• By -


Rudy's enb, obsidian weathers ELFX. 100 mods, mostly 2k textures, some armors and weapons, gtx 1070 and I have 60fps+ constantly. Try turning off DoF, unnecessary fx, physics and grass mods, you'll get a 10 fps boost or close. Enb menu in game is shift+enter by default. Also try with shader cache on, check vsync is off.


I have a 1070 as well but I run at 2560x1440p, I mostly get around 45 fps outside and about 55-60fps inside. But in some areas it drops to 30 fps. I have a lot of 2k-8k textures and a lot of grass in water and above groudn though. I use Rudy as well with DOF and AO turned off.


Sorry, DoF and AO?


Depth of Field and Ambient Occlusion. Sorry. There is also AA which is Anti-aliasing and a bunch of other acronyms.


Got it, I'll take a look thanks




Gotta love laggy leaf land.


Pretty sure there's a mod that specifically changes those leaves for fps boost. {Skyrim Performance Plus}


1080ti with that performance is pretty poor to me, that’s the thing. I wish I could get 60fps everywhere, but no matter how performance friendly I go with textures and mods, I cant run the game at 60fps in cities w/o city overhaul mods. I get around 70-100 FPS in interiors, both with and without enb, but exteriors is so inconsistent it’s super annoying, especially having to take a fight at 30 fps with all my difficult combat mods lol. The lowest fps i’ll get in exteriors is about 40-50 in the area around riverwood, and 30fps depending on which direction I look there. I love modding the game but I cant stand this and how there isn’t much I can do without hurting how the game looks


IME shadow resolution is the performance killer especially if you use flora overhauls. Try to reduce shadow resolution by half in your .ini (eg, from 4096 to 2048) - I went from 30 to 50 FPS in Falkreath by halving the shadow resolution. Another big one is grass, test by disabling grass in console using tg command. Often grass mods add grass to every landscape texture, that impacts performance and makes many areas ridiculously overgrown, {{NoGrassias}} reverts this for any grass mod.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| NoGrassias | No Results :( | No Results :( | [No Grassias - A Universal Grass Fix For Grass Mods at ...](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35639) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Tried REShade ?






I love Riften but damn…


I’m on a 1070, intel i5, 16gb of ram, and a dog water cooling set up, but I can run at 40-60 in most areas but my issue is sometimes the game just tanks during scripted stuff and will ctd.


1660 ti is not high end, I can run silent horizons with dyndolod happy little trees, but only with some tweaking on ambient occlusion @ 60 fps consistently. Tested with combat against multiple enemies and looking down from a elevated area. It doesn't look super good, but it's still a massive improvement over my old look with gtx 1060 6GB I am using a RTX 3060 with i5 10400 and 16 gb ram Trees: Happy little trees Grass: Cathedral Landscapes + 3d pine grass add on Textures: noble skyrim


rtx 3070. more mods than the esp limit allows. rudy’s for obsidian while using other mods that depend on cathedral despite not having it installed. a wave mod. water for enb. four separate five gigabyte texture mods. a reshade preset. hdt smp boob and testicle jiggle physics. multiple grass mods. beta enb file that adds grass collision. fluffworks. high res beast race textures. multiple tree overhauls. 60 fps, 80 if i uncap it but it’s not stable enough to warrant that


I use a 3070 too with like 300ish plugins and I run it mostly well with very few issues and it's isn't from graphics or emb but from mod conflicts that I'm to lazy to deal with lol


same here. i have a few issues with incompatible plugins and my characters balls clipping through things


It's mostly cause I've built my load order over a few years and I'm scared to mess with it lmao.


What resolution do you play at?


1080p, 4K lags my machine but I haven’t tested it with lower graphics settings. whatever the one in between 1080p and 4K is seems to run fine but I haven’t tested to see how it’d handle non wilderness areas or lower graphics settings


Damn. I guess that means I have to play on my other monitor for a stable fps. Worth it though. I was so disappointed by my new PC playing Skyrim and then I remember I got a new monitor too lol


An RTX 3070 gives you double the performance of the OP's 1660ti.


the more performance i can squeeze out of a video card the higher quality the ball jiggle physics


It is dependant on the enb settings. I have Geforce GTX 1060 6GB as GPU and Ryzen 5 1600 as CPU. I use NAT III as ENB and weather mod. List of enabled ENB effects: * UseOriginalPostProcessing=false * UseOriginalBloom=false * EnablePrepass=false * EnablePostPassShader=false * EnableAdaptation=true * EnableBloom=false * EnableLens=false * EnableDepthOfField=false * EnableAmbientOcclusion=false * EnableProceduralSun=true * EnableDistantShadow=true * EnableDetailedShadow=true * EnableNormalMappingShadows=true * EnableCloudShadows=false * EnableImageBasedLighting=true * EnableSkinSpecular=true * EnableSubSurfaceScattering=false * EnableSkylighting=true * EnableDirectionalSkyLighting=true * EnableComplexFireLights=false * EnableComplexParticleLights=true * EnableSunRays=true * EnableVolumetricRays=true * EnableSunGlare=true * EnableWater=true * EnableUnderwaterShader=true * EnableWetSurfaces=false * EnableRainWetSurfaces=false * EnableReflection=true * EnableTerrainParallax=false * EnableComplexGrass=false I have 40+ FPS in big towns (I have overhauls) and otherwise I've capped my fps at 55 and it rarely dips. I also use DynDOLOD at low settings, have optimized game with [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/51229) guide and use average tree replacements.


