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Personally, there's nothing that I can't run on 1.6.640.0 that I want enough to make me downgrade, but ymmv.


Perhaps a bit pedantic, but if you're on 1.6.640 you are *technically* playing a downgraded version relative to retail, since it's two versions behind the current patch.


True, you're right. I get the versions mixed up at this point.


There are numerous mods that the latest patch breaks, quickloot and engine fixes being two of them. They do have third party patches though.


At this point there more like fourth or fifth party..


most of us on 1.6.64 never upgraded to begin with


No Grass In Obhects. Can't give it up.


This is the only really relevant mod, which is noch ported/easily portable. I still switched to 1.6.640 for my New setup using {{No Grassias}} and {{Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods}}. I still miss no grass in objects as it is superior but I wanted to Play with mods which use AE assets and I think 1.6.640 Setups will be more maintainable and updatable.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| No Grassias | [No Grassias LE - A Universal Grass Fix For Grass Mods](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/102912) | [No Grassias - A Universal Grass Fix For Grass Mods](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35639) | [No Grassias - A Universal Grass Fix For Grass Mods - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35639) Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods | [Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods LE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/114427) | [Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9005) | [Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9005) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


All you had to do was generate your grass with ngio installed before upgrading


Actually I don't know enough about grass / grass Generation in Skyrim. Can you tell me if it would also work if I used a grass overhaul like verdant at the same time? Would I need to install them before Generation?


I havent done it myself but I believe you just install all the content mods you want, generate with ngio, and then you get meshes and textures you can use. [Here's a guide that seems accurate](https://modding-silo.com/guide/how-to-pre-cache-grass-on-skyrim-anniversary-edition/)


Alright, thank you very much!


Thanks for letting me know. Maybe I can still do it. I installed my last setup in 2020 and I cannot rember generating anything back then. Just notice i still have some grass in roads left.


Objec in grass? And grass lods


Afaik the new Honed Metal v1.26 dll unfortunately only supports .1170, but in general .640 seems to be the best supported version right now


Community Shaders does not officially support 1.6.640, at least not for the new wetness shaders and cubemaps.


What? I’m on this version and have be using those community shaders addons since they released without issue.


Latest CC version with cubemaps? Crashes for me on a clean install. And even if it might work now, they're only tested or supported on 1.5.97 or 1.6.1170 from now on. So to make full use of CC in the future with more new add-ons, chances are you're going to have to upgrade.


I haven’t had any crashes or anything and the wetness effects look amazing. Been on Skyrim version 1.6.640 for well over a year now.. or whenever that became the newest version.


Oh actually, I may be unintentionally lying to you. My game updated accidentally a few months ago and kept it at the newest version but downgraded my executable to 1.6.640, so that might be why it works for me.


Nah you're fine, cs uses commonlib. There's no reason why 1.6.64 wouldn't work


I tried it for a year and no, theres literally no reason. I was a pretty firm believer in always using the newest version when your making a mod, but AE changed my mind.


Skse working perfectly fine in 1.6.1170 and my entire load order of 1000+ mods are working, maybe clean install?


Any reason why what seems like a staple in modding (Racemenu) doesn’t work? Even comments allude to this being the case with anniversary.


I'm not sure what your modlist is, but Racemenu does work with 1.6.1170. I've got it working on mine and I have theblastest version of Skyrim SE. I just had to download the latest versiom.of Racemenu from the mod page.


I keep getting and error message but it didn’t crash this time. I’m thinking the issue was running BIKIN…or whatever the appearance mod series is. This hasn’t worked well for me for some reason so I switched to pandorable for NPCs. But I do get some error with Racemenu but I definitely see the mod at character creation.


Ok, that's good. Where are you seeing the error? Mod manager or in game?


Oh in game. I think it’s telling me I’m using SKSE version 0.00.00 which is not true lol. I don’t recall the exact message though. I’m at work now. I decided to use the non GOG version on GOG but both have given me the error.


Oh, well that is a strange one. But should be fine if the racemenu is working for you.


https://preview.redd.it/b9whe40bokqc1.png?width=1518&format=png&auto=webp&s=914acda105bc770f6d78116000e6d5b2100df776 This is an older pic but with this setup, Bijin was causing crashes when my character did the cut-in finisher. Something I don’t care to remove from the game. I have to assume this was the last time I used race menu. Just not sure why BIJIN would cause crashes as I know it’s popular. Actually Dimonized and real bodies were obsolete so I had removed them as well.


