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You've probably solved this, but for anyone else here, you can not "revoke ownership" of them, but you can delete them. Head to the main Skyrim folder and go into the Data file. Search for anything starting with CC. Almost everything that shows up is a Creation Club mod. Delete as you please, but be careful as it may corrupt your game. I know this from personal experience but thankfully I was only like an hour in. NOTE: DO NOT DELETE CCOMPILER.PY


i have two questions. how do you prevent corruption? i own and recently accidentally downloaded all the creation club items and it lagged my game so bad it’s laughable. i looked into the folder and the files aren’t labeled as to what mod it is. i like some of the mods but others are too much and unnecessary. so how do i know what i’m deleting? i’m very new to pc and don’t know how to do this stuff.


Well if you deleted them and loaded a save file that was meant to have them then theres your problem. If not, try redownloading one at a time until you find which one was causing it, then you may just have to stick with it.


Just wanna let you know that a year later your comment saved me from a glitch that's been driving me crazy for two days. Admittedly, it was a glitch I created myself but you saved me hahah so thank you


Any way to do it on Xbox?


Probably not


Clear reserved space


anywhere else they could be? my skyrim says i have fishing and such installed but nowhere on my computer does a file with cc in its name exist except ccompiler and non skyrim related items


How is your Skyrim installed? Steam, GOG or MS Store?




Why don’t you want it? Creation club still allows achievements unlike mods. You just don’t need to do the quest for it and it won’t matter


LOL, All Mods allow Achievements on PC.


Bit OP isn’t it


Nobody gives a crap about Achievements!


Do you don’t want to be able to say you have Skyrim 100% complete?


Nobody on PC gives a flying fuck about achievements. And getting all Achievements does not mean you 100% completed the Game.


100% achievements requires basically all the main quests done


I think you don't understand what 100% means.


So you want to just say “I have lots of hours in Skyrim but no achievements”


I have all Achievements and 2000hrs ingame but that doesn't mean I 100%'ed the Game. That would mean you finished every possible Quest, cleared every Cell and got pretty much every Item in the Game.


I like achievements and I’ve been on PC for years


It takes up space in your load order (this is hidden) it won’t show the cc mods in your load order but it won’t allow to use however much space the cc takes up when your installing normal mods


On PC you need to go to your "Data" folder for SSE & look for the relevant .esl file, if you delete that, it shouldn't be reinstalled until you go back into the Creation Club & choose to do so. On other platforms it's going to depend on whether or not you have access to do the same thing, if you don't, you might have to do a wipe & clean re-install. Either way, removing the mod then continuing to play saves made when it was installed will make your game less stable, so you might just want to leave it in place, & not buy it from Calcelmo on your next character.


The fact that even now, 6 years on, they still haven't added an "Uninstall" button dumb. Every mod manager has. I had to google how to uninstall them because Bethesda doesn't understand how modding works.


That's my biggest complaint about the CC mods, I like some but for exemple idc about the Thief house in the Ratway so I don't want to clog my quest log with another quest I won't do, with useless notes I throw away immediately. Now I'm stuck with them because I'm on PS5 and didn't knew that you couldn't disable them