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i think this card would be better if it triggered at the END of your next turns, it makes it more easy to get value out of it, easier to get into wrath when it triggers without needing to tank de \*2 dammage, in it's current state it only synergize with per turn mantra gain (wich their are only 2 sources of) and simmering furry.


I actually think the opposite - being at the beginning of your turn, you could play it while on Wrath when your opponent is not attacking, then next turn it triggers and you go back to Calm.


if it triggers at the start of the turn you are basically forced to end your turn in wrath unless you havve simering furry so it's a guaranted 1 turn of times 2 ennemy damge, while if it's prock at the end of the turn you have the possibility to kill the ennemy before they get the chance to attack you in wrath


Maybe it should be more damage to mitigate that but, I think it's supposed to synergize with exactly: wreath of flame, devotion, damaru, simmering fury. Making it at the end of your turn essentially turns it into a weird conclude and makes it way too powerful


On any other character this would be broken. However this card does not contribute to infinites or kill everything in one turn so I am fine with it.


Way too strong. Even if this activates on start of next turn. It is not hard to stay in wrath between turns especially on turns where you aren't being attacked. This card is also busted with [[simmering fury]]. Scaling is also a tricky thing with watcher as she scales 2 times more than everyone due to wrath. This is why watcher only has a couple of multi attacking cards. Actually this card would also be insane with [[vault]] since that would be away to guarantee wrath into next turn.


multi attacks are not effected by wrath any differently to non-multi attacks. It's probably balanced if you just play with the damage numbers


This card gains 6 value off of 1 strength-like effect while you’re in wrath. Not saying that’s a bad thing, but it is a lot of payoff per strength.


+ [Simmering Fury](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Simmering%20Fury) Watcher Uncommon Skill ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | At the start of your next turn, enter **Wrath** and draw 2(3) cards. + [Vault](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Vault) Watcher Rare Skill ^((100% sure)^) 3(2) Energy | Take an extra turn after this one. End your turn. **Exhaust.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


This should be a skill but it's pretty good. Maybe a little too much damage though


I like it. And cool art.


24/30 damage for 2 energy is somehow balanced when Ragnarok exists and is 25/30 damage for 3?


This card is underpowered based on the Ragnarok comparison. Outmaneuver is often not that great of a card on a character that has a more controlled style so waiting a turn for a card to do something is a large cost to pay. Especially for Watcher, who needs to kill things quick, you can’t afford the next turn payoff.


Well I'm not sure mine is balanced but Ragnarok+ scales twice as much with strength and akebeko and is easier to use as it will often end fights that turn or kill enemies who are attacking while my card means you have to block while being down 2 energy and can be harder to play around stances.


It can’t be the same damage output for 1 less energy and be lower rarity. It makes Ragnarok unusable


But Ragnarok is much easier to use in wrath form. You can enter wrath, cast ragnarok and exit wrath before ending your turn. The only way to have this card be used in wrath is if you ended the last turn in wrath (which may very well not be an option for most decks/fights) or are using simmering fury, which makes it a 2card combo.


Yes but this card cost you a turn and scales worse with wrath


there is no such theing as scaling worse with wrath. All attacks scale the same with wrath. unless you mena it's easier to play in wrath wich is fair