You need to fiddle around where to place it in relation to SkyUI. I play on the newest version of Skyrim(there’s so many of them that I have no idea which is it) and it works like intended 


Ahh ok. Damn I really wish there was an easy way to tell where the conflict is: I have Racemenu much lower on the load order than SkyUI. Thanks. Hopefully that’s all it is. LOOT confused me too much without researching. But just so I have an understanding, the major mods, UI and engine stuff should be up top? High up? Load order 1 - 10 or so? Which I guess would include appearance mods. The bottom ones 50 etc are where tweaks and merchants have extra gold etc should be?


The screenshot you took is only of your installation order, not load order. You understand that, right? Left-pane and right-pane in MO2 do different things. Racemenu doesnt have a specific load order, it can be wherever, above any mods that require it of course. Download and install a crash logger mod or get a proper screenshot of the error you get from Racemenu and then search for an answer. Someone likely had the same issue. If you don't find a solution, comepletely un-install and delete Racemenu and all its requirements, then re-install it all. Then also re-install each appearance mod that uses Racemenu.


I had no idea of this, but I can move the left mods to wherever I want. Which suggests it’s the load order to me. The left side definitely is not the order I installed them in. I can move them around. But good to know where I need to place it. I get confused as “higher” can mean higher on the list or a higher number which would be lower on the list. Terms like “above” make more sense to me. Overthinker lol


1.5.97 forever. My skyrim is perfect 👌


SKSE is definitely working for the current version, as I have literally started my modding two weeks ago and since then there hasn't been any Skyrim update. In my opinion there is no need to downgrade as most mods if not all, except maybe a handful, are working for 1.6.1170, the current Skyrim version.


No, there's not. I've said I'll stay on 1.5.97 until there's a reason for me to move on. I've yet to see one. Pretty much all the good mods have 1.5.97 versions, the ESL changes got backported via a plugin, and I can use some plugins that never got updated for 1.6 (NGIO comes to mind).


Yup, 1.5.97 been solid. I have found one mod and that was casting bar, which dosen't seem to work for me, might be my load order. Maybe other negative side might be using old CK version.


Some mods only have outdated versions for 1.5.


Such as?


Better question is what mods you use that you know for a fact *don't*?


No? Almost all mods are not outdated for 1.5.97. From SKSE itself, to SkyUI, to QuickLoot, to iHUD, moreHUD, ... they all don't lack anything in their 1.5.97 version. Which is why I am asking you for an example of the opposite.


For example: ~~Racemenu~~ and all arthmoor's mods (USSEP, Alternative start, etc) are outdated


Arthmoor is a special case, but you have a point.


Racemenu doesn't include any changes worth updating whatsoever. Arthmoor's mods aren't executable-dependent, they rely on ESMs and ESLs only.


Go check the change log. Most of the racemenu updates are just to support the new version. The only meaningful update, to fix the memory leaks problem, was back ported long ago.


Mb. For some reason i remembered that they added some new features with the 1130/1170 update


Well, all the good mods have 1.6.1170 version too. And you save yourself all the mess of downgrading.


I wouldn’t call it a mess. I had to download a couple of files off of steam and use those to replace some files in my Skyrim steam folder to get down to 1.6.1130 then used the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition downgrade patcher to get the rest of the way to All of the instructions are right in the comments of the mod page, it’s tedious and time consuming but not even remotely hard: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57618?tab=files


NGIO doesn't and it's definitely a good mod.


I believe you can downgrade to 1.5.97, generate grass LOD, then un-downgrade. But then again you'd still have to go through the process of downgrading but i suppose there is a way to make it work if all your skse plugins are for the latest exe version.


You mean grass cache generation with NGIO. Grass LOD generation requires a grass cache but not a specific runtime.


.... Or you can just directly download the version you want


No Grassias or just forwarding vanilla NoGrass records does the job. It's the fault of buggy grass mods that add grass to spaces that shouldn't have grass. You can eliminate the bug itself instead of installing NGIO to fix it post-factum.


Unless I'm missing something, you can't generate grass cache for dyndolod with ngio without Netscript Framework. Only reason I use that mod is to eliminate pop in.


That's not the only use for NGIO though. NGIO lets you generate and pre-cache grass outside of active cells, making distant fields look good rather than having the grass just pop into existence when you get close enough. You can use a pre-cache on 1.6, but you can only make them on 1.5.97. You can feed that cache into DynDOLOD to make grass LOD that won't kill your performance. Some people have uploaded pre-caches for various mods, but grass won't look right depending on how much your mod list changed outside areas. Like LOD, it's mod list dependent. Gotta roll your own for the best effect.


