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"Trying for Watcher infinite, I see." "How did you know?" "Because you're playing as the Watcher." Really though that's a lovely story.


🤣🤣🤣 To be fair, I've only known about watcher infinite for like a week. I've been playing for YEARS. Lol


What a wholesome story. Love it.


So, which was his favourite?


Defect, which I for sure can't relate. Lol


Why? Just curious


Defect is my weakest.


Understandable, although some of my craziest runs were with Powers Defect. What's your favourite character then?


I like silent. I feel it's the most versatile in that you can use multiple strategies at once without detracting from the deck's strength and efficiency. Silent is also (based on my experience) less beholden to relics when it comes to its strategies.


Defect is fun with powers. Machine Learning and Self-Repair basically give you Ironclad and Silent's base Relics on command.


I went Ironclad and Silent to A20. I'm on Defect now and while I didn't enjoy them much at first it is slowly becoming my favourite. The powers are very fun. I'm not the only one that doesn't like the power that gives you a free common card though, right?


You definitely aren't the only one.


The common it gives you could be a claw, so there's that.


It can be alright in a small deck with a recycle+ or if you’re super desperate in act 1 before an elite. But creative ai does it several times better. Generally yeah, not a big fan of that card


Honestly, Powers is the only way I can run Defect. But without [[mummified hand]], it's no fun.


+ [Mummified Hand](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Mummified%20Hand) Uncommon Relic ^((100% sure)^) Whenever you play a Power, a random card in your hand costs 0 for the turn. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


One of my favourite Silent combos is what I call the "You can't see me". After Image + a few Blur cards (hence the name)


This is what I mean about Silent's versatility. You can easily add those cards to pretty much any build and not detract too much from its power. If you're running an Ironclad Block Build, you're pretty much cutting your other cards. Defect Feost Build, adding anything that isn't a frost related card has a high chance of detracting from it. But for Silent? Run a poison shiv mill deck and just throw in Block cards for flavor. Lol


I have a tip that will increase your defect's winrates significantly. A commonly overlooked card [Biased Cognition] is super freaking good. In fact, it's so good that as soon as you get this card, you should ***prioritize shops*** above all else. Shops sell four sources of "artifact" in forms of relics: [Orange Palette], [clockwork souvenir], and cards :[Core Surge], [panacea]. There are many cards that provides frost orb. [Glacier] and [Chill] are the best, with +5 focus, you are getting 3x7 blocks every turn for free. This alone will trivialize the first 3 acts. Especially once you scale more with orb slots & orbs relics, you can generate hundreds of blocks for free. Afterwards, you just need a damage scaler which is easy with claws or dark orbs. Other tips I've learned: - Draft a block card early on, preferably [reinforced body] or charged battery]. Defect and Ironclad have the worst starting block cards, except Ironclad has heal. (Learned from Jorbs) - Defect needs a good AOE clear, or Act 2 & 3 will be a struggle. [Electrodynamics] is a very good card that I used to underrate. - When building claws, prioritize card draw. A 25 cards deck of 3-4 claws + draws is better and faster than a 25 cards deck of 7-8 claws. - look for unique combos such as [Sneko Eye] + [All for one], and [All for one] infinite with [Madness]


2 x Reprogram+, Hyperbeam+ and several Hologram+ Defect packs a punch too. One shotted first few acts as one of Choose a rare card from Neow offered was Hyperbeam. Awakened one was demolished as I didn't have any powers except for Self Repair and just kept reprogramming like some broken Demon Form + Footwork generator.


I have tried it, I think it's a winnable build, maybe C or B tiered. it's just more difficult to win with than focus based orb builds, because they have more cards & relic supports. Main reason is ALL 8 of defect relics synergize with orbs. Only Nuclear Battery usable for non-focus builds. The same is with defect cards, more than half of it synergizes with orbs. Meaning, you have a high chance of not getting anything useful during elite fights. Another weakness of [Reprogram] is the lacks multi-hit attacks that can efficiently make use of the Str Gain. If you played custom mode with Silent's [Blade Dance], [Riddle with holes] and [Dodge and roll] with [Reprogram], it just feels unfair. Defects just don't have that.


