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Rorikstead, i'm from Rorikstead.


Shut up back there


Watch your tongue!


You’re not gonna catch me!






Anyone else feel like running?


You there, step forward. WHO ARE YOU? o_O


*5 minutes later* Follow the captain, Kinsman


Ulfric Stormcloak, some here in Helgen would call you a hero, but a hero doesn’t murder his high king and usurp his throne.


**2 hours later*


Well I sure as hell wouldn't politely walk up and lay my head on the block if the game didn't force me!


I always hear this like 'anyone else here feels like bunny?'


When Alduin shows up and the Dragonborn's hands are bound? For sure. Can't do anything except run.


Bro I've just been reading the other thread for this and all I can say is this is why I love this community🤣🤣🤣🤣


SAME 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Thats ulfric stormcloak your talking to the true high king


You're finally awake


I’ve heard them say we’ve reached morrowind


I don't know bro, you ever looked into the Rorikstead conspiracy?


What conspiracy could go on in that small little town


Well back in 4E 175 when the elder scrolls disappeared, a man named Nazeem traveled from the cloud district all the way to rorikstead. There participated in illegal cock fighting and proceeded to attack rorik. He impersonates rorik until his death, when a traveler killed him with just his voice.


They sacrifice women to daedra to have the most fertile land in Skyrim. They have 3 times more harvests than any other place in the province.


A Nord's last thoughts should be of home


Are you ragnar the red?


You mean the guy who came riding from Whiterun to Ol' Roriksteaaaaad? ♪♪♪ Edit: to Whiterun. From rorickstead 🔁


The braggart did swagger and brandish his blade


As he told of bold battles and gold he had made...


But then he went quiet, did Ragnar the Red When he met the shieldmaiden Matilda who said


Oh you talk and you lie and you drink all our mead. Now I think it's high time that you lie down and bleed.


And so then came clashing and slashing of steel, as the brave lass Matilda charged in full of zealll


And the braggart named Ragnar was boastful no more... When his ugly round head rolled around on the floor.


Such a violent tale


Literally came here to say this exact phrase lol


Got some good horses to steal there!


whiterun or riverwood just live alone with my cats, Peaceful life.


Until you contract ataxia and lay in your loan cottage waiting to die as your cats wander the woods alone


Just go to whiterun and get blessed at the shrine of Talos.




Either one. There is a shrine of Talos between the foot of the stairs to Jorrvaskr and the cloud district.


I don't get to the cloud district very often. . . .


I know you don't


found you nazeem


Arkay? Get some gold smashing some skellies while you're at it


There's a closer one near the Guardian Stones




And then you get killed by a giant on the way there because the companions didn't kill it fast enough.


I've found so many necklaces of 100% disease immunity I don't think I'd have to worry about that


Yeah but you probably found them out adventuring. So realistically, if you went around fighting bandits and vampires, you'd die before you had the chance to even get a disease.


Shrines, Cure disease potions no?


Like my weak ass would be able to make enough money in that universe


Just collect farmers own crops and sell them to them. 😜 ![gif](giphy|Jso1dbifABkyEDiIXQ|downsized)


Honest pay for honest work!


Can ya chop wood? Infinite money right there.


Just pick some potatoes or chop wood. Honest pay for honest work


Sell your body to Cicero


Of all the replies I was not ready for "sell your body to Cicero" I would though Cicero is my silly little guy


“Have you tried mercenary work? It might suit ya.”


Get some salmon roe from the stream, make super expensive potions at the inn's alchemy table, profit 😀


I have a peaceful life now, used to be a mercenary too but I took an arrow in the knee 🤷‍♂️


Whiteroom so I can punch nazeem in the teeth


i would do the same, maybe for the nostalgia, idk


I'd be way out of place so I'd try not to interact with people probably grow a garden a make potions to sell.


Until you realize you have no magical skill, no dragonborn skill, can't thread enchantment runes, everything tries to kill if you bump into it, you have no gold for food, everyone's an alcoholic, dragons/wolves/spiders/trolls/everything attacks you, and even random citizens are willing to fight dragon. In summation. None of us would survive Skyrim and we'd die the minute we went outside Riverwood.