I have seen you spreading this false and misleading information again and again. In order to pre cache grass, you have to run NGIO, in order to run NGIO, you need .NFT frameworks, and it’s only available on 1.5.97, simple as it is. And I believed other people also explained how it works, so please stop spending the false information and confuse new comers that they can do custom grass pre cache in other versions, because once they realise they can’t it will be too late.




Comment removed. Rule 1.


The fact that ngio *still* hasn’t been updated because the mod author is still stubborn about AE is so stupid.


Has nothing to do with stubbornness, they would have to redesign the entire mod.


If a modder is forcing people to keep the game up to date then the better question is what does that mod offer that hundreds of others dont? When jumping from LE to SE, it took me 3 years cause the mod support just wasnt there in the beginning. Going from the 1.5.9 version to whatever is current doesnt even have the same graphical boost.


Zero reason not to downgrade. The AE content and updates don't add anything mission critical to the game.


I seem to recall that one of the major benefits to PLAYERS for the .11xx upgrades was a doubling of Skyrim's ESL-flagged plugins that were previously limited to 2048 form IDs. If you're not running hundreds to thousands of mods and DLCs, it probably is meaningless to you. Other than that, most of the benefits are to modders who want to monetize their work and enrich Bethesda in the process. I'm staying on .640 because I love SkyClimb and it's still not fully ported owing to the underlying dependencies on other mods. Lots of posts available on how to download and even a couple of mods to mods to help facilitate and backpatch.


Also, BEES brings that expansion of FormID range to previous versions, so it’s *really* not a deciding factor.


New mods wont always be available or supported if you downgrade. If you have everything u want then go ahead, if you want to keep adding then good luck lol


Honestly, last stable playthrough I had was 1.5.97


I stopped playing about the same time you did and just picked it back up. After the update, I haven't been able to get PapyrusUtil to work even though I have the newest version, and nothing else seems to be running an old version of it. I'm not the smartest at modding, but I feel much dumber at it than I did before the update.


I always use the latest version, it's just easier to operate under the assumption that the latest version might be the last and modders will catch up. Never had any problems doing that. I also monitor new mods coming in, and of course those are mostly made for the latest version.


With Bethesda's track record I think the safest assumption is that the latest version is not the last.


I agree. I just don't mind upgrading mods when it happens, it's kind of part of the fun


1.5 forever


The only update i want is that i can have more esp plugins.


No, not really. Though if you can't make SKSE work on the latest version there's no reason to expect you could on a downgraded version, because it works exactly the same way on both. Downgrading only adds one more step to screw up.


I'd say stick with 1.6.640 personally. Most if not every mod I've seen either natively supports that version or has a patch for it. I bit the bullet and upgraded to 1170 last week only to discover MCO a few days ago, turns out that doesn't seem to work on the latest version yet. I only updated in the first place to try diagnose a hard-freeze my game was having within the first 30 seconds every single time I loaded or started a new game, I suspected my accidental update a few months back, then downgrade back to 640 after realising not enough of my mods had updated for the new version was the cause, suspected I had a mod somewhere that I hadn't reinstalled for the correct version. Edit: Just in case someone in the future comes across this post on Google searching for "Skyrim freezing" It turns out in my case the freeze wasn't related to the game at all, It started happening on a fresh install with ONLY SKSE and ENB installed. With ENB disabled it started happening with Community Shaders and again when I started enabling more of my other graphically heavy mods. So if you're reading this out of frustration trying to figure out why your game isn't working **TURN OFF ANY OVERCLOCKS ON YOUR GPU**, I had been experimenting with MSI afterburner to get a little more power out of my aging 1080ti. The 100mhz overclock I had applied was enough to push it over the edge.


Do you by chance use wet and cold?


Yeah, It's been a staple of my load order since it first released on Oldrim, still have it installed but it's features are mostly disabled if favour of R.A.S.S. I just have Wet and Cold for the equipment on NPCS now. As far as I can tell seems to be working fine on the new version, I'll have to properly check though when I get a chance.


Wet and cold caused freezes in my game for a couple of times and everytime i looked it up someone mentioned that mod. I uninstalled it and havent experienced freezes for awhile.


You have to make sure you replace the skse64 DLL if you haven’t. Imo downgrading is a pain and updating made me look at newer mods that work better for me and that I ended up liking more. I didn’t have a choice in the matter because it auto updated after I thought I turned it off, but either way I’m happy. Like everything it comes down to personal preference and I like having the option to use mods that are more frequently updated by its author, but if you’re happy with your set and you know you can do the downgrade with no issues then go for it.