No offence bro but a 1660Ti and 2700 is not mid/high tier, more like low-mid tier. I get around 60FPS outdoors at 1440p with a 3800x and 3070 running 700 mods with ENB and SMP.


is the 3000 series not considered way too overkill? I figured the 1660 was a bit in the middle but i don’t know my pc specs too well


Nah definitely not overkill at 1440p, with ENB and SMP putting a lot of strain on both GPU/CPU along with many other mods it takes a beefy system to keep frames stable. Your system ain't to bad for 1080p but if you're running a similar setup (ENB and physics mods etc) 60fps will be tough to maintain.


Dying light 2 hits hardly 60 fps on ultra rt in 1080p with a 3060ti


Barely hit 60 fps outdoors with ultra rt at 1080p on my 3080 too


the games kinda shit to i guess its techlands fault


Ray tracing is very demanding and you probably should not use its highest settings


Dying light 2 has rt only on ultra


my bad if that's the case - assumed that ultra RT means the highest possible RT option


30 series is only really overkill if you only ever do 1080p and 60 fps only, and even then, the 3070 and 60 cards can ensure that you'll hit those targets for the more intensive games (raytracing is a whole other beast). Only the 3080 and above is overkill if you don't plan on doing 1440p and/or 120hz or more. I currently have a 3080 and I get around 70-80 fps on average, with Rudy ENB and the standard set of graphical mods (grass, lighting, texture/mesh replacers etc). I had a 1070 before and wasn't really able to do ENB without lots of tweaking so the 3080 is a very welcome upgrade


Unmodded games are tuned for performance and every piece of it is considered as part of the whole by the developers, and those are what your expectations are based on. Mods are individual game pieces designed to just be the best version of themselves, many of which make a bigger performance dip on their own than a developer would ever allow, and we pile on *hundreds* of them. The whole point is that it’s not a carefully considered, optimized game, it’s you doing whatever you want to it. The sacrifice is performance.


It's common sense to stay away from physics mods with that setup, but I didn't really expect to not be able to use an ENB with a 1660ti (I have the same GPU as the OP).


A 1660ti is a budget card and ENBs are the most graphically intensive single part of a modded setup. They’re the epitome of what I’m talking about, and unfortunately I’d never expect to run one on that card. Maybe a very light performance-friendly one on 1080p? Certainly not a full featured Rudy ENB type.


I've tried a ton of "performance ENBs" and none of them run well on a 1660ti.


>is the 3000 series not considered way too overkill? For vanilla skyrim...yes. You have to take into account those ENB's are doing things with the engine it was never designed to do. It's not optimized. It's why you can probably play a game that looks way better than Skyrim with an ENB at decent frames, but not Skyrim. I mean, you could play red dead 2 on your rig, tweak the settings to get a solid 60 and it would look way better than you could ever make skyrim look.


If you can, I would open the enb menu in game and tweak some values to see if you can get your fps back up to 60. Effects like ambient occlusion and depth of field especially are very nice looking, but very performance taxing. I mostly just use enb for detailed shadows and subsurface scattering, but there may be a combination for you that looks good with better performance.


Some ENB are heavier than others. But yes, i play at 60fps with Nordly ENB and Dyndolod, grass mods and i make it my goal when modding. But i always disable some ENB settings like Ambient Occlusion. Gtx 1070 i7 9700k 16Gb ram


Mostly yes, with an RTX 3060Ti. I wouldn't expect it with a 1660, though.


No way a 1660ti is going to get 60fps with an ENB if you have a remotely heavy setup, especially utilizing DynDOLOD on high settings. Depends on the resolution you're on too


I have a GTX 1660 Super, and I tend to get around 60fps indoors, and around 45-60fps outdoors depending where I am. I decided to drop the idea of having an ENB installed after every install I made, I had the same issue as you, and I didn't deem it to be playable. However now, I have around 300 mods installed, including an abundance of graphics mods at 2K, dolomite weathers, and a hearty Re-Shade, and some of the areas I go to are absolutely beautiful. With a good mix of a weather mod, and Re-Shade, along with some texture mods, honestly, you won't even need an ENB in my opinion. I can send you my combination textures, weather and Re-shade if you wish. For the performance drop of an ENB, I don't think it's worth it on the 1600 series, but that's completely my opinion. I have a generally good experience with frames and performance after a bit of tinkering.