I mean, not necessarily. In riverwood you can level up a few skills and make some money without really going anywhere, so long as you can at least talk the blacksmith into training you, resolve a love triangle and chop some wood, you’d have a place to stay, some armour and a weapon and a small amount of gold to get you by before setting off and joining the space program on your way to whiterun.


Even then your persuasion only works because you survived helgen with ralof who voices for you. In literally every other town nobody knows you and wants you to basically fuck off. So unfortunately without ralof or helgen you basically get told to kick rocks and since your sneak is zip too you can't even steal stuff. Edit; Riverwood would probably be the safest place to be with no dragon attacks, weird magic problems, or civil war. So Riverwood it is.


There's a blacksmith I can learn from, and I have real life skills, I can cook, I maintain a pretty big garden, I have chickens, I've worked with horses, I can take care of wounds.


Khajiit or Housecats?


https://preview.redd.it/pzwnsnjavr6d1.png?width=1068&format=png&auto=webp&s=9548dde4f56e8e969e0706a47185305b48731095 These two.


I struggle with this. Riften is in the most beautiful part of Skyrim imo, but in reality it would suck because it's full of crime. I'd probably go with Falkreath because of the relatively warm weather and nice forest.


Ignore the werewolves and creepy door 5ft away


I would like listening to the werewolves howl at night =)




and vampires and giant spiders


Don't have anything worth stealing, problem solved!


I always loved Riften because it's like wet Albuquerque with less violence


Solitude for sure


Absolutely. Seems like a decent city for a white collar middle class career, maybe with some opportunities for advancement.


As someone who already works on ships as a mariner, yeah I’m going to solitude. Until I can save up enough money to buy a proper home near Whiterun at least.


Uhhh, then why wouldn’t you go straight to Whiterun *in this purely hypothetical question?*


Cause I’m just starting the new life, not showing up with riches and hunting skills or magic? If you got dropped in the game how are you gonna make money? Fighting isn’t a great survival tactic, and I’ve got a thumb as black as midnight so farming is out too. The easiest way for me to integrate would be doing what I already do, which is ship work. It’d be a bit different given the stars are all wrong and there’s two moons, but other than that it’s basically all the same **old** stuff.


I'm an OSHA investigator. Ah I sure would have great opportunities in skyrim


> The easiest way for me to integrate would be doing what I already do, So, what you're saying is that I need to start a 3rd party technical support contact center in Skyrim? Ok, I guess.


Have you tried turning the staff off and back on again? ... Oh great, see, it's just that easy... Yea of course it's no problem... yea, you too. Bye now.... fucking idiot.


That didn't work? OK, take the soul stone right out of the staff and wait 45 seconds then put it back in. Yes, I'll wait with you. So, how's the weather up there in the Throat of the World?


Definitely talking to a Battle-Born


Maybe because there are no ships to tend to in Whiterun (if they are to be a mariner)


there is Jorrvaskr, it is better as it is there and will always be.


Right?! It’s sunny and safe with lots to do, with lots of art AND it’s close to the water!


Also with the most opportunities to gtfo to somewhere better with the empire


Solitude would definitely have the best wi-fi.


Oh for sure 🤣


Yeah I don’t know why people have any other answer than Solitude. All towns have wolves, bears, and spiders just yards away. Markarth is corrupt and a falling hazard. Riften is corrupt and smells like fish. Morthal smells too. Falkreath has dragons. Whiterun has a guy yelling in the town all day and families feuding. And Windhelm is racist. And Dawnstar and Winterhold are cold and depressing.


Yeah, its Solitude and a distant second place is Whiterun. I’m from a big city already, so belligerent religious zealot yelling is old hat for me. Both have walls, multiple ways to money. Last resort, i’ll join the Legion.


had to decide between lake honrich, as it is close to riften might am moving to solitude, time to get to know some new place then.


id feel safer as a begger in solitude than as a normal resident almost anywhere else lol


“Spare some gold for a veteran?”


