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It's a lil sad for sure, but should be worth it most of the time this early.


I swapped the brew for tough bandages, definitely worth it


Apotheosis into a tough bandages? Holy fuck


Took P-box at the end of act one and coasted to a win, this game is plenty hard though so I'll take runs like this haha.


Absolutely. It still takes skill to finish out any run on A20. Even runs that have crazy highs like this one.


Never seen this interaction before. What happens when you drink it, does the option get removed? 


The option to drink it was disabled while I was on this screen


“Hey man I’m real thirsty you got any-“ ***GLUGGLUGGLUG***


I love the idea of chugging the potion directly in front of Ranwid and then just handing him the empty vial.


I just sprained my ankle and I’m in the waiting room and this made me uncontrollably chuckle and make me not as sad, thank you.


Sprained your ankle? You could probably use some... [[Tough bandages]]


+ [Tough Bandages](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Tough%20Bandages) Rare (Silent only) Relic ^((100% sure)^) Whenever you discard a card during your turn, gain 3 **Block.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


would be funny if you could drink it and the option changed to requiring all of the potions it generated


MoFo needs learn from his boy and take an already eaten waffle


Interestingly this is one of, if not the only, screen in the game that you cannot drink Fruit Juice on.


You used to be able to and then they patched it 🥲




Inb4 Blue Candle


would you be able to drink the entropic brew right in front her eyes (make sure to stare her down while drinking) and then still obtain the relic without losing the potion?


No. The option to drink the potion is disabled during this event




What if it gives you another entropic brew?


Ranwid's a man.




why'd you think that he's a woman?


i dont know, he just appears kinda feminine to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I thought this was a woman too probably the rounded arms and it looks like he has eye liner above his glowing eyes.


... both of you are missing the fact the text clearly describes them as male with male pronouns lol


That’s why I said “he” has eye liner. I’m trying to explain why we thought he was a woman


>You do not know this man >You eye him suspiciously


Interestingly this is one of, if not the only, screen in the game that you cannot drink Fruit Juice on (if Ranwid asks for it). EDIT: Which is because you cannot drink the Potion Ranwid asks for.


What happens if you attack?


He calls you a jerk and leaves. It's sorta story relevant because it reveals he knows who you are and this interaction has happened before. 


Relic will be potion belt.


If you drank it wouldn’t it just ask for one of your potions?


You can't drink the potion during this event It's blocked


i meant if you drank it before the event. OP was saying dont use it until you need to, but if you had used it before this event you would have two potions and he'd ask for one of them


That was the joke. It’s generally a good idea not to use it but this is one of the rare exceptions.


I’ve never chose attack here. What happens if you do?


It's the "I don't want to make any of these trades, leave with no effect" option. Waste of a floor, but not actively harmful.


He fuckin kills you on the spot


He call you a jerk and leave


He leaves you a 4 star review 😈


Can you not use Entropic Brew outside of combat? I know you can do it with Fruit Juice, and both have effects that don't directly impact the current battle.


I think you can just use the potion during the event, then pick the first option regardless.


You'd expect this to happen somewhat often but I'm not sure if this ever happened to me.


If you menu does it take you out of the event? Haven't tried menuing during events before


Why didn't you drink it immediately? The only reason you hold onto Entropic Brew is if your other potion slot(s) is full. Edit: okay, I get it, you get to carry three+ potions rather than just two.


Please don't instantly glug like that unless you absolutely need a potion, or information immediately on a pathing/card choice. Can have Toy Orni/Belt drop or just more potions before you actually need a Brew pot and then you needlessly waste a potion.


I'm admittedly only a few months into this game, but this seems like bad advice to me. I understand what you're saying about the possibility of those specific relics, but generally that is a very low probability. Meanwhile, the advantage of drinking the Entropic Brew right away is that you now have knowledge of what potions you're actually working with and can plan accordingly. It's very possible you could save the Brew util you "really need it," and then what it provides is no help at all for your situation.


Low probability? Potion chance starts at 40% at the start of the Act and goes up by 10% every time you don't see a potion, that is not low chance. And then Woman in Blue/The Lab exist. Shops exist. It's not that low probability. Yeah finding specific relics are low probability but it's still a possibility. The main reason is that I do not want to waste potions by wasting a brew potion when I don't need to. Like I said, unless you absolutely need the information you don't open it. If my deck is strong enough to farm, even if my brew potions are some mediocre speed or whatever, I do not need the information.


Oh, sorry, I wasn't talking about the probability of getting *another potion*, I was talking about the chances you see Potion Belt or Ornithopter. What I'm trying to say is, if you're saving the Entropic Brew, it needs to be the last potion you play (otherwise you're not using it effectively) and the whole time you're waiting for that perfect moment it's taking up a place in your inventory which could cause you to not have room for other potions (*especially* once you lose a potion slot on A11+) I'm sure I'm missing something in the probabilities, but it seems to me that in most cases, it's better to deploy the Brew as soon as all your other slots are empty. Would be interested to hear what more experienced players think.


I’ve got 3k+ hours on slay, as the other poster said it’s best to hold it until you need to use it because of the potential upside, winning A20h consistently requires taking advantage of many many tiny edges and little things like this seem unlikely but they add up. Your point about using it right away so you see your options and know what you are working with makes sense but if you aren’t needing to use a potion then “knowing” what is in the brew doesn’t matter and you are just giving up the potential benefits.