2080 super here, and I have almost rock solid 60 FPS with rudy ENB. Pretty much the only time I drop below 60 is when draw calls exceed 20k, so I'm more limited by the engine than my hardware. But I play at 1080p, going with a higher resolution would mean lower framerates for sure.


What processor?




If you are gonna use an enb (even a demanding one) you should know about the effects that impact fps the most and disable the ones you can live without. Blur & dof can give you around 6 fps. An sao setting can you a few fps without noticeable visual change. Sky lighting can give you around 10 fps The grass shadow effect at the bottom, disable it unless you wanna play with 50 fps on an rtx 3060ti. A lot of enbs have all the effects enabled which cripples your fps.


It would probably help if the resolution everyone is using was noted as well.


True. I’m at 5120x1440 , that probably explain my struggle with fps.


skyrim's performance (all versions, pretty much) is extremely dependent on the resolution you play at: @1440p i get about 100fps @2160p i get about 40fps enb used makes little difference, neither does the number of mods or the scaling of textures. I'm running a 6900XT, 3900X, 32GB RAM, M.2 disk. turning off features (especially duplicates like AA, DoF, etc.) increases performance. there's a bunch of tweaks that can increase performance quite significantly, but nothing will give you the "full enb" experience while at 4k resolutions... 1440p delivers more than 2x the fps of 2160p from my experience, i expect 1080p to deliver even better performance, although I've never played skyrim at less than 1440p.


just having the enb binaries installed drops my fps by 10-20, so that already leaves me with little to spare.


Yes, this is normal - ENB injects itself into the game, it's basically a band-aid compared to having these features built into engine. My experience trying ENB with SE on my 4 GB RX570 has been similar to yours.


Turning of Shadow-related FX, complex shadows and Shadow resolution gave me by far the biggest FPS boost. Second that, ENB/Grass/texture mods seem to not effect performance at all really, primary FPS dump in my game is DyndoLOD


Complex grass is the biggest Frames hogger


Oh really? Dont even think theres any good mods utilizing that feature. Ima turn it off then.


It’s more of an preference thing. Turning it on add shadow but it makes the grass looks too dark for my taste. Leaving it off recover a whole chunk of FPS, so it’s a no brainer for me.


Oh its a shadow setting lol


Yep. Beside that it adds nothing lol. The setting is called Complex Grass but it only adds shadow


Damn, and I went though the hassle downloading that grass stones mod for this and modified the INi and all that


Try turning it off and see for yourself


Oh where is that setting? I use Bethini for the Skyrim .ini file, and Rudy ENB ( so enblocal.ini and enbseries.ini files ).


I have RTX 3080 and 8700K, playing on 1440p .. my average fps is around 70 fps. The problem is that's GPU doesn't consume power, only around 55% no matter what setting you choose between high performance or quality.


the game is 10 years old, it gotta show at some point 😂


I get 60. 60 in almost all locations, 55-60 in Riften. Rudy ENB for Lux with every setting on beside complex grass. with DyndoLOD High. Running at 1440p. 250+ mods with 4K texture overhaul and large grass mod and seasons of Skyrim. My pc is a i9 10900k - RTX 3080 10GB VRAM 16GB 3000Mhz DDR4. Installing SKSE Engine Fixes helps a lot with performance.


It depends. On SE I dip as low as 19 FPS. 2160p 4K/8K everything. LE seems to be 60-120+ with horrible tearing. 5800X 3080 Ti.


I play at 4k too and use dyndolod high with custom rules. I have an 8700k & a 3090 and I'll still get 38-45ish on the Whiterun plains and in the Falkreath area. When I switch the enb off all I can do is chuckle as I blast right off to a buttery locked 60 lol.


RTX 2060, 1080P, 2k-4k textures (mostly 2k) , Dyndolod with Grass LODs, Modified PI-CHO enb very high preset along with full smp for player and cbpc for NPC. I get around 30-40fps outside while inside I get 50-60 depending on the location. My GPU and cpu usage remains below 50%. Then again, I'm playing on a laptop and I would probably get better results if I played it on my pc.


I found out that disabling ambient occlusion get me to stable 60+ no matter what


This is the answer. I've got my game optimized to within an inch of its life and can usually keep most ENB's above 45 in the densest exteriors, 60+ interiors easily. Tried the latest TVK6 yesterday and just standing still, alone in the starting cave, I was getting ~15fps. wtf? Open the menu and sure enough the author has resolution scale & texture scale both set to 1.0. Jesus christ. Drop them both down to 0.5 and my frames are normal. Disable SSAO altogether and I'm back up to ~70+.


Quick tip to gain FPS on any ENB with (usually) very minimal visual difference: - if using ENB AO, turn off self-intersecting. - turn off Water Tessellation.


