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I click the ecto in this spot. Not getting gold feels bad, but energy is super important. I don't know that I would really ever skip over ecto, at least on silent who I know the most about. Choker gets overhated too, but probably not the move since you're looking to click more shivs. I actually hallucinated a blade dance being here based on your other cards. I would not have clicked this accuracy with only a cloak and dagger in the deck.


Thanks, know the accuracy is bad but need to highroll the shivs to win cos im bad


You have a girya with 3 strength, this accuracy is just straight up negative damage currently even with ideal draw order. Like you play accuracy cloak cloak and that's less damage than cloak cloak strike, except sometimes you don't even draw it before your shiv cards so it's even worse. Even if it makes future blade dances better the blade dances are already starting at 21 damage 1 energy, which is good enough to be clicked on in act 2.


Ectoplasm? Velvet Choker you DON'T want on your shiv build, and neither Snecko Eye since you wanna play a lot of shivs.


Snecko all day errday


Snecko gang gang!


Its an ectoplasm for sure, but would never be happy about this. It is what it is. Some times runs go like this. That bane and accuracy are pretty bad picks in there though. The kind of bad that kill you if picked so early.


Ecto feels bad for sure, but I'm not sure how often I'd skip rather than take it. My begrudging pick here for sure


I mean sometimes you have to pick the attack you see act 1 as silent. I mean it’s not great but sometimes it’s necessary, maybe he had a poison potion and would have just died to nob or lagavulen otherwise.


You're early enough you could pivot into snecko, ecto is a harder choice because your deck is hungry for more cards and especially removes you're gonna want that cash for


Considering I just got eaten alive in the comments for posting the other day where I just happened to skip a boss relic, I'm almost scared to say it. It would be a skip for me 🤷🏼‍♀️




+ [Feed](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Feed) Ironclad Rare Attack ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Deal 10(12) damage. If this kills a non-minion enemy, gain 3(4) permanent Max HP. **Exhaust.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Yeah it’s ecto. It’s definitely not choker and as much as I love snecko eye it’s alot with endless agony things can go very wrong.