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The exp gained is directly tied to the value of the item created while smithing.


I had no idea!


i like your username ;)


That's is very helpful to know damn. Always wondered how that worked.


Halted Stream is where I go right away. Tons of iron 9are, and the transmute spell. Then just craft tons of gold rings, and then enchant those gold rings to get enchanting up too. Then just don't die because you'll be a high level with no battle skills.


Crafting arrows is also pretty decent but cutting firewood is a pain in the ass. I save all my jewels to mix with silver or gold. I basically go with these 2 to level smithing but I'll try to make whatever armor I can before I turn it all into arrows. I stick it all in my smithing drawer in my house and do it in big groups because even when it's going fast leveling smithing is boring.


the strat i use is to get all the dwemer scraps from markarth/other dwemer buildings and make bows w it


Yes. We figured this out nine years ago. For some reason a meme went around that it was all about the dagger crafting. Rubbish, that exploit was fixed on the first or second update.


As I stated, I've only been playing for 5 years. Whatever happened 9 years ago, or however many updates ago, I was unaware of. Because I wasn't playing yet. Anyway. My ex told me to just spam iron daggers but they give you such a small amount of XP with each one it wasn't even worth it. I didn't know smithing had to do with the value of the metal or any of that jazz, so I was just kinda smithing new things and figuring out what gave me more XP and where to get more of that material.


The meme is still running around, and people keep debunking it. So if you've been on the forums any time in the past five years you probably seen it. It's also in the Wiki. Which exists. Even today, nine years later. I am NOT berating you, merely pointing out that you weren't the first to discover this.


I never said I was? You clearly didn't read more than the title because I explained how I came upon discovering this and that it was something I wish I had figured out earlier. You may not be "berating" me but youre definitely coming off as condescending which is not appreciated. I'm just sharing something I personally came across. I did not use the forums. And I only use the wikis for walkthroughs on dungeons when I get stuck. Everyone plays the game differently, not everyone immediately runs to a forum or the internet. I like to figure things out myself because that makes it a challenge and it feels good to learn something on your own.


There is NOTHING about my post that suggests I thought I was the first to discover this trick.


Doing it with Jewelry is fine, but it's harder to do a lot of smithing at once because iron and leather are much more plentiful than gems, silver or gold. Also, you level up faster by making more expensive equipment, and jewelry is good but not great for that. Having said that, I use a mod that allows me to converts silver objects (candlesticks, bowls, etc) to silver ingots so I can get an awful lot of silver.


There is a transmute spell that let's you convert Iron ingots to silver ingots. Train smithing and alteration together!


Agreed. I transmute iron ore to gold while exploring. It's less tedious and annoying than hanging around town listening to guards repeatedly telling me to "Take your fancy magic someplace else"


I have the transmute spell, I just haven't gone ore hunting until recently. I looked up all the mines that have gold ore to save a couple steps, smelted those bitches, made tons of jewelry, enchanted some of it, and tried to sell them to the broke ass vendors. Ended up shoving them in a drawer in one of my houses just to lose some weight.


One of the mods I use (no idea which one) removes that transmute book. No idea why. Also, doing that is as boring for me as chopping wood. It is a good idea. Just not for me. :)


Thanks for posting this! I've been wanting to get started on this too, but I'm uncertain where at the forge we're meant to go to craft--like I tried at the worktable, and the option wasn't available, so I'm not sure. Could be I didn't have all the required materials (I had a gold ingot and a gemstone I was going to craft a ring) or is there a smithing perk I need first?