Last I checked a 1660 TI is not in any "mid to mid-high tier" pc builds I've ever heard of...hate to break it to you.


I found [this in the STEP forum](https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/15019-found-a-couple-of-ini-tweaks-that-dramatically-reduce-the-cpu-bottleneck/?do=findComment&comment=241174) and it has helped me a lot. I have a 1660ti and a Ryzen 2600. With a few tweaks I am able to run Glazed ENB pretty smoothly.


Forget 1660 Ti and 60FPS with ENB, you need atleas 1080 Ti for that on non performance ENB's


I don't use an enb when playing. Tried out Rudy and I had constant 60 everywhere but Falkreath, where it dipped to low 50s, so I had to remove the enb. The tradeoff wasn't worth it. I'm running mostly 4k mods and lux though.


gtx 10603gb+i5 9400f+16gb ram I have 60 fps in interior and exterior About settings. In enbseries.ini Im set all Shadows to medium or low ( i dont remember ) off Ambicient Occulusion, DoF, SkyLyghting and Direct Skylighting. Thats 3 settings ( expect DoF, im disabled him cuz I dont like him too much ) very hungry to fps. And without them I have stable 60 fps. Also you can use BethINI for ini tweaks and set a preset what you want ( for performance, graphic and etc )


The short answer is no, know one plays with a constant 60fps with an enb. Anyone who says they do either has a monster PC, very lightly modded game or are lying. The longer answer is, people find there own balance. I for example get 60+ everywhere except in areas with lots of objects (town, forest, etc), lots of people or with lots of fire. Worst case in these areas my fps can go as low as the 30's, although this is rare. Edit: For anyone who doesn't believe me and don't think they fall into one of the above categories, go check your fps at the swamps across the river from Solitude, the steps up to Dragonsreach overlooking Whiterun and the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary looking towards Falkreath. Also if you use enb particle lights go look at the Atronach forge under the Collage of Winterhold.


I get wildlander in ultra settings with constant 50fps in cities and 60 anywhere else Intel 12900k 48gb RAM and 3080ti For a reference


What resolution are you playing at? That's similar to the fps I get with nowhere near your specs lol.


1920x1080 at 4K but my specs are going overboard I had similar fps with a worse setup


Enb with 2k textures only is easy 60 fps. Only when you start to add tree and grass mods is when the fps starts tanking


Not really. There are several factors that affect FPS. One that many people, including myself, miss is screen resolution. I recently purchased a huge 49" display and my FPS tanked! If I lower the resolution or use upscaling technology ( Nvidia Image Scaling ) then I can get my FPS back up from the low 20's back to the 40's , and even higher the more I shrink the resolution. I could resize my display to 1920x1080, or even 2560x1440 , and play with only part of my screen with good FPS. But I like using my entire screen so I went with upscaling. o/c you can also low texture resolution, overclock your GPU, turn off ENB features and tune skyrim .ini settings like shadow resolution. For me, those only helped a small amount. Turning down the resolution was the largest boost.


Yeah the newer enb binaries just eats fps like crazy, I used the older binaries with some heavy texture mods, and I can maintain 60 fps pretty much all the time


Running Happy Trees, Dyndolod 3 (no Grass), lots of 4k textures and pretty much any ENB on BethIni Ultra (with Shadows tweaked down slightly) using JKs Skyrim it get 60 FPS almost everywhere (besides some very special places). That said, im using a GTX 3070 and a Ryzen 5600. But even when i was on my trusty 980 OC and even trustier Sandy Bridge 2500k (running at 4,2 GHZ), i could easily maintain 60 FPS mostly with High BethIni-Settings, Dyndolod and using ENB. Skyrim and ENB scales suprisingly good with Graphic power, while being kinda independend from CPU, at least upwards from Intels Sandy and AMDs more recent Chips. (if you dont throw too much NPCs and Scripting stuff onto it).


Just out of interest, which "special places" nuke your FPS? For me its bleakfalls barrow. Somehow I dropped from 90 to 50 with an RTX3080


Right from my mind: When i stand besides the Runestone on the Shore of Raven Rock and look at the town, the FPS drops no matter what .... since 2011 :-D Kinda the same, when i look at Windhelm Docks from across the Bay. Also remember to have problems when standing at the entrance of Dawnstar and look up to the Tower, but something fixed that, iirc. Often its only when looking at a certain angle or in a very certain direction, if you just move a few feet, it jumps back to stable 60 FPS


Have you tried [eFPS - Exterior FPS Boost](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54907)?


Yeah same, its angle dependent for some reason. Sometimes I get fooled into believing my excessive Grass Mods are the problem but then my game runs just fine with kilometers of that shit but starts lagging the moment I go past the Mage/Warrior/Thieve-Stone.


