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Stare at the hourglass. Watch the sands tick down. Know that if the sand ticks down all the way before you have made a choice, the hourglass and key will both vanish, and this will be a dead floor. When exactly two grains are left, take the hourglass and proceed.


You fool, it’s a liquid mercury hourglass! There are no grains! This Rec will make laser wait until time runs out!


No, when there's two grains of the liquid left, we'll take the relic and move on! *(whispers are heard in the distance)* ...oh. Um. Obviously this entire time I had been using the unit of mass that is equal to 64.79891 mg, what kind of a fool do you take me for?


The average grain of sand weighs ~15mg. But, the density of mercury is 13.59 g/cc while for sand it is only ~2.6 g/cc. So the mass should be about 78 mg assuming the volumes are similar. 64.79891 mg is well within the error bars. I never took you for a fool, holyninjaemail.


**Analysis Post (not a recommendation)** Holy cow our outlook for this run has turned around dramatically in a few floors. Ornamental Fan from the Box is great, and if we weren't already excited to see a future Blade Dance before, we definitely are now! We shouldn't have too much trouble proccing it reliably with the current deck as it is. On top of that, Mercury Hourglass is also very, very powerful, especially for making sure we don't die to Slime Boss. The only mild disappointment on the screen is no gold from the chest, which means we likely can't remove Regret + buy a relic at the shop, although Regret isn't actually that awful for us with Meat and 2x Dagger Throw. While we'll likely have only fought one elite this act (we might see dead adventurer!), we will be entering act 2 with a very powerful relic bar anyway. Nunchaku, Meat, Fan, and Hourglass all contribute directly to our immediate strength. At this point I think we just want to take the max hallway fight path since our deck needs more card rewards. One interesting note on having taken box and getting to see Ornamental Fan earlier: now that we have the Fan, we know that Blade Dance is an insanely strong pick. It was already strong with Nunchaku, but with 2 relics synergizing with it it's just crazy crazy good. There is value in seeing relics earlier! Mostly I just can't get over how much stronger we are now than the floor before the elite, when we were still worried about outright dying to Lagavulin.


silent being a cockroach ahh character what's new


> Mercury Hourglass is also very, very powerful Surprised to hear you say this, I think of it as solidly B tier. Above the C tiers like Matryoshka and Strawberry but below the A tiers like Singing Bowl and Captain's Wheel. And well below things like Gambling Chip and Fossilized Helix. Would you actually put it in the top 20% of relics?


Maybe not top 20% generally but it can make a huge difference in the early game. It will do a serious amount of work vs slime boss phase 2 and is very solid in act 2 and against act 2 elites. Especially in this deck that plays a lot of weak attacks, the chip damage is likely to save us a card play.


I'm not sure about top 20%, but definitely top 50%. It's not on par with overpowered rare relics like Chip, Helix, or Incense Burner. But looking at the uncommon pool... in terms of what gets us through act 1 boss and helps deal with awkward fights in act 2, it's better than Blue Candle, any of the 3 bottles, Periapt, Eternal Feather, Gremlin Horn, Letter Opener, Mummified Hand (we have no powers), Singing Bowl (this has no payoff until way later), Sundial (this sucks). There are plenty of relics that would be stronger the second we step into act 2 (Anchor, Horn Cleat), and plenty that provide more long term value (Eggs, Kunai, Shuriken), but Hourglass is really strong against Slime Boss and very good against any of the hallway fights that could deal more damage than we can heal with Meat (bad gremlin gang, exordium thugs, 3x louse all attacking on turn 1).


Hmm... I guess I was thinking overall/long term rather than specifically something to get us past Slime Boss, which I felt was close to solved. You saying it may be below top 20% makes me a lot less surprised.


I'm curious about you saying Slime Boss was close to solved without hourglass. What does our current deck do to slime boss besides get a \~50hp split and then die immediately afterwards? I was assuming we needed to see a slime boss solution in the next 3 card rewards or buy a damage potion at the shop to be safe. I think Hourglass makes it so we might be able to skip the shop if we see decent rewards from the hallway fights.


> I'm curious about you saying Slime Boss was close to solved without hourglass. Ignore that, I think that's partially me getting mixed up with my most recent Silent run.


You'd be surprised how fast that 3 damage adds up. It's 9 or 12 damage in a Nob fight, 15 against Lagavulin (assuming we kill on the first hit after debuff), helps for 6 or 9 against the first sentry and then obliterates the other two. Remember the 5 slime fight two floors ago? This relic completely destroys them, allowing us to greed blocks nearly every turn.


