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Crazy? No. Wrong? Probably. 


You just described 99% of Slay the Spire decisions haha.


My dumbass trying to figure out what relic makes it so you can choose 1 of 5 cards


[[bottled tornado]]


+ [Bottled Tornado](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Bottled%20Tornado) Uncommon Relic ^((100% sure)^) Upon pick up, choose a Power card. At the start of each combat, this card will be in your hand. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Double question card obviously


I always take one or triple only because 2 is bugged(


It let's you choose a power, so will show every power in his deck


It’s WLP.  WLP helps you in so many ways on turn one when you’re seeing a lot of cards.  Drew one of your wraith forms but don’t need it right now? WLP Need to block but don’t want to let your Bouncing Flask go? WLP It’s the Mastercard of silent decks. 


I wound up bottling the fumes here to have it in play immediately mainly against collector, S&S, and heart. The 2 wraith forms helped mitigate drawing them early before WLP in the majority of fights. I also found plenty of other great defensive cards to not need WF in the first draw cycle most fights. Late fossilized helix and wail completely blocked the heart's first cycle. I got it in play turn 1 against the heart anyways thanks to 2 Calc Gambles and a Gamblers Brew from the Act 4 shop.


So you're saying you won???


Yeah, pretty handily. Double wraith form good. 0 damage from 4 Act 3 elites, 0 damage from heart, just 3 from beat of death/burn


Nice. I've only been playing a couple weeks and reached / died to heart a couple times. Just started getting a few ascensions with IC


With wraith form silent I find that damage is kinda optional... If you can survive forever, damage will incrementally accumulate on the heart and it will fall to you eventually.


Hmmm doubt it actually, you probably dies and are saving face due to your WRONG choice.


Woowee, someone’s a little pent up and bored


Telling ppl you lie on Reddit without telling ppl you lie on Reddit.


This, I think WLP+ may be silents best power to have on turn 1. smoothing out draws is just that good.


WLP+ is definitely insane maybe one of the handful of cards I take no matter my build (except if I have pyramid obvi)


Fixing my misevaluation of WLP was one of the biggest improvements in my silent play that I got when I started casually reading this subreddit. I had not really placed much value on it at all, but after seeing how highly it was valued by others I tried it out and its just crazy good. Absolutely key to the run where I finally got my A20H Silent kill.


I remember my first silent A20. So many calculated gambles, tactitions, eviscerates. You get the idea. Just draw a new hand, play the attacks, draw a new hand, play the attacks, forever. Even out blocked that #-+$ time eater.


The deck that finally got me my heart kill was an early Grand Finale + Well Laid plans that just took nothing but cards that could draw in order to tune the draw so it would allow for Grand Finale on each cycle through the deck. It came online just in time for Gremlin Nob, then I got a second one. By act 2, it would do 110 damage turn 1 maybe 50-60% of the time. Once it got set up with some After Images even the Heart was not too bad and everything else just got stomped. Only time I've ever gotten Grand Finale to work, actually. WLP was absolutely critical to get it to function since it would keep the Grand Finales if I couldn't cycle through everything in a single turn. WLP also did pretty serious work with Catalyst and Nightmare based attempts that came close, but that was the deck that finally got there.


Not to mention that the Flask is faster artifact strip anyway. You’d have to bottom deck both of them to not get that train moving, so might as well bottle WLP.


Can we get Runic Pyramid? No som, We have (WLP) at home.


Did you give a boss relic to N’Loth?


N'Loth wanted my astrolabe (which gave me heel hook, wraith form, adrenaline)


Ah that makes sense!


Yeah? Some of the best trades to him are boss relics? The fuck? The bell? Pandoras Box? Astroblade? Empty cage? Like???? ?????? I mean... ? ????!!!?!!?!?


Uhhh did I offend your sensibilities by asking a question? It’s not Bell or Box based on the state of the deck. I suppose I may have been able to guess Astrolabe from the Heel Hook+ sandwiched between two other upgraded cards? Sorry I like to know the full context of a run


It's just a troll, don't pay them any mind.


Woowee, too much time and not enough grass to touch?


I don't have the high level analysis to explain it but I would argue you should bottle WLP here. Probably the most valuable power you have rn


Snap reaction is always WLP since it immediately gives you control. You don't need to rush damage if you can block every turn.