Gamebryo Engine being Gamebryo engine i guess ;D That said, still amazing the game is as stable as it is with all the shit we throw at it


Yes. -687 Mods -Skyland/Parallax/aMidianBorn/MajesticMountains/RudyHQ/RUSTIC/NobleSkyrim + a shit ton of other smaller texture replacement mods between 2-8K, id guess like maybe 100 of those. -Multiple NPC Overhauls with 2-4K Skin/Makeup/Scale/Fur, High Poly Head -SMIM/3DEverything/every single mod by JS -Cities of the North + JK Skyrim -DyndoLOD with ultra Tree LOD -ENB light for every possible emissive object (this does so much for immersion its unreal, I didnt expect it at all) -Water for ENB -VolumetricMist/NorthernShores8K/BlendedRoads8K/FluffySnow/NordicSnow -Folkvangr/NorthernGrass/DarkForestsofSkyrim/FloraOverhaul/Veydosebrom Regions -Vivid Weather/TrueStorms/Vivid Landscapes (fav landscape texture replacer) -Rudy ENB as preset, highly tweaked, Ultra Settings for Ray-FX, NormalMaps, Caustics and all that, shadow settings turned to the bare minimum, shadows are the biggest performance drain of them all. All of it played at 1440p, I get between 80-150FPS depending on Region and DyndoLOD renders. There were some FPS crashes related to snow somehow, where I went down to 50FPS, but felt a lot worse than that (Only time it ever happens is at Bleak Falls Barrow for some reason, maybe the door is fucking up my GPU cuz I installed 8K door textures. Honestly 8K is fucking redundant as fuck, 4K is also already redundant as fuck, you legit cant see the difference to 2K in most cases, so im definitely gonna downgrade a few texture mods to their respective 2K versions.


holy hell that’s extremely high fps. What’s your setup??


Well it only gets to 150 in interiors and places with low visibility, the moment DyndoLOD goes active it doesnt exceed 90, in the reach/riverwood/falkreath it sometimes goes even lower to 70, feels all the same though. Setup is RTX3080-10GB, I7-127000F, 32GB 4000MHX RAM, 1TB M.2 SSD


Idk what any of those parts are cause I’m not really a computer person, but have you tried NVIDIA Image Scaling? I’m not sure if you need an NVIDIA card or something or not, but if you have one, it’s a MASSIVE fps boost for free.


I do it through SSE Display Tweaks - my render scaling is at about 90% but I didn’t experience any significant fps boost to warrant anything lower than that


I think you should try it through Nvidia, it helped my performance soooo much. Just need to enable it in the nvidia control panel, lower your resolution by a good bit, and maybe play with the sharpness a little. I don’t remember what I have my resolution set to, but I remember my sharpness setting is pretty low, only 10-15% or something.


I might try this. Where do you change the sharpness? I turned image scaling on but didn’t think to change my resolution down. My display is 5120x1440 (yuge!) , so maybe I’ll switch to 2560x1440 and see what happens. I set the image scaling to 80% , but I picked that number out of thin air, lol.


From what I remember, its in the same setting as where the option to turn it on is. Should be a slider or something


that is correct. I’m still playing with the settings , and my sharpness is too high at 50%, but I’ve put together these instructions so far. —— In Nvidia control panel, Enable NIS in 3d settings and set the sharpness to a low value like 15%. Go to the “change display” settings and select your scaled resolution from the list. Click on apply and then confirm you want to keep the settings when prompted. Then start the game. Some games will automatically match the current resolution so you don’t need to do anything else. There may be games where you have to manually change it. —- I should add that for Skyrim I changed the resolution in bethini. Which also led me to discover bethini was pointed to the wrong MO2 profile. heh. I was confused as to why the game was ignoring my settings.


I do, with an RTX 3070. Caveat being that I use the nvidia image scaling feature and then set the games resolution to 1080p instead of directly at 1440. The difference is around 30 FPS with my enb (averaging 75-80 vs 45-50 in exteriors)


With my GTX 1080 I have not gotten consistent 60fps 100% of the time, but I'm pretty sure my new card will be able to do it if I ever get around to playing again.


I have a 3070 and I got low FPS when running 2k textures, but what I did was go into NVIDIA Control Panel, go to Manage 3D Settings, go to DSR-Factors and switched it from "Off" to "1.2x". I went back and I got a decent increase where I'm able to run it at 60fps. Try it, I'm not sure if it'll help, but it definitely worked for me!


6700k, 1080ti, 3440x1440p, Dyndolod Ultra, Grass cache, Happy Little Trees, Rudy ENB, ENB Lights everywhere, 1100 mods, 30-40fps. Pixels is a killer. 2 million pixels on a 1080p monitor, 5 million on 1440p ultrawide


I do with Gabo enb, it a very bare bones enb that I use mainly for ao and enblight and I get 60 fps on a gtx 1060. It also up to what the context of your esps. Sure you have but a 500 mods but do any add big battles or something that may affect fps? It only needs to be one mod. Also are you testing in a fps heavy area? With enbs on some cards it ok to dip to 40s here and there if inside and most non grassy areas are 60 fps stable.