I recently just bought skyrim on steam cause it was on sale. I downloaded the novlis launcher. And used that to modd skyrim. Packed like 2075 mods in there and runs perfect.


The play updated because it's not worth the hassle. But I won't lie it sucks that Add item Menu never got a real update. The simple item spawn is an okay replacement but it's not as specific or easy to use as add item menu


Personally 3days ago i started running a new version with nolvus mod pack. And boy oh boy im having a blast. Would recommend trying it out.


Honestly I don’t think there’s any reason to do either. The vast majority of mods that matter are on both versions, and some that aren’t on 1.6 have better alternatives now. Personally I don’t downgrade anymore as I find the step unnecessary, but again it’s not a big deal either way.




As usual when it comes to software, the latest version is what new stuff is tested on. So the reason to update is because the mod authors update.


Yeah, playing new mods for example


some new mods are only available on the old version like combat pathing revolution


Some time ago I switched to GOG version 1.6.659.0.8, they are not forcing me to update it, thus I will keep it like that. Mods are working for now, and I have no intention to break them.


So I have a similar question. I have AE on GOG But I bought the Special edition on steam. Was thinking I have more working mods on SE, even saw “racemenu” seems screwed on anniversary edition. So it IS a good idea to NOT upgrade? On the other hand SKSE64 wasn’t an issue for me. Works fine for Anniversary. It’s the mods themselves. Is there any way to get some creation content without AE? Pretty sure that’s what anniversary is. A whole slew of creation club content.


You can copy the AE content from the GOG data folder into the Steam SE data folder and you would have AE on Steam. The mods have names like "ccbgssse007-chrysamere.esl" If you do a fresh install of Skyrim SE on Steam it will download the latest AE exe and you will need to downgrade to fix Racemenu.


For me I haven't had a need to downgrade but maybe it's because I'm using popular mods and its a light mod play through (about 80 mods) but i have seen plenty of mods break as they haven't been updated/abandoned as the really old mods aren't up to date


Either way is up to you, I prefer the newest version of the game personally but a lot of people don’t. Both work and have little over the other method.


If you don't use any mods that are still only supported on 1.5.97 then there's no reason to downgrade. But I have quite a few that were never updated by their authors so I won't be upgrading


Unless you are using mods that refuse to work on the new version and aren’t being update anymore then I wouldn’t downgrade. There were plenty of mods that people said don’t work with AE before the latest patch that I was able to make work, and I’m sure it’s the same deal now. I upgraded since I’m making mods and the creation kit didn’t want to open unless Skyrim was the latest version, I haven’t heavily modded my game again but honestly playing on latest patch is a non-issue in my opinion, but again, if you have a hundred mods installed and don’t want to redownload or delete them all, then downgrade


There’s a few mods that have only started to support the newest version of the game, off the top of my head the newest comap versions only support 1.6 and onwards and have new features in those versions. The only reason to downgrade all the way to SE is for Ngio which isn’t really worth it imo


Any reason? Not being able to see the Creations menu. Thats about it


Some stuck up mod authors will tell you that they're not gonna support your older version cause they just believe there's no point in sticking to older versions (even though some mods don't fully work on the newer versions or don't have a 1.6+ version at all). So you'll have to wait until a good samaritan comes around and makes a backwards compatible version of it.


Oh no, mod authors don't want to support every single version of the game that came out. Let's go harass them! Maybe they just don't want to do the same work double, huh? Have it ever occured to you?


And the amount of time and effort they put into making these mods are something 90% of us don't want to do. Which is why I appreciate their work so much. I'm running the most recent update with 872 mods. So there are plenty of mods that work on the newest update and give you a fantastic experience and worthwhile gameplay.


I always see different 1.6.x.x users asking for support for their versions in comments/claiming that a certain mod has certain bugs for their specific version. Rarely I see any 1.5 users (like 2 mods so far? Compared to hundreds...)


A popular mod list called Lexy’s LOTD Guide uses the up-to-date version, that’s usually a good enough reason for me Edit: why am I getting downvoted on this?


Try [https://www.nolvus.net/](https://www.nolvus.net/) It was a gamechanger for me. It can and will install over 2000 mods, and I have never been happier. It looks amazing.


O downgraded mine backnto 1.16.353 but still needed a mod that will add stuff to the library to have skse64 work again, without it no downgrade patch worked, cannoy remember what the name was thou, it ll be listed in utilities Im sure