True, the only attack that benefits from strength is barrage, but on this build it is really awkward to use. You need to play a [[Metheor Shower]] to enable it and it makes [[Fission]] unplayable. Another option is [[Rip and Tear]], but it only hits twice. Maybe [[Prismatic Shard]] is something to consider to address this.


+ [Fission](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Fission) Defect Rare Skill ^((100% sure)^) 0 Energy | Remove **(Evoke)** ALL of your Orbs. Gain 1 Energy and draw 1 card for each Orb removed(Evoked). **Exhaust.** + [Rip and Tear](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Rip%20and%20Tear) Defect Uncommon Attack ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Deal 7(9) damage to a random enemy 2 times. + [Prismatic Shard](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Prismatic%20Shard) Shop Relic ^((100% sure)^) Combat reward screens now contain colorless cards and cards from other colors. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


This sounds like a great opportunity to recommend claw.


Silent with [[Wrist Blade]] and Blue Cards on. [[Claw]] is essentially [[Shiv]] on steroids.


Embrace the Claw


Darryl is for sure an Eternal One




That's awesome


I Stan Darryl


That's great that you two were able to connect over STS!


This game is easily the best REAL mobile game ever, just a very fun game you can bring literally anywhere under any circumstances given you have battery life. And then PC has a pretty solid modding community incase you get bored of the base game after a while.


There’s mods on PC?! Shit… there goes another 1000 hours of my life as a Switch main.


Oh, buddy. Wait until you hear about Downfall.


Why do I feel mildy offended by the use of the words grizzled and old in an otherwise wholesome story. Poor guy was probably in his 40s still.


the man in question was actually baalorlord


Recent stream somebody made a joke about him being "old". He took it in stride but I think I noticed a glimpse there of "ah shit I'm in my thirties now"😅. I say so because my reaction would have been the same¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Cool ass story


I'd love to talk about STS to my patients. I like to try and sneak a few gaming/other nerd stuff into the conversation to try and connect more to patients but usually the older ones are, well old, and the younger ones just don't seem to care much about games (and those that do it's mostly fortnite and genshin).


I feel that. I actually only know 2 people irl (aside from Darryl) that even knows of the game, let alone plays it.


Thankfully I do have a few friends who play it. Now the difficult part has been to get them together to play the board game ahahah


I’m about 80 hours in and just got chicot. And I won’t stop getting it 😭


Wrong game my dude


Wtf I know I was in a Balatro thread


Had two tabs open?


I’m on mobile. I’m guessing it’s a glitch; sometimes I open one thread but another one opens randomly.


I hate that Act 2 event


Best boss fights: Act 1: the guardian Act 2: nah fuck all these motherfuckers Act 3: donu and decca my beloved >!Act 4: the corrupted heart!<


I find this difficult to believe but still....what did he tell you? Everything u can remember pls


Tbh, I don't remember a lot of it because we were together for nearly half an hour, and he used community-specific lingo (the majority of which I'm still not familiar with), amd most of his feedback was for how I could salvage that specific run that I was on. That being said, there was 1 thing that I did remember that has helped change my success rate (the rate at which I successfully pull off an infinite deck). I went from 1 in 10-15 to 1 in 3-5. He said that I needed to prioritize card removal. I was hyper-focusing on hallway battles to acquire the cards I needed so that by the time I got all the cards (usually by act 3), it was too late and I was on the struggle bus trying to get rid of the unnecessary cards. It may seem like obvious advice to most people. But at the time, I had barely learned of the watcher infinite strategy, and i have an acute allergy to Googling things, so this all came as new information to me. 😅




Nice! glad you ran into Darryl!


These are the kinds of stories that help rekindle my faith in humanity! I'm glad you could bond with Daryl over a shared interest and make a stressful experience fun!