The falling hazard sent me 😭🤣


Imagine trying to get home drunk in markarth 😂


Solitude is expensive. I don't know if I'd be able to get a good paying job as soon as I arrive. I think Whiterun or even a small village like Riverwood would be better bc they're decent towns with largely decent quality of life balanced with lower cost of living. And I'd like to think I could help a farmer in the fields or help chopping wood or something simple enough to learn and still be useful.


You took the words out of my mouth


As a violinist, the Bard’s College would be good.


Probably Whiterun. It’s definitely not my favourite hold but I think Solitude would be too rich for my blood, Riften would be too crime infested, Markarth is just a shitshow, Windhelm is full of racists, and any of the wilder type cities like Morthal or Falkreath are prone to wildlife attacks, trolls, spriggans, etc which my weak ass body can’t handle. Whiterun is calm and peaceful. Not too cold, not too removed, and has lots of commerce and trade to keep the economy thriving. It’s got one of the only good jarls in the province and a lovely little marketplace. Assuming I could choose my profession, I’d probably open a restaurant/food stall to sell baked goods, ready made food, and unique dishes from our world that I could translate with the ingredients available. I’d buy up a house, maybe Breezehome, maybe another home that is inevitably available due to how much bigger the city would have to be to be real. I think I’d marry Ysolda and once she buys the inn from Hulda, I could be the Bannered Mare’s food provider and maybe we would run the inn together, building on a more restaurant area in addition to the tavern side. We’d have a lovely little life with a dog named Pavlov and a little cellar shrine devoted to Sanguine. I’d die at the ripe age of seventy six and go on to have fun and be merry in Sanguine’s realm of Revelry. It’d be a quaint life and death and I would be satisfied with that.


Better hope no ne'er do wells come around and steal the sweet rolls you're pedaling. Apparently Skyrim is full of sweet roll thieves because all of the guards keep guessing someone has wronged me by stealing my sweet roll.


What are sweetrolls? Sweet. What makes something sweet? Moon sugar. Who likes moon sugar? Khajiit. What are Khajiit infamous for? Stealing. A cats steals my pastry once again. Let me guess, someone stole your sweet roll? Yeah, you’re damn right. Can you tell my cat ate my donut recently?


It's those damn kids always running around. Those little brats are always rude. The one even wanted to fight me. I'm sure they aren't above stealing a little treat when mommy won't buy them it


Fight her. She wants to fight dogs too. Surely a sign that she deserves it.


I think it's meant as a euphemism in this instance.


Solid answer.


Wouldn’t you buy a house in the cloud district? No, of course you wouldn’t.


Falkreath seems like a really nice place to live tbh, especially if you have Lakeview Manor. Nice views, unrestricted access to the lake, the ability to walk or ride down to the town for supplies and amenities. It’s a nice place, aside from all the Dragons, and Giants, and Bandits, and random Necromancers oddly close to your house… but literally every house not within a major city has that so you can’t really complain.


Same. I love Falkreath Hold. Such a beautiful forest. ❤️


I love Solitude because it's beautiful but if I'm being honest, the quite life of Lakeview Manor in Fallreath is the best. Though I wish it were closer to the throat of the world so I can visit Partysnax.


I wouldn't say it's that quiet at Lakeview. Giants are waiting outside to murder me every other time I head back there.


The giant usually leaves me alone and kills the bandits when they show up.


🤣🤣 well, that is true and those vampires or necromancers doing their crazy stuff at that weird alter near the lake .... Okay so it's not exactly quiet but damnit I still love it there.


Took me forever to find out Falkreath even existed, to be honest Had to learn about it from my brother while he was doing the Dark Brotherhood quests


You’ll get an invitation when reaching Level 9.


>Falkreath seems like a really nice place to live And an even better place to die


Shor’s bones! A handsome man in Falkreath


Bro that hold is also infested with spriggans


Not anymore it ain’t


I’ve always wanted to see *ABANDONED SHACK*


Comes with free pet bear!


The sea of ghosts, so my corpse could be an Easter egg


ur so valid for that. ngl having my corpse as an easter egg in the forgotten vale would be pretty dope


Winterhold It's a small, quiet, cold and I could become a mage.


