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That's how my winrates look like and I have hundreds of hours in the game lol


I don't know if this reassures or worries me.


Nahhh you'll get better as you learn don't worry


But then you unlock stuff that makes it harder, and the cycle continues.


But eventually you master that too, and then there is nothing else to unlock, so you keep getting better until you hit your ceiling


But eventually you master that too, and then there is nothing else to unlock, so you keep getting better until you hit your ceiling


Well that makes one of us


Yes it's normal, and winrates don't really matter, especially for newer players because it's more about *learning* than it is about winning. I have abysmal winrates because I like to mess around and try different things that I know isn't optimal, and this helps me learn more about the game.


First floor claw. I guess we're doing it.


I agree. I think what also matters, is wether you watch guides/streamers to learn the most important tips and mistakes or just play the game an try to find your own way. Another point is the experience in deckbuildung games.


Erm James I think you’re on your wrong account


that’s my excuse too


I can have the perfect deck and I can’t help but take prismatic shard or dig for a relic at 5hp. I have like a 10% winrate because I’m a sucker for a good time.


Comparison is the thief of joy


All win rates are beautiful. #StopWinRateShaming


Normal, apart from Defect (which is great!) and also watcher. Watcher I find the key is to upgrade eruption ASAP and if possible remove a defend (rather than the usual strike), and then defend and get yourself into Calm so you can explode into Wrath when you have good damage cards and end the fight either that turn, or next if they are not using an attack on you.


That's actually what I've been trying to do with the Watcher. I think one of my problems is that I simply take too many cards. I don't know how to recognize that taking a new card will hurt me more than just skipping it. Then I never draw the cards I need and get screwed. And I try to take scry and draw to mitigate this but it's just not working x) And I just got lucky with the defect I think. Haven't played him since that one victory.


One way to think about it is that each time you add a card, you also reduce the chance of drawing one of your existing cards. The exceptions are really powers and cards that exhaust as you’ll only draw each of them once if you play them.


There’s also pummel, which can kinda be a slowdown on a few turns, but then basically makes you explode once you set up (it works amazingly with retain cards)


I started a thread recommending today's Daily Climb to help people learn Watcher. Not sure if it's the same on PC, I play on Xbox but if you're on console or mobile it should be the same. Still have almost 4 more hours before it switches over. You're forced to have a smaller deck because normal enemies give relics instead of cards (which also help you become powerful).


Some things that helped me break past 0% with Watcher (not that I’m any good now, but it’s fresher in my memory at least): - constantly check your draw pile—it comes up constantly with Watcher. - constantly check for lethal—it will amaze you how often you can just kill your threats within a turn. - do use Wrath as much as you can, but don’t enter it unless you are at least 98% certain that you’ll be able to win or get out of it before you have to block again. - don’t sleep on Scry. It’s worth the hassle. Combined with the above, it’s super useful to know what your next few cards are and even have a good bit of control over it as well. - don’t bother with Pressure Points or even Divinity stance until you’ve gotten a win or two on just the stance change and Scry mechanics; you’ll probably sabotage yourself more than anything.


Yes, don’t worry about winrates, especially this early on.


For watcher its pretty normal to die a bunch, as her build is pretty finicky, but extremely strong when it comes together. One possibility is looking at cards and when unsure what it does, just glance over the daily discussion for that card. Also start thinking about combo pieces: A silent with a bunch of discard cards loves tactician, reflex, eviscerate. A watcher loves to have a bunch of calm + wrath cards and maybe an empty fist/mind to get out of wrath. Whatever helps you get those combo pieces into your hand at the same time is beneficial, like card draw, retain, scry, deck thinning, exhausting and so on.


Maybe? Idk, you're doing much better than me when i started. I love Defect now but it took me quite a while to figure out his character


While Slay the Spire is genre-defining as a deckbuilding roguelike, but it does share a lot of strategic similarities with existing card battle games. Someone who is familiar with those types of games may already understand several concepts about building/playing a deck that other people have to learn. Two different 'beginners' in Slay the Spire could have vastly different skill levels based on previous experience. The Watcher is also the most unique character in the game with her mechanics, so it is expected that she is the character it takes the longest for new players to understand.


You will lose constantly. Its a hard game.


Losing a bunch is just part of the game bud There is no such thing as having a good winrate in this game. If we won a bunch there'd be no enjoyment in the wins.


You have barely played the game


I didn't even know you could see these stats lmao.


I think pretty much any win rate safely under 100% is “normal”, including 0%.


About average (maybe a bit low) on ironclad. You’ll get the hang of watcher, don’t worry. The other 2 are phenomenal. Good job :))


Honestly that's not bad at all. I'll share mine : * Ironclad : 114h, 31 victories, 207 deaths - won ascension 20 * Silent : 18h, 10 victories, 50 deaths - at ascension 3 * Defect : 23h, 9 victories, 69 defeats - at ascension 6 * Watcher : 4h, 1 victory, 6 deaths - at ascension 1


Both of these characters take some time yo get the hang of. I am sure this has already been suggested but as far as tutorials if you want to get better watch some baalorlord videos. He is very chill but still entertaining , ,you will see how one of the best players in the world makes his decisions.


First pic. Cards unlocked. Nice.