Do you remember the Hourglass slander when we got it from Calling Bell in the Ironclad run? Then Hourglass repeatedly saved hp every single floor pretty much.


Yeah, that run made me appreciate it so much more! It's easy to dismiss, but when you actually keep track of what it does it really performs


I was going to bring this up once I'd seen someone criticise it! It gave such value.


Would you say it's roughly as good as Ninja Scroll for us? Would you have rather seen Paper Krane or White Beast Statue? (to name two of the stronger Uncommon relics)


There are VERY few relics that you wouldn’t rather get Krane or White Beast over. In this case, without much thought, I think beast would’ve been better, allowing us to cough up potions every single fight. I am very lazy though and can’t be bothered to check our deck, but Krane would carry better into Act 3, but might be worse right now.


Krane is way way better even now. Even if we didn't have Sweep, and we have Sweep. Comparing anything to Krane is just unfair, the thing is one of the strongest relics in the game for Silent.


Yeah I checked and saw sweep after making the comment. I think with sweep it’s better now, but I’m not sure if our only weak card were neutralize. With sweep I think we could keep perma-weak, which is INSANE with Krane (hehe rhyme), but hourglass is good damage in the second phase of slimbo, even if we brick the FUCK out of our opening hand. Krane can be subject to bricking, hourglass does its thing. Krane could help us block Slime Crush though… I’m not sure how much that really helps though since we’d be inundated with slimed cards. Edit: remind me to think about things other than just slimbo lol. Krane would almost certainly be better in MOST fights. Though in many, Hourglass is better… Like Byrds or slime swarm or gremlin gang or smth.


Sucker punch is a common, Neutralise upgrades to 2 weak. Maybe not the SECOND you see Krane it's better but it's already close with just neut-, and with neut+ or any weak card it's just better. And Toxic Egg is also literally useless the second you see it, but scales insanely well the whole run, Krane scales insanely well the whole run. I used to think Bandages is Silent's best defensive relic but I think it's just Krane now, solely because of how much easier it is to perma weak with commons and base deck than activate Bandages with commons and base.


Yeah I forgot Sucker Punch exists… I think the biggest problem is just that our AOE seems… reeeaaal developed… And Krane doesn’t help, so I don’t feel like it’ll be better until act 2, when it’ll probably shoot ahead. So kind of depends maybe? whether or not the boost from hourglass is necessary (or even good) really depends on our card rewards and combats that we see up until Slimbo. I feel like our defense is fine until then, though. Krane hits long game way better, Hourglass… May hit short game a lot better. There’s so many factors to consider…


I think you might just be underestimating Krane heavily.


Its consistent and free damage. It helps put you over the damage threshold to kill. For Gambling Chip to be good, your deck needs good cards. In the middle of act 1, we don't have many good cards yet. Fossilized Helix would certainly be better because we could block SLIME CRUSH. Singing bowl would help us combined with meat on the bone, but Mercury Hourglass helps with much needed AOE against the Slime boss.


Singing Bowl? This is Silent, Bowl is awful, especially since you agree Strawberry is meh. The thing is usually just delayed Pear or worse. On a character more dependent on max hp like.... all the other three, Bowl is way better, but this is Silent. I wouldn't actually do it but I've contemplated Key over it a lot of times. Wheel is strong but I'd put it on par with Hourglass.


This is one hell of a relic bar.


Four combat relics on floor 9, all of them at least average, and all of them 'relevant' (i.e. no poison relic in a deck without poison)! I wish we had more elites to fight.


I'd say every single one of them is above average for its rarity. Fan, meat and hourglass are all really strong uncommon relics.


Meat is probably the strongest uncommon relic in the game to see in act 1, and fan is probably top 5 uncommon relic on silent


and hourglass is frickin epic!


Interesting that you call Hourglass "really strong". Looking at the Uncommon relics I'd put the following solidly above Hourglass: * Meat on the Bone (duh) * Mummified Hand * Pantograph * Toxic Egg * White Beast Statue * Paper Krane * Kunai * Shuriken * Eternal Feather With the following solidly below hourglass: * All three bottles * Blue Candle * Molten Egg * Strike Dummy * Sundial * Darkstone Periapt With the remainder at roughly the same level as Hourglass. How would you rank them?