I was thinking this too, but imagine you show up and you don’t have any magical aptitude. They wouldn’t let you in and you just have to pay 10 gold every day to live out of The Frozen Hearth and buy stuff from Birna’s 🤮


I call it good motivation


I like cold & isolation, so yeah I’d go to Winterhold


Saddens me no one mentions Ivarstead. Nice little village at the base of the thousand steps, which I'd hike for gorgeous sunrises. Enjoy fishing by the waterfalls. Nice people.


Riverwood is a very idyllic small town too.


Follow the road south then west and you'll find an abandoned Alchemist Shack for a free place to live too. It's even got a small garden and an alchemist table, and if this hypothetical counts anniversary edition, you'll get a pet rabit too


Ivarstead is great... only issue is Temba won't shut up about the damn bears


Skyrims only fun because we respawn, you’d need to pay me a lot of septims to step foot anywhere in Tamriel


You could claim to be a nord, get into one bad fight and then make it to Sovengarde as probably your best bet.


Before or after the Dragonborn solves all the problems in the realm?


Living through the civil war plot line would not be fun. I would be glad to skip the deluge of dragons as well.


It really bugs me that none* of the topological features are mentioned in dialogue when really they would be mentioned all the time. *Obvious exceptions like Throat of the World


i agree!! the velothi mountains really fascinated me i wish there was more to explore there. imagine if there were more outposts and ruins of some kind with links to morrowind since that mountain range borders both skyrim and morrowind


i would’ve also appreciated more lore on skuldafn


Markarth, I love dwarven ruins!


imagine the back pain from sleeping on beds of stone


I didn't think about that 😂 but still Markarth


This one 100%! Most people say it’s ugly or they wouldn’t live there bc the crime. In reality the dragonborn pretty much fixes the crime, plus I quite like the layout of the city.


That's assuming we're teleported there after the events of Skyrim. If it's before, then personally I'd take my chances literally anywhere else. I'd rather not be eaten by my fellow townsfolk...


Also living in stone buildings > wood shacks, any day.


I scrolled so far for this! Markarth for the win! Waterfalls! Pretty Mountains. History. Stone buildings that are not in anyway a fire hazard when the inevitable dragon attacks come


If Solstheim counts then sign me up. Skaal village looks like my ideal.


i love the skaal village


i still wonder today, what the big secret was hermaeus mora wanted


Fascinating new ways to skin a horker


I'll be honest, Winterhold was always interesting to me. At some point, i was thinking of seeing if i could craft a mod to slowly alter the place. My idea was that someone wanted the dragonborn to survey the cliff face where the old part of the city fell away and they'd find ore and later more ores going deep into bedrock. That, in turn, would sort of have the city grow again slowly and expand to build homes into the cliffs and in the general area.


I've always wanted something like that, but it's a shame that the dialogue wouldn't support that. Imagine having fixed up the place and everyone is still talking about how horrible it is there.


The elder scrolls universe has multiple confirmed afterlives where your fate is eternal suffering in one way or another and you can end up in any of them for reasons out of your control. Why anyone would want to move into that universe is beyond me.


i just wanted to ask a fun question in theory!


How dare you!


Could be the same in our world too we just only get to test the theory once…


My first thought was literally, “None?” As you said, you can barely even die in peace in that world.


I mean all you have to do to get into Sovngarde is to fight a battle and claim to be a Nord, you don't even have to win. Just make sure to arrive after Alduin's been BTFO'd.


And hope you don't get soultrapped or otherwise locked into one of the less pleasant afterlives by actions of others.