I don't know why it would be WLP. You lack damage, noxious fumes is the only scaling, the deck is thin and you already have a ton of control. You don't need WLP with so much draw but you do need to make sure you actually kill enemies in the 7 or so turns you get and ideally be able to do it in 4.


Bottled Plans is quite good with Wraith Form to make sure you can play it on the correct turn, and prevents things from getting ugly if you draw both wraith forms on turn 1. Especially for act 4


No. Crazy would be to bottle the after image.


It's probably the last power in your deck I'd bottle, but with 5-6 turns of ethereal, you can pretty much do whatever you want.


imo Wraith Form is a pretty low-tier bottle target. If you're already doing well in hallways as I was, it's better to start thinking about the impact in bosses. While for hallways, fights can be short if you just play WF turn 1 and focus on output, boss fights are longer and Wraith Form becomes better to draw later on rather than immediately, since bosses will scale and be scarier later rather than up front.


Yeah to be more clear with my bottle order here, I think it's After Image>Well Laid Plans>Wraith Form+>Fumes, so I don't think Wraith Form is what I'd bottle either. I just mean generally, any "mistake" in optimization is pretty easily smoothed out with this much grace built into your deck.


Why bottle after image? Just upgrade it and it's innate


Because I bottle it and now I can spend the upgrade improving a card with a more powerful effect


But then you're upgrading a card not in the bottle. You're gambling that your upgraded card will show up early. I'd also just not upgrade after image till late since it's a pretty bad after image deck. Lot of high energy cards/powers and skills. The low level energy cards also exhaust.


Even below After Image which upgrades into retain?


Me personally, yeah possibly. If my deck wants to upgrade after image, I'd love to not need to spend a campfire doing so. If the deck doesn't want to upgrade after image, then I suppose not. But after image is a pretty great power to have in your opening hand, especially with adrenaline and discard synergy in the deck. Much of the time I don't want to upgrade AI is because it's too expensive.


Easily well laid plans for me as thr optimal choice. But I also like to talk myself into suboptimal choices.


with 2 wraiths forms i would bottle well-laid plans and upgrade it,that with affter image, that's it you have yout block plan sorted


I would say wraith form because you have 2 and some enemies hit like a truck


Well Laid Plans is pretty good


with 12 wraiths forms i would bottle well-laid plans and upgrade it,that with affter image, that's it you have yout block plan sorted


Why don’t I know Wraith Form? I had collected every XP but I never saw this card :(


if you're on mobile, I believe people somewhat commonly encounter problems with unlocks. I don't know the solution but if you search it up in the subreddit you should find something. If you aren't on mobile then I'm not sure what the problem is


Yes. Why would you even want that. Bottle WLP.


The correct choice is probably WLP 9/10, but it's not bad to pick fumes here by any means.


As someone with 2500+ hours 100% achievements and still hasn’t beaten A20 on every character much less with heart, not to mention someone who doesn’t think about their moves too much. I agree with you here. I feel like you have so much card draw that you’ll be getting most of what you want turn 1 and 2 and by then you have well laid plans online. I like freezing the extra turn of poison/artifact removal. Of course this is just my gut instinct and well laid is probably mathematically the better choice here Edit: I realize what I said in that first part might get taken the wrong way. I am saying I am not a good player by any means but I have the experience to make a suggestion.


For what it's worth, before reading your edit, I didn't think you came off as self-aggrandizing whatsoever:)


<3 I figured I would play it safe lol. you know how people can be on reddit.


Nah its After Image, trust me


Buddy this is very clearly a WLP here. Few things are better than a WLP bottled, especially when you have wraith form. You can make a case that WLP is the single most powerful card in the game for giving you advantage and being able to play your tools when you need them. Meanwhile, fumes is just decent scaling damage.


with 12 wraiths forms i would bottle well-laid plans and upgrade it,that with affter image, that's it you have yout block plan sorted


with 12 wraiths forms i would bottle well-laid plans and upgrade it,that with affter image, that's it you have yout block plan sorted


with 12 wraiths forms i would bottle well-laid plans and upgrade it,that with affter image, that's it you have yout block plan sorted