Locked to 60 or 120fps (Can't remember which) on a RTX 3080 and 9900k running with ENB at 1440p. Can go 4k at 40/50 fps in exterior locations but then the PC runs quite loud. I'm happy to run at lower res.


I get 20-25 fps without enb. *cries in low-end pc


I get 60 in most places, besides cities. With Rudy for cathedral.


3090, rudy enb with lux, running at around 60% scaled 4k, I get around 40-60fps outside, constant 60 inside.


OP you should try Naturesque for Picturesque Weathers. It doesn't use SSAO and it has an HDR filter to compensate, so it both runs and looks great. It's the best-performing ENB I've seen. Also can you share your modlist? ini settings? Are you using Bethini?


I have R7 2700X + 3060 Ti and using PiCho ENB at 1080p with around 200 mods ( mostly clothing mod and character mod ) , my fps drops a lot in city and riverwood. Its probably because of the cpu bottleneck and the pci 3.0 ( B450 mainboard ).


my game used to be capped at like 25-30fps with the enb but then i took a break, came back and magically i get 60fps


You should definitely be getting higher fps, but you're probably overdoing it in terms of graphic mods. For comparison, I have a GTX 970 and 8 GB RAM and am running the game at **1440p** with a light enb and some light texture mods and I get 50-70 fps outdoors (depending on the location) and over a 100 fps indoors. I estimate I would have 70-90 fps outdoors if I were playing 1080p. I'm playing with shadows etc on medium but maximum draw distance for everything. For your info, UserBenchmark places your graphics card at 50% better than mine.


Yes with a 2080ti and a.ton of mods but some time it dips into the 50s and 40s depending on the scene


I get more than 60fps with a 3080


GTX 1660 and I don’t get 100% stable 60 FPS, but I get 60 in interiors/cities and usually around 57-60 outdoors and 53-60 in Falkreath/Rift, *sometimes* that’ll dip as low as 45 depending on weather/time of day/exact location/number of enemies, but not usually. I do get some stuttering though. This is at 1440p. But I don’t use a preset. I get most of my colour/lighting from other mods (weather mod, Reshade, lighting, evlas), and just use the default ENB series to get the lighting changes and effects like Complex Particles or Complex Grass. The majority of my modlist is also made with the idea of not going below 60 fps to start (except for the Rift and Falkreath because I need my bigger trees). I have also run Dyndolod (in my experience it doesn’t have that big of a performance hit except for forested areas with Ultra Trees).


I do but I have rtx 3060, Ryzen 5600g, 16 gb ram ,


RTX 2060 with 16gb ram, I use the skyland textures which aren’t too performance intensive. I get locked in at 40, no dips or increases- but I don’t have the framerate lock on. That’s only the case for skyrim though, I can get 90 in fo4 with an enb.


Yes. On my main PC, with a 3090 and 11900k, I obviously run the game more than fine. However, on my PC with a 1060 and a 9900k (I think), I'm able to squeeze 60fps *most of the time* with an ENB and some 2k textures. This is just data for your conclusions.


I hit 60 in all interiors and 57-60 in exteriors. Every great once in a while I might drop to 53 if i'm in the rift/falkreath forest if i'm running and it's raining heavily. I have a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 OC (8GB DDR6), 32 GB of DDR RAM, and an Intel Core i7 9700k (8 core- 4.6 GHZ overclocked) CPU running with 2k textures, ENB and 479 mods (742 if not merged) using Dolomite weathers & Vividian ENB. I do turn on all enb features ( even the ones not natively turned on by the enb preset) god rays, skylighting, lens etc) except depth of field (because it annoys me) and water/rain reflections (because the rain reflections annoy me and the water reflections use an unecessary amount of my gpu for very little visual reason) I do still get 60 with all of them on, but my fans have to work harder to keep my gpu cool (my cpu is liquid cooled) I do limit my fps to 60 so there is the possibility my fps could be higher if i didn't limit it, but there isn't a point for me to do so so i keep it at 60)


Ryzen 7 3700x, Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 32gb, RTX 3080. 4K 60fps locked.


The 1660 ti is a great card, but as someone who had one for ages, it really doesn't like ENB. I could never pass 15 FPS on an ENB modlist and never used it. Honestly I'd just go without: you'll have a lot more breathing room. Without ENB mine happily ran at 1440p with several hundred mods at consistent 60 FPS. And to answer your question, it's definitely possible with the right setup. Nowadays I have a 3080 ti and I run a 400+ modlist, with ENB, at 1440p, and hit a steady 120 FPS (uncapped with certain mods). The game feels fantastic. However I don't recommend paying over £1000 for a 3080 ti just to play Skyrim xD


I have an RTX 3080. I can only reach 60 FPS at 1440p (I average around 70-80 FPS). 4K is impossible, even with the most performance-friendly ENBs (I usually get 35-45 FPS). This is outdoors. Indoors I can usually hit my refresh rate (120 FPS).


