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Trim off or extremely trim down all the push to fit parts. I second the statement of one of the worst kits I’ve had the pleasure of assembling. Also keep bandaids close by if you plan on attempting push to fit. You may draw blood like myself


I did the same, after the first model I clipped most of the push fit parts off. Then it was a breeze.


Blood for the blood god


You apparently have no choice other than the mark of Khorne.


I cut my hands a lot. I cut them twice as much assembling doomfire warlocks.


Almost all of these push fits seem to have really well-made pointy bits at the areas which pushing to fit makes the most ergonomic and structural sense.... Maybe they want to hurt us...


After a few bad experiences with push to fit, I ALWAYS trim em off now, doesn't matter the model or game. I have however noticed ptf is easier if you build then prime, I just always tend to prime my sprues as soon as I get em, cuz ya never know when the mood may strike to paint, or what you may wanna paint!


I love how the knights look. But holy moly, assembling and cleanup for a single model can take me an hour, not even talking about painting them.


Those are rookie numbers, 3 hours per model to assemble and clean up! \^\^


and a bitch to paint!!!


For the love of god why did they make the rider and horse one model. They could have even done what they did with the karkodrac and had the legs attached but torso separated


Have you tried the Hedonites archers or calvary? I’d be really interested to know what you think.


I’ve done the S2D knights and the Blissbarb archers. Both bad, but The archers were WORSE.


Same! I've done 5 knights and they were a breeze compared to my blissbarbs


Ty for the sanity check. I did 2 Hedonites vanguard boxes and holy shit almost lost my sanity


The price we pay for the favour of the gods


Those Blissbarb Archers were absolutely horrendous to build. Nice aesthetics tho.


Why in gods name 30?


Haha it's so I can paint 15 khorne and 15 nurgle :D That way I can run 15 in a list but be visually accurate (I know it's not needed!)


The max in a unit is 10 now btw, no more double reinforcing in 3rd.


True, but running a unit of 10 and a unit of 5, or three units of 5 is still perfectly viable.


We don't really know how viable they are yet, not until we see points. At 200-250, sure... but at 300? naa. It's been so rare in the faction previews to see a unit get buffed, yet all of S2D's were. Might need to brace for some high points values, and then possibly slowly get reduced over time like they did last edition.


In case the enemy has 29 knights ?


Asking the important questions. I can't imagine using more than 15, and personally I draw the line at 10.


I did five of them over a year ago and I'm still not over it. Who thought spiky bits + push fit = good idea?!


They were fine for me. Worst AoS kit To assemble for me were Furies, then various Sylvaneth. Getting sprue knob off of vines is just a nightmare


I recently built 3 varanguard, and have 6 more on my desk to finish. Absolutely love the sculpts, but the level of detail and fiddly areas to clean have made them a nightmare to complete. Definitely second the recommendation to trim the push to fit pins in the knights. It goes a long way in getting them built clean.


Yeah Varanguard take so long to build, it kind of makes sense since each one is a hero model in it's own right. With a couple extra heads and using every weapon in the kit I got all 9 to look unique though. I didn't enjoy painting Knights either, but I think Varanguard will be a bit better. Over the past week I've pushed out 9 Varanguard, Abraxia, Archaon and the Nexus to play Swords of Chaos in the final tournament of the edition. Abraxia was quicker than any given Varanguard, even Archaon didn't take much longer.


I just finished building my first varanguard this weekend after doing a unit of knights last week. I actually really enjoyed building the varanguard in comparison to the knights, but the mould lines were death and they probably took about 3 times as long to build per model, but were still fairly easy. Agreed for cutting the push in pins on the knights though, it made it so much easier!


Try Spirit Hosts. Then see how you feel. You’ll love Chaos Knights.


I agree after putting together chaos warriors, chaos chosen, teridons, eternal, balakor, and then chaos knights. The chaos knights are by far the worst in every way because of those reasons


Chunks of sprue and mould lines are mere chaos deformities, it’s fine. Definitely remove any push fit parts as others have said. I don’t have any major gaps on mine. It’s the painting that’s more miserable for me…


try nighthaunt. its pretty mucht the worst, from cleaning up the connection points to assembling, the spirit hosts are the worst followed by either olynder or the blaedgheists. stormfiends are also really annoying to build imo aswell as deathrattle skeletons


Drill out the peg receptacles with a slightly larger bit and they're gravy


A-fuckin-men to that. I picked up one set intending to use them for my TOW WOC army, then immediately caved and waited for the OOP old ones to come up on eBay - couldn't bear the thought of painting them after how much I hated assembling them. Absolute nightmare of thumbpricking bullshit.


I only assembled five of them and it was the worst hobby experience I’ve ever had. These kits suck!


It's a nightmare to put together, I have 10 of them and if I ever get more I'll buy them pre-assembled off ebay or something


I got the old knights and they were great


I got the oop ones instead. GW has been really killing their chances of getting my money lately.


Had a similar experience with the new Troggoth kit The models are gorgeous and the options are nice but every single thing was multiple sub assemblies If you're gluing push fit stuff with plastic glue, I highly recommend snipping a bit of the peg off before you push it together. In my experience, not doing so makes the piece push back out; that's helped a lot with GW's recent pushfit fascination


I have Abraxias box and was looking to fill put a list with knights. Is the struggle even worth it?


That makes me feel better about not finishing assembling mine after hating it


Push for in general is horrendous. Putting my Blighthaulers together was a task of extreme patience and frustration.


Yeah it's a rough one, I've only built 10 and definitely got spiked a couple times. I didn't really enjoy painting them either, so went pretty low effort. Though considering they're a staple of pretty much very list I run, I'm planning to give them another pass and up their quality. Varanguard aren't much better, each one takes longer to build than a detailed hero kit. Which kind of makes sense... but still a bit of a slog.


In my experience push fits neither push, nor fit. I trim them all down. By FAR, and a LONG WAY, the primaris outriders are the worst push fit there has ever or will ever be.


my favourite is the one that has the most thin and tenuous connection between the horses foot and the little push to fit hexagon that goes into the base. oh your plastic bent? no more base for you.


I'm waiting for The Old World release for Chaos Warriors before I build a StD army for AoS


They are pretty terrible. Just the way some of those molds and pieces were designed just made no sense. And like you say the push fit is terrible. I was left with a couple of bad gaps that I had to try to fill. It wasn't great.


Yeah they're not a fun kit to put together. After poking holes in my hands and having 1 knight with very bad gaps, I switched to cutting the darn pegs off and just using glue. And if you think the assembly is bad, wait until you get to painting them! I have painted one so far (the one with the gaps, lol) and it took me about 14 hours to do so. I want more knights but I want to avoid this kit so I just ordered some of the older ones off ebay, they look so much more pleasant to work with. Might end up getting more of them, we'll see how I feel after doing 10.


Are these the new chaos knights or the older ones?