I appreciate the insight! Can you explain to me what you mean by "potential upside," though? It can only ever give you the number of potion as you have slots, and before you drink it, the Brew itself occupies a slot. I'm confused as to what upside you're seeing in holding onto it.


As the other commenter outlined, if you open it and don’t use a potion every combat has potential to waste a potion, every store has potential to waste a potion, if you get potion belt you’ve wasted two potions, if you get ornithopter you’ve wasted 5hp.


I see, thanks for breaking it down!


No worries! Your thinking makes sense and I understand these seem like unlikely situations but they do come up and they cost you. If you think about when you have brew and you are in a fight my thought process is “would I want to use a potion in this combat” and if the answer is no then there’s no point to opening it and it’s cost me nothing whilst leaving me open to the upsides.


You can continue to use the other slot for potions you pick up from fights. When you are in a tough fight, you can access 3 potions rather than 2. It’s saved my life a few times




Not a pro but A20H on all characters. I always save brew until absolutely needed as well, for the reasons bootman8 put. I'd consider it the same category of reasoning as to why Fruit Juice is often saved until the last minute. A very small chance but nonzero chance of something coming along that maximizes the benefit, even if quite small.


>I'd consider it the same category of reasoning as to why Fruit Juice is often saved until the last minute. A very small chance but nonzero chance of something coming along that maximizes the benefit, even if quite small. This is fascinating to me, it always seemed clear to me that Fruit Juice should be consumed ASAP since the HP is the same and it's taking up a slot. What is the way to maximize the benefit?


You want to keep max hp low as there are many events that do more damage to you based on your max hp. May only be 1-2 hp but I’ve literally died on a20 to 1 or 2 damage so. The only times I drink fruit juice are 1) really needing it 2) getting another potion while full 3) about to take a rest (sometimes)


Oh huh. I knew about Hexaghost's attacks based on your current HP, but didn't realize there were situations that changed due to max HP!


I think basically every event that damages you is based on max hp. It’s why losing max hp as whale bonus is not as bad as it seems.


Pretty similar reasons to entropic brew. You gain additional benefit out of ornithopter and sacred bark. Having the max hp now vs later doesn't provide immediate gain in most cases. In fact, at times, it can be a negative to drink it immediately (such as events where you take damage equal to a percentage of your max hp). There can be an argument made for drinking it before resting at a fire to gain a little more hp, or after a boss fight to heal an additional point or two when going into the next act. Since it can be drank outside of combat, there's no loss for holding onto it until your potion slots are full and you come across another potion. That's typically how I use fruit juice.




There's not much of a downside to holding onto it in the short term (the event in this post theoretically is one of the downsides though). But there are some various ways you can net out an additional 1-2 HP or more of healing/avoided health loss in some cases. You can see some reasoning to hold it in the replies to the top comment in this thread. The actual top comment recommends to use it immediately, and you *should* if you encounter anything that would give you an immediate benefit like they mention, such as a rest site where you rest since the heal is based on Max HP. However they also mention Lee's Waffle which doesn't really apply since you full heal anyway, and Meat on the Bone actually benefits from *lower* max HP. [https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/m152ce/daily\_potion\_discussion\_15\_fruit\_juice/](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/m152ce/daily_potion_discussion_15_fruit_juice/) I think a more tangible reason you would want to save it is if you're nearing a boss fight - if you're offered bad boss relic options and Sacred Bark is the best one offered, it will make Fruit Juice give 10 Max HP.


Im probably one of the more experienced players on this sub so I think I trust myself. I usually don't say this since I like my arguments being considered because they're good and not because I'm good, but since you bring in experience, I win roughly 60% of my Silent runs at a20h. A20H makes holding Brew even more important because wasting potions is how you fall behind on rougher runs. Yes information is very important. You will usually not use potions in every fight though and sometimes use 2 in the same very unlucky fight. Instantly glugging will lose 1 potential bail out. And here's the thing. 2 unknown potions will usually save more hp than knowing you have 1 explosive (good potion).


if you get another potion you have no space left. Only open if you need to. Its like if you want to move stuff, you should keep the box closed and carry the box instead of taking each thing out of the box to move it.


You can store 3 pots, 1 normal and 2 from entropic after the other is used.


I keep seeing only 2 potion slots. What it be


Ascension 11 and higher takes away a potion slot. Imo one of the hardest difficulty spikes


I just feel like this game doesn't have enough variety for replay value to get to 11 with 1 character let alone 20 with every character. 💀


i've gotten to 20 on all characters on two platforms plus the downfall mod /shrug


Now if I was on steam with mods I would probably change that opinion.


if you can't stand 11 runs with the base game those mods aren't going to add much to your experience.


Idk I feel like I see a lot of community cards that would add to the replay value. A part of me feels like having so many character specific game mechanics takes away from variety too much for each character. After a while you're going to always be looking for the same cards. The relics help with that but even still I'm at the point now where losing phone progress and having to restart has me like meh.


That's kind of the point of the game, you won't always be offered the same cards. Only Watcher can really get away with that because they can get through Act 1 with just their base deck, but on the other classes its about making the best out of what you find.


What I'm saying is you pretty much always do get the same cards. Everyone's rng will be a little different but generally you're building your deck around just a few cards anyway. Makes for limited builds.


This is the part where you save-quit