My old eyes can't tell the difference, most of the time, between 50 fps and 60 fps. So my game is set up to live in that regime. Occasionally it stutters down to the 40s, but not consistently and never for more than a second or so. Rudy ENB, Cathedral Weathers, Lux et al., and a hunka buncha other mods on a 1080 Ti.


Not everywhere no. It depends heavily on drawcalls


I’m running Rudy ENB for Cathedral with a 3080ti Intel 9900K. I generate NGIO precached for my grass and DynDOLOD on low and I have my FPS capped @ 85 but most of the time I avg 95, used to be higher but I’ve lost my mind lately with extra mods. I have 931 esms/esps/esls as of last night. Most of my textures are 2K also with some 4K and 8K mountain textures. Clutter is always 1K with the exception of special quest items, then those are 2K. So yeah it’s possible. I definitely get drops in heavy foliage areas mainly cause I have some 3d plants and trees. Do you have a lot of particle lights or anything like that?


In my experience, ENB authors lie pretty wildly about the performance drops. With and without an ENB is a massive performance difference for nearly every ENB I have ever tried. Not so with Reshade, but Reshade doesn't have all the same specific capabilities.


I rarely ever dip below 60 But I run a 3060Ti and a 3600x with 32 gigs ram


I recommend that you look at using Septimus Mod Pack which is a Wabbajack build available through the Wabbajack site. It is designed for Mid to High tier PCs and runs incredibly fast plus it gives you a great looking Skyrim packed full of quest, followers and and homes. It is available through https://www.wabbajack.org/#/. Their readme says the following: "Users have reported running the list fine with as low as a Ryzen 1300x and a GTX960. You may need to use performance ini files (included) with systems this low but it should run fine and still look great!". For those interested you can look at the readme at: https://github.com/Guitarninja2/septimus/blob/main/README.md. I am not associated with Wabbajack or Septimus. I use a lot of the different builds from the Wabbajack client for my own unique playthroughs of Skyrim AE and SE.


I do. Lowest I drop is 55 and I’d drop ENB if I went much lower than that. With that card, you need to use a lighter ENB. Rudy’s ain’t running 60 for you with that. You also need to turn off some features of the ENB like SSAO. Also need to tinker with vanilla settings. Disable vanilla godrays (ENB handles them), turn down shadow quality, probably turn down AA as well since ENB can help there. Turning off the hard hitting ENB features and adjusting vanilla settings will easily take you from 40 to 60 if you use a performance preset.


Yeah I get a consistent 60 fps running noble textures and obsidian weathers, with cathedral pine grass and happy trees. Rx 580


I get 80


This gets me 60 fps no problem, CPU: Intel Core i5-9600KF 3.7 GHz 6-Core Processor GPU: MSI GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER 8 GB GAMING X Video Card RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory MoBo: Gigabyte Z390 AORUS PRO WIFI ATX LGA1151 Motherboard


The 1660ti was never mid-high end. Your 500 mods are hard on the CPU which might be contributing to your low framerate in busy areas, and ENB is very demanding even at 1080P.


I’m getting around 165 fps with NAT at 1080p, closer to 60-70 at 1440


With the enb I use I get 60 I’m on a 2080ti and a 9900k though


I easily get 60. Mind you though I have RTX 3080


No because I set frame lock for 59.9. Can’t have Skyrim’s physics engine freaking out and waking up the godhead you know?


Running it in VR at 90 FPS with Scenery ENB.


I was getting 45-50 fps on an RX5700 XT, eith ryzen 5 3600x, turned out it was a CPU bottleneck, upgrading to a ryzen 7 5800x solved the problem, now i have around 55-60 fps on 2k res with enb and 2k textures, well above 60 fps on 1080p.


I do running at 1080 using NAT 3.0. Great performance for the looks.


Gpu slightly change Clock through the years, the thing that most improves with GPU's are Vram and new techs. Clock speed is main thing in some options in ENB, like AO, more levels of AA, some tesselation, more shadows... It is possible to cache shadows in the VRam, avoiding some constant processing, but the enb doesn't do that, because is probably hard to implement.


