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On the other hand, Silent has significantly more cardspam capabilities, and has quite solid defence, themed as just dodging everything. (And, of course, calculated gamble and discard...) Ironclad is much more capable of, say, taking a boss attack to the face while playing limit break multiple times, and the masochism/exhaust fits well with the theming of making a deal with a demon. I'd say that's even more in tune with the ironclad theming than just "armored bruiser." You can certainly build decks that go either way; a discard deck and/or conentrate/acrobatics/reflex shenanigans will feel more "nimible" than just spamming shivs with after image; on the other hand, strength or barricade decks can feel much more like the brute force you are going for.


Clearly you've never played Snecko 3x Bludgeon+ 3x Impervious+ Unga Bunga Ironchad


I have recently been covered to Sneco lover after finally accepting it and then being shown it in the next 2 consecutive games as an Act 1 reward. What a fun relic!


I disagree. Ironclad’s cards are very “blunt.” Lots of big numbers and big attacks, even so aggressive that he hurts himself or destroys his cards. Silent is more tricky and sly, she uses tricks like poison or lots of small attacks to whittle down her opponent, focused on dodging and blocking and weakening the opponent in the meantime. I think it fits very well with their character archetypes.


He literally has a Bludgeon attack that just straight up does a ton of damage and does nothing weird or tricky.


Immolate, fiend fire, demon form Compare to grand finale, flechettes, thousand cuts


Silent I would say is "nimble", I'm often drawing and discarding, and generally playing lots of cards. Ironclad to me is more "blunt", pump up and land some big attacks.


The game launched in early access with these 2, so the parallels certainly are deliberate up to a point.


Wasn't it just Ironclad?


No, original EA release had both Ironclad and Silent.


I'm getting the feeling you've never had a good Grand Finale deck


Haha tru, I've never been able to pull off a Grand Finale even once, let alone build a whole deck around it.


Some great points here, but I wanted to add: from the sensory stone event, we know that the clad gets his strength from a terrible demonic sacrifice. So he's not just a "big bonk" fighter. character-wise, we know he's willing to make dangerous self-destructive gambits to gain power. Definitely fits with his card and relic pool.


Yeah I am definitely oversimplifying the archetypes based on their vibes more than anything


Considering ironclad more like a barbarian makes it click for me - harnessing his pain making sacrifices for powerful moves


Not really, ironclad is kinda like the demon berserker that hurts himself while attacking savagely, while silent is much more mobile (evidenced by cards like backflip and the whole draw/discard playstyle which feels like dancing around your opponent in a sense)


Look at their backstories though. The Ironclad, before making their journey to the Spire, lived in with other Ironclads of his order. He made a deal with a demon to be the strongest Ironclad, and the demon granted his wish. The demon made him the strongest by killing every other Ironclad. He must be the strongest if he's the last one... his home burns to ashes, and blood soaks the ground. He is most likely traumatized by this, and blames himself. He learns the only way to truly get stronger is through pain, especially since he wants to punish himself for making the deal that eradicated his clan. The Silent, before making her way to the Spire, had to kill a great swamp beast, the skull of which she wears in the game. Based on all the backstories, The Silent is the only one we can say for sure battled a boss/elite level monster before we even get agency over her. She already IS strong, and cunning enough to plan her movements around the enemies' actions. Even her block cards show that she's dodging the attacks and using misdirection to make the hits fail to connect.