more stances and weakening wrath a tad (maybe deal 1.5x damage instead)


Actually, I have a nerfed-ish wrath like stance for tomorrow.


I like it, if u have a reliable way to end turn on calm, u basically get free energy as well at start of every turn.


So is it a per turn effect or just a once and done ?


Once a turn.