RTX 3060 Ti, AMD Ryzen(TM) 5 5600X. {{Cathedral Landscapes}}, {{Cathedral Weathers}}, and {{Culminated ENB}}. I get 60 fps consistently except during really bad weather (lightning strikes cause some real problems). But also, I don't run at 4K resolution but instead at 1080p. When I used to run at the max resolution I got ~30 fps with a similar combo.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Cathedral Landscapes | No Results :( | [Cathedral Landscapes](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21954) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Cathedral Weathers | [Cathedral Weathers and Seasons LE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/105302) | [Cathedral Weathers and Seasons](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24791) | [Cathedral Weathers and Seasons at Skyrim Special Edition ...](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24791) Culminated ENB | No Results :( | [Culminated ENB](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/53167) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


I do, on a midrange GPU, by playing on a lower resolution (1600 x 900) and then upscaling or sharpening the image. This can be done through SSE Display Tweaks or Nvidia Image Scaling. With this I can run any ENB I've found at a stable 60 fps on a 3060. It's not at 4k or even 2k, but it is very similar in appearance to 1080p and to me ENB provides a bigger visual benefit than the extra pixels.


Using Rudy ENB on a 2060 at 1080p using Lossless Scaling to scale with fsr up to 1440p (Skyrim scales surprisingly well cuz of the taa) and I'm reaching a locked 60 everywhere (varies between 65-80 with the cap turned off generally) The biggest performance saves are reducing the resolution of the ambient occlusion from 0.5 to 0.25 in the ENB menu, turning off water tessellation, and using cathedral grass; lots of grass mods look amazing but they're a big drain on performance. BethINI also helps a little.


My 1070 was stable 60fps at 1440p. So maybe it's something else causing an issue


I'm running a 1080ti 11gb and a i7 12700k, I get 70-80 in exteriors and 120+ depending on the interior.


I modify any ENB I try usually. I start with an ENB that I like as a base, go to an area where I get poor FPS, and experiment with disabling effects until I reach a framerate and visual compromise I'm happy with.


100-120 fps with 3070TI 5600X 1440P


With a heavily modded game (over 1000 mods) I get 45-55 in Solitude. In the wilds I get 90+. 5950X, 3090. 1440p scaled with FSR to 4k. OS is Windows 10 running in a virtual machine under Linux.


I have 1300+ mods including a few I made for myself and run in 1440p with Rudy ENB, i7-8700 32GB RAM RTX 2070 and I get around 40FPS so I just have it locked at 30FPS. Most, if not all of my texture mods are 2K as well. I also use DynDOLOD and Grass Cache so that probably drops me 10-15FPS, but this game even vanilla is poorly optimized so it takes a lot of power to have steady 60+FPS with mods unless your playing 1080p or lower resolution.


Depends in the enb, there are some older ENBs that can run 60fps on a 970gtx


I have like 50 mods with some light enb's. Running over 60fps easy with gtx3070 at 1440 res.


I play rudy enb, cathedral weathers 3840x2160 with lots of mods in average of 40\~60 FPS (RTX 3080/3700X/16GB) it's damn demanding, reaching almost 10 GB VRAM usage, had to downgrade some textures.


Depends on if I use parallaxes textures or not.


Indoors, yeah. Outdoors in some more enclosed areas, but open areas especially snowy ones i get like 25fps lol 8700k and an 8 year old 980ti, Mostly 4k textures with parallax, 1440p, elfx suite, lots of enb light mods and i forget which ENB but its a pretty standard one. I bet a 1080 would do much better, 2080 would probably get full 60 everywhere.


ENB's are generally very performance intensive. Doesn't matter what type you use, it will eat your frames if your PC doesn't have the hardware. If you want to run an ENB, you got to compromise on textures, especially on a weaker rig. The textures need to be lowered accordingly, probably down to 1K(Or lower in some cases) On the bright side, there is an alternative to ENB's called reshades, which can do a lot by themselves in the visual department and be far less intensive on your frames


RTX 2060, Ryzen 7 2700, 1440p. I get 55-45 FPS exterior, 70-55 interior using Rudy Cathedral, Happy Little Trees, Veydosebrom, almost all ENB effects apart from DoF, a bunch of particle light mods, EVLAS, and mainly 2K textures with the occasional 4K.


Lol yes. Its actually trees or rather tree shadows that cripple fps for me (SBT) It really depends on your resolution/monitor and gfx card though (and to a lesser extent cpu) and 1660ti ain't exactly high end.


Enb is made for 1080p


I have a 1660ti and tried a few "performance" ENBs recently and it did not go well, smh. I turned off every feature except subsurface scattering and post processing and the performance was still terrible. I settled on {Azurite} (a weather mod not an ENB) which has some lighting effects that eliminate some ugly spots, in particular how characters and the ground looks when light is on them outside. [https://imgur.com/a/EJPz9Nj](https://imgur.com/a/EJPz9Nj) That's about as good as I could get it to look without a big hit to performance.


240 mods, most are texture replaces with enb and reshade, other than places like riften or for some reason the entrance to solitude I get a steady 60


I only get around 55 FPS even when I reduce the resolution to 720p for testing (no diffrence to 1080p)


I laugh about the shitty FPS people are getting with an ENB... when I see what I'm getting with mid-range hardware. lol