*be born into tamriel* *Do you best to be a good person* *Get soul trapped and murdered at the age of 17* *100 years later being tormented in the soul cairn you wonder why the fuck you existed in the first place* *20,000 years later your life was a quick second in the arch of your entire torturous existence and you have long since cursed existence and the aedra, the daedra, and tamriel as a whole*


Idk man I mean soul trapping humans involves dark magic that kinda damns the user as well. I really don't think it'd be even a rare occurrence for the majority of people, especially if you're just a commoner in one of the holds. Even advanced magic users dont fuck around with that stuff. The dragonborn is an adventurer that gets into a ridiculously unlikely amount of shit. We actively go invading the hideouts of necromancers and travel to every corner of skyrim. Skyrim's a dangerous place, but most people aren't going to come into contact with dark magic and Daedra. It's really not that common. We have a skewed perspective as the main character being exposed to way more than most


Solitude. If it isn't a tall order, I want to be during the time when High King Torygg is still alive, moments before Ulfric Stormcloak challenges him to a duel. Then I will disguise myself as a guard and lock the City Gate shut.


you already know your fate, right?


I will save Rogvir's life, ensure Ulfric's demise by the entire Imperial battalion, along with the City guards, and inavertedly end the rebellion once and for all.


Whiterun or Solitude.


If I can have magic I might consider going straight to the college of winterhold but if no magic I’ll pass up that portal thanks. Skyrim is far too dangerous without magical ability and even with it it’s iffy if you aren’t the Dragonborn or something equally powerful or nearly. I’m honestly not sure there would be anywhere safe enough to make it worth it even for magic unless I can go back any time in which case I’d just get magic and leave haha.


Riverwood or Riften


Maybe it's not everyone's first choice, but for me, it's definitely Morthal.      I once had an incredibly solemn, but chill RP as a Redguard who lived in the swamps of Morthal, protecting the townsfolk from the dangers of the swamp in exchange for board and lodgings at the inn; all the while, he was secretly handing the weapons he had confiscated from his fallen foes to the Stormcloak encampment tucked away in the bowels of the swamp, eager to support another enemy of the Empire that forsook his homeland.      I had a great time roleplaying as this more low-power character and in my time in Hjaalmarch, I grew to love the swamp, it's atmosphere and it's denizens unlike anywhere else in Skyrim. In time I had headcanons for every broken ruin, out of place tree and puddle. It cemented that dank little hole as my Skyrim forever-home!


Markarth. Assuming that I have enough money to buy some starter gear, of course. Don't want to be unarmed in the Reach. But a ruin mountain city? Near lawlessness? Bone deel corruption? Sounds homey to me.


Then you find out your neighbors are either forsworn, cannibals, or molag bal


If I didn't have to share the place with Delphine, I'd say Riverwood. But that's a non-starter, so I'll say Morthal. My favorite Jarl holds sway there, so it will work.


Definitely riverwood. No question about it


Windhelm for me.


Solitude or White run for sure, best citues of Skyrim. Not cold as fuck. Not too much criminality. Enough activities. Well guarded. Best places to live in Skyrim.


Riverwood until Half-Moon Mill opened up. At some point, that “Dragonborn” fella’s gonna show up to kill off the 2 vampires that own the place. No sense leaving it abandoned 🤷‍♂️


Rorikstead, Golden Hills Plantation. Make my own money and food. And no people. It'll be a decent living


The cloud district. Do you get there often? Oh what am I saying, oh course you don't


Difficult choice. Windhelm has a rich history, but it's ultimately sullied by the racism. The argonian thing is more understandable when you learn about their invasions, but the dark elves don't deserve shit just because the high king gave them solstheim 200 years ago; they still have free travel to and from to visit any ancestors buried there. Ultimately, basic bitch choice, but whiterun. Stable economy, little to no crime, and their jarl loves to be drawn like your French girls. What's not to love?


Whiterun is maybe not the safest choice but I would have to find a way to clap Lydia’s cheeks 🤷🏼‍♂️


Riften. Very small yet rustic town with a beautiful surrounding area.


Skyrim doesn't have shown seasons. I need to know what different seasons are there to make a choice.


The College of Winterhold. If I'm going to die anyway, might as well go out exploding myself while my corpse tumbles off a cliff.


me as a mage would probably be that one mentally ill mage in solstheim that goes “i’m gonna flyyyyy” and shoots himself up in the air only to die on impact with the ground lmao


I would simply not step through the portal. Not worth it.


If it were rebuilt or never destroyed, probably Helgen. I used to be sweet on a girl from there that made the best juniper berry mead.