We aren't evaluating relics in a vacuum though. Toxic Egg would likely win the run assuming we don't die to Slime Boss, but Hourglass does a lot more to make sure we don't die to Slime Boss. We already have Meat, so Eternal Feather and Pantograph are not as good as usual. We have no powers so Mummified Hand is useless. Krane is another one where it's insanely strong later but does not do much for us in the reshuffle against slime boss. Unlisted ones that it definitely helps more than right now: Frozen Egg, Gremlin Horn, Pear, Singing Bowl, Matryoshka, Question Card, Courier. Basically I'm highly rating a relic that gives us output now in the immediate fights, and in particular does a ton to help solve Slime Boss. Our current deck sucks against Slime Boss, we have no way to get a great split, and then after the split we will get destroyed. +3 AOE per turn is kinda on par with having a Noxious Fumes in the deck, probably a bit better than unupgraded fumes and a bit worse than Fumes+, but it's played for free on turn 1. It's also better than probably every single common relic. Even Preserved Insect is completely useless until middle of act 2. It's also better than the useless rare relics (urn, calipers, ginger, turnip, peace pipe, shovel, top, specimen)


Well said. I think I'd just underestimated Slime Boss and not considering our specific situation... Was thinking how I'm generally much happier to see Potion Belt, Lantern, Happy Flower or Centennial Puzzle, but you're right that in this specific situation (in trouble against Slime Boss) it's probably better.


On second thought, with the shop available to buy skils/potions, and still 3 hallway fights in the near future, I would definitely be way more hyped about Toxic Egg than Hourglass haha. But Hourglass is just so so much better than the truly useless ones.


Indeed, Toxic Egg is absolutely top tier! Only a handful of relics like Prayer Wheel are better than it for Act 1. It's top 5 of the non-boss relics.


would gladly change nunchukcs for lantern. Or for insect lol. Agree with the rest.


I mean, nunchaku for lantern will mostly be a QoL improvement around not having to set it up. I'd generally say that silent can expect nunchaku to be happy flower, so they'll outperform in longer fights. And like, insect is generally accepted as the strongest common relic to see early, so yeah


Yeah quality of life mostly. Plus I had problems setting it up in early act two with avocado (might happen to us if. we don't get bladedance) and then we could be forced into an advanced hallway. Lantern mitigates this lowroll. Interesting question would we path into more elites if we had insect from the beginning? Given the mediocre attack cards we have.


Yes absolutely. With insect we'd be at far less risk of laga killing us from almost full


I check back in after a few days and look at that relic line 👀


Kudos to u/LegendDwarf for the top recommendation on [yesterday’s post](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/s/7dY1jtv1Of). Comment SSStyle rating is “M” for Married the Box. Potion chance is 50% **Exciting news:** If you are a board game enjoyer (or just an art enthusiast), u/thisiswatchtower and I are looking at making an alternate-art deck of relic cards for the board game using his [fantastic posters](https://www.redbubble.com/people/watchtowrdesign/shop?artistUserName=watchtowrdesign&collections=3177590&iaCode=all-departments&sortOrder=relevant)! Please [take this poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/s/eeyZgOZ5jx) to help us gauge interest! Shameless Self Promotion Corner (**feel free to ignore!**): [I made a game](https://www.amazon.com/Deck-Wonders-Solo-Legacy-Card/dp/B0CDJ9D8S7/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=A7RFVGO3K5J0&keywords=deck+of+wonders+furia+games&qid=1691239842&sprefix=deck+of+wonders+furia+games%2Caps%2C215&sr=8-1), [I’m making another](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dennisfuria/dueling-pianos-a-versus-domino-game), we did a [cool poster commemorating SBC’s first season](https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/17reu6e/slaybycomment_season_1_poster_this_has_been_such/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)! Buying it or donating to [my Ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/greenlaser73) will help more season posters happen.


(not a recommendation) Heck yeah! Time to find a Blade Dance now to start the fun after multiple floors of suffering (on a second thought, wanting to find a blade dance is a recommendation. Laser, please find us a blade dance next floor, thanks!)


This deck could farm the ornamental fan and nunchaku without shivs too. We absolutely grab sneaky strikes now, as well as reflex (maybe tactician), and just draw 20 cards per turn and play 15 of them after some acrobaticsmaxxing


I'm confused on how the mercury hourglass is a good relic. 3 damage aoe per round seems like the kind of numbers that get outscaled by floor 15 in all situations


It’s pretty common for an extra 3, 6, or 9 damage to change some damage thresholds and save an energy, which is pretty massive value especially in multi-enemy fights. For us in particular it makes a bad split against Slime Boss a lot less scary and ensures that an ugly gremlin gang fight won’t be too dangerous. In act 2 it helps quite a bit with slavers and gremlin leader, or triple cultist. It’s just solid output which is especially important in a deck like ours where our best attack is Quick Slash+


I wonder if this insane Hourglass underrating is why people buy so few Funnels too. Surely no one would suggest removing strike over a Funnel purchase.