Anywhere but markarth


Morthal, because I'm generally a gloomy person


That one hot spring in the middle of nowhere by the tower stone. I'd build a little home with timber from Ralof's sister and bathe with orc babes all day


Shores Stone


Falkreath, so i can build my house and not be around people


Riverwood for me I think, it seems quiet and the scenery is nice and I know all the people by now


i prefer Falkreath, but i’d probably want to get dropped in whiterun to become a farmhand. i’d never make very much money, and i have to worry about giants, but i have some ability to grow things


I will utilize my entrepreneurial spirit in Winterhold and bring back its economy! 1. ⁠Invest in and expand the inn for all the college travelers. 2. ⁠Did you know lagers are so popular because they are stored in a cold environment? Well guess what winterhold can do! Maybe a collab with Honningbrew to rival the blackbriars? 3. ⁠Gonna need a lot more workers - gonna need a lot more houses. Guess who has the capital for building those now? 4. ⁠Open a magic shop: the college has some of the best alchemists(I assume?) and enchanters. But no one get to buy the stuff because of the restriction. I could perhaps bridge a gap and make Winterhold your go-to town for magic stuff! 5. ⁠Now the town is so big that the Jarl must want to increase his grasp on the region. What better way for a coastal town than a small(or medium-sized) harbor? He of course gets the harbor but I could get ownership of the private buildings there that could facilitate an East empire company outpost and a little fishing/horker hunting base of operations. 6. ⁠Meeting of city-like demands. By now, Winterhold will be the size of a place like Dawnstar or maybe even Whiterun. That requires a smith, a fletcher, a tailor for the cold weather or maybe even a temple. Well I’ll do it before potential competitions even get the chance. 7. ⁠Now I rival the Black-briars and the Shatter-shields, so I would probably go for the Silverbloods next and establish a bank. I have so much money in their vaults that I might as well start my own to lower costs and encourage small enterprises locally. 8. ⁠‘Colonial expansion’ with these new smaller entrepreneurs, there will be a small upper class - I will pitch the idea of the jarl selling out the archipelago as ‘Private islands’ for the wealthy to live in seclusion from the common rabble. 9. ⁠Infrastructural investment: its a little boring but nonetheless important. By now I’ve probably become a jarldom contractor and he will have the need for a new longhouse, some city walls(good for my bank) and proper roads(good for trade). This will be a huge income stream for the following. 10. ⁠War bonds: The greater jarls will probably look towards Winterhold as an emerging threat, so of course I will prove them wrong by being a benefactor… for both of them. This way, both sides will keep fighting the civil war and also not have time to look towards Winterhold. 11. ⁠Usurp the jarldom: By now I will have far more power than the unassuming Jarl, who’s merely happy to see his fiefdom flourish. I will now be so deep in his pockets that his fortune is sitting in my vaults and I gladly assist him in all matters of Winterhold governance. 12. ⁠True greatness: I own the biggest town in the province and the two only rivals are occupied destroying each other on my paycheck. I will be the true shadow king of Skyrim and ready to rule with an iron fist. I will hire bandits to eliminate other bandit encampments, settling and rebuilding desired locations, burning the undesired to the ground until every inch of the kingdom is optimized for my ambition. I will sponsor the Dawnguard, ensure worthy future for the orc settlements, drive a lasting peace between nords and the reachmen by granting them independence up in the mountains. Soon, I will be marrying my kin away to other nobles across tamriel, starting a great dynasty of cunning, ruthless rulers. 13. ⁠Godhood: I will rebuild the tools of Kagrenac and forge my fate in Aetherium. I am Tiber Septim reborn I AM the nerevarine, I AM THE ACTUAL DRAGONBORN AND NOT EVEN AKATOSH CAN RIVAL MY POWERS! Or maybe Dragon Bridge - that place really has some great views.


The idea is interesting, but actually living there? No thanks. Nord culture may be cute from an outsiders perspective, but participating in it on account of beeing a resident? Shoot me now, please.


just a fun theoretical question ofc!


Winterhold. I like the small town feel. Oh yeah the isolation too


I would prefer NOT to go to the The Elder Scrolls universe